T hat evening I feign a bad headache and take myself off to my room. Informing Moryen and Saveya that a dark room and a few hours of sleep is all I need. Saveya is nothing but sympathetic and asks if she can fetch me anything and I feel like the worst friend in the world. Maybe I don’t deserve a friend if this is how I treat them.
I tie my hair in a bun, using the two black ribbons Saveya got me at the market, then I pace my room until it’s time to leave. Opening the balcony doors, I step onto the concrete railing and reach across to the ivy climbing up the wall and swing my foot onto the small brick edging on the wall. Now to jump across and reach the drainpipe. Thud. I hit the pipe with a whack and, seizing hold of it, I steady myself before shimmying down to the ground. I had mastered the art of sneaking out. For years, I would sneak out onto the great hall roof at night to stargaze with Arkynn. I stick to the tree line and sneak my way along the perimeter wall. I attempt to climb over the wall behind a large oak tree, hoping it will obscure me from the view of anyone in the gardens.
When I land, I quickly glance around to ensure no one is nearby. Lifting my hood up, I keep my head down and head toward the temple. As I near the grand building, it’s almost as if I can feel the god of shadows cold and accusing eyes upon me. I glance left and right before making my way down the side of the temple, but no one looks my way.
I’m almost there.
I am looking behind me to check no one is following me when someone reaches out and grabs me. Just as I’m about to scream, a hand covers my mouth and I fix upon two familiar blue eyes.
“Mother Goddess, Ark! You scared me to death,” I chastise him, punching him lightly on the arm.
He chuckles quietly. “I like to keep you on your toes. You ready?” he asks, holding out a bundle of clothes. “These should fit you, and this hat will hopefully help cover your hair.”
I take the clothes from him and gesture for him to turn. “What about my eyes?” I ask him as I slip off my own clothes and change into the jodhpurs and boots.
“If you keep the hat pulled right down and your head low, you should be fine,” he reassures me. He leans against the temple wall with his back to me.
“Ready,” I announce, and he turns and runs his eyes over my outfit. “Not bad.” He takes the hat from me and places it on my head, pulling it down so that it sits low on my forehead. With the wide brim, it should help keep my eyes out of view. He sighs and I look up at him.
He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair and scuffs at the dirt with his boot. “Even in men’s clothes, you look good.”
“We should get going,” I suggest, clearing my throat. Desperate to change the subject. Arkynn nods and gestures for me to follow his lead. We wind through the trees at the back of the temple until we come to a large Crace tree. I double take as he clears ground behind the tree, revealing a round metal lid. He winks at me. “Secret tunnel into the village.”
He opens the hatch and gestures for me to climb down onto the ladder.
“Are the Shadow Borne aware of this passage?” I ask him as I step down into the dark tunnel space, gripping the ladder with my hands.
“If they are, they have forgotten about its existence. It was sealed off years ago, but the rebels opened it again.
I’m about to ask him how we are supposed to climb down with no light to guide us when he pulls out a citrine lantern to light the way. Citrine could store sunlight and is a great crystal to have to hand when sneaking around in the dark.
We climb down the ladder to what feels like about thirty feet below the ground. Arkynn lands beside me and—holding up the crystal—reveals a long dark tunnel that looks like it goes on forever and a day. It’s surreal to think we are currently walking underneath the valley. If anyone were to enter this tunnel now, we would have no way of escaping them.
We eventually come to the end of the tunnel and climb a metal ladder. Arkynn turns the large metal wheel, and the door opens with a resistant groan. He climbs out first and then reaches down to help me out. As I dust off my trousers and take in our surroundings, I see that we‘ve emerged in some sort of workshop.
“How far are we from the meeting point?” I ask Arkynn as he puts the hat back on my head, ensuring it covers my eyes as much as possible.
“Only a few minutes’ walk,” he replies, constantly looking around to see if anyone has seen us. “Now remember, keep your head down and don’t make eye contact with anyone, not even when we’re inside the meeting.”
I nod my head, and he gives my hand a quick squeeze before gesturing for me to follow him. “Let’s go.”
We keep to the tree line as much as possible and exit up the side of the factory. We come out onto a busy bustling street, with villagers going about their day. Arkynn slows his walk to a casual stroll, and we walk side by side in silence. I keep my head down, but I’m itching to look around. My sheltered life means I’ve seen little of life outside of Terleigh and I’m brimming with curiosity. Arkynn veers left into an alley and makes his way towards a small inn positioned just off the path.
When we enter it’s full to bursting with men and women enjoying a tankard of krim after a hard day’s work. A woman sings of longing for her lost lover while two men arm wrestle by the window, cheered on by their colleagues. Arkynn pushes his way through to the bar and orders us two mugs of krim then, handing me one, he guides us through the pub and out towards the back of the building, where we turn off down another corridor. He checks over his shoulder before rapping on the door. Three quick knocks followed by two longer ones. The door inches open a fraction. One brown eye peers through, falling on us before the door swings open and we’re ushered inside.
The room is compact, yet sufficient for the number of people here. There looks to be around twenty men and women in here. A man in a flat cap stands at the front of the room. He’s small in height for a guy, I reckon only five-foot-seven, but his arms are muscular, and he wears a wicked scar across his face that runs from just under his inner eye and out towards his jaw. He gives Arkynn a nod of acknowledgement when he spots us finding a spot at the back of the room.
He claps his hands together. “Okay, let’s make a start, folks! We’ve all got families to get home to and bellies to fill. Some of you may have heard about an attack on a scath convoy the other night. Now, I’d love to say it was us. That we planned and executed the whole thing, but that’d be a lie.” The crowd rushes him with a barrage of questions, and he holds up his hand to silence them. “In answer to your question, Rooklin, we don’t know who was responsible. Rumours are whoever attacked had night mutts working for them.” Again, the crowd erupts in conversation at this revelation. “That’s all we know so far. Now tonight we move our operation to the next step. Wheels are in motion to disrupt the reaping of our females!”
This draws a round of cheers and enthusiasm from the avid people around us. “They come here, take our women, and fill their bellies with their poisonous offspring. Now we make a stand and say no! These are our women, and we’ll no longer sit quietly whilst they take them from their homes and their families!”
“Aye! Bastards are nowt but thieves!” shouts out one man, shaking his fist. “My lad died in their bloody war!”
This draws more rumbles of agreement and shouts for justice.
“I hear you, my comrades! Which is why tonight we will strike them where it hurts. They’ll stop misjudging us and take us seriously after tonight, I promise you,” says the man in the centre, who I assume is the leader.
Arkynn leans into my ear. “That’s Corlan. He’s the rebel leader here in Hestwalde.”
I nod my head, my eyes drifting around the room. There’s a mix of ages, from the old to some who only appear seventeen or eighteen years in age.
“I can’t share too much with you, but we have a new spy on the inside. Someone who can get close to the scaths and hopefully bring us valuable intel. This could be the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for! Now, news from our comrades over in Wymondale.”
I dip my head down further when he references the new spy. Was he talking about me or Arkynn? I notice a few people glance our way, probably noticing I am new, but I glance over at Arkynn, who doesn’t seem concerned.
The meeting focuses on gathering supplies and recruiting new, trustworthy members. One man queries if the rebellion has the funds needed to have any success and Corlan informs them they have a very wealthy backer who is funding weapons and monies to support the cause. This piques my attention. Who could the wealthy backer be?
The meeting eventually draws to a close and as people leave, I expect Arkynn to tell me we’re heading out, but he leans against the wall and sips his krim. He nods his head to two men as they pass us. In the end, only us, Corlan, and one other man are left in the room. Corlan strides over to us an eager and excited expression on his face.
“Is this her?” he asks, bending his head to catch a glimpse of my face as he approaches.
Arkynn nods his head, “It’s okay Reya, you can remove your hat. You’re safe with these two.”
Trusting Arkynn’s judgement, I raise my head and slip the hat off, revealing my face and the knot of blonde hair tied atop of my head.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Corlan says, coming up to me and gripping my hand in a firm and enthusiastic shake. “We’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Corlan and this is Izan, my second in command. We run the rebel group here in Hestwalde.”
My eyes flit to the other man. He’s slightly older, with a stocky build and a receding hairline and dark skin. He nods his head in greeting and smiles.
“Reya,” I reply with a hesitant smile.
“Please sit, let’s talk,” Corlan says, pulling up a wooden stool and gesturing for us to sit on the two stools near to us. “So, Reya. I hear you are staying at the mansion with another Shadow Kissed?”
I nod my head. “That’s correct. Because of the mutt attack on our village, I had to leave for the valley early. The Lord Commander brought me here himself.”
Corlan nods, listening, and stroking at his chin. “I heard he brought you here by shadow weave and that he dines at the mansion most night?”
“He has. One night, one or two of the generals and captains also join us.”
He nods again. “We need you to be our eyes and ears, Reya. Anything you hear about the mines, supplies, strategy, anything. Even if you think something isn’t useful information, tell us. You’d be surprised. Now, I know it will be hard for you to get out here often, so Arkynn will be our link. You get the information to him, and he’ll ensure it’s passed on, okay?” He smiles wider when I bob my head in agreement. “Reya, we have big plans for the reaping ceremony, but for those plans to work, we need you to work your hardest to get into the elite spots. It’s crucial for you to be on stage when the prince selects his bride.”
I arch a brow. “You believe the prince will be there at the reaping?”
“We know he will and when he is, we need you to be in that line up of Shadow Kissed females.”
I chew on the inside of my lip. This could be a problem.
“Something wrong?” Corlan asks me.
I let out a nervous chuckle. “You could say that. You see, I don’t excel in what society would consider ladylike activities.” I glance at Arkynn. “I’m more comfortable around a dagger and a sparring ring. Crochet, dancing, and polite conversation don’t come naturally to me. In fact, I’m a disaster!”
Arkynn nods his head and sighs. “She’s not kidding. If she needs to excel at such activities to be in that top tier, we may have issues.”
Corlan scratches at his chin as he thinks. “I see. Could you not befriend the other girls and get them to help you?”
I snicker and pull a grimace. “I’m not what you would call a social butterfly. I don’t make friends easily.”
He leans in and places his hand over mine. “Reya. This rebellion needs you. You’re the key to everything we have planned now. If you really want to rid this world of the scaths and escape your fate, then I need you to do everything you can to learn and excel and be their star pupil.”
I blow out a long breath. “I want that too. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Corlan beams at me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Then welcome to the rebellion, Reya. You’re one of us now.”
My heart hammers in my chest. This is it. There’s no going back now. I’d rather face execution than the alternative. “Now I need some assurances from you,” I tell him, and he leans in, his arms resting on his knees, and listens. “I need your guarantee that no matter what, they’ll not get me through that portal. Once I’ve done what is required of me, you’ll get me out of there and to safety.”
Corlan reaches out and places his hands over mine. “Reya, I swear to you. If you help us pull this off, we’ll have you out and away from their clutches and we’ll make sure we find you somewhere safe where they can never find you.”
I close my eyes and savour his words. I’d be free. Free in such as I’d be free to make my own path. Yes, I’ll have to hide out like an escaped convict, but that is better than the path I’m destined for now.
“And you can make that call?” I ask him, aware that he isn’t the one heading up this rebellion.
“I assure you that our leader and financial backer has promised me he’ll give you whatever you want, if you’ll work with us.”
“Okay then, let’s do this!” I say firmly, smiling at him. If I have to sit and practice crocheting for hours on end, I’ll do it if it means my freedom.
Arkynn suggests we need to be getting back and Corlan and Izan shake our hands and once again thank me for supporting the cause. As we walk back to the entrance of the tunnel, I’m hopeful for the first time that I might not have to wed a scath.
I pause in my steps and curse when I realise I forgot to ask him about my brothers. Arkynn stops beside me. “What is it?”
I clench my fists. “The twins. I forgot to ask him about my brothers. They’ll need to be taken to safety before the reaping ceremony. I can’t have anything happen to them because of my betrayal.”
Arkynn grabs my shoulders with his hands and looks me square in the face. “Don’t panic. I’ll speak to them. Honestly, Reya. They’ll agree to anything you ask of them. You are their golden ticket to getting to the prince and ending his existence.”
I flinch at his words. “Wait, they want to kill him?”
Arkynn gives me a double take. “What did you expect?”
When I shrug my shoulders, he shakes his head at me, sighing. “Of course he has to die. By removing their heir to the throne, we send a message to their king and queen that we won’t be ignored.”
I frown deeply as we climb down into the tunnel. “I get it. It just hadn’t occurred to me we’d be taking lives.”
Arkynn jumps off the last rung beside me. “There’s only one way to freedom, Reya, and that’s through war. It’s just the way it is. Lives will be lost. There is no flowery way that we rid ourselves of them.”
I know he’s right in what he is saying, but I think I’ve had my head buried in the sand about that part. He escorts me back to the wall of the mansion and gives me a leg over the large stone boundary wall, before he heads back to his barracks.
I make it back up to my room with no one seeing me. I remove the bundle of clothes from inside my bed that I had shaped into a human form to make it look like I was in my bed, asleep. I quickly climb into bed and screw my eyes closed. Raegal will likely be here any moment.
A short time later, I sense his presence. The room turns darker when he shadow weaves himself here. I try to regulate my breathing, so it appears as if I’m in a deep sleep.
“I know you’re awake, Terror,” he says, breaking the deafening silence.
I open one eye to find him standing over the bed, frowning at me. He’s in his signature dark navy leather tunic and trousers and those sturdy boots. The stubble along his jawline intensifies his usual menacing and deadly demeanour.
“Come. I’ll shadow weave us to my room. I need to rejuvenate and to do that, I need my onyx bed.”
For a second, I don’t answer and just stare at him. “What if I don’t want to sleep in your bed again?” I’m being defiant to get a rise out of him. I know it, but I can’t help myself. I thrive on his reactions.
He shrugs, his eyes narrowing. “Well, then I’ll just pick you up out of your bed, throw you over my shoulder, and make you come.”
I glare back at him. “You wouldn’t dare!”
His eyes sparkle with challenge. “We both know I would. Now, can you just quit arguing with me? I’m weary and I need my sleep tonight.”
I want to argue further, but I know he will do as he promises. He looks tired. “Fine!” I hiss, angrily throwing back the cover and climbing out of my bed. “Whatever you wish, Lord Commander,” I say, offering him a sneer as I salute him.
He smirks in response as he reaches out and pulls me flush against him, stealing my breath and surrounding me with his woodsy cologne. “I like it when you do as you’re told.” I don’t offer him a response, simply huffing and staring over his shoulder at nothing, which just has him chuckling against my ear. “Hold tight, Terror.”
We shadow weave into his room, and he releases me and strides over to a chest of drawers and rummages inside them. Glancing over his shoulder, he gestures at the large black king size bed. “Get settled.”
His wolf, Nyx, wakes upon our arrival. He lifts his nose in the air and sniffs my way and, deciding I’m no threat, closes his eyes again.
As I approach his bed, I take a moment to study his room. It’s dark and masculine with its imposing bed in the centre. There are no family pictures which I find strange. Portraits of my brothers and parents clutter my bedside table. One thing I notice, though, is a little black onyx carving of a horse sitting on the table beside his bed. Intrigued, instead of doing as he suggested. I walk around to the other side of the bed and pick up the small horse.
“This is cute. It looks like it was hand-carved,” I say as I turn it over in my hand and study it.
I swear in shock when he is suddenly beside me and wrenching it from my palm. “Did I say you could touch my things?” he asks me, his tone cold. His grey eyes swirl with clouds of black.
I hold my hands up in defeat and back away from him with a roll of my eyes. “Someone is grumpy tonight.” I stomp around to the other side of the bed and throwing back the cover, climb inside.
I am aware of his angry eyes on me as I intentionally take my time plumping and rearranging the pillows. The carving has me intrigued. It’s clearly something dear to him for him to keep it beside his bed at night. The hand-carved figure appears to have been carved by a child.
My eyes widen when he undresses across the bed from me. I watch in silence as he pulls off his tunic, revealing his chest and those black swirling tattoos that almost look like they are alive. When he pulls off his trousers, I give him my back. Truthfully, there was a part of me, albeit small, that wanted to continue watching him and ogle his impressive physique. Say what you will about this man, but his physique embodies masculinity.
He climbs into bed beside me, and his shadows spill out into the room, across to the candles lighting the room, snuffing them out. I wait with bated breath for that first touch. That first whisper of his shadows on my skin. I inhale sharply when I feel their presence on my lower left arm. Warm and caressing, they weave their way over my body until they surround me. It should feel threatening and uncomfortable. Instead, they soothe and excite me at the same time. He doesn’t make any move to bring our bodies together. Clearly remembering my previous demand that he masks my scent without our bodies touching. I’m tired and can’t resist sleep for much longer, even with the brooding male behind me.
I t’s the reaping ceremony, and the Prince of Shadows is walking along the line of shadow kissed females on offer. He stops and converses with each one, his smile warm and friendly. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach at the man who stops before me. The prince doesn’t appear to be the cruel- hearted tyrant the rebellion say he is. Finally, he reaches me, and with my heart pounding in my chest, I raise my eyes to meet his. The Prince of Shadows asks me my name and comments on its unusual beauty. He takes my hand and raises it to his lips, his eyes never leaving mine.
“I know who you are. You’re a traitor and you will die for your sins.”
The prince replaces his warm smile with a cold and punishing sneer, then grips my neck with his shadows and slowly squeezes the life from me.