The next morning dawned gray and dreary, matching my mood perfectly as I dragged myself through the motions of getting ready for another day at Club Nocturne. My mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Mateo and the bombshell revelations from last night.
Part of me still didn’t want to be with him, but there was nothing I could do about it. I had already made my decision and had to live with it.
As I walked into work, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The usual chatter and laughter from my coworkers sounded hollow, their smiles strained. Even Lila seemed subdued, offering only a half-hearted wave before disappearing into the break room. Okay, I wasn’t just suspicious; something was definitely wrong. I didn’t know what it was yet, but I could tell something was off.
Shrugging off the unease, I tied on my apron and began restocking bottles behind the bar, trying to lose myself in the mundane task. But my focus kept wandering, replaying snippets of conversation with Mateo over and over in my head. Even though I didn’t want to think about him, he kept resurfacing in my mind. That was one of the reasons I knew he was going to be in my life forever.
It was crazy. No wonder I struggled to accept it when I first realized it.
Just when I thought I might manage to distract myself, Javier sauntered up to the counter looking far too smug for my liking. I thought he had learned to stay away from me after his confrontation with Mateo, but it seemed that nothing had changed.
Javier leaned forward on elbows, flashing a shit-eating grin.
"Well well, look who decided to grace us with his presence today!"He drawled."Sleeping Beauty finally wake up?"
I glared daggers at him, fingers tightening around the neck of an unopened bottle of tequila."Fuck off, Javier. Not in the mood. Plus, you should know better than to be doing this to me."
He held up his hands in mock surrender, still smirking."Easy there, tiger! Just trying to be friendly-like."His gaze turned calculating then, eyes narrowing slightly."Though now that I think about it... you seem awfully tense lately. Something on your mind?"
My stomach clenched with dread even as I forced a scoff past my lips."Nothing important,"I muttered, turning away to shelve the liquor out of sight. I didn't want to say anything to him about my life. The less he knew about me, the better."Just tired is all."
Javier hummed and I could feel his wheels spinning as he tried to put the pieces together. Shit. If he started digging too deep...
Before I could dwell further on potential disasters, a deep voice cut through the tension:
"Kael Morales!"
Spinning around, I found myself face-to-face with a tall, imposing figure clad in a tailored suit. Dark hair streaked with silver framed a stern countenance dominated by piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through me. And maybe he was actually seeing right through me and I just didn't want to admit it.
"I'm your new manager. Mr. Novak,"he introduced crisply, extending one hand across the bar top."We need to talk privately in my office."
My heart stuttered before resuming its normal rhythm at double speed. New manager? What happened to the old guy? And why did I get the distinct impression this wasn't just a routine meet-and-greet?
Because it wasn't, I told myself. At least, it wasn't as bad as Mateo being my new boss. At least, it was someone different.
Swallowing hard, I shook the proffered hand for a brief moment before extracting myself from his grip."Of course, sir,"I managed to choke out, mind racing with possibilities."Lead the way."
Mr. Novak nodded curtly before pivoting on his heel and striding towards a door marked 'Private' near the back of the club. It was the same office as the one the previous boss had.
I followed close behind, each step feeling like it carried me closer to some unknown fate. Most of the time, when I was suspicious about something, I was right, so that was why I was nervous.
Once inside the cramped space, he gestured for me to take a seat while he settled behind a cluttered desk. Folding my hands tightly in my lap, I braced myself for whatever revelation awaited me. Maybe he was going to fire me. It wouldn't be surprising. That was what usually happened when there was a new boss.
"So,"Mr. Novak began without preamble, steepling his fingers beneath his chin."You're the omega currently entangled with our mutual acquaintance, Mateo Sanchez."
My blood ran cold at the casual mention of my mate's full name. How did he know about that? Had Mateo been talking about me behind my back? Betrayal coiled tight around my chest, making it difficult to breathe.
Or maybe Mr. Novak had seen us together. We tried to keep our relationship private, but we didn’t put much effort into it. There was no real reason to hide it. Not as far as I knew, anyway.
"I don't know what you mean,"I lied, even as denial warred with grim acceptance within me. Of course he knew. It made sense now why Mateo had been acting so strange lately — keeping secrets and not being clear about certain things. He'd been hiding something crucial from me.
Mr. Novak sighed."Please spare me the pretense, Mr. Morales,"he admonished."I am fully aware of your relationship with Mr. Sanchez and his involvement with the Nightshade Wolves cartel."
The bottom dropped out of my stomach at those words. Cartel? Was Mateo really mixed up in something so dangerous? Images of guns, drugs, and violence flashed unbidden through my mind, making me dizzy with fear. I was aware he was keeping something from me, but I never thought it was something like that.
I had never asked Javier for specifics about how he knew Mateo, but I was beginning to realize that I should have pressed him on that.
"What does any of that have to do with me?"I demanded, hating how small and powerless I felt."I'm just a bartender here, not part of anyone's criminal organization!"
"You may not be directly involved yet,"Mr. Novak conceded, leaning back in his chair."But your association with Mr. Sanchez puts you squarely in the crosshairs of very powerful and ruthless individuals."
A chill raced down my spine despite the stuffy confines of the office. This was bad. Really bad. Why hadn't Mateo warned me about any of this instead of feeding me lines about fate and destiny? Maybe all that was nothing more than bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised.
As if reading my thoughts, Mr. Novak continued:"I understand your confusion and anger regarding Mr. Sanchez's omission of certain details concerning his life. However, I assure you he has his reasons for maintaining secrecy."
I snorted, crossing my arms over my chest."Oh yeah? Like what? Keeping his little pet omega safe from harm while he goes about his business as usual?"
Mr. Novak had the decency to look uncomfortable at that jab."Something like that,"he admitted."Regardless, the fact remains that your continued involvement with Mr. Sanchez poses significant risks to both yourself and this establishment."
My head spun as I struggled to process everything being thrown at me. Risks? Involvement? What exactly did this man expect me to do — break things off with Mateo entirely? No way. Even if he was hiding things from me, I couldn't abandon him now knowing what I did.
Plus, I needed to eliminate any possibility that I might be wrong about him being my fated mate — even though the chances of that were very slim. What if he was taking advantage of that to use me for something I couldn’t even decipher at the moment? It was possible, and I couldn’t rule it out just yet.
Squaring my shoulders, I met Mr. Novak's penetrating gaze head-on."So, what are you suggesting, then?"I asked."That I end things with Mateo and go into witness protection or something?"
He held up one hand in a placating gesture."Not necessarily,"he demurred."However, I must insist upon certain... precautions moving forward."
My hackles rose at the implication underlying his words. Precautions? More like blackmail! Swallowing my rising indignation, I leaned forward."What kind of precautions?"
Mr. Novak hesitated briefly before continuing:"To ensure the safety and security of Club Nocturne and its patrons, I require your cooperation in monitoring Mr. Sanchez's activities going forward."
Shock rendered me speechless for a moment. Monitor Mateo? Spy on my own mate? The very idea turned my stomach. It just felt wrong.
"But..."I sputtered when I finally found my voice again. I almost thought I would never be able to speak again."How can you ask me to betray someone I care about like that? It's not right!"
"It is unfortunate but necessary given the circumstances,"Mr. Novak replied as though it was no big issue."Unless you would prefer to lose your job and potentially face legal consequences should the authorities become involved..."
His threat hung heavy in the air between us. Fire my ass and throw me to the wolves (pun intended). Not much of a choice there. He’d started this knowing I wouldn’t be able to argue.
Gut churning with bitter resignation, I slumped back in my seat."Fine,"I bit out through gritted teeth, though I didn't know if I was going to do it for real or not."I'll be your damn spy. But I swear, if anything happens to Mateo because of this..."
"Nothing will happen to him provided you keep me informed of any suspicious behavior or plans,"Mr. Novak assured."Your primary objective is gathering information only. Nothing more."
Easy for him to say. He wasn't the one risking his heart and trust every time he looked into Mateo's eyes. How could I look at him again, knowing what I was doing? And what other options did I have? None. Absolutely not a single other choice.
Rising abruptly, I stalked towards the door, desperate to escape this suffocating room and the weight of expectations pressing down on me."Is that all then?"I snapped, hand already on the knob. Whether it was or not, I was already leaving."Or do you have any other demands to make of me?"
Mr. Novak stood as well, buttoning his suit jacket primly."For now, yes,"he confirmed."Report to me daily with updates on Mr. Sanchez's activities. And remember — discretion is key. Do not let on that you are aware of our arrangement."
Of course not. Mateo would kill me, or do something worse, if it happened.
With that ominous warning ringing in my ears, I fled the office without another word, barely managing to hold myself together until I reached the sanctuary of the employee locker room. Slamming the door shut behind me, I braced my forearms against the cool metal surface and bowed my head, fighting back the urge to scream.
This couldn't be happening. It had to be some terrible nightmare I'd wake up from soon. There was no way my life could've taken such a drastic turn based on nothing more than a few cryptic conversations and an ancient piece of parchment!
And yet deep down, I knew better. Knew that this was real and I was trapped in the middle of it whether I liked it or not. Fate had decided to take a personal interest in screwing with my existence, apparently.
The rest of my shift passed by in a blur of forced smiles and distracted motions as I went through the motions of serving drinks and making small talk. My mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Mateo and the dangerous world he inhabited outside these walls. I felt so betrayed.
When closing time arrived at last, I lingered longer than usual cleaning up, dreading facing him after everything I'd learned today. Still, I couldn't stay there for too long. Mateo would notice.
How could I act normal around him now knowing what I did? Pretend we were just two people falling in love despite my lies?
But I didn't get the chance to dwell further on those disturbing questions. As I stepped out onto the dimly lit street, I spotted a familiar figure lounging against the wall near the entrance — long legs crossed at the ankles, hands tucked casually into the pockets of his slacks.
Mateo straightened as I approached, green eyes gleaming with warmth even beneath the harsh glare of nearby streetlights."There you are,"he greeted with that same baritone, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair away from my forehead."I thought maybe you slipped out the back."
My breath hitched at the tender gesture despite the turmoil raging inside me. Damn him for still affecting me so easily even now! I didn't think that would ever change.
Clearing my throat, I took a deliberate step backward out of reach."Sorry, got caught up talking to the new manager,"I explained lamely, hating how strained my voice sounded."Lots to learn about the transition and all."
Something flickered across Mateo's handsome features too quickly for me to decipher before being replaced by a look of concern."Everything okay?"He inquired, taking a half-step closer."You seem tense."
I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets to hide their trembling."Just tired,"I lied, unable to meet his probing gaze."Long day."
He hummed thoughtfully, studying me as though trying to peer past the flimsy facade I presented.Considering how dangerous he was, he was probably already figuring everything out, and the countdown to my death had begun ticking.
"Well, why don't we go grab a bite to eat then?" He suggested with a grin."I know a great little hole-in-the-wall taco joint not far from here. Their al pastor tacos are legendary."
As tempting as the offer was, I hesitated. Spending more time alone with Mateo right now felt perilously close to crossing lines I wasn't sure I wanted to venture over. Not when I had orders to report back on his activities.
"I appreciate it, but I'm really beat,"I demurred."Think I'm gonna call it an early night actually."The lie tasted sour on my tongue.
Disappointment flashed across his face before being masked once again."Another time then,"he agreed readily enough, though I could sense his curiosity piqued by my unusual reluctance.
Awkwardness stretched between us as we both searched for something else to say. Part of me wanted to blurt out everything I'd discovered today just to see his reaction. To demand answers and explanations for keeping me in the dark about his true nature.
But I held my tongue, remembering Mr. Novak's warnings about discretion. I needed the job. I didn't want to become overly dependent on Mateo. He would be able to do anything to me then.
No matter how much I might want to confront Mateo, I needed to play along for now.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow then,"I said instead, forcing a yawn for emphasis."Bright and early."
"You will indeed,"Mateo concurred with a wink that made my stomach flutter despite my best efforts."Sweet dreams, mi amor."
Mi amor. My love. The endearment hung heavy in the air long after he turned and strode off into the night, leaving me standing there like an idiot watching him go.
It was strange, hearing someone say that to me despite the short time we’d spent together. We still had so much to learn about each other, yet I also felt like we’d known each other for a long time. One of the perks of being fated mates, I supposed, if that was really true.
Shaking off the momentary daze, I hurried in the opposite direction towards home, mind whirling with conflicting emotions and unanswered questions. Tomorrow would bring fresh challenges and difficult choices. But for tonight...
Tonight belonged only to me and the suffocating weight of secrets pressing down upon my shoulders.
The next morning dawned gray and drizzly again, reflecting my bleak mood as I dragged myself through the motions of getting ready for work. Sleep had eluded me most of the night, my brain refusing to quiet its relentless churning over the revelations from yesterday.
By the time I walked into Club Nocturne later that afternoon, I felt wrung out and raw, barely holding myself together with sheer force of will. Lila took one look at my haggard appearance and clucked her tongue.
"Rough night?"She asked, handing me a mug of steaming coffee without needing to be told.
I accepted the offering with half a smile, cradling the warm ceramic between my palms."You have no idea,"I muttered into the fragrant steam rising from the surface.
She arched one perfectly sculpted brow."That bad, huh?"
Before I could respond, Javier sauntered up looking far too chipper given the hour. This happened so often that I was getting used to it, to the point where it felt like my life was stuck in a loop.
He leaned against the bar top, flashing a roguish grin."Morning, beautiful!"he called out to Lila."Sleep well?"
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly while I fought the urge to gag. Some things just never changed.
Ignoring Javier's antics, I focused on sipping my coffee and mentally steeling myself for another shift filled with forced smiles and polite chitchat. At least until I could slip away to update Mr. Novak on recent developments... or lack thereof since I hadn't learned anything new yet.
Hours crawled by interminably as I worked, each minute stretching into infinity under the weight of anticipation. By the time closing approached, my nerves were frayed beyond repair. When Mateo finally materialized near the end of the bar, I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"There you are,"he greeted, sliding onto a stool and flagging me down."Been waiting for you to get off."
My heart stuttered even as suspicion coiled tight in my gut. Was this a coincidence or did he somehow know about the arrangement with my boss? Impossible. And yet...
Forcing a brittle smile, I finished polishing the glass in my hand before setting it aside."Oh yeah? What can I do for you, boss man?"I drawled, infusing my tone with false bravado.
Mateo's lips twitched as if amused by my attempt at nonchalance. Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on the polished wood surface separating us."Let's skip the games, Kael,"he murmured lowly, green eyes boring into mine with unsettling intensity."We both know there's more going on here than meets the eye."
A chill raced down my spine at the implied accusation behind those words. Did he suspect something? Had Mr. Novak tipped him off? No, the latter couldn't have happened. It just wouldn't make any sense.
Panic clawing at my throat, I glanced around to ensure no prying ears lingered within earshot. Satisfied we were relatively alone, I leaned closer, pitching my voice to a whisper:
"What are you talking about?"I demanded, hating how defensive I sounded."I don't know what you mean."
One corner of his mouth quirked upward in a wry smirk."Don't play dumb,"he chided, reaching out to brush his knuckles lightly down my cheek."I may not know all the details yet, but I recognize when someone is hiding something from me."
Damn him! How was I supposed to maintain any semblance of control when he looked at me like that — like he saw straight through to my very soul? Mr. Novak should have realized that I wasn't a good fit for our arrangement.
Swallowing hard past the sudden lump lodged in my throat, I jerked back slightly out of reach."I'm not hiding anything,"I insisted, cursing inwardly at how weak my denial rang."Just tired is all."
He hummed, studying me intently as though trying to discern the truth hidden beneath layers of pretense. For a heart-stopping moment, I feared he might call my bluff outright.
Instead, he sighed and sat back, running a hand through his hair in a rare display of frustration."Fine,"he relented even though he didn't want to do it."Keep your secrets for now. But mark my words, little wolf... we're not done discussing this."
With that ominous promise hanging in the air, he rose abruptly and tossed a generous tip onto the countertop before striding towards the exit. He was so mad at me that he didn't even want to talk to me anymore.
I watched him go, equal parts relieved and anxious over the reprieve granted.
Somehow, I needed to find a way to balance my growing feelings for Mateo against the dangerous game being played around us. Before either of us got hurt in the process.
But first... I had an appointment to keep with my new boss.