Faast was distinctly different from Tyrion, but in so many positive ways. Orion’s first clue on that had been the way Vincent’s mother had greeted him when they’d first arrived. Rather than be formally presented, as Orion had expected, Vincent had taken him through into a beautiful and comfortable sitting room where five ladies were waiting – the queen and Vincent’s four sisters. There was a huge cheer when they walked in, the young ladies jumping up and clamoring for hugs from Vincent who was more than happy to give them.
Used to a more formal protocol, Orion ducked past them and went over to the only woman present seated in a large chair. Bowing low, he said, “Queen Julia of Faast, I’m Orion, previously prince of Tyrion. I’m so very pleased to meet you.”
“Aren’t you an absolute delight.” Queen Julia had stood up, and seconds later, Orion was being hugged, by a queen, and while it shouldn’t have been unusual because he’d been raised by one to, it really was. Not only that, but after he’d been hugged, the young ladies decided it was their turn, grabbing him in turn, stating their name, and claiming he was their new brother now. “And the favorite one,” Rosalyn had said, poking her tongue out at Vincent.
It was fun and chaotic, the way Orion imagined families could be, even though he’d never experienced it himself. He was truly grateful though when Vincent stepped in and said Orion needed to rest. No one thought it was unusual or rude of him to leave. The queen just asked Vincent to find her when they were settled so they could have a chat and catch up. A chat . Orion’s mind was buzzing as Vincent took him to what would be their suite, but his heart was warmed by the genuine welcome.
After a quiet night, and after checking that John was equally settled and pleased with the room that had been allocated to him, Orion was happy to agree when Vincent offered him a carriage ride around the city the next morning. “I have an open topped carriage,” Vincent said with his typical excitement over breakfast. “It will make it easier for you to see things and for people to see you.”
Considering Orion wasn’t sure the good people of Faast would even be interested in him, given how they didn’t know who he was, he still agreed. Vincent’s excitement was quite contagious.
“I was thinking, I probably need to find a tailor, if that’s possible. John has complained many times about the lack of formal clothing in my wardrobe. I will need something suitable for the event tomorrow night. A robe in the royal family colors perhaps? Would that do?” Orion looked up to see Vincent watching him with a strange expression on his face. “What’s wrong? Should I wear the Tyrion colors instead?”
“I was really hoping you’d wear one of the waistcoats I bought you.” There was that pout again. “You look so handsome in them, and I was thinking if we took one of them to our tailor, then I could get him to make one that will fit me before tomorrow night, so we’d be in similar outfits.”
“You think that would be suitable for your mother’s event?” Orion’s mother would’ve had a fit if she’d seen him wearing something made by a woman from the markets. “They are not specifically formal wear, and I don’t want to offend your mother. Are you sure she won’t mind?”
“They are beautiful, they suit you, you’re comfortable wearing them, and I personally think I’d look absolutely dashing in something similar.” Vince struck a pose, making Orion laugh.
“You would look dashing in sack cloth, but I’m warning you now, the one you get made won’t be as beautiful as the ones you bought me. You’re going to wish you’d bought some for yourself from the same market where you got mine.”
“Hmm, do I sense some Tyrion Faast rivalry here? Challenge accepted. Let’s head out.”
The city of Faast was a sprawled out vibrant mass of light colored stone buildings, wide cobbled streets, and bright awnings over shop windows where groups of people congregated to chat as they were doing their shopping. Orion kept turning his head, one way and then the other, trying to take it all in. Faast clearly enjoyed the mechanical side of life. He spotted a steam powered food cart, and someone was pushing a second cart that also appeared to have a steam powered device on it.
“What are those?” He asked, noticing large contraptions on almost every corner. They were huge and appeared to be an engine of some type, although they all had a large wheel on them as well wide pipes that seemed to go underground, and even a coiled hose on each side of the devices.
Vincent seemed pleased with the interest. “Those, my curious husband, are pumps. The city of Faast, the way it’s situated below the mountain range up there.” He pointed to the horizon line where Orion could see a line of hills. “It means any time there’s a heavy rainfall, these streets can be prone to flooding. Mother had the pumps designed and installed when I was about eight years old. Everyone is taught as part of their schooling how to operate them. In the event of a flood, anyone closest to the pumps can turn them on. The excess water is sucked into the hoses, and then pumped underground where there is a series of pipes that send the water out from where it might do damage to homes and businesses. It’s very effective.”
“That’s an ingenious idea,” Orion said, smiling. He looked around some more. “Do you not have an open air market here?”
“Why?” Vincent chuckled. “Are you thinking of setting one up?”
“I’m just getting my bearings.” Orion shook his head. “In Tyrion the citizens there love the idea of the marketplaces. It is another area where people can congregate, but more importantly it’s a venue where the regular townsfolk can sell handmade items and crafts on a smaller scale without having to outlay for the expense of a shop or permanent retail building. This allows them to sell their items directly to their customers, for cheaper than they might have to if they had a shop. But then if you have a flooding issue…”
“No. No. Our rainy season here is only about one month in twelve.” Vincent had his thinking face on. He always tapped his chin with his forefinger when he had something on his mind. “Having a market though, doesn’t that take business away from established companies that have bought or lease a building to sell from?”
“It doesn’t seem to, no. Established businesses have already built a reputation for the types of goods and services they provide. In fact, many of them appreciate the increased foot traffic the market brings into the retail area in town. And there are some businesses that start off in the market space, testing out their new products or craft items, who will then go into a permanent building if they build a similar reputation themselves. It seems to work.” Orion chuckled and pointed a discreet finger at a young girl who was waving madly at the carriage. “It looks like you have a fan.”
“Good day to you, Lady Molly.” Vincent waved madly and then did a half bow as the carriage went past. “She’s adorable. Her parents run a bakery that we will visit before heading back to the castle. The sweet pastries there are incredible. But first we need to visit with our tailor.”
Orion had a love hate relationship with royal tailors. The one in Tyrion honestly acted as though he was doing his clients a favor being in the same room with them. Mr. Grainger, in Faast, was cut from the same cloth.
“I will endeavor to do my best to create you something similar in time for the event tomorrow evening, your highness,” he said in a lofty voice, fingering the material on Orion’s waistcoat and then checking his fingertips as if to make sure he didn’t get any dirt on them. “The color choices in this particular piece are an unusual combination…”
“And that’s what I want, Humphrey.” Vincent beamed at the dour man. “This was made in Tyrion. I told my husband that I was sure our royal tailor could make something that would compare or even rival his garment, which was originally a betrothal gift from me. I’m sure you won’t let me down.”
“I wouldn’t dream of letting you down, your highness.” Mr. Grainger pulled himself up to his full height of four foot ten. “It’s just…the material is definitely unusual. Crown Prince Consort, do you know where your tailor sourced the unusual threads that make up this garment? It is, without doubt, beautifully crafted in its construction, it’s just the threads are…unusual.”
“That would be because Martha, the lady who makes and sells these waistcoats, spins, dyes, and then weaves the fabrics herself.” Orion smiled, seeing the horror Mr. Grainger was trying to hide. “Each item is entirely unique, and no color combination is ever repeated. My husband bought me three of these, and he will attest that while they all share the same cut and size, each waistcoat looks very different from the others.”
“They are so beautiful, Humphrey.” Vincent slipped his hand around Orion’s arm. “You should’ve seen her stall. It was so bright and colorful, it stood out from everything else in the marketplace.”
“A marketplace stall. How quaint.” Mr. Grainger seemed to want to say more on the subject, but then perhaps he remembered who he was speaking to. “I have no doubt that as the only royal tailor in Faast, my associates and I will have no trouble creating a suitable similar garment for you, your highness, and it will give me a great sense of pride to know you will be wearing it to such an auspicious event.”
“I knew you wouldn’t let me down, Humphrey. I’ll expect delivery at the castle no later than tomorrow afternoon. Come along, Orion. We have a bakery to visit.”
Orion managed to keep his laughter to himself until they were well clear of the shop. “That man,” he said, laughing so hard he almost fell as he was helped into the carriage. “Did you hear the way he said marketplace stall? And calling it quaint? He must’ve used the word unusual at least four times.”
“Humphrey is one of those businesses who prides itself on his closeness to the crown, although he was devastated when my father passed away.” Vincent jumped in beside him, closing his door before the driver even had a chance. “With having four sisters, I was the only one left he can outfit now, as he doesn’t do women’s fashion at all. And now you of course. My mother has a wonderful dressmaker for herself and my sisters. But I do feel sometimes Humphrey doesn’t understand my fashion sense.”
“I’ve seen you in two formal outfits that are very dashing, and one might say unusual. That lavender outfit you wore for our wedding wasn’t what you’d call a traditional color a person might wear to get married in.”
Vincent leaned closer. “Don’t tell anyone, but I had those made for me in Monce. Prince Serron put me onto his tailor, who also does amazing work.”
“You do realize that the waistcoat you’re going to get is not going to look like anything Martha made, don’t you?”
“He said he would make me a similar garment, so we will just have to wait and see.”
Orion sat back in the carriage as they moved through the streets again, a quiet smile on his face. He’d wager Martha’s skills against Mr. Grainger’s any day of the week.