The evening breeze carried the scent of blooming night jasmine across the patio as I waited for Kael to join me outside. Candles flickered atop the table set for two, casting a warm glow over the intimate space. Soft jazz music drifted from speakers hidden amongst the lush foliage surrounding the terrace.
It had been three days since our intense encounter at Club Nocturne, tension simmering between us ever since despite attempts to maintain a veneer of normalcy during stolen moments together. Something had shifted in his demeanor then — a wariness entering his gaze whenever he looked at me. As if he suddenly viewed me through a different lens, one tainted by doubt and mistrust.
I wasn't going to give up until he told me the entire truth.
Part of me wanted to demand answers as soon as he arrived, to shake him until he revealed whatever secrets lurked behind those guarded blue eyes. But a larger part recognized the futility of such tactics. Pushing too hard would only drive him further away, perhaps irrevocably damaging the fragile trust beginning to blossom between us.
After all, despite being fated mates, we didn't know each other well yet. I'd been rectifying that day by day.
Patience was key now, giving him time to come to terms with the undeniable pull drawing us closer, no matter the obstacles in our path. Fate had destined us for each other; it wasn’t a matter of if, but when, he would accept that immutable fact.
Lost in contemplation, I barely registered the soft click of the French doors opening behind me until Kael's presence registered physically, every cell attuned to his proximity even without visual confirmation. Turning, I drank in the sight of him framed by the doorway, heart stuttering at the sheer beauty of his face bathed in golden candlelight.
"Wow,"he breathed reverently, stepping fully onto the flagstones."This place really is incredible."His wide-eyed wonder sent a swell of pride through my chest. I'd chosen well indeed. He'd been here before, but it had been renovated since his last visit. I wanted to surprise him, and it worked.
Crossing to hold out his chair, I flashed a crooked smile."Only the best for my omega,"I murmured, waiting for him to settle into the offered seat before taking my own opposite.
As he perused the menu — even though this was my home, I'd hired a group of chefs to cook for us tonight — I allowed myself a moment to simply admire him without thinking about anything else. The way his brow furrowed slightly as he concentrated, full lips pursing while he considered options. A lock of raven hair fell forward to brush his forehead, begging to be tucked back into place...
Shaking off the sudden urge to sweep him into my arms and carry him directly upstairs, I cleared my throat."See anything catching your eye?"I inquired, gesturing towards the leather-bound folder cradled in his hands.
Kael glanced up, cheeks pinking faintly under my scrutiny."Everything looks amazing actually,"he admitted, setting down the menu."I'll let you order for me though. You know better than I do."
His easy acquiescence warmed me more than any flattery could. Trust, even small gestures of it like this, meant everything given the circumstances.
After placing our selections with the hovering waiter, I leaned back and fixed Kael with a penetrating look. Time to broach the subject weighing heavily upon us both.
"So, tell me about work,"I began, swirling the wine glass in my fingers."Anything interesting happening there lately?"
He shrugged, picking at the corner of his napkin."Not really,"he replied after a beat."Same old, same old mostly. Though Javier has been acting particularly insufferable recently..."
I snorted. That boy just never learned. Someday soon I'd need to take him aside for a firm talking-to regarding proper respect for his betters. For now, however...
"I'm sure you've been handling him just fine,"I remarked, reaching across the table to cover his hand with mine."You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, mi amor."
Something unreadable flickered in his eyes before being masked beneath a self-deprecating grin."Flatterer,"he chided, turning his palm up to twine our fingers together."But I appreciate the vote of confidence."
We lapsed into comfortable silence then, content to simply bask in each other's company as we sipped wine and nibbled on appetizers. The food was excellent of course, prepared by my personal chef trained in authentic Mexican cuisine. But it paled in comparison to the man seated across from me, his mere presence enough to make my pulse quicken with anticipation.
By the time dessert arrived — a decadent chocolate lava cake drizzled with raspberry coulis — dusk had fallen, stars winking into existence overhead. I watched enraptured as Kael savored each bite, a low moan of pleasure escaping his throat that went straight to my groin. I imagined him doing something else. Something dirty and unhinged…
"You enjoy that?"I asked, voice roughened by desire.
He met my heated gaze head-on, tongue darting out to catch a stray smear of chocolate from the corner of his mouth."Mmhmm,"he hummed, eyes gleaming with mischief."Almost as good as something else I can think of."
Oh? My eyebrows shot upward in surprise even as arousal spiked sharply through my veins. Bold little minx! Setting down my fork with deliberate care, I pushed back from the table and rose to my feet in one fluid motion.
"Is that so?"I purred, circling around to stand behind his chair. Leaning down, I nuzzled into the side of his neck, inhaling deeply his scent mingled with the sweet aroma of chocolate."And what might that something else be hmm?"
Kael shivered against me, tilting his head to grant me better access even as his hands came up to grip the front of my shirt."Why don't you show me instead?"He challenged, arching into my touch.
Groaning low in my throat, I captured his earlobe between my teeth and bit down just hard enough to draw a gasp from his kiss-swollen lips."Gladly,"I growled, hauling him up and tossing him over my shoulder caveman-style.
He laughed with a grin on his face as I carried him bridal-style towards the house, pausing only long enough to snag the bottle of wine and two glasses from the tabletop along the way. It turned out that we weren't going to eat much after all.
Upstairs in my bedroom, I tumbled us both onto the plush king-sized bed without ceremony, uncaring of the mess we made of the covers.
Clothes were shed hastily amidst a flurry of groping hands and seeking mouths, desperate to feel skin on skin. When at last we lay bare, limbs entwined and hearts beating as one, I took a moment to drink in the sight of him spread out beneath me — flushed and panting, blue eyes dark with need.
"Te amo,"I rasped, brushing damp tendrils of hair back from his face."With every fiber of my being."
Kael cupped my cheek, thumb stroking my lower lip."Yo también te amo,"he whispered back, surging up to capture my mouth in a searing kiss that stole the very air from my lungs. I was surprised he said that.
Lost to sensation, we moved together sinuously, bodies sliding slick with sweat as we chased our mutual pleasure higher and higher. Fingers dug into shoulders, nails raking down backs as tension coiled tighter and tighter deep within my core.
When release finally crashed over me like a tidal wave, I cried out his name like a prayer.
Collapsing atop him, I peppered his face with soft kisses even as my heart threatened to burst from sheer emotion. This... this right here was everything. More important than power or prestige or any material trappings.
Kael was my destiny, my reason for existing beyond the violence and corruption staining my hands. With him, I could envision a future free from bloodshed and regret — a chance to build something real rather than destroy all in my path.
Rolling onto my side, I gathered him close, tucking his head beneath my chin. He fit perfectly there, as if carved specifically to slot against my body like two puzzle pieces locking together.
For a long while we simply held each other, trading lazy caresses and murmuring words of devotion too raw to voice aloud. Contentment settled over me like a warm blanket, lulling me towards sleep despite the late hour.
Just as I began to drift off, however, Kael stirred in my arms, sitting up. Frowning slightly at the sudden distance, I propped myself up on one elbow to peer at him.
"What is it, mi amor?"I inquired, reaching out to smooth away the lines of consternation creasing his brow."Regretting anything already?"
He shook his head, capturing my hand and pressing a fervent kiss to my palm."No, nothing like that!"He assured right away."I'm just... confused about some things still."
My stomach clenched even as I forced a calm expression. So much remained unsaid between us, secrets kept hidden for his protection as well as mine. But perhaps now was the time to start peeling back those layers...
Sitting up, I swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and reached for the discarded glass of wine resting on the nightstand. Swirling the crimson liquid, I debated how best to broach the delicate subject weighing upon my mind.
"I know you have questions about who I am outside these walls,"I began, gauging his reaction."About the nature of my work and the responsibilities I bear..."
Kael tensed beside me but did not interrupt. Encouraged by his silence, I continued:
"I lead a cartel. It's called the Nightshade Wolves. You've probably already heard about it. My role within it is complex and often dangerous,"I admitted, meeting his gaze head-on. I never thought that this moment would materialize, but here it was."We traffic in illicit goods and services, operating outside the law to maintain control over certain territories. Mundane stuff for a cartel."
His eyes widened even as understanding dawned across his expressive features."You're talking about drugs and guns and stuff, aren't you?"He asked, voice tinged with trepidation.
Despite his apparent surprise, I couldn't shake the suspicion that he wasn't as shocked as he should be. I had expected him to flip out, but he hadn't done that yet.
I nodded after thinking about his words, taking a fortifying sip of wine before responding."Among other things yes. The cartel provides an essential service to those willing to pay the price for what we offer."
Reaching out, I grasped his hand in mine, needing the anchor of his touch to steady me through the admission."But make no mistake, mi amor... I would walk away from it all in a heartbeat if it meant keeping you safe and by my side. You are more valuable to me than any amount of wealth or power."
And yet, I didn't think that what I said was sufficient. Not at all.
Kael pulled back then, searching my face as he processed the weight of my confession. What he was really thinking was going to come out now.
A kaleidoscope of emotions flickered across his expressive features - shock, disbelief, anger, hurt, and finally a grudging acceptance warring for dominance.
"You've been lying to me this whole time,"he affirmed, pain lacing his tone even as he tried to keep the accusation light."Keeping your true identity secret, letting me believe you were just some rich businessman instead of the leader of a notorious crime syndicate. I feel betrayed."
Guilt twisted in my gut at the betrayal reflected in his eyes, even though I knew that revealing my connection to the Nightshade Wolves would put him in danger. Better for him to remain unaware of the darkness lurking beneath the surface of my crafted persona.
"I wish it was different,"I began, hating the weakness in my voice."I never wanted to deceive you, mi amor. But telling you the full truth would have placed you in harm's way. Some people would do anything to see me brought down — including using someone close to me as leverage. That's one of the reasons why we don't go out often."
Kael flinched as if struck, drawing his knees up to hug them against his chest."So, you decided to lie instead? To hide behind half-truths and vague innuendos rather than trust me enough to share the real you?"His voice cracked on the last word, raw emotion bleeding through despite his efforts to appear unaffected.
Shame burned hot under my skin at the censure in his tone. He was right — I had been a coward, too afraid of losing him to risk baring my soul. And now I may have lost him anyway through my own foolishness. But I wasn't going to give up.
"You have to understand,"I pleaded, reaching out to cover his hands with my own."In my world, vulnerability is seen as a weakness to be exploited. Showing any hint of softness can get you killed faster than you can blink. I've spent years building walls around myself, learning to compartmentalize different parts of my life."
He searched my face, blue eyes shimmering with unshed tears."And what about us?"He whispered."Was our relationship just another part to be segmented off and controlled?"
"No!"I denied right away, squeezing his fingers tight enough to whiten my knuckles."What we share is real, Kael. More genuine than anything else in my existence. But I was concerned about scaring you away if I revealed the depths of depravity I've sunk to to survive."
A single tear tracked down his cheek as he bowed his head, shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs."I don't know if I can handle this,"he confessed."The idea of being involved with someone capable of such violence..."
My heart clenched at the anguish threading through his words. I'd known there would be obstacles to overcome once he learned the truth, but witnessing the doubt and fear clouding his beautiful face gutted me deeper than any physical wound ever could. I thought I was prepared for this moment, but it turned out I wasn't.
Cupping his chin, I tilted his gaze up to meet mine once more."I would never hurt you,"I swore, thumb brushing reverently over his lower lip."Not intentionally. Yes, I am a dangerous man leading a dangerous organization. But I would sooner cut off my own arm than allow any harm to come to you because of my actions."
His brow furrowed even as hope kindled deep within the fathomless pools of his eyes."How can I be sure?"He asked."That this won't change everything between us moving forward?"
Scooping him into my arms, I cradled him against my chest, one hand sifting soothingly through his hair while the other rubbed slow circles along his spine."It will be an adjustment,"I admitted, pressing a kiss to the top of his head."But nothing worth having comes easy. We'll figure it out together, day by day."
For a long moment, he simply clung to me, breathing in sync as the gravity of our situation settled upon us both. When he spoke again, his voice emerged small and uncertain:
"What happens now? How does this work exactly?"
I sighed, knowing there were no easy answers."We take things slow,"I replied, stroking his back."You learn about my world one day after the other, in manageable pieces. I introduce you to key members of the cartel who need to know about you without overwhelming you with information all at once."
"And what about my job at Club Nocturne?"He inquired, tilting his head to peer up at me."Will I still be able to work there or will you insist on keeping me locked away somewhere safe?"
The thought of confining him to these grounds filled me with unease. As much as I craved his constant presence, I also recognized the importance of allowing him autonomy and independence away from my influence. I would need to assign someone to keep guard over him.
"We can discuss that later,"I hedged, not wanting to make any rash decisions in the heat of the moment."For now, let's focus on enjoying each other fully tonight without worrying about tomorrow."
Kael studied me for several beats before nodding slowly."Okay,"he agreed, snuggling closer until every inch of his body aligned with mine."One step at a time."
Relief crashed over me like a tsunami, leaving me dizzy with its force. He wasn't running screaming from the room after all! Somehow, we would find a way to make this work despite the odds stacked against us.
Tucking his face into the crook of my neck, I breathed in the clean scent of his skin mingling with the lingering aroma of sex and wine. This... this was worth fighting for. Worth weathering whatever storms lay ahead as long as I had him by my side.