Six Types of Apology (Another Arranged Marriage #6) Chapter Twenty-Six 93%
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Chapter Twenty-Six

“That ridiculous man has made this out of gold and black threads, and look…look. It covers my butt.” Vincent stormed out of the room where he’d been dressing, getting ready for the night’s event, into the sitting room where Orion was waiting with John and Morgan.

It was the next day. The package had arrived from the tailor an hour earlier, but Vincent had resisted opening it. “I want it to be a surprise for you when you see it on me,” he’d told Orion, even though he was secretly excited to see the new waistcoat for himself. Or at least he had been until he actually saw it. It was worse when he put it on.

“Look at it.” Vincent waved his hands at the offending material. “This is meant to be a waistcoat, just like my husband’s. Covering my shoulders, but leaving my arms bare, and cut into the waist here,” he pointed to his waist. “This thing,” he tugged at the bottom of the offending garment. “This thing goes way past my waist, and hips, and is almost down to my knees!”

Orion, who was already dressed and had been sitting reading, smirked from where he was seated. “At least it’s not robe length,” he offered. “It’s very demure, and the color looks dashing on you.”

“I have got coats and robes in this color already.” Vincent stomped into the bedroom and grabbed a handful of material items from his closet. Going back into the sitting room, he said, “Look at this. A robe in gold and black. A coat in gold and black. Oh, look here, another robe in…wait for it…gold and black threads. Oh, here’s something different.” Dropping the other items on the floor, he held onto one piece that looked like a robe as well. “He’s used silver for this one. Silver and black. How radical of him.” He dropped that one on the floor and walked over them. “There’s no color. Why are the only colorful items I have in my closet clothes I bought from somewhere outside of Faast?”

“You’re going to have to wear it.” Orion wasn’t looking at him directly, but Vincent could still see the smirk. “You told Mr. Grainger you would when you impressed on him you needed it for the event tonight. He will be gutted if you wear something else.”

“But I wanted to wear a waistcoat like yours.” Vincent slumped down in the nearest chair in disgust. “Yours shows off your lovely shape. Mine makes me look like a drain cleaner pipe.”

“A very fancy drain cleaner pipe.” Orion was still chuckling. “I would wear something else, but you specifically said you wanted to see me in one of your gifts and I don’t have anything in my rather sparse wardrobe that would compare to your…whatever that is.”

“Exactly. Even you don’t know what it is.” Vincent plucked at where the material was now bunched up over his hips. “There’s no flare or slit in the back. I’m going to have to unbutton this just to sit down in it, otherwise I’m going to look like I’m hiding something underneath it if someone peeks under the table.” He undid three of the buttons and smoothed out the material. “Gold and black threads. The man has no imagination. We even showed them a copy of what I was looking for.”

“We could get in touch with Martha from Tyrion and ask her to make some custom waistcoats for your highness for future events,” John suggested.

“Although, if you’re going to keep throwing them on the floor, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Morgan grumbled as he and John went to pick up the items Vincent had dropped. He and John disappeared into the bedroom, probably to iron and then put the offending items away.

“You look like a very distinguished prince.” Orion put his book aside. “I’m guessing that was the look Mr. Grainger was going for.”

“I told mother I was getting something made that was different. She’s going to laugh at me.” Vincent hopped up from his chair and went over to where Orion was sitting, helping him to stand. They had spent the day quietly, and Vincent made sure Orion had plenty of rest. “Are you nervous? Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I’m rested. I’ve been spoiled all day.” Orion’s hand was warm on his face. “This is as good as I’m going to get right now. Your mother assured me we weren’t having a reception line, which was very kind of her. It means I won’t have to stand for too long, but I want you to have a good time. These are your people.”

“They are yours, too, now.” Vincent felt the same heart flutter he always did standing so close to his husband. “Remember what mother said. You will outrank everyone there tonight except me and my mother. You’re even higher ranked than my sisters.”

“Don’t let them hear you say that.” Orion nodded. “I know and I appreciate the efforts your mother is making to help me feel like part of the family. It’s all still new to me, but I cherish theirs and your concern. I will be fine.”

“You have banishing powers now. You can demand that anyone leave the court who makes you uncomfortable.” Tucking his arm around Orion’s waist Vincent led them to the door.

“Have you thought about doing that to Mr. Grainger?” There was that chuckle again which made Vincent feel all warm inside.

“Many times,” he admitted grimly. “Unfortunately, if I go to him and complain about this thing that I’m wearing, he’ll simply say it’s one of his apprentices’ fault, and they’d get fired. I’m not doing that. Mother also reminded me that if I fired him personally, there’d be no one else to take his place. It wouldn’t be so bad. His tailoring skills are incredible, but it’s like he can’t get his hands on any materials that aren’t black and gold.”

“Well, there’s a new community project for you. You could set up a spinning and dying company for locals to use to make custom materials for clothes, upholstery or other cloth items.” Orion suggested. “I mean, your country might have one already, but if you did, then it’s possible there’s a tailor in the making lurking in a smaller town around here, who might appreciate an opportunity.”

“There won’t be one in town, I know that much. I’m sure Humphrey intimidates anyone who comes into town and tries to set up their own tailoring business. There’s been a few over the years who have started up and then closed up again almost as quickly.”

“Ooh, underhand company tactics. Sounds like something else we could investigate.” Orion leaned on him as they approached the ballroom. “Okay. Little bit nervous now.”

“Thank you for sharing that with me.” Vincent dropped a kiss on Orion’s cheek. “You look amazing in that waistcoat, and I am so very proud of you.”

“Thank you, Vincent. Let’s do this, then.”

Vincent nodded at the doorman who threw open the doors. “Be upstanding for Crown Prince Vincent and Crown Prince Consort Orion,” he called out in a loud voice.

Don’t let me mess this up.

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