I wake up and sit bolt upright in bed, panting for breath; my heart pounding. I press my palm to my chest to steady it. I look at the place beside me in the bed and he isn’t there. Confused, I glance down at my body to find his familiar shadows wrapped around me. I follow the source across the room and freeze when I see the silhouette of his form in the armchair across the room. I can’t see his eyes, but I can sense them upon me. Watching me.
“Goodness! You scared me,” I tell him, my heart still hammering in my chest. He sits in silence. “Why are you sitting over there staring at me like some maniac?”
“Why do you reek of the boy?” His voice is cold and devoid of emotion.
“The boy?” I ask him, scrunching my brow. “What on Asen are you talking about?”
“The boy,” he repeats. “The lovesick one from your village who followed you around with those pining and wounded eyes of his.” His comment drips with sarcasm and anger.
I scoff, running a hand through my knotted hair. “I am too tired for this nonsense! I do not know what you are talking about.”
For a second, he remains cloaked in darkness and I’m unable to see his face or gauge his expression. I jump back when he is before me in an instant. Leaning over me from where he stands beside the bed. He grasps my chin with his hand, forcing me to gaze up at him, and I watch with wide eyes as he leans in and sniffs me. When he does, he grimaces in distaste.
“Don’t lie to me, Terror. I can smell him on you. Have you been with him tonight?” he demands, his eyes now as black as night. “That boy, Arlynn?”
I gulp. Holy Mother of Crystals! This isn’t good. “His name is Arkynn,” I reply quietly. My heart races at a hundred miles an hour and my throat is dry.
He smirks. “I don’t give a flying fuck what his name is. Answer my question,” he orders me, as his hold tightens on my face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re deluded. I haven’t seen him. I have been in my room all night with a headache.”
He leans right into my face. So close I can feel his warm breath on my skin. “Lies,” he hisses.
Anger unfurls in me. Who is he to question where I have been and who I have been with? He doesn’t own me. It’s useless to deny it, so I’ll just have to admit the truth, well, partially.
“Okay. I was with Arkynn. I snuck out to the barracks and hung out with him.”
His nostrils flare and my pulse thrums. “Did he bed you?”
I snort at his ridiculous accusation. “No, of course not. I’m still pure,” I snipe. “All perfect and ready for some shadow wielding monster to take me as his.”
His eyes darken further. “You infuriate me.”
“Yeah?” I say, my fear no longer strangling me as pure anger fuels me. “Well, you irk me just by breathing. I hate you!”
“Good,” he grumbles. “Because I despise you too, Terror.” For a beat, we glare at each other, our chests heaving. “Damn you, woman,” he half whispers before he slams his mouth against mine.
I push him away. At least that is what my mind is screaming at me to do, but his lips feel so perfect on mine. I lean up onto my knees and he grips my waist, pulling me against him. His tongue clashes with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he growls possessively, devouring me with his lips. It’s everything a first kiss should be. He consumes my soul and lights my body on fire, and I am starving for it.
His hands dip into the waistband of my bed shorts and he releases a guttural groan as he palms my bottom in his hands and squeezes. I want his hands everywhere. I gasp when his shadows snake under my top and brush over my nipples. A rush of heat and need steamrolls through me.
“Mine,” he rumbles as he lifts me from the bed, and I wrap my legs around him. Attaching myself to him with a need to never let go. This is wrong, but in this moment, it seems like the only right thing in the all the realms and beyond.
He releases my lips to dot kisses down my neck and I tip my head back, closing my eyes and losing myself to the sensation of his lips against my skin. I burn for him. It’s like something deep inside of me awakens and unfurls. Like a flower blooming for the first time. He tastes dark and forbidden and oh so good.
“Raegal,” I whisper, my voice thick with lust and need. I reach for his face with my hands, needing his lips back on mine, and he obliges me.
Rap, tap, tap! “Lord Commander!”
A heavy knock on his door has us wrenching our lips apart.
“Who is it?” Raegal barks as we both pant for breath and he looks at me with want and confusion.
“It’s me, Jasiel. I need to speak with you urgently.”
I bite my bottom lip. Heavens! Raegal looks at me conflicted before he gently lowers me to my feet. He gestures with his head at the bed. Signalling for me to get inside and on shaky legs, I stumble to the bed and climb under the covers. My body is on fire with need. He waits for me to pull the covers over and I turn on my side, away from the door.
I hear him stalk across the room and pull the door open.