"What did you want to discuss?" Kyvan asked as he stretched his muscles. Korrev had asked him to meet him after he put down Karin for her daily nap after lunch.
Kyvan looked surprised. No doubt, he had been expecting to discuss something in regards to treaty or battle. His mood darkened, his protective side coming out. Korrev had made it clear he didn't like his little mate, and therefore, he was now being protective of her.
"What about her?" he asked tensely.
"I want to move forward with what we discussed previously," he said calmly. "About providing Karin with a playdate. I'm assuming Alice gets lonely from time to time."
"I suppose so," he said uncomfortably.
Alice had a temper, and Kyvan sometimes struggled to control her. Korrev had advised him to take a belt to her ass more often, something which he had obviously not agreed upon. No wonder Alice had him wrapped around her little finger.
She wasn't exactly his first choice as a friend for Karin, especially since his other warriors had much nicer, better controlled mates. Still, the only warrior he truly trusted like a brother was Kyvan, which meant he had to deal with Alice.
"Good. So, you'll bring her the day after tomorrow." It wasn't a question. "Bring her before lunch, to my private gardens. I don't like Karin's schedule to change too much."
Kyvan bowed, and his jaw tensed. It was clear he was unhappy letting Alice out of his sight. Especially since Karin hadn't been a model pet, either, but he didn't have a choice. Korrev was the king, and the king gave orders.
On the day of the appointed playdate, Korrev found Karin playing with one of his old, complicated puzzles from his childhood which had been used to test endurance, perseverance, and patience.
She grew bored sitting around all day or following him around when he had errands or meetings to run. Karin had found this box of puzzles when she had been cleaning and had quickly become enamored by an activity which made her "think more".
"Get up, Karin," he instructed.
"Do you have another meeting?" she asked with a pout as she left behind her puzzle. Usually, he only brought her to meetings to show off her beauty. Karin had made it clear on more than one occasion that she grew tired of being paraded around like a "show pony", whatever that meant.
"No. You have a playdate." He let her out of his quarters with, thankfully, no pink leash in his hand.
Karin looked surprised. "With whom?"
Karin didn't seem like a very sociable creature compared to the other females. He was actually surprised she didn't refuse to go. She was older than most of the younger mates and much too serious sometimes for Korrev's liking. He hoped Alice's immaturity would rub off on her.
"Alice. Kyvan's mate."
She paled, then looked embarrassed. "The girl who stormed in when I was on my knees," she blushed, and Korrev smirked, "the one with the blue bow."
"Yes." Korrev placed a hand gently on her lower back once they reached his private gardens. "You have nothing to be ashamed about. Believe me, Alice has had her own share of punishments."
"Is she nice?" Karin hesitated, sounding younger than she was. It was like she was worried Alice would tease her for her low status of being a king's pet.
"If she isn't, you will tell me and I will deal with her," Korrev responded curtly.
Karin was taken to the private gardens of the king, this time without a leash, to wait for their guests.
Korrev could tell she was nervous, by the way she kept squirming and looking over her shoulder. He finally had to tell her to kneel down next to him and be quiet. She complied but was obviously embarrassed by her nudity.
Korrev wondered if this was a good idea, but Azis had told him she might be happier if she had a friend to play with. To be quite honest, he didn't trust anyone but Kyvan, even if his mate was questionable.
Deep down, he wanted Karin to be happy, not just an empty shell who obeyed his every command. If it meant he had to order somebody to be her friend, so be it.
Finally, Kyvan arrived, tugging a pouty-looking Alice behind. Alice had long, black hair and sparkling blue eyes. She had squeezed herself into a short blue dress which barely covered her rump.
"You're late," Korrev snapped.
"I apologize." Kyvan squeezed Alice's hip, looking amused. He was the only one of his warriors not afraid of him. "She insisted on a dress."
Korrev shook his head in disgust. "You're spoiling her." He tilted his chin towards the garden. "You two go play. We have to talk."
Karin hesitated a bit before she motioned Alice to follow her towards the gardens, which were filled with fruit trees.
Korrev and Kyvan talked easily about their prospective mates and their breeding attempts before he told his friend it was time he put his pet down for a nap.
Korrev snapped his fingers at Karin.
Karin went to him almost instantly. He smiled at her obedience as he squeezed her hip. "Good girl," he murmured in her ear. "You are going to get a reward later."
Karin smiled mysteriously.
"Did you girls have fun?" Kyvan pressed his lips against Alice's forehead, none the wiser.
Alice nodded.
"Wonderful, perhaps we can do this again sometime. You girls need someone to talk to, don't you, since you're always cooped up inside?" Kyvan looked at Korrev, who nodded at his request as he squeezed one of Karin's plump buttocks, not caring about them standing there.
"I don't want to leave," Alice whined.
Korrev pushed Karin towards his chest in a rare moment of public affection. At least his pet wasn't the one throwing a tantrum this time.
"Alice," Kyvan gave her a warning, his eyes glaring down on her, indicating he was close to losing his patience. "You and Karin can play another time. For now, we have to go home."
Alice didn't seem to agree as she stubbornly refused to move. Korrev couldn't help but chuckle. His friend certainly had his hands full.
Kyvan finally got tired of her tantrums and placed a struggling Alice over his shoulder before dragging her back to his quarters.
Once Alice and Kyvan left bickering, Korrev turned back to Karin. "Let's go eat lunch and then I'll place you down for your nap."
Usually, after lunch, Korrev would place Karin down for a nap and then go do things he couldn't get done when she was alert and awake. This time, however, he surprised himself and Karin when he willingly lay down in her pet bed beside her, even if the tiny bed was too small for his seven-foot body.
Karin had gotten used to him by now, so she no longer flinched when he would press her body against him. In fact, she would willingly seek his warm body, especially when she was sleepy.
"Did you have fun today?" he asked as he stroked her blonde hair away from her face.
"I did," she agreed sleepily. "This was my first playdate."
"It was?" Korrev sounded surprised. Humans, from his perspective were usually very sociable. Especially females.
"Yes." Karin yawned. "I never had friends growing up. Then I went to law school where friendships didn't exist because competition was so fierce."
"Did you like Alice? I know she's quite a bit younger than you."
"I like her very much. She is very sweet."
Korrev snorted. Sweet wasn't the word he would use to describe her.
"Is Kyvan your best friend?"
"I suppose so." Korrev didn't have time to ponder over the idea of friends. "He's been with me since we were boys. He's my second in command and the one I trust above others. Which is why I gifted him Alice. He has proven his loyalty throughout the decades and he deserves to be rewarded."
Karin chuckled sleepily. "You give awful presents."
Korrev was about to tease her back when he realized she was fast asleep. He kissed her forehead. He wasn't usually a sentimental person, but there was something about Karin which made him softer and less tense. Just a little bit.
Korrev was a loner by nature. As king, he had to be. He could never fully trust someone without worrying about betrayal. With the exception of Kyvan.
But when he was with Karin, he felt different, even when she was acting like a brat. He felt almost content. Something which he had not felt for quite some time.
Korrev wondered how he had lived so many years without her.