Six Types of Apology (Another Arranged Marriage #6) Chapter Twenty-Seven 96%
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

The first part of the celebratory dinner went much like Orion expected – to a point. He didn’t expect the queen to hug him as Vincent led him to his seat, but it was welcome and he hugged her back, making her smile. There were some new food items he tried, which Vincent told him were local to Faast, including a particularly spicy herb that was used to sprinkle on the top of the main course, which Orion enjoyed.

When Rosalyn, who seemed the most outspoken of Vincent’s sisters, learned he’d never had it before, she kept putting small pieces of food on his plate, saying “you should try this,” or, “have you had this before?” That was a fun and tasty experience. In a lot of ways, it was how Orion would imagine an ordinary family dinner would go, if he could forget roughly two hundred people were watching them eat.

He wasn’t that surprised either when the Queen Julia rose, at the end of the meal, to make a small speech. Orion knew his father used to do that on many an occasion. Large balls and celebrations were an ideal time for the ruling family to make announcements to their society family members. He leaned back, cradling a half of glass of wine, conscious of Vincent’s arm across the back of his chair, looking in her direction, which was the respectful thing to do.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the queen smiled as she surveyed the room. “As a parent, I’m sure my words will resonate with many of you when I say how difficult it can be as our children get older, and we have to set them free to find their way in life. As a crown prince, my Vincent spread his wings further than most, and there are times I wonder when he’s going to come home, but I know in my heart he always will.”

There were some polite chuckles. Queen Julia waited for them to settle down before continuing. “I have always been inordinately proud of my son. He’s spread the word about our little country far and wide, forging many useful friendships with neighboring countries and those even farther afield. But I will admit, as both a mother and a queen that when I heard word that my son was getting married, I had a few anxious moments, wondering what type of person my son would consider a suitable spouse.

“But I shouldn’t have worried.” The queen was looking directly at Orion. “My son brought home a fine, upstanding, intelligent prince. A lineage and a match any parent would and should be proud of. But what warmed my heart more was seeing how much our crown prince had grown and matured, due to the caring these two men share in their relationship. When I asked Vincent in jest, during a private conversation, what he might do if our crown prince consort didn’t enjoy living in Faast, he immediately started listing other countries where he thought his husband would prefer to live with him.”

Orion’s eyes widened, when Queen Julia continued, “I had to inform my son I was simply teasing him and reminded him he was the crown prince of our lovely country, however I think that dedication and devotion to another person is something rarely seen among royal relationships. I hope you will all join me in ensuring our crown prince consort comes to love our country as much as we do.”

There was a smatter of polite applause, but as the queen was still standing, it didn’t last for long.

“There was one other question my son had for me, during our chat, and that concerned the protocol surrounding who gets to claim the first dance with a crown prince. Under normal circumstances it would be the consort, and I was very firm about that. As the crown prince consort ranks higher than anyone else in this room with two exceptions, it is his right to dance with his husband before any other. Anyone who would seek to usurp my new son-in-law’s position in this court wouldn’t find themselves welcome at this court any longer.”

She’s trying to help me, Orion realized, and he put his wine glass on the table for fear he would drop it.

“However, I’m the one who is going to break with protocol this evening.” Queen Julia paused for a moment and then said, “I understand the dancing typically does not start until I, as your ruling queen leaves the room, but tonight because my son-in-law is already so special to me, I will ask. Orion, would you do me the honor of sharing this first dance with me.” She held out her hand. “I’m the only one in the room who has the right to ask you, because I’m the only one who still outranks my son.”

Honor? Orion was floored. He could barely get out of his chair, but when he did he bowed low, before straightening. “You have honored me, Your Majesty,” he said quietly, taking Queen Julia’s hand. Conscious of every eye in the room on him, he led the queen to the floor, worried if his legs would actually hold him upright.

“Play something slow, band leader,” Queen Julia called out as she slid into his arms. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

They started to move. “You didn’t have to do that, Your Majesty,” Orion whispered, carefully guiding his mother-in-law around the floor. They did one lap and then he noticed Vincent with Rosalyn and then the other sisters being escorted by partners he hadn’t met yet, all joining them on the floor.

“It never hurts to keep Vincent on his toes.” Queen Julia’s eyes were just like her son’s. “He cares deeply for you. That makes you important to me and this country. But if you ever think he needs a tap around the ears, then just let me know and I’ll do it for you.”

Orion couldn’t help but smile. He could see where Vincent got a lot of his personality. “You have honored me, and in a small way, the country of Tyrion this evening. I will be sure to mention this to my brother Onyx in my next communication with him.”

“Ah yes, how is your dear brother?” The queen and he moved around the floor again. “I did have hopes I could pair him with one of my daughters, but then he went and married Princess Evangaline from Elembaum. I was so disappointed although I did send a gift.”

“He and Evangaline are very happy together. She’s admitted at times she would rather they just lived quietly in a rural house somewhere, instead of being the crown princess, but she is devoted to Onyx and he to her."

“Then I am very pleased for them both.” Queen Julia sighed as the music closed on the first number. “Thank you, Orion. In truth I haven’t danced since my late husband was alive. That was a real pleasure.”

“The pleasure was mine.” Orion kept his breathing even as he slowly escorted the queen to the door, bowing low as he let go of her hand. “You’ve made my night, Your Majesty. Thank you.”

“It’s me who should be thanking you, Orion,” Queen Julia said with a twinkle in her eyes. “At least now Vincent is married, I know where he is at nights and can sleep soundly because of that.”

“Good night, Your Majesty.” Orion was still smiling when he turned to find Vincent standing behind him.

“Are you feeling all right?” Vincent bent low to whisper in Orion’s ear. “Here, take my arm. We can sit this next one out.”

“I’m a little overwhelmed, to be honest.” Orion kept his voice low as well. People were watching them, but none of them were close enough to hear anything. “Your mother just gave me the highest honor. Did you ask her to do that?”

“Nope. That’s just the way my mother is. Renegade queen,” Vincent said fondly. “She won’t even dance with me. Here’s our seat and I got some water for you. Just remember what my mother said about you being important to Faast. You’re about to be approached in droves.”

“What fun.” Orion smiled dutifully as a couple approached their seats.

“This is Errol and Caroline Macelroy. Lord and lady. They own an estate just beyond the city walls.” Vincent sat down resting his arm over the back of Orion’s chair again. “It’s nice to see you two this evening.”

“You, too, your highness,” Errol said stiffly, bowing just enough to show respect. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Crown Prince Consort. I hear you’re from Tyrion. Is that where you secured that delightful…waistcoat?”

He sounds like Mr. Grainger. Looking up with a perfectly straight face, Orion shook his head. “No, actually. My husband sourced it for me. I believe it was made by the gremlins in the border mountains, was that right, Vincent?”

“You remembered.” Vincent burst out laughing, until he must’ve noticed the couple were still waiting for him to speak. “Yes, yes, the consort is correct. I had them made specially from the gremlins from the border mountains. My husband has a number of them and they’re all unique, don’t you think?”

“Really unique indeed,” Errol agreed. “Your highness, I would truly appreciate knowing your contact for them…”

Orion zoned out, happy to let his husband carry the conversation while he sipped his water and lean against the back of his chair, the weight of his husband’s arm keeping him grounded. His legs were holding up, his back wasn’t aching too badly. Hopefully I’ll get to dance with my husband as well before this night is over.


Vincent had never felt so proud and thankful for his mother and his husband. His mother had welcomed Orion and showed her support for him in every way possible. Orion, in turn showed a grace on the dance floor Vincent hadn’t seen in his husband before, and he was keen to feel his husband in his arms.

Of course, people came up and talked to them. That’s what the party was about, and Vincent knew everyone in attendance. But unlike other times when Vincent felt he needed to be moving, being part of the action, he was perfectly content to sit with his husband, introducing friends to Orion, and making small talk. When he was asked a couple of times if he’d like to dance, Vincent just shook his head and kept on talking. It was so much easier than he thought it would be. Thank you mother.

He was still internally chuckling over Orion’s gremlin comment. In that one sentence Orion had shown he had not only remembered something Vincent had said from back when they first met, but he had the confidence to use the same gremlins in conversation. It might not have meant much to a lot of people, but to Vincent it meant the world. He and his husband were going to be all right.

It was a few hours later. The party was winding down and the music had slowed. During a lull in conversations Vincent could tell Orion was wilting. “Can you manage one tiny dance, just for me?” He asked quietly. “Say no, if you’re too tired.”

“I was hoping you’d ask. Sweep me off into your arms, my prince.”

“Isn’t it strange,” Vincent mused as he did as Orion asked, taking him to the dance floor and holding him close as they slowly moved together. “In all the time we’ve known each other, this is our first dance together. That makes this night special, don’t you think?”

“This whole night has been magical.” Orion leaned close and Vincent tightened his hold, enjoying the feel of Orion’s body against his. “We’ve slayed the party dragons…”

“Invoked the gremlins of the border mountains.”

“Martha won the waistcoat challenge, as I knew she would.”

“Yes. Well. We’ll have conversations about changing tailors in the morning,” Vincent grumbled but he was only teasing. Honestly, it had been the best night of his life. Nothing could spoil it.

“We’ve come so far, and done so much together,” Orion’s voice sounded wistful. “There’s only one more thing I can think of that would make this night even more special.”

“If it’s in my power, it’s yours,” Vincent promised looking down to see Orion looking up at him.

“When we go to bed tonight, I’d dearly love a kiss before sleep.” Two red slashes appeared on Orion’s cheeks. “And not on my hair like you do when you think I’m already asleep. A proper kiss while I’m awake.”

“I can do that. I’d happily do that. We can go and do that now.”

“Keep dancing.” Orion patted his chest. “This is lovely, just being held and moving like this. Let’s enjoy it a while longer.”

Enjoy it? Vincent was floating on clouds.

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