Tentacles and Mistletoe (Tinsel and Tentacles 2.0) 8. Milo 57%
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8. Milo

Chapter eight


I splash water onto my face, trying to get my skin to stop burning. Fuck. This is a disaster and I only have myself to blame.

As soon as I woke up to that fucking note, I should have realized it was best for me to quit this job and talk things out with Baylen. If I could turn back time, there’s so many things I would do differently.

Because I’m an octopus shifter, I release pheromones when I’m around the person my inner octopus has claimed as our mate. I’ve been doing my best to keep a bit of distance from Baylen. I don’t go into his office unless I absolutely have to, I do my best not to touch him, and I wipe down my desk every night before I go home. Even so, I’m not sure all of that is enough.

What if Baylen is still being affected? What if his body is changing without either of us realizing? Gods, I’ve fucked everything up and I can’t even talk to him about it because how the fuck do can I possibly begin to explain what’s happening while we’re not even together?

I’m fucked.

I hang my head, breathing deeply through my nose. My heart is hammering inside my chest and my palms are growing damp with sweat. I rub at my face, trying desperately to get this feeling to pass.

Unbuttoning my shirt, I let my tentacles out, doing a partial-shift. They’re night black with the faintest iridescent coloring depending on how the light hits them. Having them out in the open air helps a little bit, even if I know it’ll only be a temporary reprieve. Something has to give. Something has to change.

A potential partner isn’t the only one who experiences changes from an octopus’ pheromones. My own body is doing its own thing. Normally, I have eight tentacles that come from the V of my pelvis, but at the moment, a ninth tentacle comes from just below my belly button. This one is wider than the others. This is called a mating tentacle and I’m so fucking mad that I’ve grown one.

I turn the cold water on, dipping each of my tentacles under the cool water. I sigh a breath of relief before I pull them back into myself. Then I button up my shirt and slide my glasses back onto my face. I quickly finish getting myself ready for the night. I need to look the part even if there’s a war of hormones going on inside of me.

I get an alert on my phone, warning me that we’re supposed to be getting a blizzard in the next few hours. Great. As if tonight couldn’t get any more complicated, now I have to worry about being stuck out of town for the night.

Quickly tucking my feet into my dress shoes, I lean against the wall, watching for my ride. While I wait, I look for a hotel near the restaurant, wanting to get a reservation put in just in case the weather really does take a turn for the worse. I’ll have to do the walk of shame in my suit tomorrow but that sounds a hell of a lot better than trying to drive in a blizzard.

“Perfect timing,” I say to myself as a black car pulls into my driveway just as I’m closing out of the app I was using. If nothing else goes right tonight, at least I’ll have a place to stay.

As I step outside, the wind picks up and a shiver goes through me. I chance a glance up at the sky, watching as giant, gray clouds gather overhead. The sooner we get to this restaurant, the better.

I open the car door and slide into the backseat beside Baylen. I look over at him and barely keep myself from groaning. Why the fuck does he have to be so fucking gorgeous? Why does my heart have to feel like it wants to leap straight out of the confines of my ribcage just to get to him?

Baylen is wearing a black tuxedo that fits him like a glove, his bowtie a dark purple and his pocket square matches. He looks good enough to eat and if I’m not careful, my inner octopus is going to jump out of me in order to do just that.

“Wow,” I breathe out before I can stop myself. I look away in order to buckle myself into my seat. “Sorry, you just look incredible, Baylen.”

“Thank you,” he says softly. “You look good as well. I like that we’ll be matching tonight.”

I look down at myself, only now realizing he’s right. The purple button up I’m wearing matches his tie perfectly. I wasn’t sure how dressed up this event was going to be so I’ve put myself in black slacks and a purple button up. Next to Baylen, I look like I’m trying to play dress up and failing but at the same time, the fact that we match covers that up. Like maybe we planned this.

The driver looks at us through the rear view mirror. “You two make a pretty pair.”

I feel my cheeks heat but I put on my best grin. “Thank you.”

I started this job at the beginning of fall and now it’s the end of December. That shouldn’t have been enough time to fall this hard for someone, yet I can’t stop thinking about Baylen. Every new piece of information I learn about him leaves me falling even harder. That’s the thing about shifters, or at least, that’s what I’ve heard. Once we know, we know .

Martha should be coming back to the office come March and after that, I’ll be off finding my next temporary placement. What will happen when March finally comes around? Will Baylen let me go? Will he fight for me to stay with the company? Gods, I really want him to fight for me.

“So,” I say, trying to keep my mind on the here and now instead of daydreaming about the future. “What does this sort of thing entail?”

Baylen looks over at me. He looks just as uncomfortable as I’m feeling and my stomach sours. It’s my fault we’re in this weird limbo. Why the fuck couldn’t I have just kept it in my pants?

“The car will pull up to a red carpet. There will be photographers and a few people might ask some questions. You can just let me handle that, if you’d like. Don’t do anything or answer anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Baylen’s eyes snap up to mine as his cheeks turn pink. No doubt, he’s thinking about all the times I’ve said the same exact thing to him.

I feel like a teenager who’s pining after his first crush again. This is ridiculous but at the same time, the ball is in Baylen’s court. He’s the one who needs to bridge the gap. He’s the one who said he couldn’t do this anymore. If I was stronger, I’d push him away fully and end this once and for all. But I can’t do that.

“Sounds good,” I tell him with a soft smile.

“Then we’ll go inside and we’ll find our assigned table. Thankfully, Glenn knows I don’t enjoy socializing at these types of things so he’ll most likely put us at our own table. There will probably be cameras and more photographers throughout the entire night but once we’re inside, they won’t bother us. Then we’ll get to eat a delicious meal prepared by professional chefs.”

“Excellent. That sounds amazing,” I say, nodding my head. “The equipment for this restaurant is all ours, correct?”

“Yes,” Baylen says excitedly, getting into the nitty gritty of what we sold Glenn Green for this restaurant. His face lights up as he talks about the brands, the quantity, and the process of picking out which pieces would be used for this kitchen. This is why we were invited, so that we could share in the success.

Hopefully, other restaurants will see this and see the quality of our products and think about calling us the next time they have a need.

I listen intently as Baylen speaks. This is why he’s the one that my inner shifter has chosen, this is why my human brain agrees. He’s passionate about the things that matter to him. He might not do well with people but he does his best to understand them and treat them with respect. People might see him as cold, but I can see past that, I can see Baylen .

Somehow, the forty minute drive is coming to a close. It feels like we’ve only just left my house. Giant, white flakes are beginning to fall from the sky. As I look out the window, I take in the pretty Christmas decorations that are scattered throughout the city. All the businesses have their lights up which only adds to the jolly vibes the snow is bringing.

Our car slows as we pull into a line of other cars. It’s only right now that I realize we’re going to be the least famous people at this grand opening. Holy shit. We might even run into a few celebrities at this thing!

“Have you spoken to celebrities before?”

Baylen shrugs. “Sure. I’ve dined with a few before. They’re just people.”

Of course he would think that. I can’t help but smile over at him, shaking my head in amusement.

“Are you ready?”

I let out a long breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

We get out of the car and I make my way over to the passenger side, meeting Baylen there. He puts a gentle hand on my lower back as we step in line to walk this carpeted area leading up to the restaurant doors. My entire body begins to buzz at the gentle touch.

When it's our turn, we step onto the carpet and make our way forward. There are little boxes made from tape on the ground, letting us know where we have to stop and pose for pictures. The entire time, Baylen never stops touching me. If I didn’t know any better, I would think this is his way of claiming me. He’s showing the world that we’re a package deal, that I’m his date .

I do my best to keep my feelings in check despite the way my heart is aflutter with joy. My limbs all feel weightless, my head soars into the clouds, and my chest feels lighter than it has since the night Baylen left my house.

Baylen leans in close, his mouth right next to my ear. I shiver as his warm breath fans across my skin. Oh good lord, they’re going to catch me swooning on camera if I’m not careful! “Here comes the interview part. I’ll do the talking, okay?”

I give him a smile and a nod in response. Leaning against Baylen's side, I listen to him talk to everyone who puts a camera and microphone in front of him. He represents the company well. Pride wells up inside of me. The desire to praise him for doing so well is overwhelming, but I bite my tongue and keep it back.

“And who’s your date?”

“This is my date, Milo Moreace.”

The reporter looks us both up and down, a little smirk on her face. “You two make a dashing couple.”

“Thank you,” Baylen says. His blue eyes are soft as he looks over at me, smiling. My head might actually detach and float up into the snow clouds above if this keeps up. What has gotten into Baylen tonight? Not that I’m complaining. I’m enjoying all of this attention but that doesn’t stop me from being confused as fuck.

Dare I admit, I’m also feeling hopeful?

Once the interviews are done, we finish our entrance into the building. When we first walk in, there’s a little entry area where people can check in their coats. There’s a little desk where a hostess stands, greeting everyone with a wide smile. On a regular day, this is where you’d check your coat, check in on your reservation, and deal with the valet for your vehicle.

Tonight, she looks at her list and directs everyone to their appointed table.

Baylen was correct, we’re put on a small table with just the two of us. I look around, finding a handful of celebrities I know and a whole bunch of people who are no doubt famous, but who I have no idea are.

We’re tucked off to the side, giving us the illusion of an intimate dinner together. If I block everything else out, I can almost pretend this is a regular date.

At the front of the room are two wide doors, used for the wait staff to move in and out of the kitchen. For this event, they’ve been opened so we can all see into the kitchen. Between the doors is a special section. It’s lifted slightly off the ground. The side closest to the dining room is a bar where six seats are placed. On the opposite side is a miniature kitchen.

I have a feeling that’s for special events or VIP patrons who pay extra to have their cook right at the table with them, preparing their meal for everyone to see.

That’s a nice touch in a place like this. Very personable. Plus, I’m sure they can charge a fortune for an experience like that.

Our product is proudly on display as well which is another added bonus.

“This place is beautiful,” I say to Baylen, finally turning my eyes back to him. I’m expecting him to also be looking around and taking everything in, but when I look at him, he’s already looking at me.

“I think Glenn is going to do well. I heard he might even film a few of his shows here.”

“That will be incredible. If we don’t have new customers because of all of this, I’ll eat my hat.” Baylen tilts his head to the side in confusion at the phrase. Right. Expressions like that don’t usually work for him. “Sorry. I mean I’ll be incredibly surprised.”

He nods his head in understanding. Gods, I adore this man.

I’m about to tell him just that, when someone is stepping over to our table. I look up, finding a man dressed in the whites of a professional chef. He’s shorter than me, wider, with a nose that takes up a large portion of his face.

I take a deep breath and freeze when I realize that Glenn Green, the famous tv chef, is also a shifter. Something woodsy. Gamey but whimsical. Something like a stag if I had to guess.

“Good evening, gentleman,” Glenn says with a wide grin. He shakes my hand before stepping over to Baylen and putting his hand on his shoulder. I narrow my eyes at the touch.

He should know better than to touch Baylen. Baylen is my mate, my partner. He should be wearing my scent and my scent alone!

Oh gods, I need to get a grip. We’re not even properly together!

“Oh,” Glenn murmurs, noticing my stare. I do my best to shake it off. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if I make a scene at an event like this. “Sorry, I hadn’t realized.”

I shake my head, doing my best to put my smile back into place. “Nothing to realize, friend. This event is lovely. Thank you so much for inviting us.”

Baylen looks between us with a confused wrinkle on his brow.

“If I’d known, I wouldn’t have made calamari one of the appetizers tonight. That’s not offensive, is it?”

“No, no,” I say right away, chuckling. “That’s absolutely fine.”

“I imagine you’ll be hoping for some sort of seafood? I can have something specially prepared for you,” he says with a wink.

I feel my cheeks turn so bright I’m positive a plane flying by would be able to see it. Not only have I clocked him, but he’s smelled me right back.

“Would you mind explaining what you mean by that?”

Glenn and I both turn towards Baylen. My eyes are wide but Glenn is practically giggling. “I’m sorry, Baylen. I’m just pulling your date’s leg. I didn’t realize you were into seafolk.”


Glenn leans down, sniffing me. I just barely keep myself from smacking him away. “If I had to guess I’d say squid?”

What the fuck is happening right now? Is this guy about to tell Baylen that we’re shifters? That’s dangerous as fuck! We can’t just be confessing these types of things to unsuspecting humans!

I’m about to kick Glenn under the table and hiss at him to shut the fuck up, but Baylen stops me. He places a hand on my wrist.

So softly, I barely pick it up, Baylen whispers, “is Glenn implying that you’re a merman. Or a shifter of some type?”

My eyes widen. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the chest with how quickly I lose my breath. Is he playing some prank on me? No, that can’t be right. Baylen doesn’t make these types of jokes. That means… is it possible that he knows about the supernatural?

Glenn leans down. “Sorry, did he not know about you?”

I shake my head, unable to stop looking at Baylen. Finally, I find my voice. “You know ?”

Baylen nods his head, still looking confused. “My mother is a shifter.”

“Oh my gods,” I breathe out, closing my eyes and taking a moment just to breathe. This is news to me! All this time, I was terrified of telling Baylen the truth but he already knew that shifters exist! I finally look over at Glenn, doing my best to put on a grin despite the fact that my entire world has just been flipped onto my head. “To answer your question, I’m actually an octopus.”

Glenn’s eyes light up. “Is it true? The whole tentacle partial-shift?”

I roll my eyes. “Let’s just say not everyone learns how to do it but when you do, it’s worth it.”

“Good to know, good to know,” Glenn murmurs to himself. He looks over his shoulder before turning back towards us. “I have to keep making the rounds but I hope you both enjoy your night and enjoy the food. Thank you again for being here, Baylen.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it.”

Once Glenn is gone silence stretches between Baylen and I. I’m not sure if I should try to say something, to explain why I’ve been keeping this part of myself a secret. Thankfully, it’s Baylen who begins to speak.

His thumb traces soft circles against my wrist. “It’s okay,” he finally says, “I understand why you couldn’t say anything. It’s important to keep these things a secret. I’m sorry Glenn took that secret away from you.”

“I’m not sorry,” I tell him seriously. “I’m actually really relieved it’s out in the open, Baylen. I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to find a way to tell you.”

“It also explains a few things,” Baylen says, his voice trailing off.

“Like what?”

Baylen opens his mouth to explain but a waiter stops at our table, bringing our conversation to an end. We order our meal along with glasses of wine for the both of us. We make easy conversation throughout the night, careful not to bring up anything too serious, anything that pertains to us or our relationship. Which is okay, all that does is bring a level of anticipation.

Our first course is grilled shrimp covered in garlic butter. I order the salmon while Baylen gets a steak. For dessert, we share a chocolate cake with a fudge filling.

Everything is delicious, but my favorite part is watching the joy on Baylen’s face as he eats. I don’t think I’ll ever grow bored of seeing that man happy.

At the end of the night, we make our way back outside. I’m expecting our driver, but there’s no one there for us. Baylen takes my hand and we begin to walk down the street. The snow is coming down in thick sheets, making it hard for us to see, but Baylen apparently knows where he’s going.

“This way,” he says, pulling me along. “I knew tonight would be too dangerous to drive home, so I got the two of us a hotel room.”

My stomach flips and I’m suddenly filled with nervous energy. My entire body is so warm I feel like I could strip out of my clothes and the snow wouldn’t even touch me because of how hot I am. Sweat dots my forehead but I ignore it, in favor of focusing on the feel of Baylen’s hand in my own.

We step into the hotel and I shake my hair out. I take off my glasses, wiping them off as best as I can so I can see as we step inside. In the lobby, Balyen gets us checked in before taking my hand once more.

Before we go up, I stop him. “Wait.”

Baylen pauses, turning back to look at me. “What is it?”

I look up and grin. Above us on the arch in the lobby, is a mistletoe. “You know what that means, right?”

Baylen’s eyes soften. “I never understood this tradition,” he says softly before adding, “I have to tell you something before I’ll kiss you.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” My heart is hammering in my chest. This is it! This is the moment I’ve been hoping for. He’s going to finally tell me he has feelings for me! He’s going to tell me he sees a future for the two of us. He wants to be together.

Gods, I want to hear him say he wants me just as much as I want him.

Instead, he says, “you’re fired.”

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