Chapter ten
I wake up slowly, feeling safe and warm and sated. It takes me far longer than it probably should to realize I’m not at home, that I’m in a bed with someone else. It’s not until I turn onto my side and run into a strong back.
I blink open my eyes, finding a head of short cut blond hair.
Oh my gods.
Everything that happened the night before comes back in startling clarity. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Baylen and I somehow went from zero to sixty in the matter of one night. Have we moved too quickly? Will he wake up with regrets?
Oh gods, have I made a huge mistake? Did I make sure we were without a doubt on the same page?
I’m about to get out of bed and start pacing, overwhelmed with nervous energy when Baylen wakes up. He turns over so we’re face to face, wrapping an arm around my waist. He opens his eyes and smiles softly at me.
The things I would do to keep that smile on his face.
“Good morning,” Baylen whispers, his voice cracking from just waking up in the most adorable way. He’s the one who bridges the gap between us, leaning forward in order to kiss me. I kiss him back just as earnestly.
I pull back, feeling better about everything from that one kiss. All the worries that were pressing down on me seem to fly away with the light of the morning.
“Good morning, Baylen. How are you feeling today?”
Baylen seems to take stock of himself before answering. I love that about him, always wanting to give the best answer he can instead of just saying something for the sake of saying it. “I feel alright. A little sore? Otherwise I feel fine.” Then he adds, “I’m also feeling really happy, in case you were asking about my emotional state as well.”
I smile. Unable to help myself, I pull Baylen closer in order to kiss him thoroughly, rewarding him for such a wonderfully thorough answer. It feels far too soon to be admitting this but I don’t care, I love this man. I love Baylen and I don’t think it’s possible for me to experience any more joy than I already do when I think about spending the rest of my life with him.
“Thank you,” I say, my lips just barely parted from his.
“You have to stop thanking me for the bare minimum, Milo,” he says with a soft smile. “I know this is all happening really quickly, but I don’t regret what we did last night.”
Baylen takes my wrist, leading my hand to his stomach. The swell is barely noticeable but it’s still there. I press against it, feeling the shape of our egg beneath his skin. Gods, I can’t believe this isn’t just a dream.
“I don’t regret it either. How could I when I’ve somehow gotten everything I could want? It seems Santa has given me everything on my list this year. I must have been a good boy,” I say with a grin that makes my cheeks hurt.
“Santa isn’t real,” Baylen murmurs to himself. Then his eyes snap towards me, widening. “Wait, is Santa real?”
I shake my head and chuckle. “Not that I know of. I’ve met reindeer shifters and fae but I’ve never heard of an actual Santa Claus.”
Baylen hums, his body relaxing now that that’s settled. He lays on his back, our hands holding his little baby bump. “This really is the most magical Christmas I could ask for,” he whispers, staring up at the twinkling lights overhead. “And I have you to thank for it. I like when things are in black and white. You’re bright purple, Milo, and that’s okay. That makes me see some of the colors in between and reminds me that isn’t a bad thing.”
“You have a way with words,” I tell him seriously. My chest feels like it might actually burst and spew all of my love all over the place. I take a steadying breath to keep it contained. “How would you like to celebrate Christmas, Baylen?”
Baylen gives me a soft smile. “My mother is gone so I think staying right here would be perfect.” Then a little frown forms on his brows. “Unless? Did you have plans, Milo?”
“My plans consist of keeping you in bed for as long as I possibly can and ordering ridiculous amounts of room service. Any arguments?”
“Not a one,” Baylen says, rolling over so he’s straddling my lap. His blue eyes are achingly expressive as he gazes down at me. Then he’s kissing me and the rest of our weekend is a blur.