Neither one of us sleeps well. Even though Wyatt insisted on bringing out some pillows and blankets, we huddle together outside the bedroom door. The one my wife locked us out of.
Sometime in the morning, she throws it open and spots us lying there. Her expression of ire turns immediately to sympathy. She collapses onto my chest, squeezing me, and her sweet voice melts my ear as she says, “I’m sorry. I overreacted.”
Wyatt reaches across me and brushes back her hair. “No, I should have told you. I was just so angry you were marrying him.”
She laces her fingers through his and smiles. “I understand. It’s just a wedding. This is more important.” I tug him across my pecs until they both rest their ears on my ribs as my arms surround them. I think I could fall in love with him. And that’s weird to say, but it’s true. My heart belongs to my wife, but I’ve enjoyed sharing her and now I feel like I’m taking a piece of him with me, too. The three of us lie on the floor like kids at a sleepover in peace and stillness until Arianna’s voice breaks it.
“I’m pregnant.”
Lifting her off me by her shoulders, I gasp, “What?”
“Yeah…I just took the test, and it was positive! Want me to take another one?”
Laughing, Wyatt asks, “Do you want to take another one, vixen?”
She bites her bottom lip, and I fish it out from her mouth with my own. A groan reverberates out of my chest as she deepens our connection, and I pull Wyatt into us by the back of his head until we all kiss as one. He needs to understand he’s part of this pack, too.
The two of them hurry to the bathroom, where she takes another test. While waiting, Wyatt paces across the carpet and I stand in the hall. I just don’t want to go in there. I’m still not ready. Despite the changes that have already taken place, there’s something lingering from my past I don’t think I can give up when I look around that room.
Finally, she emerges with another white stick in her hand and tears on her cheeks. Wyatt sees it and grabs her in a hug, twirling her little body around. She runs to me like she’s waited her whole life to pass this test, and the pink lines do something to my soul. The holes that were once there magically mend as my eyes take them in. They blur when tears form in my eyes.
Whispering the words on her cheek, I say, “I think I may have a heart attack. This is all I’ve wanted, empress. You just gave me the greatest gift ever. Our own family!”
Instead of feeling dejected, Wyatt embraces us both, his hands running through her hair and mine.
Tapping Wyatt on the shoulder, I say, “Let’s go make breakfast. And I need you to take over some things for me.”
He steps back, his brow furrowing with a question. “Like what?”
I toss my arm around his neck and give him a squeeze. “Like being the casino manager. I don’t trust Kline. And I want a new lawyer.”
Over the nextcouple of weeks, our routine changes. Arianna spends a lot of mornings running to the bathroom; despite us bringing her ginger tea, or protein, or acupressure bracelets, she still gets sick. She smiles the entire time, though, just as thrilled as us that she’s got my baby inside her.
After breakfast, Wyatt and I head to the casino, where he makes sure the new staff knows their roles. Everything is “Mr. Donovan” now and I get some respect. Except from my boys, who left and haven’t come back since the last time we saw them. If they can’t handle my sexuality and my new family, then fuck them. I don’t need them. It’s the longest I haven’t talked with them, and I do miss them, but some things need to change before I would let them back in my life.
Like not let them use me.
Wyatt’s men have stayed on East Side, fortunately, but he’s still taking the time to do some gun running, which I don’t like. My business is bringing in enough now with the changes. I’m finally out of the red and don’t want to get shut down for having some illegal trades going on underground.
Arianna strokes my arm as we tour the new back poker rooms. It’s weird. I don’t feel the tug to sit and throw some money down anymore. That was someone different, not me, the real me. Now that I have my wife and my boyfriend with me, my mental checklist has vanished. It’s always full. Even the nightmares stopped and so did Arianna’s.
Something in her renewed something in me and that baby, our baby, just made me feel complete by simply existing. How can I love someone so much that I’ve never met? I guess it was the same as hoping for Arianna’s existence and that transcendent plane we visit that’s ours.
“Missing it?” Her big brown eyes glance up at my face, then scan the green felt tops around the room.
Shaking my head, I press my lips against her hair and murmur, “Absolutely not. I was actually thinking about that time we played together, and you cheated. You still owe me for that.”
She giggles and playfully slaps my chest. Slipping my arm around her waist, I lead us toward the office in the back.
“I was wondering,” she says hesitatingly. I know what this means. She’s been plotting something. But I can’t say no.
“If…if I were to have some decorators redesign the other wing, do you think you’d want to use it again?” She rubs her belly. “Like, for the babies? And, maybe us, too?”
Tilting my head, I push open the door leading to a long hallway. “The three of us?”
“Well, a room for us and nurseries.”
My tongue escapes and licks my lips as I consider it. Those holes that caused me to panic have been filled. “Yeah, empress. Have at it. Whatever you want.”
She spins away from my hold and bounces on her toes in front of me, planting a tiny kiss on my lips. “I love you.” The words are like warm sugar around my soul.
“And I love you.”
Wyatt tosses open the director door and steps out to meet us. “You ready to go?”
“Yep,” I tell him with a small kiss on his cheek.
Brushing his fingers around the back of my neck, he pulls me close and Arianna, as well. “Fuck, keep that up and I won’t be able to concentrate and accidentally kill you.”
He reaches down to peck Arianna on the forehead as he slips his hand into mine.
Pulling away from us both, she wags her finger like a threat, but smiles. “You two have some safe fun. I’m going to make sure the new caterer is on schedule and will get one of the drivers to bring me home.”
Hand in hand, the wild card and I head out to his bike, and I climb on the back. Getting tired of looking stupid and having my hair all messed up from the old helmet, I got a new one on my insistence.
Wyatt drives toward the park and stops on a wide patch of grass like I need all the extra space I can get. He shuts off the engine and stands up while I slip it off, my pulse racing. I wasn’t worried until just this moment. Removing my helmet, I place it on the bike and rub my hands through my hair, styling it back in place. “Fuck, I’m nervous. I’m sweating so bad.”
Reaching for my shirt, I tug it over my head and tuck it into my back pocket. It’s fucking hot out here.
Wyatt pats the seat for me to take control. “Don’t be. You’ll be fine. You know how to ride a bicycle. It’s the same.”
“That’s what I said! I’m not nervous about riding… I don’t want to look stupid in front of you.”
His deep eyes crinkle at the corners as he smirks at me, then leans in so his lips are close to mine. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
With a chuckle and a press of my hand into his firm chest, I push him away, but his eyes trail down my abs. My dick thickens in my jeans.
After he explains all the parts and the basics of how to start the engine and keep it going, he steps back. Tugging my helmet back on, I ready myself for my first ride.
“Ease off the clutch. Ease off. Just a little gas.” He keeps instructing me, but I drown him out with a loud roar of the engine. Smiling broadly, I do as he says, though, lifting my feet off the ground and taking off.
And immediately cut the engine because, “You didn’t ease off the clutch.”
“Got it!” With another go and another, eventually I’m able to make circles, then go faster, then I’ve got it. The freedom I feel as the wind rushes across my skin makes me yell. I should have done this sooner.
Skirting up to a now shirtless Wyatt, I let the back tire drag to kick up a little dirt and he jumps away. His pecs glisten with sweat in the summer sun. “Nice job, maverick. You wanna take us home?”
“Uh…maybe next time? I’ll do city streets soon.” I hate to admit that I’m too scared to drive him around, but he doesn’t make me feel worse about it.
“Sure. Scoot back.”
When he gets onto the driver’s seat, I wrap my arms around his waist and press my bare, moist chest into his back. Slowly, I edge my fingers to his crotch and feel him stiffen under my grasp. He pats my hand as a warning—or encouragement, not sure. But I glance around as we pull out onto the side street near the park. No one notices us.
Expertly, I unbutton the top of his jeans, then dip my fingers underneath his waistband. His grip catches my wrist, but there’s not much force behind it, so I pause, then continue my descent. His sticky, hot skin catches my fingertips as I crawl toward his cock, which leaps at me when I reach it. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I thrust into his ass with my own hardness.
Without me realizing, we’ve made it home, and he places his feet on the driveway. He pulls off his helmet and turns to look at me, while his broad hand helps me stroke him inside his jeans. With his other, he lifts my visor. “You almost made me crash, mav. Fuck.”
“Turn around.”
He does so and faces me, his thighs laid over mine. The engine hums underneath us as I work his zipper down and pull him out, the apadravya piercing through his crown shines in the bright light. It looks tasty. His hands work my helmet off before he leans forward to capture my lips just as I wrap my full palm around his thickness and tug.
“Does that feel good?” I pant out as he hurriedly tries to open my jeans.
“Yeah. Yes, damn.” He breaks our kiss again as he pulls me out and strokes my shaft, sharp pleasure streaking up and down my spine. “You’re so fucking beautiful. You know that?” A shaky breath crosses his lips as he presses his forehead to mine. “Not just your body. You, Ace. You’re beautiful.”
My teeth find his lower lip and suck it inside my mouth as my hips jut up into him. God, I want his ass so fucking bad. The image of shoving my head past his tight ring makes me leak in his hand. A few beads of precum drizzle down the outside of his fingers and his does the same. His cock throbs with urgency and mine echoes the motion as he increases his grip. “We need to get inside… Gotta find Arianna.” Regretfully, I release my grasp on his length, then curl a finger under his chin so we meet eye to eye. “Our wife.”
His broad chest heaves with his rapid breaths as he stares at me with a question. “Ours?”
Nodding, I lick my bottom lip, then smile. “Yeah…ours.”
We don’t even have to move. The seductress comes out of the side door like she’s been watching, her hips swaying dangerously as she narrows her eyes at us. But a mocking grin lifts the corners of her generous mouth. Tossing her long, dark hair over her shoulder, the sun hits her face, and she glows. Radiant like the day the doors opened to the back of the aisle. The first moment I fell for her.
“You two look like you’re up to no good and need some instruction.” Her full tits bounce with every step.
Sheepishly, we both separate some as Wyatt gets off the bike. “Yep,” he tells her, and she skirts his open palm as he attempts to spank her and makes straight for me, climbing on where he left open.
“Do you need me?” One of her fingernails edges along my cheek as her floral scent caresses my nostrils. Now my cock is raging hard.
“Y-yes, sugar. I do.” I lift her little body a bit, catching her sundress and running it up her thighs as she mock gasps. Snatching the handlebar, I rev the engine a bit, making her squeal from the vibrations.
She turns around and grabs the tank, shoving her ass right into my raging erection. “Fuck me, handsome. Fuck me from behind.” Happily, I let my fingers crawl to her panties, then push them aside and stroke her gently as she writhes on my shaft. “Get over here, Wyatt. I want to watch him suck your dick while he’s fucking me.”
Wyatt strokes back some of the empress’s hair as I line up my cock with her entrance. She pushes back as I lean over to take our boyfriend in my mouth. The piercings roll over my tongue as he groans and tosses his head back. With a little thrust, I settle inside our wife’s tight cunt, now wet with need for me.
“We’re about to make a mess on the leather,” I say, my words muffled by Wyatt’s taut abs. “Rub your clit on the seat, empress.” She swivels her head around to glance at me with my demand, but then starts humping the front of the bike while I work her from behind. Every thrust forward, I rev up the engine until it ripples through my groin and her pussy. She purrs just like the motor and the heat of the day soaks us all with sweat.
My focus shifts back to our boyfriend, but Arianna grasps the base of Wyatt’s dick, then pulls it out of my mouth. “Here, let me.” She suctions it between her lips as I grip his ass cheek in one palm, my wife’s hip in the other. I lift her up some so I can plunge inside her deeper, which only impales her farther onto him.
Tossing up the bottom of her dress, I find her ass and smack it as she gags on Wyatt, who rests his hands on the back of her head. “I’m losing it, vix. You’re sucking me so good. I love watching our boy fuck you.”
“Suck him deep, sugar lips, and take this thick dick.” She gasps at my words, but I spank her again, then rev the engine. The tingle in my balls rises with every twist of my wrist.
His hips work as furiously as mine as we both chase our orgasms, but I hold off on coming as long as I can. My wife needs hers. Sliding one hand over her thigh, I find her clit again and help her out. Wyatt leans over her back and grabs my lips with his, whimpering, “I’m gonna come. Come with me.”
“Not until my wife does.” Smacking her ass hard, I grip her hips and moan in her ear, “You hear that, empress. Be a good girl and come all over my cock.”
She shoves back against me and tightly squeezes my dick with a scream deafened by Wyatt’s deep shove down her throat.
“Shit. I’m coming,” Wyatt groans and slips out of her mouth, spurting his load all over her tits as she leans up with her tongue still stuck out to catch some.
Watching him lose it makes me let go, the heat rising through my body, and I release inside my wife, my love, as Wyatt’s fingers stroke my hair.
Arianna lays back until she’s sitting on my lap fully. Raising my legs, I balance us on the bike while Wyatt straightens up.
“How was it? The bike ride?” Arianna asks us, as I lift her off me and she brushes her dress down.
Shaking my head, I stuff myself back in my pants and pull out my shirt to wipe off the sweat from my forehead. “Not as good as that one was.”