As I drove down the darkened highway with Kael riding shotgun beside me, my mind raced with all kinds of possibilities. Ever since a certain encounter at Club Nocturne, something hadn't sat quite right with me regarding his reactions and knowledge base. It was almost as if he knew more than he was letting on.
At first, I chalked it up to paranoia born of years spent looking over my shoulder, always scanning for threats lurking around every corner. But the more time I spent in his company, observing the subtle ways he navigated social interactions, the stronger my conviction grew that he possessed secrets yet untold. But for now, I wasn't going to press him about them.
Perhaps he worked for a rival faction seeking to undermine Nightshade Wolves operations. Or maybe he served as an informant for law enforcement, reporting back on cartel activities in exchange for immunity. Whatever the truth may be, one thing became crystal clear — I needed to keep him close, monitor his actions lest he jeopardize everything I'd built. I couldn't let that happen.
And yet, even as suspicion coiled tight within my gut, I couldn't bring myself to distrust him completely.
All that brought me to the present predicament — balancing the need to protect my organization while nurturing the burgeoning bond between us. Allowing him insight into my world carried inherent risks, but denying him access altogether felt equally untenable given the depth of emotion blossoming in my chest whenever he was near.
In the end, I decided the best course of action involved gradually acclimating him to my reality through controlled exposure rather than abrupt revelation. By taking him along on this routine supply run, I could assess his true motives while also demonstrating the gravity of my responsibilities as cartel leader.
"Nervous?"I inquired, glancing sidelong at his tense profile illuminated by passing streetlights.
He shrugged, fingers drumming against his thigh."A little,"he admitted."I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you're entrusting me with such sensitive information."
Reaching across the center console, I covered his hand with my own, interlacing our fingers together."You're not just anyone,"I murmured, thumb stroking his knuckles."I trust you implicitly, even if you don't fully understand why yet."
Kael turned his palm upward, lacing our hands more fully as he met my gaze head-on. In the dim interior lighting, his eyes shone with trepidation and tentative hope."I want to believe that,"he whispered."But part of me wonders if I'm setting myself up for disappointment later on when things inevitably change."
My heart clenched at the vulnerability underlying his words, hating the doubt I'd planted there through my earlier secrecy. If only he knew the full extent of my devotion, the lengths I would go to ensure his safety and happiness above all else...
"You won't be disappointed,"I vowed, bringing his hand to my lips to press a lingering kiss to his inner wrist."I swear it on my life."
The truck slowed as we approached the designated rendezvous point, pulling off onto a narrow dirt road leading deeper into the wilderness. Tension thrummed through the air as anticipation mounted, both from the impending transaction and the unspoken tension simmering between us.
After parking amidst a cluster of similar vehicles already present, I killed the engine and twisted to face Kael. Cupping his cheek with my free hand, I leaned in until our foreheads brushed lightly together.
"I know this is a lot to take in,"I said with a soft voice, searching his eyes."But I need you to stay close to me at all times once we exit the truck, okay? Don't wander off alone under any circumstances."
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard before nodding."Okay,"he agreed, anxiety evident in his voice."I'll stick right by your side."
Satisfied with his response, I captured his mouth in a searing kiss, pouring all the pent-up emotions swirling inside me into the heated slide of lips and tongue. He melted against me with a low moan, fingers threading through my hair to anchor himself closer.
When we finally broke apart several long moments later, both of us were panting, pupils blown wide with desire. Regretfully easing back, I rested my brow against his once more, reveling in the intimacy of the moment despite the looming threat of danger.
"We'll finish this later,"I promised, voice roughened by want."For now, let's focus on getting through this meeting without incident."
Kael nodded, drawing strength from the solid warmth of my body pressed against his own. Together, we exited the vehicle and moved to join the growing throng of men milling about beneath the cover of dense foliage.
As expected, Javier sauntered over upon spotting us, a cocky grin stretching his features."Well well, look who decided to grace us with their presence!"He called out with his usual youthful voice, clapping me on the shoulder. His gaze flicked to Kael standing slightly behind me before returning to my face."Bringing your new boy toy to show off?"
Before I could respond, Kael stepped forward, chin lifted in challenge."I'm no one's 'boy toy',"he snapped, blue eyes flashing with irritation."Just here to support Mateo."
Javier arched one eyebrow, clearly amused by the display of bravado."Is that so?"He drawled, looking to me for confirmation.
Rather than dignify his insolence with an answer, I draped a possessive arm around Kael's shoulders, tucking him against my side."Enough posturing,"I growled."We have business to attend to."
Chuckling, Javier held up his hands in mock surrender. "Far be it from me to interfere with your personal affairs, boss man." He winked at Kael. "Though I must say, I approve of your taste in companions."
Rolling my eyes, I steered Kael away from the annoying peacock before he could further antagonize my mate. As much as I appreciated Javier's loyalty and skills, sometimes his penchant for provoking others grated on my last nerve.
Scanning the area, I located the contact I was supposed to meet and headed in his direction, keeping Kael tucked within the circle of my arm. The other man looked up sharply as we approached, eyes narrowing before a neutral mask slid into place.
"Mateo Sanchez,"he greeted, extending one hand in greeting."Been expecting you."
Shaking his proffered appendage, I inclined my head in acknowledgment."Apologies for the delay,"I replied."Traffic was heavier than anticipated."
He shrugged, glancing past me to where Kael hovered at my back."No matter. We can discuss particulars after the transfer is complete."
With that, he motioned for us to follow him toward a nondescript van parked nearby, keys jangling from his fingers. I instructed Kael to stay where he was and trailed after the other man, my senses on high alert for any signs of trouble.
Inside the vehicle, stacks of shrink-wrapped packages occupied every available surface, each bearing the distinctive Nightshade Wolves logo stamped prominently across the sides. My contact produced a tablet computer and began scanning barcodes affixed to each bundle while I watched, ensuring everything matched the manifest provided beforehand.
Once satisfied with the inventory, he handed me a sealed envelope containing payment information. Slipping it into my jacket pocket, I gave a curt nod of understanding. The deal was done; now came the tricky part — transporting the goods safely to its final destination undetected.
Returning to where I'd left Kael waiting, I found him deep in conversation with Javier, brows furrowed in concentration as they pored over a map spread out atop the hood of my truck. A flicker of jealousy ignited in my chest at the sight, even though I knew my subordinate meant no harm. Still...
Clearing my throat, I inserted myself between them, draping a proprietary arm around Kael's waist."Everything okay with the plans?"I inquired, arching one eyebrow at Javier.
The younger man straightened, shooting me a wry salute."Smooth as always, boss,"he confirmed."Your boy here was just helping me double-check the route logistics."
My jaw clenched at the casual reference to my lover, but I refrained from comment. Now wasn't the time or place for such petty squabbles. Later, when we were alone, I would set him straight regarding proper respect for those under my protection.
Folding the map, I tucked it into the glove compartment before turning to address Kael."Ready to hit the road?"I asked, brushing a stray lock of hair back from his forehead.
He gazed up at me with those guileless blue eyes, trust and devotion shining bright even amidst the swirling chaos surrounding us. In that moment, I knew beyond doubt that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would weather them together.
"I am if you are,"he replied, lacing our fingers together.
Hand-in-hand, we climbed back into the truck, ready to face whatever trials awaited us on the journey ahead. Whatever happened, I vowed silently, nothing would ever come between us again. Not even my own foolish mistakes.
The drive passed uneventfully save for the occasional stolen glances exchanged between Kael and myself whenever possible. Though tempted to pull over and lose ourselves in each other fully, I resisted the urge, knowing we had pressing matters requiring attention first.
As we neared the designated drop-off point near the border crossing, tension coiled tight in my gut. This was always the most precarious leg of the operation, fraught with potential pitfalls should anything go awry.
Slowing the truck to a crawl, I scanned the deserted stretch of highway ahead warily, searching for any hint of an ambush. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary... until a pair of headlights flared to life some distance behind us, gaining speed in a matter of seconds.
Cursing under my breath, I floored the accelerator, tires squealing in protest as the engine roared to life. Beside me, Kael tensed, white-knuckled grip tightening on the door handle.
"What's happening?"He demanded, voice pitched higher than usual. I wished he hadn’t asked that question, but now that he had, I had to answer it.
"Looks like company,"I bit out, eyes darting between the rearview mirror and the winding ribbon of asphalt unspooling before us."Stay calm and do exactly as I say."
In the backseat, Javier cursed all sorts of things, already reaching beneath his seat for his weapon."I'll take care of this,"he declared, chambering a round with practiced ease.
Before I could respond, the patrol car drew alongside us, lights flashing through the darkness. A bullhorn blared, ordering us to pull over right away under penalty of law.
Glancing sidelong at Kael, I saw fear etched across his features despite his best efforts to appear brave. Reaching over, I covered his trembling hand with my own reassuring squeeze.
"It will be alright,"I murmured, keeping my gaze fixed straight ahead."Trust me."
Javier leaned forward between the seats, peering at the police cruiser."What's the play, boss?"He asked, finger hovering over the trigger guard.
I considered for a brief moment before making a decision. Drawing my own gun from the center console, I checked the safety before tucking it discreetly into the waistband of my pants beneath my shirt tail.
"We stall for time,"I instructed."Let me do the talking. You two stay quiet unless spoken to directly."
Kael nodded, swallowing hard past the lump lodged in his throat. Meanwhile, Javier merely grunted acknowledgment, settling back into his seat with his gun still at the ready.
Bringing the truck to a controlled stop along the shoulder, I killed the engine and rolled down both front windows at the same time. The patrol officer approached with slow steps, one hand resting on the butt of his holstered sidearm.
"License and registration please,"he barked, flashlight beam sweeping over the interior of the cab.
Maintaining a neutral expression, I reached into my wallet and produced the requested documents, passing them through the open window without fanfare. He scrutinized them before tucking them away.
"And what is your business in this area tonight?"He inquired, eyes narrowing as he took in the three occupants crammed into the front seats.
Beside me, Kael shifted, drawing the cop's attention. Shit. This was not going to end well if he kept staring at my mate like that.
Thinking fast, I interjected right away,"Just returning home after a long day working construction, sir. My friend here got off shift late so I offered to give him a ride instead of letting him take public transportation alone."
The lie sounded flimsy even to my ears, but hopefully, the officer wouldn't press too much. Glancing past me, he focused his scrutiny on Javier next, taking note of the bulge beneath his jacket where his pistol rested.
"You work construction?"He questioned, one eyebrow arched high on his forehead.
Javier flashed a winning grin, leaning forward to prop one elbow on the edge of the open window frame."Sure do!"He agreed right away."Been laying pipe all damn day!"
The pun hung heavy in the air between them, loaded with innuendo. Beside me, Kael choked back a startled laugh while I fought the urge to smack the smartass upside the head.
Seemingly oblivious to the subtext, the cop's brow furrowed in confusion."Laying pipe huh? What kind of pipe?"
Oh lord, give me strength...
"Plumbing pipes, sir,"I clarified with patience, resisting the impulse to roll my eyes."We're part of a crew installing new sewer lines downtown."
He hummed, clearly unconvinced by our story yet unwilling to admit it outright. His gaze flicked once more to Kael, lingering perhaps a beat longer than necessary.
Something about the way he looked at my lover set my teeth on edge, primal instincts screaming danger. Before I could react, however, he straightened and stepped back from the vehicle.
"I'm going to need you three to exit the vehicle slowly with hands raised,"he ordered with no room for argumentation, unsnapping his holster strap."Any sudden moves and I won't hesitate to shoot."
My heart stuttered, my mind racing through possible scenarios. If we complied now, there would be no opportunity to salvage the situation later. But refusing could escalate matters beyond control quickly.
As if sensing my inner turmoil, Kael placed a calming hand on my thigh, urging caution through his gaze. Swallowing hard, I nodded and pushed open my door, exiting with palms held aloft above my head.
Javier followed suit, moving to flank the officer while shifting his stance to block Kael from view behind his bulk. All the while, I was formulating a plan.
"Okay son, let's see some identification,"the cop growled, gesturing imperiously towards Kael who remained frozen in place beside me.
"My wallet is in my back pocket,"he replied with a shaky voice, starting to reach back to retrieve it.
"No! Keep your hands up!"The officer snapped sharply, leveling his gun directly at Kael's chest."You move only when told!"
Terror spiked through my veins at the blatant threat posed to my mate. Without thinking, I surged forward, placing myself squarely between them.
"Not another word out of you,"I warned darkly, green eyes flashing with barely leashed fury."Or I'll put you in the ground."
The man's jaw clenched, finger tightening reflexively on the trigger. For a moment, I thought he might actually fire... until Javier cleared his throat.
"Now hold on just a minute..."He began, raising his free hand in a pacifying gesture. At the same time, his other hand crept towards the small of his back where he kept a second concealed weapon.
Sensing the shift in dynamics, the cop's gaze darted between us, uncertainty flickering across his features. He wasn't used to being challenged, especially not by civilians. He also wasn't used to receiving death threats.
In that instant of distraction, I lunged forward, grabbing his wrist and wrenching his arm upwards until he cried out in pain. The gun clattered to the pavement as he staggered backward, face contorted in agony.
Without missing a beat, Javier pounced, driving a fist into the man's solar plexus before he could recover. As he doubled over wheezing, I wrenched the fallen weapon from his slack grip and trained it on his temple.
"Make one wrong move and I'll paint the outside of this truck red,"I snarled, every muscle coiled tight with tension.
Kael stood rooted in shock several feet away, eyes wide with horror as he took in the scene unfolding before him. Some distant part of me recognized the trauma this must be causing him, but there was no time for gentle reassurances right now.
Javier finished binding the groaning officer's wrists tightly behind his back with zip ties before roughly hauling him upright by the scruff of his neck.
"What do you want to do with him, boss?"He asked, as if discussing nothing more serious than ordering dinner.
I glanced sidelong at Kael, noting how he trembled despite the balmy night air. This was not what I wanted him exposed to — the ugly underbelly of my world rearing its head far sooner than anticipated. Still, I knew that it would happen sooner or later.
Dwelling on recriminations would have to wait. First things first — disposing of this loose end before he could alert others to our presence.
Turning back to the captive lawman, I pressed the muzzle of his own gun harder against his skull, relishing the way he flinched beneath the cold steel.
"You have two options here,"I informed him, voice dripping with menace."Either play nice and walk quietly back to your squad car without making a fuss... or I put a bullet in your brain and dump your body somewhere it will never be found. Your choice."
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, sweat beading on his upper lip. Smart man — he knew when he was beaten.
"O-okay,"he stammered, trying to shrink in on himself even as Javier held him firmly in place."I'll cooperate. Just don't hurt me, please..."
I tsked, shaking my head."Too little too late for pleading,"I chided, jerking the barrel of the pistol."You should've thought of that before threatening an innocent civilian."
With a curt nod to Javier, I stepped back and motioned for him to march the prisoner ahead of us down the road toward the waiting patrol vehicle. Meanwhile, I collected the scattered evidence tying us to the cocaine shipment and stuffed it into the trunk of my truck.
No sense leaving anything incriminating lying around.
Once everything was secured, I turned to find Kael still standing frozen in place, lower lip trembling as tears streamed unchecked down his cheeks. My heart clenched at the sight, guilt twisting like a knife in my gut.
Crossing to him, I gathered him into my arms, tucking his face into the crook of my neck as I murmured soothing words of comfort. He clung to me, fingers fisting in the fabric of my shirt.
"I'm sorry,"I whispered, rocking him gently side-to-side."So very sorry you had to witness such ugliness tonight."
He shook his head, pulling back just enough to meet my gaze head-on. Even through the sheen of moisture clouding his vision, determination burned bright within those fathomless blue depths.
"I know it wasn't your fault,"he insisted."I know you were only protecting me."
My breath hitched at the absolution shining clear in his expression, wonder mingling with relief. After everything he'd just endured, he still trusted me. It humbled me beyond measure.
Cupping his hands in mine, I brought them to my lips, pressing reverent kisses to each palm in turn."I swear on my life again, I'll never let anyone harm you,"I vowed."No matter what I have to do."