Chapter nine
I look up at the mistletoe. Not for the first time, I wonder where this silly tradition has come from. Milo’s eyes are the prettiest brown color as he stares at me, waiting for me to say what I need to say.
I feel wrung out, completely hollowed out and ready to fill myself with Milo. I’m ready to be with him so long as he still wants to be with me.
He’s an octopus shifter which means just maybe my mother was right all along. Maybe he can feel a connection between us, this teether that I can’t seem to wrap my brain around yet feel all the same.
It makes no sense at all, but I don’t care anymore. I think I might actually be in love with Milo and I’m done keeping him at arm’s length. I’m done not being with him. That all changes tonight.
“You’re fired.”
I’m expecting joy, but instead, Milo’s features crumble.
“You’re fired, Milo,” I say again, allowing myself to smile. I’m overwhelmed by how happy I am, even if Milo’s expression is confusing the hell out of me. “You’re no longer my employee.”
There’s a long pause where Milo just looks at me with a hurt expression before finally, his features seem to smooth out. “You’re firing me,” he says slowly. “Baylen, I need you to explain your train of thought, because I’m confused.”
I lick my lips, trying to get my heart to stop racing. I squeeze his hand, letting the feel of his skin against my own ground me. The touch makes me feel safe but at the same time, it leaves my body feeling hot all over and somehow I know the only way I’ll ever cool down is if I get closer to Milo. Are these feelings a reaction to him being a shifter?
This whole time, I was worried that I was coming down with a cold or the flu. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me but maybe it can all be explained by the bond between Milo and myself. Maybe I’m more like my mother than I ever gave myself credit for.
“I’m firing you. You’re no longer my employee. I can give you all the details later, including your severance package, but right now I’m just so happy because this means we can be together.” Then I pause, frowning at Milo. “I’ve only just realized I’m assuming a lot of things right now. You may not even want to be with me.”
Milo finally cuts in. “Hey, that’s not even a question,” he says softly. “I want to be with you, Baylen. I’ve been trying to keep my distance so you’d have room to process everything.” Then he winces. “And for other reasons we’ll talk about once we’re upstairs.”
My chest blooms with hope and desire. Hearing Milo say he wants to be with me, that there’s no doubt in his mind about that leaves me overwhelmed. My knees grow weak and my entire body feels like it’s going into overdrive.
I want to wrap him up in my arms and never let him go. I want to be inside him but even more, I want to feel him inside me.
I’m startled by the thought, feeling my body react. My ass clenches and I suddenly feel achingly empty. This is so unlike me, so unlike any craving I’ve ever felt before.
Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I look back up at the mistletoe above us. It might be a silly tradition, but Milo is worth being a little silly for. With him, things might not be logical but for once, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is being with Milo and holding onto the feelings I get when I’m around him.
“I’m ready to kiss you now.”
Milo’s eyes shine behind his glasses. He steps into my space and I freeze, waiting for him to kiss me. Instead, he whispers, “ask nicely.”
Lightning races through me at the soft order. I’ve missed him. I’ve missed this. My brain feels like static on an old tv in the best possible way, especially knowing if Milo has his way with me upstairs, that static will quickly turn to blissful silence.
“Will you please kiss me, Milo?”
“There’s nothing that would please me more,” he says before pulling me forward and kissing my lips.
My head feels like it’s underwater but I don’t fear drowning, knowing that Milo is here to keep me from losing myself. When I open my lips, his tongue slips past and touches the inside of my mouth. I’m gone. I can’t imagine ever going back from here. My future is entwined with Milo’s for as long as he’ll have me. He is mine and I am his, completely.
I never understood the mistletoe tradition, but now it’s suddenly clear. Any reason to kiss this man is a good reason, no matter how silly.
“Let’s go up to the room you rented,” Milo says against my lips.
I shiver with anticipation as Milo takes my hand and we make our way to our room. Inside the elevator, Milo can’t seem to keep his hands off of me. They travel under my tuxedo coat, trying in vain to find a stripe of skin that he can touch. I can’t help but chuckle, feeling happier than I’ve been in a long time. There’s a saying about distance making the heart grow fonder. I’m not sure how true that is, but I can say that these last few months without this has been downright painful. I’m not sure that the distance has left me with fondness. It has left me with a raging boner, a constant headache, and an ache within my chest I wasn’t sure would ever be filled.
Thankfully, I can put all of that behind me.
“This one,” I murmur, getting my key card out and opening the door to our room. I let Milo go first, wanting him to see everything without me in the way.
“What’s all this, Baylen?”
My stomach swoops as I watch the look of wonder on Milo’s face. His eyes are wide as he looks around. There are fairy lights strung up around the room, twinkling softly between giant snowflake decorations. There’s even a mistletoe hanging above the bed. It’s a winter wonderland in here and I make a note to give my driver an even bigger tip for pulling this off for me. On the bed, there’s a heart made of rose petals and a bottle of champagne on the bedside table.
Everything is perfect, just what Milo deserves.
“This is my way of giving you a romantic gesture.” I tuck my hands into my pockets. “I’m not always the best at expressing how I’m feeling, or doing what people expect. I wanted there to be no misunderstanding. I care for you, Milo. You’re everything I didn’t know I needed in a partner.”
“Oh, Baylen,” Milo breathes out, turning around and pulling me into a tight hug. It squeezes the breath out of my lungs, but I can’t find it in myself to mind. It feels good to be held like this. I wonder if his tentacles would feel this good.
I wonder if he’s ever used his tentacles for - I quickly cut that thought off before I do something embarrassing like moan.
“This is lovely. Thank you, Baylen.”
“You’re welcome.”
Milo pulls back, placing a gentle hand against my cheek. He runs his thumb against my skin and I shiver again. I want to kiss him. I want to taste him. The thought of not having him inside of me is downright unbearable. I need him in a way that feels borderline wrong, like I might actually pass away without him covering me in his cum. I need Milo to claim me, body and soul.
My skin heats under his hand. My stomach is starting to cramp and my ass feels weird.
“Baylen, look at me.” My eyes snap open. I didn’t even realize they were closed until right now. What’s happening to me? “I’m an octopus shifter.” I nod, already knowing that from earlier. “Do you know much about how an octopus works? How they mate?”
I lick my lips, realizing my mouth is suddenly dry. It’s hard to focus now that Milo and I are alone in my room. All I want to do is jump onto the bed, get onto my hands and knees, and expose myself for him. I want him to have his way with me until I can’t think of a single thought that’s not Milo and his cock.
Realizing Milo is expecting an answer, I quickly shake my head.
“That’s okay. A wild octopus will send out pheromones into the water, letting others know they’re ready to mate. Those pheromones affect the others, causing their bodies to change. I’m afraid I’ve been doing the same to you, sweetheart.”
That seems to break through the lusty fog inside my brain. “Wait, what?”
Milo looks sad as he nods. “Yeah, your body is changing. I’m so sorry. If you want to leave right now and never see me again, I’d totally understand. If you left, you’d go back to the way things were before we met.”
“I don’t want to leave,” I tell him right away, my fingers tightening in his shirt. “What’s happening to me?”
“After our night together, my octopus chose you as our mate. He started to pump out the pheromones and it prepared your body so we’d be able to mate.”
“Just my body? Has this been affecting my head as well?”
Milo’s eyes dart between mine. He shakes his head. “The pheromones attract you to me but only because you already had those feelings. They just amplify them, not put anything new in there,” Milo explains gently. I take all of this in, letting out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.
Good. That’s good.
“Do you know about shifter mating?”
This time, I can answer more confidently. “Yes. My mother and father mated. They explained some of the mechanics to me but I have a feeling it’ll be a little different between us because you’re not a wolf.”
“I have something called a mating tentacle.” Milo swallows, looking more nervous than ever. “I also have an egg.”
I startle. I’m not sure what I was expecting but an egg wasn’t it. “An egg? Like a baby?”
“Yes. My body made it after our night together and now it’s ready to umm,” Milo’s voice trails off and his face flushes bright red. He looks away, letting out a long sigh as he runs his fingers through his short, dark hair. “Well, I won’t mince words. It’s ready to be deposited.”
A few things start slotting into place inside my brain. My body has been changing. The headaches, the aches, the desire to stay glued to Milo’s side. It’s all starting to make sense. My body was preparing me for this.
Is this something I want? I’ve never thought about having children. Then again, I never used to think about having a mate until Milo came into my life.
The more I ponder it, the more I realize the truth; I want this. I want this life with Milo, whatever that entails because we’ll be going into it as partners, together . Milo is my mate, I feel that as strongly as I feel that the sky is blue. The life we’re building together is going to have a child with it, and I couldn’t be more excited.
“Okay,” I say slowly, nodding my head. Milo’s face morphs with surprise, but I continue on. “Okay, I’m in. I’m all in. The tentacles and the mating and the egg baby. I want it all, Milo, because I want you .”
Milo stares at me for a long moment. “Just like that?”
“Just like that. It’s like my mother used to say, once a shifter knows, they know and they won’t stop until they make it happen. I want you and I know you’re my person.”
“For someone who’s self-declared bad at people’ing, you know exactly what I need to hear. You’re amazing, Baylen.”
I roll my eyes. “I know what to say when it comes to you .”
Milo leans in and kisses my lips. I want this kiss to go on and on and on, to lead to more, but instead, Milo pulls back right away. “You have no idea how much I adore you.”
“I’m figuring it out,” I say, surprised by how pleased Milo’s words make me feel. “How do you wanna do this?”
Milo gives me one more peck before taking a step away from me. Instantly, I see the way his demeanor changes. He’s ready to take charge. A shiver runs through me. I’m ready for Milo to be in charge. I’m ready to turn off my brain and let him lead.
“I want you to get yourself naked and then join me in the bathroom. Does that sound good to you?”
I nod my head. “That sounds perfect.”
Milo heads into the bathroom and I hear the shower to turn on. I have a moment alone and I find myself longing for Milo’s presence despite the fact that he’s not that far away. There’s only a door between us but for some reason, it feels borderline too much.
I quickly get myself out of my tuxedo, carefully hanging it up so it doesn’t get all wrinkly. I do my best to ignore the way my hands are shaking. I don’t know if it’s from anticipation or something else, but a few times I miss the buttons entirely, having to go back to get them properly loose.
Once I’m completely naked, I make my way into the bathroom, finding it hot and steamy from the water. As I step in, my skin prickles with goosebumps at the change of temperature. I’m exposed but in a way that makes me feel powerful and on display for - for my mate . The term circles around inside my head before it solidifies. Yes, Milo is my mate.
The shower curtain moves to the side and Milo smiles at me. “Care to join me? It’ll help get us both nice and relaxed which we’ll need for what’s going to happen tonight.”
“Okay,” I say softly, stepping into the shower with Milo. He turns so my back is facing the water stream. I sigh happily as the hot water hits me, all of my muscles relaxing all at once. It could be the water but it’s also being back in Milo’s arms, having his skin against my own. His scent is thick in the air and I greedily breathe it in.
I tip my head back, letting the water run over my hair and down my face. When I right myself and push the water from my eyes, Milo is there, giving me the softest smile. My body is alight with sensations. Need rises up, making itself known. I don’t just want Milo, I need him. I need him to touch me, to kiss me, to mate me .
“Don’t worry,” he says, somehow knowing exactly what I’m feeling. I get the sense it’s because he’s filling it too. “I’ve got you.”
Milo puts his hands on my hips, swinging me around so I’m facing away from him. He presses himself against my back, running his arms around me so his hands are touching my chest.
“I’m going to introduce you to my tentacles now. Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” I breathe out, anticipation making me lose my voice. I close my eyes and a moment later, feel something shift against my lower back. One moment, Milo has two arms around me and the next, he’s got so much more. I gasp out, my eyes snapping open so I can properly look down and see what’s happening.
Four black tentacles wrap around my middle, the first one around my waist and the fourth around my shoulders, the other two in between. They’re beautiful against my pale skin, shimmering with blues and purples, like oil in water.
Two more wrap around my upper thighs, the suckers on them latching onto my wet skin. I’ve never understood the appeal of love bites but suddenly, I’m overcome with how much I want Milo’s suckers to leave little bruises in my skin. I want him to mark me as his.
“Is this okay?” Milo whispers as another tentacle wraps around my cock. I stare down at the black appendage as it seems to undulate, massaging my cock instead of stroking it. The sight leaves me breathless and more turned on than I’ve ever been before. My ass clenches and I whimper, feeling it grow wet .
If I didn’t know this was supposed to be happening because of the pheromones, I would be freaking out. I’m so empty and the only thing that’ll leave me fulfilled and sated is Milo’s cock. Or actually, maybe what I really need is his mating tentacle that he told me about earlier.
“I can’t get over how beautiful you look wrapped in my tentacles, Baylen. I wish I could commission an artist to paint this moment.”
Milo’s praise washes over me, warming me even more than the hot water is. The static inside my head is slowly receding the longer he talks, the longer he praises me.
“You’re taking this all so well. I was so scared to tell you the truth, but I should have trusted you to understand. You’re so good.”
I whimper, pushing my hips back. Milo’s cock wedges itself between my ass cheek. He thrusts against me and his cock catches on my wet hole. Oh gods. I need him more than I’ve ever needed anything else in the entire world. My body is hot all over, tingling from the onslaught of sensations coming from the water and Milo’s tentacles and everything else going on. I’m on the brink of overstimulation but somehow I don’t fall too deep. Milo keeps me grounded.
Milo’s mouth finds the back of my shoulder. He bites down hard enough to leave a mark and I moan, my head blissfully blank. “Can I fuck you, sweetheart? I want to come inside you before I fuck this egg into you. Does that sound okay?”
I nod my head, unable to find words for a long time. I gasp as the head of his cock finds my hole. “Yes,” I cry out, pushing back and impaling myself on his cock, unable to keep myself still. “Please, Milo. Please!”
Milo groans against my shoulder. One of his tentacles finds my nipples, a sucker latching onto the stiff bud. I cry out in pleasure as Milo begins to slowly fuck into me. I don’t have much experience with bottoming but usually it takes a lot of prep and fingering. Not tonight. Milo’s pheromones have left me wet and loose, the perfect vessel for his egg.
“I think we’ll both feel better if you came,” Milo breathes out, his mouth nipping at my earlobe. My knees almost give out on me but Milo is there, holding me up, holding me against his chest. I can’t do anything but hold on as he fucks me.
Everything is pleasure. Everything is Milo, Milo, Milo .
“Go ahead,” Milo says and it’s all the permission I need. Crying out, I come across the shower floor. I can feel Milo throbbing inside of me, marking me from the inside, making my hole even sloppier than it already was.
Despite coming inside of me, it’s not enough. I need more. I need his mating tentacle. My stomach quivers with anticipation. I’m about to beg for it, but thankfully, Milo beats me to it.
Milo gently pulls his cock from my ass and within a second, there’s something else pushing into me. Oh gods! The ridges of his tentacle feels so fucking good as they pass the tight ring of my rim.
“Milo,” I whimper, my body going limp in his arms. He holds me up with his arms and his tentacles, my toes just barely still on the shower floor. “Oh fuck,” I murmur, unable to say anything more than that, overwhelmed with how good it feels to finally have his tentacle inside me.
“I have to pass it,” Milo says through clenched teeth. “It’s coming, Baylen. Be a good boy and take it. Just let it in, sweetheart.”
I’ve just come but the tentacle around my cock never stops moving. I’d expect my dick to grow soft but instead, it stays rock hard. Fuck, I think I’m going to come again.
I feel something press against my rim and I realize with a start that Milo’s tentacle is going to feed the egg into me. I breathe out, doing my best to stay relaxed as it pushes. There’s a bit of resistance from my ass but after pushing just a little harder, it starts to breach me, stretching me further than I thought possible.
“Fuck,” I gasp out, the burn of the stretch only adding to my pleasure. “Fuck, Milo!”
“You’re doing so well,” Milo says right away, his hands never stopping their movements against my wet skin, petting me and doing his best to keep me relaxed. “That’s it. You’re taking it so well. Doing so well for me.”
The egg travels further into my ass. I’ve never felt so full before. I feel like I may burst. Just when I’m sure I won’t be able to take any more, the egg slides across my prostate.
“Milo!” I shout my mates name as stars light up behind my closed lids. My dick throbs against Milo’s tentacle and I come once more. My ass throbs, clenching and unclenching in the perfect pattern to have the egg traveling further. Just as I come down from the high of orgasm, breathing in heavy pants, I feel the egg settle inside of me.
“You have no idea how amazing you are,” Milo is murmuring against my wet hair. “So beautiful, so perfect. You took that so well, Baylen. Our baby is safely in place inside you.”
“It’s done?”
Milo hums. He reaches around me to turn the shower off. He helps me out of the tub, picking up a towel and wiping the water off of me. I shiver now that I’m out of the shower and Milo smiles.
“I’ll get you tucked in bed in a moment, don’t worry.”
Unable not to, I look past him into the mirror in the bathroom. I stare down at my stomach which has a very definitive roundness to it. To just anyone, it would look like I’m starting to get a tiny gut, but I know better.
That’s our baby.
Our baby .
I don’t think I’ve wrapped my head around the fact that Milo and I are going to be parents. So much has changed in such a short amount of time.
I wonder if I should be freaking out. I like what I like. I like routines and knowing what to expect and everything about this situation isn’t that . Yet, I can’t find it in myself to be upset by how things have come about. Maybe the panic will come later but for right now, I can’t stop smiling, overwhelmed by how happy I am.
Milo falls to his knees, placing a soft kiss to the center of the swell of my stomach. I run my fingers over the short hairs on the side of his head.
“Thank you,” he whispers and I tilt my head in confusion.
“What for?”
“For kissing me under the mistletoe,” he says with a grin. “For firing me. For accepting me. For letting me make you my mate. For carrying our baby. The list goes on and on, Baylen.”
“Oh,” I say with a shrug. “It’s not that big of a deal.” Because it’s not. I had a choice and I picked Milo which includes all of this. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
“It’s a big deal to me,” he says, standing up and kissing my lips. “It’s everything to me.”
It’s everything to me too.