Karin would be lying if she said she wasn't trembling with nervousness as she went back to their bedroom with the king hot on her heels, no doubt watching the way the soft globes on her ass gently bounced.
She almost wished he would just whip her ass and get her punishment over with. The anticipation seemed much worse than the actual punishment. At least, with a spanking, she knew eventually it would be over and she would be allowed to cry herself to sleep.
When Korrev gave her more creative punishments, she wasn't sure when they would end. She liked it much better when he would just stick to the spankings, but it seemed he wasn't heading in that direction this time.
Her outer and inner ass felt sore and she felt her bottom hole twitch with each movement. She still couldn't believe he had fucked her in the ass while she was bent over and he hadn't been at all gentle, even though he had known it was her first time.
Korrev had taken her roughly and aggressively, but not enough to really hurt her. She had been stupid to think he would ever be gentle, especially in the bedroom.
He was a warrior, a king. Sex, for him, was just another way to showcase his sexist, pigheaded nature.
Despite the fact she was sore, Karin would be lying if she said she hadn't gotten a bit wet. Even now, as she was walking, she could feel the wetness which had dripped from her pussy and now covered her inner thighs.
Damn it! Her body wasn't supposed to react like this. She was a modern woman for God's sakes.
If she were back on Earth, she would have sued his ass a thousand times and have him thrown in jail. But she wasn't on Earth. She was in Krotev, and she was at his mercy.
She hoped Korrev didn't notice how much her body ached for him despite his behavior, but who was she kidding? Korrev noticed. He always did.
When they finally made it to the bedroom, Karin sucked in her cheeks and forced herself to turn around. "Well?" she demanded bravely. "If you're going to punish me, do it now."
Korrev gave her a cold smile. "You don't make the rules, Pet. I do." For a few minutes, he didn't say anything, which only seemed to make her more nervous. Her blue eyes followed him as he opened the large window facing the garden.
One of the trees had grown so much in the past few months, it was nearly pushing itself against the window. Yet Korrev had never asked one of the servants to cut it. She had never minded, because she had thought it was pretty.
"Pick a switch," he ordered calmly.
"A what?"
"A switch. It's a thin branch from a tree. Pick one. Now. Before I do it for you. Make sure it does not have any leaves or any splinters. I don't want to make you bleed."
She hesitated, before meekly approaching the window. The tree had grown so much, the branches were nearly poking her eyes out.
Karin had heard of being spanked with a switch, but never in a million years, did she ever think, as a grown woman, she would be picking her own switch.
"I'm waiting, Karin."
She fought the urge to glare at him. Her inner ass was already sore enough and she had a bad feeling her outer ass would soon follow. She could pick a small branch and hope the king would take pity on her, but who was she kidding?
The king never took pity on anyone, let alone her. He might make her pick a larger branch, just to spite her. Instead, she picked a medium-sized one.
"Good girl," he said as he took the branch from her. "Stand up straight, legs apart, facing forward. I am going to strike you wherever I see fit. If you attempt to jump out of the way, you will receive an additional lash. If you attempt to cover yourself, you will also receive another lash. Understand?"
"How many am I getting?"
"Twenty-five. Are you ready?"
What else was she supposed to say? But she kept the bitterness to herself as she allowed herself to nod.
The first switch landed in the center of her plump breasts, covering both of them easily. He left behind a pale pink mark just below her throbbing pink nipples. Even while she was punished, her nipples were fully erect and hard, something which was hard to ignore even though Korrev didn't say anything.
The second switch landed just underneath the curve of her breasts which caused her to jump and for her breasts to bounce slightly. Korrev didn't say anything as six more switch marks landed on her breasts, covering her chest with long, bright pink switch marks with an assortment of welts.
Tears pooled in her eyes. Karin didn't even bother vowing she wouldn't cry. She always tried not to, but Korrev had the ability to reduce her to tears within minutes. It didn't help that he had just anal fucked her for the first time for being disobedient.
Her boobs burned and felt heavy, or it might have been because her breasts were becoming swollen because of the switch marks. Her toes curled as she jumped from side to side.
Korrev didn't say anything until he missed her.
He raised a pale eyebrow. "One."
Before she could ask what it meant, Karin felt the switch being slapped against the center on her pussy, hitting her poor clit.
Karin yelped as she moved her hips, as if that would get rid of the sting.
"Don't move again, Karin."
Tears burned her eyes as she bit her lip. Her poor breasts and nipples felt incredibly sore.
Korrev ignored her breasts and focused on her round ass.
He landed the switch three times on her ass, leaving behind several matching pink marks on her plump ass cheeks. Her round ass bounced against the switch lewdly and her breasts bounced against each other with each stroke.
Tears poured down her face and landed on her chest. She felt incredibly sore. Her body ached. She hated being spanked. It made her feel so small and insignificant.
"Please," Karin blubbered. "I'm sorry; I won't ever do it again."
She didn't think he would stop, but he did. He threw the switch on the floor. "Come here," he said simply.
Karin did as she was told, burying her face against his chest. She cried as if her heart was breaking.
Korrev shushed her as he rubbed her back and bottom until he soothed her crying. He led her to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water and soothing bath salts. Then he helped her into the tub. She whimpered as her sore cheeks touched the water.
Neither of them said anything as Korrev bathed her silently, making sure he was gentle when he touched her switch marks.
She hated him. Oh, how she hated him. If Karin weren't so weak, she would make him pay for his humiliation.
He dried her slowly. "I'm going to put you to bed," he said simply. "No lunch for you."
Karin didn't say anything as he dried her hair. She was going to give him the silent treatment until he apologized for treating her so cruelly.
Korrev wasn't one to apologize, but it seemed he hadn't realized how stubborn Karin could be as well.
The days passed slowly. Karin continued giving him the silent treatment, not caring how childish she looked. Korrev was stubborn, but Karin was more.
She was tired of being punished and being treated like a bad little pet, when all she wanted was to go back to Earth or at least be thought of as Korrev's equal. Not that it was ever going to happen under Korrev's rule, but she could at least try.
For three days, she ignored Korrev. During dinner, she ate the food she was offered silently. During bath times, she refused to utter a sound, even when his hands would go between her thighs. She refused to sleep in his bed when he tried to coax her, even though his large bed was much more comfortable than hers.
By the fourth day, he was clearly losing his patience and he placed Karin over his knee while he spanked her with a small wooden paddle. He punished her until her poor, wobbling cheeks were a berry red color. A few tears had escaped from her eyes, but never a wail or a begging word and she was proud of herself.
This was currently the fifth day, and Korrev was obviously angry because he hadn't been able to make her have a conversation with him, which made her secretly thrilled.
Karin had spent the entire morning in the throne room while Korrev listened to the boring reports given to him about what was happening in the kingdom. In a rare moment of kindness, Korrev had her pet bed placed next to him on the throne so she could lie down on her belly instead of her back.
Karin could tell Korrev was in a bad mood because of the announcements he had heard today. There was some unrest in southern Krotev, and some of the peace treaties with the other planets hadn't been going well.
"Go!" he ordered the oddly scrawny alien in front of her, who was in charge of giving the report.
Karin would have laughed if she wasn't feeling so sore. Usually, it was just her butt and the backs of her thighs, but today, it was also her breasts. The switch marks were healing which made her boobs feel itchy. Both of them were feeling crabby.
Korrev cursed under his breath for several minutes about everyone's incompetence. Then before she knew it, he started removing his clothes right in the throne room.
Karin had seen him nude plenty of times, but she always became a bit embarrassed when she saw him. Especially in public. Korrev had an amazing body. It would be foolish for her not to agree.
He trained for hours. Usually with Kyvan, but sometimes with the others. Karin was sometimes allowed to see, when he wasn't instructing her to nap. His body was all muscle and hard as a rock. Every part of him was. Even when he was spanking her, she could feel his heavy hand slapping down on her ass.
If he was removing his clothes, it meant he was going to fuck her again, probably in the throne room.
She had never fucked him here before. Karin hoped it was soundproof.
He sat down again, then pointed to his erect member.
She blushed. Why was he always hard? Didn't he ever get tired?
"Suck." Korrev rested his back against the throne. "Get on your knees and suck, Karin."
"You could at least say please," Karin grumbled under her breath as she got down on her knees. She placed his cock inside her mouth and began to please him. Karin sucked him, her cheeks becoming hollow as she did while she glared at him angrily, silently cursing him.
The bastard had the audacity to smirk at her as he placed a hand on the back of her head.
His cock felt heavy in her mouth and she was having a hard time taking it all in. She flinched when she heard someone open the door. Oh, no, she couldn't have someone see her in this position. It was too embarrassing!
She tried to pull back, but Korrev refused to allow her to move from this position. "Suck." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Unless you want me to use your other entrance with only spit as lubricant."
Tears filled her eyes. She wanted to defy him, but she also knew he was in such a foul mood, he would follow up on his threat. So, Karin continued sucking him off until she felt her jaw ache.
Korrev's tone softened as he stroked her blonde hair. "Good choice, Karin." Then, in a much different type of voice, he said, "Stop. Come forward."
She did as she was told with his cock still in her mouth. It was hard to just breathe with her nose, but she didn't want to displease him. Karin also didn't want to turn around. It was embarrassing being in this position, even though everyone had gotten used to her being the king's pet.
"Unless you want to be in the same place as my Karin is right now." A cruel smirk was on the king's face.
Her eyes watered with tears. Was that how he saw her? Only as someone who had to do as she was told? Who was only good at breeding babies and warming his bed at night? Of course, it was how he saw her. It wasn't like he had picked her for future intellectual conversations. Still, did he have to make her feel like such a tramp?
"Turn around," he ordered briskly.
Karin assumed it wasn't one of his warriors or one of the palace staff, because he knew all of them by name. It must be a mate. Karin felt slightly better. A mate was used to being humiliated, though probably not publicly like her.
She let out a little whining sound, to let him know she was tired of having his cock in her mouth. He released her even though he was not done coming.
Karin used the back of her hand to dry her lips, then she turned towards the girl in front of her. She was young, probably in her early twenties, with long, thick, coal-black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes.
Unlike her and every other mate out there, she was not naked. She was actually wearing a blue dress which barely covered her rump. She was exposing her cheeks to Korrev while her face blushed red with shame.
A blue collar was around her neck with a bow. Blue. The same shade as her eyes.
Even though she was bent down, she had a determined look in her eyes, although her entire body was trembling. She couldn't help but think Korrev would probably be able to crush her spirit like he had done to her.
"Stand up. You're Kyvan's brat, I figure. I would have thought he would have a tighter hold on you."
Kyvan? The king's best friend? She had only seen him a couple of times. He was polite to her but kept his distance. Korrev had mentioned in passing he had given him a mate. It was odd she was facing her now.
"I didn't expect her to be so mischievous." Kyvan came into the room, looking both annoyed and embarrassed that he couldn't control Alice. He gripped her wrist, and Karin winced.
Korrev led Karin to lay her head on his thigh. He didn't seem to be embarrassed by his nakedness and she was too tired to care. It felt like the past few days, she had either spent it getting punished or lying on her punished backside while he fucked her.
"Keep her on a tighter leash, Kyvan. I don't like being interrupted."
Karin watched sleepily as Alice and Kyvan bickered. Once they left, she turned to look at him. "Do you want me to continue to please you?"
"No." Korrev gently pulled her up and started dressing himself. "You look overtired. I'm going to put you down for a nap. It looks like you haven't been sleeping."
"And whose fault is that?" she quipped.
Korrev didn't deny this, nor did he apologize. She expected him to put her on a leash like he often did when he wasn't happy with her, but instead, he picked her up and placed her over this thick, heavy shoulder.
He sometimes did this, but only when she was being naughty. It was odd he was doing it now.
Karin didn't complain. Instead, she focused on the way his hand touched the back of her thighs and the way he protectively held her so she wouldn't fall.