“ T hat’s good, kiddo. Smile!” I try to put on my most kid-friendly voice. I haven’t photographed non-models in a really long time, but honestly, Walker’s friend, Gabe’s daughter is really cute.
She has little blonde curls and a pretty smile. The only problem is the kid doesn’t want to stay still very long. Gabe and Walker share another exasperated look when the princess hops up for the fifth time from the princess throne that Gabe and Oakley apparently made just for this occasion.
They brought it out here to my property—Walker thinking it would be a great backdrop, and I think he was right. The trees still have some leaves on them, and even though it’s cold out here, little Amber hasn’t complained.
Thankfully, her princess dress is long-sleeved and goes all the way down to her feet. But her nose is starting to turn red, so we should probably wrap this up soon. I guess the pictures are going to be used at her fourth birthday party next week. She looks over her shoulder at me and smiles like See, I kind of did what you asked , and I can’t help the laugh that leaves my mouth as I snap the adorable photo.
I don’t really need the money—my grandmother left me plenty to renovate the house and to live on for the next ten or fifteen years, but I also kind of hate spending that money.
So when Walker mentioned Gabe and his ex-wife were looking for someone to take pictures for their daughter’s birthday, I took the chance. I don’t know if I’m going to stay here still, but if I do, I think it will be good to build up a portfolio.
Somehow, I don’t think top models will be flocking here to have their photos taken, and I’m strangely okay with that. I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be excited to book such a simple photo shoot.
But I’m having a good time doing this, and the fact that Walker is here—well, that definitely helps. I can’t believe it’s only been a week since we first hooked up—and what a week it’s been. It’s been all talking and hanging out and lots and lots of orgasms. I guess most relationships probably start out that way, but I really wouldn’t know. This, so far, it’s perfect.
When we’re finished, Gabe’s ex-wife seems pretty pleased with how the day went. Gabe hands over the cash and hugs his daughter before his ex loads Amber up in the truck. Gabe and Walker load the princess throne in the back of the truck, and then they take off down the gravel road.
I can’t imagine how hard it is for Gabe to watch his daughter go, knowing she won’t be staying under his roof tonight, but they seem to make it work. “Thank you for doing this,” Gabe says and reaches a hand out to me.
I shake it. “No problem. Tell your friends,” I shamelessly plug, but he doesn’t seem upset by it at all.
“Are you kidding? Shelly has been texting all her mom friends all day.” He grins. “To have a professional photographer in this town is a hot commodity.”
“Well, that’s good to know,” I say just as Walker wraps his arm around my shoulders.
“Told ya.” He’s bragging because I wasn’t sure anyone around here would be interested, but I kind of like it. I think he likes giving me a purpose here. And I like it too.
I also like that he has no problem leaving a kiss on my temple in front of his friend and coworker. I thought for sure we’d have to keep it low-key, but apparently not. “See ya Monday, Walker.” Gabe says with a wave. “And thank you again, Dutton.”
“Not a problem.”
He starts to walk away but then stops and comes back, “Oh yeah. Shelly wanted me to invite you both to Amber’s party.” He pulls an invitation out of his coat pocket.
“Oh.” I take it nervously, and Walker just chuckles.
“We’ll be there! Thanks, man,” Walker says, and Gabe heads off.
I turn to look at Walker. “We will?”
He grins, big and wide and totally not worried at all. I have zero experience with kids, and I can’t remember the last time I was at a child’s birthday party. Probably when I was a kid. “Hell yes. Cake. Lots of cake.” He kisses my lips firmly, and I laugh against his.
“You’re a big kid yourself, huh?’
“Is there any other way to be?”
I study him closely and then shake my head because I can’t picture him any other way, and I wouldn’t want him to be.
I guess I’m going to a kid’s party.
I wake up to a knocking on my door and turn to see that my bed, which was wonderfully full of a big burly man last night, is now empty. I climb out of bed, my eyes bleary, wondering where the hell he is, but by the excited knock on my door, I think I already have my answer.
What the hell is he doing outside? I’m only in sweats as I open the door and see a fully dressed Walker in his coat and boots, his smile lit up and excited. “Why are you outside and not in bed? And why are you knocking?” He fell asleep in my bed last night after we both came our brains out and cleaned up. He really doesn’t need to knock.
“Come outside and see.” He’s way too happy in the morning—but it’s another thing I really like about him.
I’m starting to think I like every single thing about him.
I smile and shake my head but grab my coat from the hook and tug it on before I walk out onto the porch, and what I see nearly takes my breath away. I look around at the large, normally open area, and see that it’s nearly covered with bright orange and purple mums in pots, surrounded by different size pumpkins and colorful leaves.
“You’ve been busy,” I say, my eyes meeting his.
He shrugs, looking almost bashful. “Fall is beautiful. I thought it might help to see your house like this. It’s the perfect house for it, honestly.”
“I’ll be right back,” I say, dashing inside to grab my camera and then coming back out onto the beautifully decorated porch. I take his hand and lead him down the stairs, lifting my camera to look through the lens at the masterpiece he created.
I snap the first picture, my soul on fire from capturing the simple beauty. “Wow,” I hear Walker say as he looks at the photo on the digital screen over my shoulder. “So you aren’t mad at me for waking you up?”
I snap another picture and then turn around, wrapping my arms around him. “I didn’t say that. I was hoping to wake up to a very hot, very naked man this morning.”
He glances up at the porch and then back at me. “Almost worth it.”
I laugh and capture his lips with mine. I love kissing him and do it as often as I can. He wasn’t wrong about fall here. Honestly, I love it, and I’ve been taking a lot of scenery pictures lately. Even sold a couple on my website. Maybe I could make it work.
“You’re really gonna hate me now,” he says, and I pull back enough to warily look into his eyes.
He grits his teeth in an adorable way. “It’s almost time for the birthday party. We only have enough time to shower, eat, and head there.”
“Well, fuck me.”
He grips my ass in his big hands. “I can definitely do that in the shower.”
I chuckle. “Grab a condom,” I shout as I take off toward the house. “Don’t forget the lube!”
I race inside, putting my camera away just as Walker runs through the door, closing it behind him, and we both strip out of our clothes on the way to my bathroom. His full lips crash against mine as soon as I turn on the water, and I drag him into the shower. I want to take our time, but I know it needs to be fast.
I take the condom from him, craving being inside him again. I can’t wait to have him inside me, but so far, it’s been me in him, and it’s like an addiction I can’t get enough of. He quickly preps himself while I slide the condom on my aching shaft and then turns around, presenting that firm, round ass to me.
I toss the condom package outside on the floor and then blanket his body with mine. His fingers are still stretching out his hole as he fucks himself with one hand, his other hand bracing his weight against the wet shower wall.
My hand encircles the wrist of the hand he’s using to prep himself, and I slowly tug his fingers free. He squirts lube onto my fingers and then places his hand on the wall next to his other one and lets me take over.
I’ll never tire of this sight of him, waiting for me to take him. He’s sculpted and beautiful, happy and free in a way I’m not sure I’ve ever have been. He makes me want things I never thought I would.
I slide my finger through his crease and find his loosened slick hole, pressing inside and making his strong back arch as he pants and begs me to fuck him.
I never thought I’d come back to Kansas after the cruel things my grandmother said. I never thought I could make a home here, but he makes me want that.
I press another finger inside him and brush over his prostate, making him curse and grunt, fucking back onto my fingers and pleading with me to get inside him. I pull my fingers out and press inside.
I thought I hated Kansas and that everyone here had to be judgmental assholes, but he’s made me see his world differently. At the street dance, no one looked at us weird as we danced together. His friend from work invited us to his daughter’s birthday party, totally unbothered by us very clearly being together.
He’s shown me the beautiful trees and scenery of fall in Kansas.
I bottom out, my front against his back, and he turns his face to kiss me hard, panting and praising me at the same time as I move inside him. I reach between us, jerking him off as I peg his prostate over and over again, the tension building, and tingles running down my spine to my full, heavy balls, and the water cascading down my back.
He comes a second before I do, both of us shouting in pleasure before I pull free from his body, and he turns around, kissing me hard and rinsing us both off. We get dressed and then head to Shelly’s house where the party is.
It’s still not really my thing, but watching Walker run around with the kids, all hopped up on sugar, my heart melts a little bit more. I snap pictures, planning to send them to Shelly later as a thank-you for the invite and love watching the joy on this kid’s faces along with Walker—who’s just happy to be here. This man...
There’s something beautifully different about this man.