Five Days Later
Within a few hours of Alpha sending off his text to the warden, Haven was back home, and we’ve all been deep in party prep since. Theo showed up a day or so later, and it’s been nice having my brother here the past few days. Even though he’s been locked in the den with Loki most of the time, both of them buried in work, headphones on, deep into hacking territory, it’s just been nice seeing the two of them together.
Especially after the last time Theo was here.
Just having the people I love most in the world spending time together, like in the good old days, is making me so freaking happy. Even if they are exhausting all their time trying to figure out how to bring down the next possible Vice President of the United States of America.
But today, I have told them that they need to take a break.
If only for a couple of hours, even with the looming deadline.
Because it’s Poppy and Louis’ birthday party, and I know with all the planning Clover has put into it, we’re sure to have a damn good time.
It’s especially exciting because some brothers from the NOLA Chapter are here for the party, too, because of their connection to Louis. I can’t wait to meet all these new people.
I have been in the kitchen for most of the morning with Sadie, Rhyan, Ellie, and Navy, prepping the food for today’s festivities while the guys are setting up the games. Clover, Haven, and Ingrid are preparing decorations and adding the final touches, while Livvy is keeping Poppy and Louis occupied so we can surprise them with how everything looks once it’s done.
I have to admit it’s nice to have a day where we can relax and enjoy some fun without having to think about all the crap that’s going on in our lives at the moment.
Today, we celebrate.
Tomorrow, we go back to fighting.
Clover rushes into the kitchen, a bright smile on her face. “Okay, we’re ready out here. If you guys wanna come join us?”
With huge smiles, us girls quickly walk out into the main clubroom to see it all decked out. The sofas that usually sit in the middle of the room are gone, along with the tables and chairs, making the huge open space transformed into a combat zone. Giggling to myself, I glance around, taking in all the different zones.
Zone One looks to me like a paintball course. Then, a huge divider wall breaks into Zone Two, and from the axes on the floor and the targets on the wall, it’s safe to assume it’s an ax-throwing area. Zone Three has a trail leading outside with little arrows pointing the way. Furrowing my brows as everyone takes in the crazy that’s about to go down, I lean into Sadie beside me and whisper, “What’s in Zone Three?”
She giggles. “They have made an archery zone outside, literal bows and arrows. I swear, the shit Alpha does for Poppy is going to give my kid a complex,” she jokes.
Smirking, I rest my hand on her shoulder. “So, no archery for your little one’s birthday, then?”
Sadie snorts out a laugh. “Oh, geez, the little one is only two months baked at the moment and not even born. I don’t even want to think about birthdays yet. I’m still trying to decide on names at this point.”
Wrapping my arm around her, I grin. “You’re gonna be a great mom, Sadie.”
She leans into my embrace. “I sure hope so.”
“Okay, listen up, everyone!” Alpha calls out, gaining our attention. “Livvy is about to bring in the kids. Is everyone ready?”
We all nod, including the members from NOLA.
Alpha sends out a loud whistle. “Okay, Liv, bring them on in!”
We all turn toward the hall, where Livvy steps out with a one-year-old Louis on her hip and a now eight-year-old Poppy beside her, holding her hand.
“Yeah, that’s my stepbrother. Go, Louis,” Hurricane from NOLA calls out. Ingrid slaps her stepson on the chest to shut him up.
The rest of us chuckle while they continue to make their way out into the clubroom. We all grin, seeing Poppy wearing a camo-style T-shirt paired beautifully with a bright pink tulle tutu, black leggings, and a green beret, and don’t forget the toy rifle strapped over her shoulder. Finishing off her outfit are the green war paint stripes that are swiped across her cheeks like she is ready for battle.
Honestly, it is the cutest damn thing I have ever seen.
Alpha folds his arms over his chest, furrowing his brows. “Are you wearing a fucking tutu?” he asks Poppy as she steps up to her father.
Poppy smiles wide, swirling from side to side. “Yeah, isn’t it pretty, Daddy?”
He throws his hands in the air in confusion. “You said you wanted fucking war games, Poppy. Not anything, girlie?”
She raises her brow like he is being ridiculous. “What? And I can’t look like a princess while throwing axes. That’s so sexist, Dad!” she sassily mocks.
Alpha snaps his eyes to Livvy, and she shrugs. “I mean, technically, she’s not wrong.”
Haven giggles beside him, then sidesteps him, moving down to hug Poppy. “You can kick ass in any kind of clothing, Hummingbird—”
“Hey, don’t encourage her with that codename bullshit, Haven. She’s Poppy. She’s my little girl, and if you wanna wear a fucking tutu and camos to your war game-themed birthday, then you go ahead, baby girl. You look beautiful. Happy Birthday, princess,” Alpha says, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
Poppy giggles, embracing Alpha. “Thanks, Daddy, but I’m not a princess. I just look like one. I’m more of a badass rebel who looks good doing it.”
Alpha scoffs, rolling his eyes. “For fuck’s sake. Will someone get this kid a motherfucking paintball gun or an ax or some shit?”
Poppy beams in excitement. “Yes! Let’s get this party started,” she chimes, racing off for the paintball zone, grabbing Wes and Bayou from NOLA on the way through.
Ingrid and South step up to Livvy, and South reaches for Louis. “C’mere, my little man.”
Ingrid smiles at Livvy. “Thanks for watching him while we helped set up.”
Livvy waves her hand through the air absentmindedly. “Oh, it was nothing. I had to guard Poppy, so it was the logical thing.”
Hurricane, Novah, Nash, and Brianna from NOLA make their way over, and it’s Nash who is the first to speak. “Mom, you’re looking tired. Are you getting enough sleep?” he asks.
Novah elbows her brother in the ribs, glaring at him. “Shut up! You did not just say that.”
“No, he’s right. South, what the fuck is goin’ on? You not takin’ care of our mom?” Hurricane grunts, and I widen my eyes, wondering if I should turn away, but Sadie grips my arm, keeping me on the spot.
She obviously wants to hear the gossip.
South exhales, bobbing their son on his hip as Ingrid glares at her kids, but it is South who responds. “Your mother, my Old Lady, has a one-year-old son. And even though I know she’s capable of doing absolutely anything she puts her mind to, babies are hard work, and we’ve also been taking care of my sister, Bella. You know, the entire reason we moved to LA in the first place. So yeah, she’s tired. I’m fucking tired too. But Louis is healthy, he’s strong, and we’re giving him the best fucking life he could possibly want. All while giving him a chance to be with his aunt with what little time she has left,” South snaps, clearly annoyed.
I grimace at the hurt seeping through his tone as Ingrid cuddles into his side. I don’t know much about South’s sister, Bella. Only a few small things that Loki has told me about her since I have been here. But what I do know is that South and Ingrid moved from NOLA to LA to be here to help her while she is battling Motor Neuron Disease. The last thing Loki told me about Bella is that she isn’t doing too well, and that’s why she isn’t here today for her nephew’s first birthday party.
Ingrid holds South tighter as Hurricane dips his head in apology. “Shit, brother… you know how I get when it comes to Mom. I didn’t realize everythin’ was that heavy for you guys over here right now—”
“Hurricane, darling, you know I love you, but this protectiveness over me has got to settle. South is taking such good care of Louis and me, all while being the main carer for Bella too. He’s the best man I have ever known. You seriously need to cut him some slack. We’re here to enjoy the party for Louis and Poppy… can we just do that, please?”
Novah elbows Hurricane in the side. “Seriously, big guy, lighten the hell up. You have kids of your own now too. You know what it’s like being a new parent. Let’s just enjoy the celebrations,” Novah chimes, moving in, taking her half-brother, Louis, from South’s arms and cuddling into him tightly. “Hey, my little bro, let’s go show you off to Bayou, shall we? Yes, we shall!” she coos, taking off with him, giggling all the way.
Nash steps up to South, patting him on the back. “C’mon… let’s get you a drink. Leave Ingrid and Hurricane to catch up.”
South glances at Ingrid, and she smiles. “Go on, have fun. Relax a little. You need to unwind. Just have fun at your son’s birthday. We’ll go back to caring for Bella and everything else that goes with it tomorrow, okay?”
South exhales, nodding his head. “Yeah… okay,” he replies and walks off toward the bar with Nash while Ingrid and Hurricane take off for the kitchen.
Sadie and I turn to face each other, eyes wide. “Do you think they even knew we were right here the whole time?” Sadie asks.
Snorting out a laugh, I shrug. “I have no clue, but at least I know a little bit more about the people of this club. I feel like there is so much to learn about everyone.”
Sadie chuckles. “Everyone comes from complicated backgrounds in a place like this. I guess you don’t end up in a biker club if you are a straight-A student with no priors and had a perfect childhood, you know?”
Chuckling, I nod as we make our way through Zone One to see Rip and Rhyan’s friend from class, Autumn, racing through the paintball arena together, being completely outgunned by Poppy. Rip pulls Autumn closer to him, protecting her from the incoming paint flying their way as he lands on top, covering her. The mass of paintballs slams into his back as Poppy laughs maniacally, holding her gun like something you’d see in the Godfather movies. “I think I got you, Rip!” she chimes happily, finally stopping her assault and lowering her gun.
Rip awkwardly climbs off Autumn, clearly in pain, as he dips his head to Poppy. Paint drips from him, and he places his hand out to help Autumn get up from the floor. “Yeah, you got in some gnarly hits there, little grommet.”
Poppy holds her gun up in the air in triumph as Autumn peers up at Rip in awe. “Thanks, Rip. You really put yourself on the line for me.”
A lazy smirk crosses his face as he shrugs. “Aww, it was nothin’. I’d totally take a bullet for you any day, Autum—” Then, before he can finish his word, Poppy fires off two rounds straight into Autumn’s stomach.
Sadie and I burst out laughing as Autumn hunches over, gasping for breath. Rip instantly rubs her back to comfort her as Poppy giggles, holding her gun up to her shoulder. “Never take your eyes off the ball, Autumn. This is war, after all,” Poppy states.
Rip glares at Poppy as she continues to smirk like she has won, but then suddenly, Autumn stands and starts unloading her gun toward Poppy, hitting her a couple of times.
Poppy laughs frantically and takes off running. “Oh, it’s on, Autumn. It’s ooon!” Poppy yells, running further into the arena, with Autumn laughing as she takes off after her.
Rip continues to stand on the spot like he’s stunned as he glances over at us. “What just happened?” he asked.
Shrugging, I tilt my head toward the course. “The girls wanna play. You better get your ass in there if you want any chance of winning this round.”
Rip rolls his obviously sore shoulders, then bends down, picking up his gun. “Oh, you want war, little grommet? You’re about to see what it’s like when you mess with the big kahuna!”
Sadie and I laugh as he takes off into the area, yelling at the top of his lungs. I have to admit, it’s a pretty hilarious sight to witness. The sounds all around the clubhouse are of laughter, fun-filled screams, and people having the absolute best time.
It’s nice to be able to let my hair down and relax, even if it’s just for a moment.
Sadie takes off, making her way for Maverick, who is sitting with Dutch and Strings as they try to figure out the best way to set up the cake stand. I have no clue where Theo and Loki are, but I haven’t seen them since the party started. I just hope they haven’t hidden themselves away in the den and continued working.
I really want to continue checking out all the different zones and make my way through to Zone Two. As I walk through, my eyes widen when I spot Loki standing in one of the ax-throwing lanes, his biceps bulging as he hurls an ax down to hit the target.
My insides clench, my clit instantly throbbing, seeing how fucking sexy he looks doing something so damn manly. I’m used to seeing him as an alpha geek. But this—this is something else entirely .
Making my way up to the side of the throwing lane, I spot Theo in the lane beside him, and I inevitably smile, knowing they’re here bonding together.
Loki spots me just as he picks up another ax and lights up his face with a bright smile. “Hey, baby. Where you been?” he asks, then turns back to face the target, his arm bulging as he draws back, then hurtles the ax down the lane. The ax slams into the target with precision, and my knees just about crumble beneath me.
“Jesus Christ,” I mumble under my breath.
He turns to face me. “Did you say something?”
Widening my eyes, I fake a smile. “Umm… just hanging out with Sadie. Laughing at Rip being completely beaten at paintball by Poppy.”
Loki grins, leaning to pick up another ax. Oh, Lord, not again.
“Why do you think we came out here? There was no way we wanted to be anywhere near any games Poppy’s involved in, or Haven, for that matter. We know when we’re outgunned,” he jokes, lifting the ax and showing me those sumptuous arms again as he flexes and then throws.
I clench my thighs to try to dull the ache, biting my bottom lip.
Theo pops his head around his lane. “No joke, those two scare me, and one of them is only eight, for fuck’s sake!” He chuckles.
Grinning, I try to calm my raging hormones as I slide past Loki to stand between him and my brother. “So… who is winning out of you two with this whole ax-throwing… thingy thing?” I ask.
Theo peers past me to look into Loki’s lane, then glances back at his. “Clearly I am,” he jests.
Loki grins. “Doubtful, Silicon Valley.”
Theo snorts out a laugh. “Oh yeah, you think you’re so good, backyard hacker?”
Loki widens his eyes with a smirk. “You fucker. I’m clearly kicking your ass!”
Rolling my eyes, I turn to see Navy about to walk past, and I reach out, grabbing her. “Hey, Navy, settle a debate for us, will you?”
She smiles wide as Theo grins at her. “Of course, what’s up?”
“Look at the two lanes and tell me who you think is doing better with the ax-throwing. No judgments, no preconceived notions, just what you see from the target and the axes on the board.”
Navy moves from left to right, then back to the left, taking another look. Then, she nods and makes her decision. “The lane on the right, clearly.”
Theo throws his hands in the air in celebration, reaches for Navy, picks her up, and swirls her around in a circle. She giggles in his arms as I glance at Loki, raising my brows. “Thank you, Blue. I knew you had a good head on your shoulders,” Theo states, slowly sliding her down his body.
She gulps while he still has his arms wrapped around her as their eyes lock. I see the clear-as-day chemistry between them while Navy clears her throat, taking a small step back from Theo. “I… ah… I should—”
“Stay, you should stay and throw some axes with Theo,” I blurt out.
Theo and Loki both turn to me like they both have no idea why I said that, and Navy slowly smiles at me when I continue, “Loki and I have to go and do the… thing. Theo needs someone to keep him company. Sound like a plan?” I chime.
Theo’s eyes widen at me like he’s suddenly terrified to be alone with Navy while I reach for Loki’s hand to lead us away.
Navy turns to Theo and smiles. “C’mon, let’s have some fun,” she offers, and just like that, I watch Theo relax.
Bouncing up on my toes as Loki threads his fingers with mine, we turn, walking back through the clubhouse, and he begins to chuckle under his breath. I face him with a questioning gaze. “What?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “You’re about as subtle as a sledgehammer, Bea.”
“Oh, c’mon, it’s obvious he likes her. Why not give them a little push?”
“You’re my favorite person in the whole world… do you know that?” he says out of the blue.
Stopping, I turn to look at him, my heart thudding in my chest. “That was so freaking sweet.”
He leans in, his lips close to mine. “It’s true. You’re selfless, kind. You’ve devoted your entire career to helping others. I know we went through some shit to get to where we are today, but even when we were going through it, you were still my favorite person. God, I fucking love you.”
Smiling wide, I can’t help the thrill coursing through my veins right now. With the words he is saying and the view he gave me moments ago, I don’t know if I can hold on until tonight. My eyes glance around the clubhouse, searching, trying to find something to help me right now.
And then I see it— my saving grace.
The one place that hasn’t been touched for this birthday party.
Letting out a small giggle, I reach for Loki’s fingers, gripping them tight with mine, and start pulling him with me. “C’mon, I have an idea.”
He doesn’t hesitate and follows me as we dodge our way through everyone, navigating a path through to the Chapel stairs. I turn, my eyes meeting his as he furrows his brows at me.
“Bea, what are we doing?”
A mischievous smirk creeps up my face, and I start rushing up the stairs, my hand still in his as I pull him with me before anyone can see us heading up into the sacred space. I push open the door, lead us in, then turn, pushing Loki back against the door and closing it. His back hits the door with a thud, his eyes widening in shock at my forcefulness as I flick the lock shut.
He peers down at me, tilting his head. “Sparkle… this is the club Chapel.”
Licking my lips, I waggle my brows at him. “Then I guess we better make sure we get close to God while we’re in here—”
“Not that kind of Chapel, baby,” he replies, and I slowly slide my hands down his torso, moving them to the loop of his belt buckle and flick it open.
“Then I guess it’s okay if we get unholy instead. Now drop your jeans and pull out your cock!”
Loki’s breathing hitches. “Fuck me,” he mumbles as his hands make quick work of his belt buckle.
“That’s the plan, baby.” I drop to my knees, taking his jeans and boxer briefs with me, letting them slide down to his ankles, and look up, licking my lips. Our eyes lock and if I didn’t know better, Loki is holding his breath.
Instead of licking him or even taking him in my mouth right away, I lightly blow on his cock, smirking at the way his thighs tense. I lean in, gently licking his balls, sucking at the base, and squirm when he releases a growl, threading his fingers through my hair. “Sparkle… this isn’t the time to tease. We’re in the Chapel, Alpha’s sacred space. If he knew we were…” His words trail off as I lick up his shaft.
“You were saying?” I ask, lifting a brow.
“I was saying open that fucking mouth, Sparkle.”
I do what he says and stick my tongue out, spreading my thighs.
He hasn’t even touched me, and I know I’m soaking through my panties with anticipation. I can’t stand it anymore and slide a hand between my legs, seeking relief. Suddenly, my head is yanked back, and Loki taps the head of his cock on my tongue.
“Mmm… as hot as it is, watching you pleasure yourself, that orgasm is mine. Now… be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth.”
All I can do is groan, bracing my hands on his firm thighs. He slides in, and I eagerly wrap my lips around his hard cock, letting my tongue slide against his firm length. Then, the only warning I get is his fingers tightening in my hair as he wraps his other hand under my chin, holding my mouth open. Each time he thrusts into my mouth, he slides a little deeper until he hits the back of my throat, making me gag. This doesn’t deter him, though. His moans echo through the chapel, and I don’t know if anything could be hotter.
I squirm, my clit throbbing and needing relief. My fingers clench, causing my fingernails to dig into his thigh, but he doesn’t slow. He only hisses between his teeth, picking up the pace. “Goddamn, every time you gag… shit…” His breath stutters, then he slides in, the head of his cock resting firmly at the back of my throat. No matter what I do, I can’t stop myself from sputtering and gagging, my spit pooling and dripping down onto my legs. My eyes widen from the effort, and I look up. Loki’s jaw is clenched, the muscle in his cheek ticking. “Gonna come, baby. You gonna be able to swallow it?”
My grip on his thighs turns my knuckles white as I try to relax, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my nails draw blood at this point. I take a deep inhale around his cock, the slurping noise only adding to the heat of the moment. He pulls back slightly before sliding in deeper than before. A deep guttural groan releases from his chest, his thighs begin to shake, his hips jerking with each jolt as he slams a fist into the door behind me, the same time his cum explodes into my mouth. That tang of salty liquid hits my tongue, and I let out a deep moan, sending a vibration over his cock as I swallow it down without a second thought.
Groaning, Loki slowly pulls back, releasing his hold. We’re both panting for breath as I wipe my mouth with the back of my arm.
“Fuck, Sparkle,” he pants out, reaching for my arm and helping me up. I fall forward into him from the force, but he easily steadies me, claiming my lips. I slide my hands under his shirt and club cut, reveling in the feel of his stone-like abs. Then he steps forward, backing me up until I have nowhere to go, pinned between him and the Chapel table.
His tongue dances with mine, groaning as he deepens our kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer, but he breaks the kiss, nipping my lower lip. My brows furrow in confusion, but before I can protest, he spins me and presses my back, forcing me to bend over.
“Loki… what are yo—” My question is cut off when I peer over my shoulder, and I’m met with the sight of him stroking his hard cock.
“Sparkle, is that wetness for me?” He tilts his head and licks his lips, lifting my dress all the way. Then he slides the head of his cock against the thin fabric of my soaked panties.
I roll my eyes. “ No, Alex. It’s for—”
My sarcastic reply is cut short, the witty response I had lost.
“If you know what’s good for you, do not finish that.” The sting on my left ass cheek steals my breath, but then I let out a long, low moan as he rubs the sore flesh.
“If you think that’s a punishment, you’re mistaken. What I was going to say—”
I shriek, almost climaxing from the impact. Instead of my ass, he slapped my pussy, and I can’t believe how turned on I am right now. How desperate I am to have him fill me. “Alex, I need you to fuck me already.”
“Mmm… that’s the plan, baby,” he says, throwing my words back at me. But instead of filling me like I need, he continues to tease me, pushing his cock against my panties. It’s the worst kind of torture to feel the pressure at my entrance, clenching around nothing. I whimper and think I may cry if he doesn’t give me what I need.
My breaths are coming hard and fast, and I can’t stand still. The added sensation of my breasts pressed against the smooth surface, but the friction of the thin cotton brushing over my taut nipples makes me want to scream.
“Needy and desperate for me, for my cock, just may be my favorite look on you yet, Sparkle. And I would love nothing more than to drag this out, but we can’t miss the cake. So hold on tight.” He pushes my panties aside, then slams into me, the edge of the table digging into the top of my thighs. It’s going to hurt tomorrow, but I don’t care.
I moan, tilting my hips, trying to meet him thrust for thrust as he drives into me. A sheen of sweat breaks out over my skin, causing my arms to slip against the table’s surface. Loki must notice, gripping my hips in a bruising hold, his pace almost punishing. It seems he thinks this was supposed to be a quick wham bam, thank you, ma’am , but I had something else in mind when I pulled him up here.
Before he can push me over the edge and make me lose my nerve, I turn my head, looking over my shoulder at him. “Wait, Loki. Stop…” I plead, shifting under his hold.
“Shit, Sparkle. Did I hurt you?” He lets go, stepping back, and I have to suck in a breath as his cock slips free. When I don’t immediately respond or move, he steps closer, reaching for me. “Are you—”
I spin, my movement taking him by surprise, immediately stopping whatever he was going to say next. Grabbing him by the waist, I turn him and walk him back, then push his chest, forcing him down. I can’t stop smirking at the look of shock on his face before he lifts a brow with a pointed look.
“Sparkle…” My name is a growl, a warning I refuse to acknowledge.
“Shhh… just scoot back.” I place a finger to his lips, pressing my body to his and wrapping my hand around his cock, stroking it a couple times. He follows my direction, scooting back on the table. “Just a little more,” I encourage, crawling up his body.
The movement pulls his jeans farther down, pooling them at his ankles. “Jesus. Why the fuck didn’t you just tell me you wanted to ride my cock?”
“Okay, Loki, I want to ride your fucking cock,” I tease, leaning over as I straddle him, shifting my panties until his tip sits at my entrance. “Now, it’s you who’s going to have to hold on,” I warn, slowly sinking down on him. His thick cock fills me, making us both moan as my hands brace either side of his head.
His breath catches, and he growls, gripping my hips. “Fuck, yes. So tight, so deep.”
Nipping at his bottom lip, he leans up, chasing my lips as I lean back. I gently push him down, resting my hands firmly on his chest. Rolling my hips, I sink even further, and I get lost in the feeling of him buried inside me, it teases the edge of pain and pleasure.
I let my head fall back, lost in the moment. I don’t know if I will ever get enough of him.
Our moans and heavy breaths echo through the space, the heat in the room becoming unbearable. Panting, I tug off my dress and toss it aside. The immediate change in temperature leaves goose bumps pebbling my skin, but I welcome the chill.
Loki releases my hips, his hands squeezing my breasts, and my head falls forward, my eyes snapping to his. “So beautiful.”
My breaths are fast and heavy as I watch him pinching and tugging each nipple. A stuttered whimper escapes my lips as I arch my back, silently begging for more. I shift my arms back for leverage, but he draws his legs up, his knees supporting me.
He trails his fingers down, widening my knees. Then, with one hand, he firmly presses low on my belly. The added pressure has his cock rubbing my G-spot, and I moan so loudly if it weren’t for the music downstairs, everyone would hear.
“Your cunt is squeezing me so goddamn tight,” Loki grits out, his own hips bucking against me.
“S-sooo… good,” I pant out, rocking my hips faster.
Our eyes lock, and the same desire running through my veins reflects back at me. I lick my lips before bringing my fingers up and sucking on my pointer finger. Loki’s eyes ignite with hunger, and his cock jolts inside me.
We’re on the edge, neither of us in a hurry but just as eager to come. Letting my finger slip past my lips with a pop, I reach back, cupping his balls, a satisfied smile spreading on my lips when he groans. I dip lower, letting my saliva-coated finger press at his hole.
“What the fuck? Nope, not happening, Sparkle!” He squirms, and I smirk, pulling back slightly, waiting for him to settle.
With my other hand, I slide it down my chest, squeezing my breast and pinching my nipple before letting it trail farther down. I go back to massaging his balls as I roll my hips, his hands now tightly gripping my thighs.
Pulling my panties farther to the side, I slip my finger between my wet folds, grazing my clit. Loki tracks each movement, then slides his hands up, keeping my panties to the side. He growls, his heated eyes fixed on the sight of us joining.
I lean back, using my fingers to spread my pussy. He watches as I draw up and sink back down, his own fingers joining mine. I let my fingers graze along my clit and then spread around his cock, feeling him disappear inside me.
He moans, his breath is heavy as I slide my fingers back up, pressing on my clit. He growls low, no doubt a warning, but the vibration it sends through my body has my head falling back, my hips rolling with abandon.
I’m so close. The ache is too strong to deny any longer. My fingers work my clit faster, and I moan, the sound almost drowned out by the party downstairs. My pussy clenches around him, and I feel his thumbs dip lower, teasing the edge of my entrance as his cock slides in and out. I can’t hold back. Just as my orgasm hits, I sink a finger past his back entrance.
My vision turns hazy, stars dancing in its path, and my hearing is muffled. The force of our joint release drowns out his protests. Each jolt of his climax hits me deep inside, triggering aftershocks that wrack my body.
“Holy fuck!” he hollers, his hips jutting up as he tries to bury himself deeper.
Once I feel like I can see, I fall forward, my eyelids fluttering closed as complete euphoria takes over me. “Mmm…” I hum, completely satiated, my body lifeless.
His head flops back on the Chapel table, a slow smirk crossing his face as he shakes his head. “That was some fucking stunt you’re going to pay for later,” he says, still catching his breath. His tone tells me he enjoyed it just as much as I knew he would.
“Promises, promises,” I tease, shaking my ass.
He slaps both ass cheeks, squeezing hard and holding me still as he drives into me again with a final grunt. “It did feel fucking good, though,” he admits. “But don’t you dare tell anyone you just shoved a finger in my ass.”
Grinning at him, I lean down and briefly press my lips to his. “You need to learn to trust me more.”
Snorting out a laugh, he waggles his brows. “I trust you, just maybe warn me next time.”
Smirking, I shrug. “Now, where’s the fun in that?”
He scowls at me, his fingers gently trailing up my back, but then he grins. “As much as I want to stay here with you, we need to get moving.”
“Oh shit! Poppy’s party!” Reality crashes back in, and I struggle to roll off him and hop to the floor. “Move, Loki. We can’t miss it.”
He watches as I scramble to get dressed, pulling on my dress and shifting my panties back in place. “What a shame you will have to wear those until after the party. No trying to sneak off to clean up either,” he warns as he stands and pulls up his boxers and jeans, doing up his belt. “That can be part of your punishment,” he says smugly.
He reaches out for me, and I step into his embrace. If my panties were soaked before, they are flat-out ruined now. Each step will be a reminder of what we got up to in the Chapel, no one the wiser.
Little does he know, I love the idea.
With a gentle touch, he smooths my hair, then kisses me lightly on the forehead. “Ready?”
I nod and lead the way, unlocking the door.
Just as I open it, the ruckus from downstairs travels up, and someone shouts, “Cake!”