Suspicious (The LA Defiance MC #4) CHAPTER NINETEEN 68%
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My stomach is in knots as I walk through the security checkpoint to head into the large visitor room. I have been here more times than I can count. But this time feels different. This could help me in ways I don’t even understand. If Haven and Valerie have the information to help get me out of this mess, then I can’t even begin to thank them.

But first things first—I need to hear what they have to say and not give myself away in the process.

Plastering on my usual bright smile, I head on through into the large room, spotting Valerie and Haven, who is very much in her Tammy-Lynn character right now. She’s eyeballing me as I approach, like she’s ready to kill me. If I didn’t know it was all an act, I would probably be terrified of her right now.

Taking my seat opposite the two, Valerie smiles while Tammy-Lynn practically growls like a dog. It’s almost comical. But I don’t react. Just slide my app information out onto the table as if I am here for business. “Hi, ladies, nice to see you again,” I state.

“Hi, Bea. I’ve convinced Tammy-Lynn here that she’s in desperate need of your app. She’s been causing trouble inside with other inmates. There have been a few… incidences, and Tammy-Lynn ended up in solitary for her actions.”

I snap my head to Tammy-Lynn, and a bright smile lines her face. “Bitch deserved it.”

Letting out a long breath, I nod. “Okay… I’m thinking you’re definitely going to need the meditation section of the app…”

Tammy-Lynn scoffs. “Do you have a section on the app that deals with aches and pains?” She holds up her right hand, her knuckles bruised, cracked, and swollen when she flexes her fingers. “Because this stupid cunt in here broke her nose on my damn knuckles.”

Biting down on my lips, I fight back a laugh.

Valerie rolls her eyes and leans in closer. “Okay, the thing is, Bea, Tammy-Lynn has been doing her thing in there, and we’ve found out some pretty intense information,” she whispers.

My eyes widen as I shift closer, sliding a brochure across the table. “Okay, Tammy-Lynn, would you like to look through these options to see how I can help you?” I ask.

Haven rolls her eyes, then slumps her body forward as if she’s looking over the papers. “Fine! Why don’t you all try to brainwash me? Fucking conspiracy theorists,” she mumbles while the three of us lean in as if we’re looking over the paperwork.

My pulse begins to quicken, and I see the character of Tammy-Lynn disappear. Haven clearly seeps through as she looks right at me. “Bea, you gotta be careful out there. I fucked up a lot of Atlas’ people in here, and they didn’t crack. No one was willing to talk until I got the warden involved, and he let me do my thing. I was able to take one of the girls who I knew was close to cracking, held her in a private area, and was able to use my Blue Jay training. It took a lot of… persuasion, but I cracked her.”

Widening my eyes, I gasp. “Did you kill her?” I whisper.

Haven snorts out a laugh. “No, Jesus, the warden wouldn’t stand for that. A little brutality here, a few broken bones there, sure . But killing her? No.”

Slumping my tense muscles, I begin to relax. The last thing I want is for anyone to die because of me. I’m in the business of helping people—not hurting them.

This is all a little much.

“What did she tell you?” I ask.

Haven glances at Valerie, and they both exhale a long breath.

Oh no, this can’t be good.

Haven cranes her neck to the side, glancing around to see if anyone is listening, but no one is. She continues, “If what this girl was saying is true, and I tend to believe her because I have since gone to other members of Atlas’ crew to verify, then the source of the hack came from really high up, Bea. It’s not good.”

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I shake my head. “What does that mean?”

Valerie grimaces with an empathetic smile. “Honey, the hack came from the governor’s office.”

I snap my wide eyes to Haven to confirm, a slight cough escaping my mouth in shock. “Ah… the governor of California? As in Bennett Marshall, the man who they think is set to be the next running mate for the upcoming election?”

Haven shrugs. “Told you it wasn’t good.”

My head begins to swirl. Fuck! All this work Theo, Loki, and I have put into this app, and for some completely unknown reason, Bennett Marshall is coming after us. My breath catches, and suddenly, this giant room feels too small, too suffocating. My heart pounds faster and faster like it’s trying to explode out of my chest. The edges of my vision blur, and my hands tremble.

I can’t think straight.

My chest tightens, and it feels like there’s a weight pressing down on me, making it impossible to breathe. I try to swallow, but my throat is too dry. My mind races, spiraling out of control, and all I can think is …

I can’t handle this.

I can’t take on a political giant like him.

I’m just a girl who owns an app for crying out loud.

He’s destined to be the fucking Vice President!

The walls close in, and I’m drowning in my own panic.

Everything is too loud, too bright, and I’m completely overwhelmed, trapped in this suffocating whirlwind of anxiety—

A hand reaches out, touching mine. “Bea, take a deep breath in... and let it out slowly, just like you taught me, just like you taught everyone in here. You can do this, Bea,” Valerie’s kind voice soothes my panic, and somehow, I find the strength to follow her lead.

Breathing in, then out, I let my panic attack slowly wash away. With a trembling bottom lip, I open my eyes, glancing up to look at Haven and Valerie as they both watch me with sympathetic eyes.

Letting out a stuttered breath, I sigh. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

They both shake their heads. “No need to apologize. We were just as shocked as you are when we found out. But Bea, you have to go back to the clubhouse and tell the guys. I don’t know how you’re going to get this taken care of, but there must be a way,” Haven urges.

Nodding frantically, I draw all the app information back toward me, then pull myself together. “Thank you for signing up, Tammy-Lynn. We look forward to seeing how your health and wellness journey begins,” I state a little louder, then I stand.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll join the first meditation circle tomorrow morning. Will there be free edibles to help us reach our peak Zen experience?” Tammy-Lynn jests with a smirk.

Turning back to face her as she and Valerie stand, I chuckle. “Not quite, but I think you’ll find the group therapy session… enlightening.”

Haven winks at me. “I’m sure I will. Later, Sunshine!” she calls out as the guard ushers her and Valerie toward the exit.

Letting out a long breath, I steady my shoulders and spin for the exit.

That was a lot to take in, and I have no fucking clue how Loki is going to fix this, but the one thing I have come to know since becoming his Old Lady is that this fight, my fight, is not mine alone. I have an entire club that will help me figure this shit out—I have no doubt about that.

Making my way out of the correctional facility, I jump into my car and drive back to the clubhouse as fast as I can. Because I know they’re all waiting for me, and boy, do I have one hell of a bombshell to drop on them.

The drive feels like it takes forever, but eventually, I arrive, and my legs can’t carry me quickly enough as I race toward the clubhouse doors. However, before I can even reach the door, Loki steps out to greet me. A genuine smile crosses his face like he’s relieved I’m here. He reaches out, pulling me into his arms, and I slide into his caress.


His familiar scent of leather, citrus, and metal invades my senses. The hint of citrus from the cleaning wipes he uses to keep his computer tools and devices spotless blends with the metallic scent of wires, screws, and gadgets he’s always tinkering with in his den, flood me with emotion as he holds me tight. “God, I am glad to be home,” I whisper against his ear.

He pulls back, and his brows furrow as he looks at me. “Couple of things. One, you don’t know what it does to me to hear you call the clubhouse your home…” it’s impossible not to smile as he continues, “… and two, I really, really, REALLY, fucking hate you going to that prison by yourself. I’ve been pacing the clubrooms like a damn fool waiting for you to come home.”

Sliding my fingers up into his hair, I grip it tight, leaning up onto my toes to meet his eyes. “I’m always coming home to you, Loki.”

The hint of a smile touches his lips, and his hands edge down, cupping my ass. “You have no choice now, Sparkle. You’re my Old Lady. You belong to me.”

Raising my brow, I let out a scoff as I detach from him with a slight chuckle making sure to sway my ass as I go. “Is that how you see it?” I ask, heading for the entry.

He tilts his head. “You always have, baby.”

I wink at him with a bright smirk. “Or is it you who belongs to me , now?” I chime, then take off inside the clubhouse with him following closely behind me, an audible growl escaping his lips.

I giggle, keeping my steps quick, and glance around the clubhouse for the person I need. Spotting Alpha at the same time he notices me, he stands, pointing for the Chapel. I nod in acknowledgment, and Loki and I head for the stairs. I make my way up before him and automatically know he is staring at my ass as I climb. So, I wiggle my butt a little more for emphasis, gaining a small slap before we reach the top. I stop just before we head inside and turn to face Loki, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. Then, before he can say anything else, I enter the Chapel.

Loki shakes his head, a bright smile on his face as he walks in, taking his seat next to Alpha. I move in next to Loki.

Alpha is the first to speak. “Okay, obviously Haven had something to tell you in there. Was the information anything of use?” he asks, getting straight to the point.

Sinking in my chair, I scratch my head, wondering what’s the best way to tell them. I figure I may as well just blurt this shit out. “Haven had to go full rogue assassin in there. She got the warden involved and had to take some girl into a separate part of the jail so she could… have a stern word with her.”

Alpha snorts out a laugh. “Uh-huh, we all know what that means. I’m gonna have to thank my buddy for allowing Haven to do that. It probably went against his better judgment, but now I owe him one. All right, what intel did she get from this informant?”

Craning my neck to the side, I glance at Loki, and he furrows his brows at me, clearly sensing my tension. “It’s not good,” I reply.

Loki reaches out, taking my hand in his. “Whatever it is, Bea, we’ll fix it. Whoever’s behind this hack, we will go after them with everything we have—”

“Umm… I don’t think you’re gonna wanna do that,” I mumble under my breath.

Alpha and Loki sit taller. Their interest now piqued as they both glare at me.

Alpha inhales, his nostrils flaring. “Who the fuck is it, Bea?”

He doesn’t mince his words.

I grimace. “Haven said her source told her the hack came from the Office of Bennett Marshall.”

Alpha lets out a long exhale, clenching his eyes, sinking back in his chair as Loki snaps his head to face me, his eyes wide. “I’m sorry, what?” Loki barks.

Shrugging, I nod. “I know, it’s heavy.”

Alpha’s eyes open, facing me again as Loki sinks back into his chair, his mind clearly racing a million miles an hour. “Why the fuck would a governor hack a health and wellness app for information?”

I shrug as Loki snorts out a stifled laugh. “It makes no sense.”

“Does that mean we don’t think the hack came from Marshall? That it’s bad intel?” I ask.

Loki shakes his head. “I don’t want to rule anything out. I have to dig deeper, but just in case it is true, and we have a corrupt governor, you have to pull Haven out, Pres. She’s pulled that information from an inmate, and if that inmate tells any of Atlas’ other cronies in there that she broke, then Haven could be in deep shit. She’s gotta come out. NOW !”

Alpha yanks his cell from his pocket and starts sending off a text, probably to his friend, the warden. But my stomach turns as I think of Valerie. “Wait! What about Montana’s mother? Will she be in harm’s way by association with Haven or, you know, Tammy-Lynn?”

Alpha grimaces. “I’ll get the warden to put her in solitary until we can find a solution.”

Regret swarms through me. I hate that I have potentially put Valerie in jeopardy. “Should we tell Montana?” I ask.

Alpha glances at Loki, and there’s definitely a mutual look passing between them, though neither of them says anything. Which only heightens my anxiety, and I let out a huff. “He’s going to be so mad at me, isn’t he?”

Loki slides his arm around me for comfort. “Montana and Valerie have an amazing bond. He never wants his mom to be in danger. When we tell him that solitary is the best place for her right now, he’ll understand.”

“Maybe I should tell him, explain the whole thing—”

“No, Bea. I’ll tell him. You’ve had a big day, and you played your role. Now, it’s up to Loki to try to figure out what the hell we’re going to do with this information. We also have the birthday party this weekend. We need to factor that into whatever plan we come up with,” Alpha interrupts me.

Loki grips at his bearded chin. “The governor’s gonna have a secure network. I’m gonna need help cracking into that, especially because the due date for the notice of breach is coming up on Monday. I need to figure this shit out. Quickly!”

A slow smile crosses my face as I hear exactly what he’s saying. “You need me to call Theo?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Yeah… I need my best friend beside me for this one. If we’re bringing down someone as powerful as Bennett Marshall, I’m gonna need the power of Silicon Valley behind me.”

Bursting into a fit of giggles, I pull out my cell. “Oh, he is going to love to know that you said that!”

Loki glares at me. “I’ll deny everything.”

Grinning, I wink at him, dialing my brother’s number.

I don’t know how on earth they’re going to fix this.

But if I know one thing for sure.

Loki and Theo are two of the best tech minds I have ever seen. Put the two of them together, and I can’t even imagine what they will come up with.

All of a sudden, this entire situation doesn’t feel unbeatable anymore.

I have hope, and as long as you have that, you can do amazing things.

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