The Alien’s Pet (Earthly Mates #2) Chapter 12 67%
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Chapter 12


Korrev had found her. It had taken four months and six days and an endless number of hours, but he had finally found her.

He had driven his warriors mad, as well as the men who took care of the technology in the palace. Korrev had sent more men than he could think of to different planets, some which took days or weeks to reach.

Korrev wasn't an idiot. He knew his men harbored resentment, but he didn't care. All he cared about was having Karin back in his arms. If he had to search under every rock, so be it.

Kyvan had told him multiple times to forget about the blonde, especially since they were getting multiple shipments of human females every few weeks. The last time he had brought up forgetting Karin, he and Kyvan had gotten into a physical altercation. It had taken six guards to pull them apart because Korrev had been blinded by rage,

"The girl is messing with your head," Kyvan finally said with a bloody lip. "Either get her back, or forget about her, because you're not acting like a king ought to act. Your head is all over the place."

So that's what Korrev did. He searched every planet he could. He even asked for favors from people he didn't particularly like, but it had to be done. He was going in blind. Karin didn't have her tracker and she had destroyed the one on the ship.

He had even sent Kyvan back to Earth, to New York City specifically, to see if she had returned. This had made Kyvan unhappy because he had to be away from a very pregnant Alice. He had done so, anyway, because it was the king's wish.

Kyvan had reported back that her apartment had been vacated due to a lack of payment and he had used his human form to inquire about her at her old place of employment. But no one had seen her. It seemed she had not returned to Earth. He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Kyvan was growing increasingly frustrated as time went on, and it seemed he was lashing out at everyone. He had always been proud of his ability to maintain a cool head, but Karin had taken it away from him.

They had searched every planet nearby, and unfortunately, there was no news of Karin. He didn't think any of the leaders of those planets had her. They would surely fear his wrath if they had her. The ship she had taken had been one of the smaller ones, so she couldn't have gotten far.

One of his men had finally pointed out that they hadn't searched the vacant planets nearby. Korrev felt stupid they hadn't checked them, but then again, he'd never thought Karin would go to an empty planet by choice. Had something gone wrong with the ship? She wasn't always the most coordinated.

They checked some of the smaller planets first, and when they had become unsuccessful, they checked the larger ones. This was the last planet they needed to check near Krotev. Korrev grew uneasy in his seat as the ship landed on the dusty planet. The planet was simply known as Gativ. No one had bothered to inhabit it because it was a dusty, uninteresting planet. Nothing could grow there. The weather was usually warm and it was farther from the other planets. As a result, very few people visited it and usually for less than an hour.

"We're here, Your Majesty."

Korrev, along with the other warriors, exited the ship. He tried not to get too excited. Karin hadn't been on the other planets. Why on earth would she be on this one?

After splitting the warriors into three different teams, for a faster search, Korrev made his way towards where his group was supposed to go. He, along with the others, were in their gray alien form, not in the human one. They were faster in this form and their senses heightened.

After twenty minutes of walking, he stopped short. Her scent. He recognized it. It was Karin's scent. He would be able to recognize it anywhere.

"Karin!" Korrev roared, hardly recognizing his own voice. It was a mix of terror and hope, with a bit of desperation.

Korrev could hardly believe his luck. Karin was here. After four long months, he had finally found his pet. And this time, he would never let her go. Even if he had to chain himself to her every day.

The king followed her scent, leaving the others behind. They were moving too slowly. He finally found her huddled in one of the bushes like a small animal. She was wearing the same pilot uniform she had stolen four months ago. It was dirty and she desperately needed a bath.

He didn't care. The only thing he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss her and then fuck her into submission.

"Karin!" he roared. If the little brat was pretending to be asleep as a way to plead for mercy, he was going to be pissed. She was already in a boatload of trouble.

But Karin didn't stir, even as he was practically screaming in her ear. It was like she couldn't hear him.

Korrev's annoyance diminished as he gave her shoulder a little shove. "Karin?"

Dread filled his body when he realized Karin was not simply asleep. He checked her pulse and found her heart was still beating, but very slowly. She was pale. Malnourished. Sickly.

Something had happened before he managed to get to her. He didn't think starvation was the culprit, though it was a possibility. There seemed to be something else entirely wrong with her.

Korrev picked her up in his arms. He hated how frail she felt in his arms, like a limp doll. He kept calling her by her name, hoping she would answer, but she didn't.

Jix, one of his warriors, called out to him, "Your Majesty?—"

Korrev froze when he looked at the bright orange berries more closely. He wasn't a healer and wasn't particularly interested in healing, especially when he had other people to do the job for him. His father thought differently. He'd told him it was important that, as future king, he was schooled in various subjects.

Korrev needed to get her to a healer. He needed to get her out of this hellish planet and towards home, a place where he could keep her warm and safe. Where he could protect her from anything that went wrong.

However, he had remembered one of the lessons Azis had given him regarding poisons. One of the lessons has been on small, orange berries which grew in clusters in bushes. Korrev had all of them burned to the ground when he became king so no one accidentally ate them and became poisoned. But it didn't mean the poisonous berries didn't grow on other planets.

Karin must have swallowed them in her desperation to get some food in her belly. He remembered Azis saying it was a slow acting poison. There was a very good chance Karin might be saved.

"Get Azis on the telecommunicator. Now!" Korrev said through gritted teeth when Jix continued giving him a stupid look. How could he have been stupid enough to not bring a healer along with them? But he had never thought his precious Karin would be hurt. He had thought she had landed on a planet where she would have food and shelter even if she was a captive. How foolish he had been.

Neither he nor his men knew anything about healing. They could remove weapons from the body, fix limbs temporarily, and stop the bleeding. But neither he nor his men knew anything about poison. It was not something they often dealt with, and even if they did, they always had the grumpy Azis or one of the healers to take over.

Jix finally bowed to him. "Yes, Your Majesty. What about the others?"

Korrev fought the urge to slap him. Didn't he see how important this was? "We will come back for the others. We need to return to Krotev now. Let Azis know we are on our way and he had better be ready for us."

The trip back to Krotev was short, only about forty-five minutes. Yet, for the king, it felt like the longest moments of his life. He used the time to stroke Karin's blonde hair from her sweaty forehead. Her fever was getting higher as the minutes passed by and she was growing paler, even though her cheeks were rosy from how feverish she was.

He whispered sweet nothings into her ear, something he had never done with anyone else, which caused his warriors to exchange odd looks. Korrev didn't care what they thought or said. His only concern was that his pet was comfortable.

"Ko," she mumbled in her sleep, but it was the extent of her words. She didn't say much after that and he didn't pressure her. She needed all the rest she could possibly get. She was talking. She was breathing. For Korrev, it was enough.

Azis was waiting for them once the ship landed. He barely blinked when Korrev exited the ship, still carrying Karin.

"One of your warriors said she consumed something," Azis said plainly as Korrev practically ran to the infirmary. "What was it?"

"Berries. Those little orange ones. The ones that grow on bushes. You said they were slow acting poison." They finally made it to the infirmary and he placed her on the bed. He took a dagger and ripped open her clothes.

Both men grimaced when they saw her ribs poking out and how malnourished she was.

"She needs a bath."

"A bath is the least of her concerns." Azis went to his cabinets and started opening them. He pulled out several bottles filled with different colored liquid, along with his medical tools. "I need to act fast if I want to save your pet. It's a miracle she's not dead yet. Most humans would have perished the minute they took their first bite."

Korrev gripped his arm. "You said it was a slow acting poison!"

"It is." Azis pulled away and started drawing some blood from Karin to test. "For us. We have a stronger immune system. Humans are delicate, especially human females. You seem to forget, the smallest gust of wind can knock them down. It's a miracle their species has survived as long as they have."

"But she will live, correct?" It took all his willpower not to strangle Azis, even though he knew deep down it wasn't the healer's fault. Karin had to live. She needed to live, for him. For herself. He doubted he would be able to function without his pet by his side.

Azis grimaced as he looked at Korrev wearily, as if afraid of how the young king would react. "I will try my best to save her," he said slowly. "But this type of poison acts fast on humans. It causes the organs to shut down. It's a miracle she has lived as long as she has. If she does not make it, I will make sure, at least, her death is comfortable?—"

"You will save her."

"Korrev, be reasonable. There are other human females. Just because she was foolish enough to run off, doesn't mean there won't be others to warm your bed at night."

"You will save her," Korrev repeated again. "You will do everything in your power to do so. I do not want another female. I want her. Is it clear?"

He gave a little nod of his head. "Yes, Your Majesty." He hesitated. "You need to leave the room. I and the rest of the healers cannot work while you are prancing around the room like a caged animal."

"I won't leave Karin."

"Then, at least, stand outside of the infirmary and let me work. I will provide hourly updates."

Korrev grudgingly did as he was told. He knew Karin was in the best hands.

Korrev was forced to sit outside the infirmary even if it irritated him to do so. The wait was painfully long, even though he knew Azis was one of the best healers out there. Karin would be fine. She had to be fine; otherwise, he was determined to make everyone else's lives painfully miserable. It still surprised him how much he had come to care for the misbehaving brat. He had never cared for anyone before, with the exception of Kyvan. Yet Karin had wormed her way into his heart, first, with her determination, then later, with her warmness when her guard was done. He closed his eyes, hating how helpless he felt.

If Karin were to die, he didn't know what he would do. It would be a cruel twist of fate if he had worked so hard to get her back, only to lose her at the very last second. Kyvan had been the only one brave enough to ask why he didn't just give up when it became apparent she wouldn't be found so easily.

He had simply said he was not a person who wished to be outsmarted, but it had been a lie. Korrev had simply not wanted to lose her, but he was, of course, not going to confess it to anyone else. Not even Kyvan, even though he would understand better than anyone how he was feeling because he was so enamored with his little Alice.

For months, he had been worried sick that Karin was being mistreated, or worse, but it turned out she had been much closer than he had anticipated. This only just made him even more irritated. He should have checked abandoned planets as well. He was so stupid. Now, Karin could die because of his own foolishness.

No, he refused to accept the fact. So what if she had poisoned herself? He had gotten there in time and Azis was a genius. She would live. She had to live.

"Are you well? You look irritated."

Korrev had been so distracted, he hadn't even heard his best friend come in. To be honest, he had been avoiding Kyvan lately. Alice was heavily pregnant and due to give birth any day now.

He had been so miserable lately that being in the same room as Kyvan, who was so annoyingly happy, would only cause his misery to grow, and it wasn't like he could ask his best friend to be unhappy. It was his first child so, of course, he should be happy.

"Azis is working on Karin," he told his friend. Kyvan pursed his lips. "She might not make it."

"I heard she ate the poisonous orange berries." He clicked his tongue in sympathy. "Do not concern yourself too much. He is an excellent healer. If anyone can nurse her back to health, it is Azis."

"You forget she is human," the king said."Their immune system is not as strong as ours. There is a good chance she will die. I wouldn't get my hopes up."

Kyvan didn't say anything. How could he, when he was just as practical a person as he was. "How's Alice?" Korrev asked instead.

Kyvan brightened at the question like Korrev knew he would. "She is in excellent health. Though Azis worries the baby might be too big. He has her on a diet, to prevent her from gaining too much weight, but you know Alice can't say no to sweets."

He let Kyvan talk for the next thirty minutes about the baby, the nursery, and how adorable Alice was. Korrev wasn't interested, if he was being completely honest, but he was glad his friend was happy. At least, he was distracted from Karin's illness.

"She'll be all right, Korrev. If she has managed to survive living with you for almost a year, she can survive anything," Kyvan joked.

"I have been pretty terrible to her, haven't I?" Korrev grimaced. "I wanted to break her and I did, but as a result, she tried to leave me forever. She almost died because of my own selfishness."

Kyvan didn't say anything. There was nothing he could say. Korrev was right. She had left because of him.

Kyvan rapidly changed the topic and he managed to distract the king long enough that he didn't fret about Karin.

Close to midnight, Azis returned to find them. He looked exhausted but not unhappy, which meant Karin had lived.

"Is she alive?" Korrev demanded.

"She is." Azis looked weary. "But barely. I managed to prevent her organs from shutting down completely, but I still had to give her several blood transfusions and several medications." He hesitated. "But, Your Majesty, I do not want you to get your hopes up. Your pet is still very, very sick."

"She's alive," was all he said. "That's all that matters. If she survived so far, then she has a chance. Thank you." Azis looked surprised at his thankfulness. "May I see her?"

"Only for a few minutes. She's very tired."

"I want you to be her primary healer. Around the clock care. The other healers can take care of everyone else."

"Of course."

Kyvan gave him a pat on the back before he departed. The king practically burst into the room.

He saw Karin on one of the beds at the end of the room. She was covered in heavy blankets. Although her face still looked flushed, it was apparent her fever was down. The paleness of her skin still concerned him, but at least she wasn't near death this time.

"Hi, Pet," he murmured as he sat down in a hard chair next to her. "Wake up for me, Pet. Please. It's an order."

Karin didn't stir. It was like she hadn't even heard him. He hated seeing her like this, so unmoving, so still. It made him worry Azis was right and he shouldn't get his hopes up.

"Karin, Pet. Can you hear me?"


He sighed. "You must be a very strong, brave pet and wake up for me. You had me worried sick for months. You cannot keep worrying me."

But she didn't wake up. She only made slight, wheezing noises which worried him very much. Azis had mentioned something earlier about the berries possibly messing up her lungs.

Hopefully, it would be fixed; otherwise, she would breathe like a broken machine for the rest of her life, and neither of them would like that.

Every bone in his body ached and he realized he hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours, possibly more if he was being honest. He'd only been getting a wink of sleep in the months following her disappearance. But he should sleep, especially since she wouldn't become well again in the blink of an eye.

Korrev leaned over and kissed her on her dry lips. "Sleep, Pet," he murmured as he pushed her blonde hair away from her face. "I will see you in the morning."

The days slowly passed. Korrev was losing his patience. Azis had warned him Karin's recovery would take weeks, possibly months, but he hadn't expected the wait to be so terribly long.

Karin still hadn't woken up, but some of the color had returned to her cheeks. The wheezing in her lungs wasn't as loud as it once was, but to be honest, he hadn't been pleased by her progress.

"What is taking so long?" He scowled at Azis one afternoon. "She should be awake by now."

"She's making the necessary progress," Azis informed him. "You can't expect her to wake up and pretend nothing is wrong. She's human, in case you have forgotten, Your Majesty. The fact she is alive is miraculous in itself."

He scowled.

Azis had known him since he was a boy, and therefore, the only one brave enough besides Kyvan to speak to him like that. He also knew he would never kill him. Azis was much too talented to lose.

"You can't breed her yet, not for several months if that's what you are concerned about," Azis suddenly blurted out.

"What?" he snapped.

"You can't impregnate her until I clear her," Azis repeated again. "If you want someone to carry your baby, might I suggest you look for someone else?"

"I am not thinking about impregnating anyone." Korrev sounded almost offended. "All I care is Karin being well again and not stuck in a bed for the rest of her life. Having a baby, is the least of my concerns."

Azis nodded as he patted him on his shoulder. "She will wake up. The mere fact she survived the poison and is healing is a miracle in itself."

Korrev tried not to lose hope, but he felt like he was fighting a losing battle.

Three days after his conversation with Azis, Korrev found himself ditching all of the meetings he was required to go to, choosing instead to sit by Karin's bedside.

It had been two weeks since they had rescued her. She looked almost healthy. As if she were simply sleeping and not recovering from the poisoning.

"Karin," he murmured as he stroked the inside of her wrist. "How much longer are you going to torture me? Please wake up for me, Pet."


He didn't know what else to say. He wasn't very expressive, and to be honest, he was willing to promise her anything she wanted as long as she woke up. Jewels, gold, a bigger room, anything which would please her. But he knew deep down there would only be one thing which would make her happy.

Her freedom.

"I'll give it to you," his voice cracked, even though it was obvious she couldn't hear him. "I'll give you the freedom you so desire. I'll let you return to Earth. Just please wake up."

A little moan escaped her lips, so unexpectedly, he nearly jumped back in response.

Was she waking up?

It sounded too good to be true.

"Karin?" he tried again. "Pet, open your eyes for me. Please." He rarely said the word please. It sounded strange coming from him, but he would beg on his hands and knees if it meant Karin would talk to him again.

Another little moan. This time, a bit louder.

He rubbed the inside of her wrist, as if trying to soothe her awake. "Pet, Pet, you have made me wait too long. Wake up for me. Now."

It was as if her body had heard the command. Her blue eyes shot open, her mouth widened as if gasping for breath.

She looked around the room, obviously perplexed. She almost looked adorable. "Korrev."

The name sounded lovely on her lips. He had been waiting for her to say something. Anything. And she had said his name.

"It's me, sweetheart." He pressed his palm against her face, cupping her chin, trying to look at her.

Karin squirmed, obviously believing she was in trouble.

Her blue eyes kept looking around, quickly recognizing the infirmary. "I'm back on Krotev." Her voice was calm. Not happy, but not exactly disappointed, either.

"You are."

"You rescued me?"

"Who else would have? You broke my ship the minute you left."

A strange smile wobbled on her lips. "You need a better ship."

"And you need to stop acting without thinking." He didn't immediately address the question he wanted to ask her. "You got sick. When we picked you up, you were nearly dead."

"Sick from what?"

"The orange berries you ate were poisonous. Fatal to humans. Quite honestly, it's a miracle you are even alive."

She nodded silently. "You saved me?"


"How did you find me? I didn't have my collar on."

"I have my ways. Which reminds me that after you are better, I am going to sew the new collar against your throat. Maybe that way, you won't take it off."

Her blue eyes widened, unsure if he was joking or not.

Korrev decided to change the conversation. The last thing he needed was to have her burst into tears. Azis would not be pleased with him if she started crying in her condition.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Karin admitted. There were dark circles underneath her eyes. Even her lips looked lifeless. "Every bone in my body aches, and my lungs feel heavy. I'm struggling to breathe. It feels like I just ran a marathon."

"Azis struggled to remove the poison from your body. It was affecting your lungs and the rest of your organs. He had to give you a blood transfusion. You will likely feel pretty sickly for the next few weeks. There will be plenty of bed rest and plenty of tonics."

She nodded, looking too miserable to argue.

"Are you hungry, Pet?"


"Too bad. I'm sending the servants out for food and you will eat some of it, Karin, even if I have to sit you on my lap and force feed you myself."

Karin pouted but didn't argue. To be fair, she still looked very disoriented.

A servant brought the food. When Korrev noticed she picked at it, he gave an exhausted little sigh and spoon fed her himself some porridge-like soup. She only ate half of it and he was satisfied.

After the light dinner, she began to feel sleepy again. It was clear she had a million questions to ask him, but she was too tired to do so.


"No," he interrupted as he tucked her into bed. "It can wait until morning."


"Karin, don't displease me when you just woke up, unless you want to pick another switch. I'm already cross with you."

She blushed but didn't argue anymore as she cuddled against the four or so blankets he insisted she needed, even though she was plenty warm enough.

"I can't believe I was brought back," she mumbled.

"Is it a good thing, or something which displeases you?" he asked as gently as he could, even though he desperately wanted to know the answer.

But Karin didn't answer him. She was already fast asleep.

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