Simplicity (Oakley’s Crew #1) 13. Walker 45%
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13. Walker


I am falling hard for the photographer.

I mean, duh. Of course I am. But as I watch him at the town’s Halloween parade, taking pictures and joking around with Archie and Oakley, I’m falling incredibly hard for him, I realize.

He’s perfect. I mean in every single way. Perfect. The only thing that isn’t so perfect... he doesn’t permanently live here. Yet.

I’m determined to show him all the fun we can have here. To make new memories that will hopefully lessen the painful ones.

“I still can’t believe you’re dating our client.” Oakley wraps his meaty arm around my neck, but it’s not threatening at all.

“Not a client anymore,” I joke as he gives me a noogie, and I playfully push him off.

“Right.” He looks at Dutton. “So you won’t be requiring our services this spring?”

Dutton is still holding his camera up to take a shot of the parade as more kiddos come around the corner wearing their adorable little costumes. “Oh.” He looks over at me. “We might have to break up by then because I think I need a pool and a garden put in.”

I look at him, exasperated, and then he winks at me, which makes Oakley cackle and pat my shoulder. “Oh please. As if I have any rules about that shit. Love who you love. It’s no skin off my ass.”

“You should make t-shirts,” I joke.

“Please don’t encourage him.” Travis grimaces, and I laugh.

“Thanks for sending that shot of the hot tub for the website, by the way. It’s good marketing,” Oakley says to Dutton.

“Not a problem. It was good work.” He’s grinning, and I feel a burst of pride because it was good work, and then when I notice the slight blush on Dutton’s cheeks, I’m nearly bursting with pride because I know he’s reliving the fun we’ve had in that hot tub.

Well fuck. The last thing I need is to get hard here with the entire town in attendance. Think about anything else, Walker.

I swear Dutton can read my thoughts because he’s laughing and shaking his head at me, snapping a quick photo. Fucker.

We all cheer extra loud when we see Gabe’s daughter, Amber, walking by in her princess costume. Well, Princess Fix It, because she’s also wearing a tool belt—her idea, not Gabe’s.

That guy is in trouble with that one. She’s tough as nails but still loves pink and pretty things. I think it’s the best of both worlds, honestly. I see the love shining in Gabe’s eyes as he watches his daughter, and I notice Dutton is looking at her with fondness too.

I don’t get the sense he’s been around a lot of kids, but he had more fun than he would admit at her party, and now I can tell he’s having a lot of fun watching the kids parade around in their costumes.

“Come home with me,” I say as I wrap my arms around Dutton and the parade wraps up.

“I get to see where you live?” He looks wide-eyed and excited as he turns around in my arms, wrapping his around my neck.

“It’s not much,” I say bashfully because not much is an understatement.

“Take me to your house,” he says, his eyes burning with fire, and hell yes, I will. We say our goodbyes to everyone, and I take his hand, leading him away from the crowd. “Do we need our cars?”

“We can grab them later. It’ll be fine.” He met me here because I had to work until right up to when the parade started.

He doesn’t question me, just squeezes my hand in his as we walk along the square of downtown, then one block south to the small house I rent. It’s a one-bedroom, one-bath house, but it’s cheap and close to work.

“This is where you live?” he asks with a cute smile on his face as he looks at the house with white trim.

I don’t hear any judgment in his tone. “Yup. For now. I’m saving up for my own place.”

“I like it,” he says as I unlock the front door and let him in. “It’s cozy.”

I laugh and flip on the front porch light, shutting the door and going into the modest kitchen. “Gotta get candy ready for the trick or treaters.”

“Oh wow. I haven’t given away candy to trick or treaters since high school,” he says as he follows me. I empty several bags of candy into a large black cauldron-shaped bowl.

“They don’t come to your apartment?”

He shakes his head. “Nah.”

“Hmmm, point for Kansas then,” I say and kiss his nose. He chuckles, and we move to my couch. I flip on the television but don’t turn the channel when I see the original Halloween movie is playing.

“What am I going to do with you?” he asks, his voice all grumbly and sexy in my ear. I keep waiting to get sick of this or for him to get sick of me, but it seems to only grow more and more intense.

“I can think of a couple of things,” I say as his lips move closer to my own. Our lips barely touch when the doorbell rings, jarring us apart.

I laugh at the ridiculously pouty look on Dutton’s face and stand up, holding my hand out for him. “Come on! This is the fun part.”

He reluctantly lets me pull him off the couch, and I grab the bowl of candy as we open the door to four kids dressed up in kickass costumes shouting, “Trick or treat!”

Dutton hands out two pieces of candy each, commenting on each costume and making the kids beam up at him with pride. We close the door and go back to the couch. He’s on my lap within a second, his mouth attacking mine.

“In a hurry?” He nods against my face.

“Maybe we can come before the next—” Too late. The doorbell rings, and I chuckle.

“You think this is what it’s like for people with kids?” I ask as he climbs off me, adjusting the bulge in his pants. I try to get my dick to settle as I walk over to the door.

“Probably. Is this why Gabe is divorced?”

I laugh at that and shake my head. “I actually don’t know what happened there. Gabe is pretty quiet about it all.”

I open the door, and we go through the whole process again before we sit back on the porch—this time he doesn’t climb on my lap. “They seem to get along pretty well—Gabe and Shelly.”

I nod. “Shelly is part of the Oakley’s Crew family still, for sure. Goes to all the holiday parties and gatherings, at least the ones she can come to with Amber. She’s great, and so is Gabe.”

“I guess sometimes it just doesn’t work out,” he says solemnly, and uh-uh. No way. I grab him and pull him onto my lap. “What?” He’s laughing as he gets settled.

“We aren’t them. We will work,” I say firmly because yes, I know this is new, but I want it to work out more than anything.

“We just met.”

“Bullshit, we’ve already been through summer and half of fall.”

He’s grinning now as he leans forward and kisses me softly. “Winter is going to be hell, isn’t it?”

I laugh at that and shudder because I hate the cold. “It gets pretty cold, but not like Minnesota or anything. I’ll show you the fun.”

“I have no doubt.” And when he looks into my eyes, I see the trust there—trust that I can make it good for him here. I want that so badly, but I want him to genuinely want to be here.

I move in to kiss him again just as the doorbell rings.

“I give up,” he says with a frustrated sigh, but I also see that smile on his face, and it really lights up when he sees the costumes the kids are wearing. After that, we just embrace it. Answering the door and laughing and chatting with the parents and trick or treaters. Gabe and Shelly stop by with Amber—who of course gets extra candy.

By the time we run out of candy, I flip off the porch light, and we wind up back on the couch, his head on my shoulder and my arm around him. His hand holds mine over his shoulder. “This was fun.”

I smile, running my fingers through his and marveling at how soft his hands are against my rough ones. “It was. I love this part of Halloween. I’m going to miss it when I move out to the country.”

“You want to live out in the country?” he asks me, his voice a little sleepy and whimsical as he rests his head against me.

“Yup. Always the plan. My parents live out in the boonies. And I grew up there, with the nearest neighbor five miles away. I loved it.”

“Like where I live?”

I nod my head, still playing with his fingers. “Yeah. I love your house. I know it has some bad memories?—”

“A lot more good than bad now,” he interrupts and looks up at me, his chin tilted up, and I can’t resist kissing him. It starts off soft but soon turns passionate and almost frantic as we rush to remove all our clothing.

I lead him into my small bedroom that’s only big enough for a bed and a small dresser. But really, that’s all I need. I grab a condom and lube, but when I try to hand it to him, he pauses, “Do you, um...” His cheeks are an adorable shade of red. “Do you ever top?”

I lick my lips, looking at his perfect body lying naked on the bed, his cock hard and leaking, and his lips plump and red from our kissing. I nod my head slowly, my eyes going back to his face. “I do. Is that what you want?”

He nods comically fast. “So badly.”

“Okay,” I say, my heart thundering in my chest. It’s not the first time I’ve topped. It’s usually my preference, but so far, I’ve only wanted to be filled by Dutton. But now, I get to be inside him, and I fucking want that.

I go ahead and put the condom on because I don’t want to deal with it later when I’m too keyed up to think—I’m already close to that. I blanket his body with mine and take my time, worshipping him with my mouth. I kiss my way down his taut throat and his chest. I tease his nipples, biting and sucking and licking as he moans and writhes under me. His hard cock pokes me, but I ignore it as I make my way down over his hard abs and the trail of hair leading me to his cock.

Again, I bypass it and smile when he whines, but I kiss his inner thighs, and he’s not too upset with me because he spreads his legs, planting his feet on the bed and giving me the perfect view of his tight pink hole. “I need you, Walker. I never make you wait.”

“I’m in charge tonight,” my voice rumbles against his thigh.

I kiss down over his calves, the soft hair there tickling my face, and then back up. I lick a stripe down his hard shaft, but then travel lower to his balls, licking and sucking them.

“Yes. Please. More.” His hips thrust up in the air, fucking nothing as he groans, his fingers running through my short hair.

“You taste so fucking good,” I say, moving from his balls to his hole, the first swipe giving me his flavor and making him moan. I lick him again and again as he lets out a string of curses and grips my hair hard.

“Please. Fuck. Please.” His voice has gone up an octave, and he’s so hot like this. Desperate and wanting. I fuck him with my tongue, softening him and opening him up to take my cock, and then I remove my tongue and find the lube. I stretch him slowly with one finger and then two.

“Walker. Now. I need you now.”

I grin and remove my fingers, making my way up to him and kissing him hard, letting him taste himself on my tongue as I position my cock at his waiting hole. “You want this?”

“No. I fucking need it.” His hands go to my ass as he tries to get me to push inside him, and I finally give in, just as desperate as him but not quite showing it. I push into him, trying not to come right away as his tight ass swallows me. I move inside him, his hips working with mine, his fingers gripping my ass cheeks.

“Goddamn, you feel good.”

He huffs a laugh and tightens even more around me. “So good.” We kiss hard, and my lips trail down his neck as we move together, the feelings almost too much as I pump into him.

I’m too close, but thankfully, he’s not too far off because as soon as I reach between us and wrap my hand around his shaft, he comes with a shout, and I let loose inside the condom—wishing it wasn’t there.

When we’re both wrung out, I pull out of him reluctantly and get rid of the condom before I lie down next to him. I use the sheets to clean his stomach and mine, and he laughs, shaking his head and mumbling something about me being a slob.

But I don’t think he really cares.

Best Halloween ever.

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