“ H ave you found anything yet?” I huffed as I watched Jack doing something on his cell phone.
“No. I don’t see Andrew Parker on Insta or Facebook. I mean, I see plenty of Andrew Parkers, Drew Parkers, and Andy Parkers, but none that say they live in WeHo or Los Angeles that would be close to the same age. I found one who was a gun enthusiast that might be around seventy. But come on… I doubt that’s him. He’s in Riverside. No gay guy leaves WeHo for Riverside.” He grinned at me, and I felt my face flush. He liked me, and it made absolutely no sense.
“I’m searching the database, and there were a lot of Andrew Parkers who died in the last forty years. Most of this doesn’t tell me much of anything except for the how he died part. Most of them were, of course – wanna take a guess?”
“Natural causes?” He cocked an eyebrow at me, and I was glad I was sitting down. I liked him, and that also made absolutely no sense. But I did, and it scared me much more than a silly ghost.
“Let me try to see if I can find any kind of last known residence.” I typed in his name on my people search and laughed when I saw the number of people who fit my criteria. “Well, that is overwhelming. This would take me a long time to go through.”
“I think you need an assistant for this. A ghost finder – sounds like a cool job description that only very strange people would apply for.”
“So you want the job?”
“Funny. This is very frustrating. I think I know how we can make it a little more fun, though.”
He came over and sat down by me.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting closer.”
“That is a very bad idea. I’m wearing shorts, and so are you. If our legs touch…” He pushed his knee into mine, and the world slowly faded into the muted hues, but before it could fade all the way in, he removed his leg from mine, and the world turned back to color.
“Technicolor baby. It’s like the Wizard of Oz, isn’t it? The moment that girl opens the door, she steps into a world of technicolor.”
“You’re so stupid,” I snorted. “That girl?”
“Yeah, Dorothy. That’s right?”
“Yes, stud. You got a hundred percent on the gay card test. Can you tell me the actress's name?”
“Uh… Judy Garbo?”
“Wrong answer.”
“Do I win a prize?”
So, I did something stupid. I leaned in and kissed him. The world muted – I broke apart – the world faded back to ours.
“Does that make you feel bad? When we touch?”
“I could so make a joke right here, but no. It takes a little bit of time and I think some kind of proximity to him for me to feel ill.”
“So I can do this,” He reached over, grabbed me by the neck, and kissed me deeply. I shut my eyes so I didn’t see the other side; there was only his lips, and then… He withdrew, and I smiled as the room filled back with color. “That is so fucking weird but cool. If I were a kid, I would have driven my family crazy making this happen over and over.”
“So, we’ve come up empty, but we have names. Maybe we can find some older guys at the bar and ask around? Maybe they knew them?”
“They’d be between sixty and seventy, probably. I’ve had some of those guys slide dollars down my g-string when I used to dance. But that doesn’t mean they knew them or they even lived here back then. I think we’re reaching. Fuck!” The look on his face was priceless. “He died before he could even surf the web. Maybe before there even was a web.”
“Some places digitized, and with a refined search, maybe we could come up with something. If I could narrow down the years of Drew’s death, this wouldn’t be so much to sort through. But he could have died a year or two later than Isaac.”
“Or he could still be alive? It didn’t sound like Isaac even knew if he had been sick. This is crazy. There has to be a better way.”
“We just need to… clear our minds. Think of another way to look at this.”
“Maybe we should take our minds off it for a little bit.”
“What do you have in mind?”
He bent over and kissed me again. The world shifted in and out. He pressed his lips to my ear. The world shifted.
“I think we should go into my backyard. I have something I’d really like to show you,” he whispered before nipping at my ear.
The world shifted back.
“Do you?”
“I really do. Maybe if we relax, we can come back to this with a fresh perspective.”
“You want to get fresh.”
“In my backyard. When I touched you on my front porch earlier, nothing happened. So outside is…”
“Safe? You are anything but safe to me.”
“I would never let anything ever happen to you. I promise.”
“I know you think that you…” I chuckled. “Ok.”
“I could change my mind at any moment, so…”
He grabbed my hand, and the world went sepia. We ran through his kitchen andtoward his back door. As soon as we walked outside, the world stayed muted, but it was because it was dark. I still felt the shift.
“I just want to get you completely naked and explore every inch of you,” Jack grinned. But the look on his face was anything but mirthful – it was full of desire. And I was the object of his lust. My mind spun. How could he… “Clothes. Now,” he ordered. “I have a seven-foot privacy fence, and I want you moaning so loud the cops come.”
“You're shameless.”
“I’m horny. It’s been months since I’ve… Strip.” He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it onto a chair. I gasped as I saw his body in the moonlight. He was even more gorgeous than I had imagined, and I had imagined a lot.
“It’s almost a full moon,” I slowly pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it onto his. I started to cover myself up but thought better about it. For this to ever be – I would have to let him see me as I truly was. Skinny, pale, freckled, and frail. My chest was almost concave, and it was so skinny.
“God, I love the way the moonlight makes your skin almost glisten. You’re so beautiful, Arch. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Strong and powerful, unafraid and daring, gorgeous and unique – a one-of-a-kind type of man. You’re amazing.” He slid his shorts down and kicked them aside. “Now you.”
I did as I was told. But I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Jesus, I was scared of that. There was no way it was going to fit inside me. I grimaced as I stared at him – it. My mouth watered.
“Tonight is all about you,” he said gently. “I just want to make you happy. Can I do that?”
“I think you make me happy,” I mumbled stupidly. My cock, so much smaller than his, hardened as I looked at him. “It’s just so big,” I gulped.
“I told you that it would fit, Arch. But not tonight. I mean, we don’t have anything to… I was on PrEP. But I just started taking it again. No condoms and no lube… I guess we’ll have to find something else to do,” he chuckled. “You know what I’ve always loved?” He walked over and took me in his arms. Our hard cocks pressed into each other. His above my belly, and mine on his thigh. He was so much taller than I was – so much… He was huge all over. “Making out is a very underrated thing, don’t you think? Your mouth on mine as our hands explore each other. Your cock in my mouth as I taste you. Mine in yours, if that’s what you want. Do you want?”
“Fuck, yeah,” I moaned and literally shuddered as I reached down and grasped it in my palm.
“God, I want you.” He bent his head down and kissed me, and I breathed him inside myself. His kisses tasted so sweet and pure, even if they were anything other than that. They were hungry and needful, and I needed it – I was hungry for it. I was tired of denying myself the one thing I had grown to want – him.
His tongue slid against my own as I opened my mouth, and the kiss became wilder and stronger. My hands slid up his sides, and I pressed them against his very hard chest. His hand slid down my back, and he cupped my ass in his palms. Figures he was an ass man. I had very little ass for him to grab, but he used what he had.
He was an amazing kisser. I gasped for air as he continued his assault on my mouth. His tongue was frenzied and then slow before he pulled back and nipped at my bottom lip – laughing with joy as I moaned against him.
I stroked his cock in my hand – so big and girthy and proving that his password was anatomically correct. Nine inches was a very massive cock. But he was also girthy and uncut. I pulled on his foreskin and gently twisted it, eliciting a groan from him before he nipped at my lips again.
“You have a choice.” He winked at me, and my knees wobbled. “You can get on the hammock, which could be dangerous but fun, or you can sit in that chair or lie in the grass.”
“I don’t think I care.”
“Wanna go for danger?”
“What have we been doing? I’ve been flying so close to the sun that my wings are already singed.”
“I have no idea what that means, but it sounds very pretty. Swing it is.”
He picked me up, carried me over to his hammock, and carefully set me down in front of it. I grasped the sides, and he slowly sat me down. My feet dangled off the side. He got down on his knees, and for a second, my mind shut down. Jack was here to please me. It didn’t seem to compute in my brain for a second. He liked me, and I was having a hard time understanding why – then he pressed his lips to my cock, and all I could do was lay back in the hammock and give myself over.
He was so wet and hot – his mouth was fire as he slid me slowly inside. His tongue rolled around the head of my cock as he took all of me inside his mouth. His nose tickled my pubes, and he stayed there for a second before slowly pulling back and grasping the base of my cock.
This was a dream. A moment that defied all expectations as I gave myself over to it. Beat by beat, the music played in my head as he made me soar beyond the moon and into the stars. His fingers grasped my balls and gently pulled, and before I could even think, I was coming into his mouth. “Sorry, I…”
“What did you think I wanted? God, you taste so spicy.” He licked at my head and sucked on it as he withdrew as much of my cum as he could from my still engorged shaft. “Wanna know what you taste like?” He rose up and kissed me. My cum intermingled with his saliva as I relished in the throes of the perfect little death. A moment like no other.
“My turn?” I asked coyly.
“I’m not sure you could handle this. You said it was too big, right?”
“You said it would fit.”
“Do you think it will fit, Arch?”
I fell to my knees in front of him and swallowed him immediately as far as I could, making sure to keep my lips tight against him. He tasted like such a fucking jock. The musk of a man that made you weak in the knees just by being in your presence.
I drew back and slowly circled his large head with my tongue – swatting at his slit as I slowly stroked him. I sucked on the tip and pulled the foreskin as far as I could with my lips as I stretched it and then slowly chewed it before pressing my tongue inside his foreskin and swiping my tongue against his slit again.
His moans told me that he enjoyed it. He placed a hand against the back of my head, and I let him press his cock into me. I couldn’t stop myself. I glanced up and almost choked as I watched him. His head was thrown back, and his eyes were closed, but the view of his body was almost too much. My cock stopped softening and began to harden again at the beauty of this fucking god.
I opened my mouth and pressed my hand against his. He got the picture. He began to thrust into me, and as he did, I let my hands explore as far up his hard torso as I could. My fingers slid all over him as I felt the hard ridges of muscle.
He pumped into me, and I knew he was being careful, so I pushed myself further against him and gagged a little as he hit the back of my throat. Thrust by thrust, he quickened his speed as I let him fuck my mouth. I gave myself over, opening my throat as much as I could to take as much of him inside as possible. I needed this so badly that my body vibrated with desire.
Our aura was so red and vibrant in the night as I gave everything I could to him.
“I’m gonna…” I grabbed his ass and impaled myself on him. His cum, hot, salty, and tangy, poured into my mouth and down my throat. He slowly slid himself out and knelt down in front of me. “You are…”
I grasped him by the back of his head and kissed him. “I like the way you taste.”
We lay there in the grass as the moon continued to rise.
It was the most beautiful night I had ever seen, and I spent it in his arms.