This meeting is not going how I expected. And, despite treating his sister like the royalty she is, my brother-in-law holds a permanent scowl on his face while Wyatt speaks to him.
“That’s why Asa Donovan is the right man for consort,” Wyatt says, staring down Livia and Maxi. We’re in as neutral territory as we could agree on, the upstairs of some old record store, sitting at a long table across from the Freidenbergs. Wyatt got done making his weekly speech about me taking over. I’m not convinced, but the more he talks me up, the more I see myself in a different way.
And I can feel how much he cares for me when he does.
Not even deeming my boyfriend a glance, Max shakes his head. “No.”
Livia ignores him and looks at me. “Have you talked to my brother about this?”
Shrugging, I shake my head. “You mean the man who murdered my sister? No, I haven’t talked to him, and I think that’s for the best.”
Max spreads his arms wide across the table and his neck muscles tense as he scoffs loudly. “Then how the fuck do you expect to win the bid for consort, Ace?”
Wyatt places his hand over my arm and speaks up. “Don’t talk to him that way. And we were gracious to speak with East Side first. We’ll hold conference with West next. We’re risking our lives being here, and you know that.”
Finally, Max lays his deep-set eyes on Wyatt. “There’s no we about this. You are not family. Why would I listen to someone who abandoned their duties, huh? Who went behind my back to fuck my little sister?”
“Maxi, please.” Arianna finally says something. She’s been quieter since she found out she was pregnant, but when I’ve asked her what’s wrong, she just says she’s tired. I think I need to get her alone and really make sure she’s okay.
Wyatt snaps back at him, “I didn’t abandon nothing. I’m still running your guns. But I think I’m about to quit. Consider this my resignation. Find someone else to do your illegal trading.”
Livia’s eyebrows tie together. “Is that a threat?”
My boyfriend grows calm and still as he asks, “Do you want it to be?” Tensions are high, and I understand his frustration, but I don’t see us hurting my wife’s brother’s clan. Maybe putting some fear in them will help their motivations, though.
Livia’s jaw drops at the insinuation. “You’d seriously rat us out to Strauss and get us all killed?”
Lifting my eyes to meet Max, who looks terrified at the prospect, I say, “There’s no such thing as peace, Maxi.”
“And you’ll make sure no one keeps it?” he asks, repeating my own words back to me.
With a nod, I say, “That’s right.”
His jaw clenches, but he restrains himself with a breath. “Asa…this isn’t you. You aren’t the kind of man who would want to run for consort. Why?”
I glance at Wyatt, and he gives me a small smile. Unfortunately, Max is right, but I think my best play here is to try to take over. “Because I would do a better job.”
Both he and Livia snort out laughs, which only irritates me further. Arianna’s mouth drops open with something like outrage. The Freidenbergs stand, clearly done with our meeting, and as Max turns to leave, he taps the table loudly with two fingers. “Fine. Then I’m running for consort.”
Arianna steps in front of him as he ambles to the door, his wife holding his hand. “Max, I’m pregnant. I don’t want—” Fluttering her lashes at him, she stops herself.
Max darts his eyes over to me and Wyatt. With a sneer, he asks, “Whose is it?”
With that, I stand and flex my knuckles. One punch to the back of the head and I’ll take him out.
Arianna’s eyes narrow as she turns from an innocent schoolgirl into a wolf. “It’s ours and a Donovan, a baby of South Side. Good luck in your bid for the consort seat. You’re going to need it.”
As he brushes past my wife, I grasp her shoulders and pull her into me. “Don’t fucking touch my wife, bear. Or you’ll end up with a bullet through your thick skull.” Warnings be damned. He needs a lesson.
Max stops for only a moment, spots my hand on my gun, and shakes his head. Then he and Livia depart.
Wyatt shoves back his chair with a scrape and rushes to Arianna’s other side, lifting her chin up to his face. “You okay?”
She nods but wraps her arm around my waist and I walk them both down to the car. With Wyatt’s help, we got a new Escalade from a dealer who wanted Ace Donovan to be seen driving it around town. As long as I pull up to the casino’s front valet service a few times a week, he’s satisfied. The money’s been rolling in and Wyatt’s been great about managing it, even despite the fact Arianna has an expensive spending account. Neither of us can say no to her incessant demands for new baby stuff. My cock throbs just thinking about her belly getting bigger.
Speaking of, my dick stays pretty hard all day. Between working at the office near Wyatt’s tight ass and coming home to my gorgeous wife, my libido has shot through the roof. Boxing more has helped some, but not enough.
“Will you drop me at The Golden Stork? Leo can drive me home afterwards.”
Laying my hand on her thigh, I give her a squeeze as she smiles at me from the passenger’s seat. “You don’t want us to go with you? I’m happy to pick out more boob paste and diapers.”
She glances toward the back seat and says, “No. You two go on home. I’ll be back soon.”
Wyatt’s already calling Leo to make sure he meets us there. We don’t let our wife go anywhere without security. Strauss could snag her, or something could happen, especially if things heat up with East Side. Hopefully, the bears know enough not to target the Freidenberg sister, though.
As soon as I pull up to the place, Leo opens her door, and she leans across the cabin to give me a goodbye kiss and squeezes Wyatt’s hand. When she slips off her seat, palm held by Leo’s helpful arm, she asks Wyatt, “Did you deposit more funds for me in my account?”
“I will, vixen. Another few thousand?”
“Um…can I get, like, ten grand this time? Baby stuff!” She laughs, and it’s the happiest sound in the world.
Snapping my fingers at Wyatt, I tell her, “Whatever you want, empress, we’ll give it to you.”
He hands her the black card tucked between his fingers, then slides into the passenger seat to take her place.
“We can afford it, right?” I ask with an arch to my eyebrows.
Wyatt lifts one of my hands off the steering wheel and holds it on his thigh. “Of course.”
Edging my hand up higher, I get a feel of his thick cock tucked in his jeans. A heavy sigh leaves his chest as his lips purse at me. “If you keep doing that, you’ll have to pull over and do something about it.”
My lips press together to contain my glee. “Oh, yeah? Like what?” I love hearing him say shit he wants me to do to his body.
“Like jerk me, then fuck me.”
My pulse races as my chest gets tight when a groan escapes. “You want me to finally fuck that tight little hole?”
Grasping my hand, he places it on his firm erection, pumping his hips up. “Yeah, I do.”
“You want me to breed you raw, wild card?”
When I stop at a red light, he pulls my chin toward him and gives me a half-glazed look. “I want all your cum to fill me, everywhere. Fuck me hard, maverick. I mean it. Give it to me.”
“Shit… We just dropped off our wife. You couldn’t wait until she got home to start this?”
“Meh. We can play until then.”
As soon as I pull up to the house, we both jump out and head to the pool while shirking off our clothes until we’re nude, hard, and hot. The sun beats down on our backs as we head to the loungers. “You better wet my dick first before I stick it in,” I tell him with a little smile that I know gets him to do whatever I say.
“My pleasure.”
Lying back on a chair, my thighs tingle as he gets between them, running his hands up closer to my dick. His eyes sparkle as he takes his first taste of the tip, and a breathy groan loosens from my chest.
“Wait, wait… I feel bad that Arianna isn’t here. Hang on.” I run back inside to grab my phone, then return to my chair. Pulling up the camera, I video Wyatt and say, “Suck harder.”
With a lavish swirl of his tongue, Wyatt’s green eyes squint under the summer rays as he smiles for the camera and takes my cock whole to the back of his throat. Almost dropping the phone, I snatch it at the last second and release an exasperated sigh of pleasure. “Fuck! God, you’re so good at taking my dick down your throat. Do you know that?”
Getting a good angle, I grasp the back of his head and help him find a rhythm as he plunges repeatedly down my shaft. There’s no way I’ll last until my wife gets home if he keeps going.
“Wait. Stop.” Pressing the end recording button, I text her the video and ask her to please hurry home.
Wyatt dips his head to go lower toward my balls, but I stop him. “I can’t. I’ll fucking come before she’s here.”
“Yeah?” he asks with a smirk.
“Yeah, and I want to save that load for your tight ass. Get in the pool.”
Just so I can avoid the tension building in my balls, I slip in the cool water and immediately feel some relief. If we just hang here until she gets back, I should be okay. My phone buzzes and Wyatt checks it for me.
“She’s on her way,” he laughs. “Hopefully, just like fifteen minutes.”
Setting the phone down, he slides in next to me, and I grip his waist, turning him toward me. His husky voice hits my neck as he leans forward and says, “I thought you wanted to wait. Getting too hot up there.”
I lift his chin up to meet my face, gazing into his eyes. “I was, but now I miss your lips.” Pressing against each other, our mouths latch on as our tongues battle for position. Both our raging hard dicks surge as they combine, his top piercing always hitting me right where I need it most. Grasping his ass in the water, I pull him even closer to me as his arms wrap around my back and neck.
Our foreheads press together as we break apart for a moment, and we share the same air, puffing breaths between one another’s parted lips. “After—after Arianna gives birth to this one, I want you to knock her up with the next.”
His eyes lift to mine and widen. “Are you sure, Ace? Like, really sure?”
My belly dips with the seriousness on his face. “Yeah. I’m really fucking sure. You’re ours. We belong together. And I want us all to be a family.”
“I-I can’t marry her or, um, you. You know…legally.”
Shaking my head rapidly, I capture his cheeks between my hands, so he stops looking down. “That doesn’t matter. We’ll do our own ceremony, whatever. I’ll buy you a fucking ring. Not bigger than our wife’s, though, ’cause she won’t like that.”
White teeth flash as his smile spreads across his face. “Yeah? Fine.”
“Fine? Just ‘fine’? How about ‘Yes, maverick. I want to be with you both, officially unofficially.”
“Yeah, that. I do.”
“Well, don’t say that yet. I haven’t proposed.”
His hand reaches out to slap my shoulder, but I grab it and pull him in for another warm kiss, my eyes trailing past him as Arianna comes out onto the patio.
“You boys look ready,” she says, ripping off her big sunglasses. From this angle, I think I see signs of a small belly. But I could be imagining it. Either way, the desire to watch her grow makes my cock do the same.
“Yep. Let’s go.”
Grasping my boyfriend’s hand, then my wife’s, I lead them upstairs to our room, still dripping wet. Wyatt grabs a towel for me to dry off, then uses it on himself and spreads it across the bed. “For a mess,” he says, and I nod. So smart. I love how neat he is. Just like me.
I hold Arianna in my arms and press my lips to her thick ones as Wyatt unzips her dress, then grasps her from behind. Lifting my lips from hers, I capture his for a moment.
“Stay there, empress. Let us worship you.” After she undresses, Wyatt and I kneel in front of her and both lick her clit while she holds our heads together. Warm and wet, his tongue and mine stroke her in turns, bumping into each other until we end up kissing with her pussy tucked between us.
Arianna’s legs quake and I stop long enough to lift her off the floor and lay her gently back on the bed before entering her. Like a perfect glove, she fits me so well and I feel at home whenever we’re connected, her eyes and smile lighting me up inside as she gazes up at me. Her fingers latch onto the back of my neck as she pulls her forehead to mine and whispers, “I love you, Asa.”
“And I love you. Get my dick wet for our boy, empress. Come all over it, so I can put it inside him.”
Her back arches and a loud moan lurches from her heaving breasts. I capture a nipple between my teeth as her orgasm heightens, and her thighs tremble beneath mine. Finally, as I feel her inner muscles relax, I pull out slowly.
Wyatt lies next to her with the lube in hand.
“Are you ready?” I ask.
He gives me a solid nod, then grasps Arianna’s thighs and pulls her on top of his face.
“Eat her pussy while I fuck your tight hole. If you scream, let it out in her cunt.”
Drizzling lube on my hand, I grab his cock, then shove a finger inside his tight hole. His hips jerk up and Arianna latches onto the motion with a giggle.
“He likes that,” she says breathily, cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
“Well, he’s about to get a lot more,” I say, as I plunge in two more fingers.
A wail escapes from between Arianna’s legs and she tosses her head back with pleasure. “Yes, keep doing that to him.”
“Empress, come here while I enter him. I want to kiss you while I do.” She scoots close to me, and I snag a breast in a free hand, then line up my dick with the other. His asshole is so ready for me, he practically absorbs the tip inside like it belongs there. Giving him a glance, I gather my wife’s mouth with my own and shove in with a hard thrust.
“Oh, yeah. Fuck me, maverick. Fuck me hard.” Wyatt’s voice comes out gravelly and strained, his hand reaching up to tug on himself. I place our wife’s fingers over the top of his to help him out, but continue sucking on her neck, grabbing her around the waist.
“Your ass is so tight, wild card. You’re just pulling me inside you. You want me that bad, huh?”
His eyes crawl up my waist, then chest, and meet my face as heavy lust overtakes his expression. “Yeah, I do. I’ve wanted this. Come here, vix. Kiss me.”
Arianna leans over and they paw at each other’s faces, while I lift his legs higher to get in deeper. I can’t stand not being close to them, so I crawl onto the bed between his spread thighs as he grunts. All three of our lips meet until Wyatt breaks away.
“I’m gonna come.”
“Yeah?” I ask. “Who said you could?” As if he doesn’t know what I’m asking, I grab his cheeks with one hand, then smack it a little. “Beg me.”
“Ugh, please let me. Fuck me harder, Ace.”
“I think you should change that to alpha and ask again.”
His eyes close into a squint, and I know he can’t hold back as the fury with which he strokes himself escalates. “Please, alpha. Let me come.”
“Go ahead and come, then.”
As his load spews across his chest, his abs bow toward me, and I try to catch some in my mouth. Grasping both of his hips, I work myself into a frenzy inside him as he puddles onto the mattress. Sweat pours from my forehead, and just when I think it may take another minute to get there, my wife presses her curves into my side and licks up the side of my neck and whispers, “Come for me, king.”
Latching onto the back of her head, I pull her face back so I can meet it with my lips as I erupt. The band of his asshole squeezes me like a vise as I pump reams of my load deep inside him. As soon as I feel myself slowing down, I drop over his body and lean on my elbows, letting our mouths glide against each other’s before slipping out.
Arianna falls to his side and strokes his chest, the three of us reveling in a quiet moment of ecstasy.
“I need a shower,” I say, and Arianna slides off the bed with me.
“I’m running a bath.” Her hips sway enough that my dick thinks about getting hard again. But there’s really nothing left.
As I turn to follow her, Wyatt snags my hand and sits on the edge of the mattress. His serious eyes meet mine as he says, “You are, you know?”
Confusion hits me and my brow furrows. “What?”
“The alpha.”