The next few days were strange for Karin Johansson. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been fussed over. Not even during the few times she dated.
She had grown up as an orphan after her mother's death, so being fussed over was not something she was used to. In fact, once or twice, Korrev had to scold her and remind her that her only job was to remain in bed even though all she wanted to do was stretch out her limbs after weeks of being forced to lie down.
A few times, she had teased him and called him the best nursemaid ever, something he had answered to with a scowl.
"Don't you have anything else more important to do?" she asked him once. He was driving her and Azis crazy, but neither of them had convinced him to leave for a few hours.
"There's nothing more important than you," he had simply said as he tucked the blanket around her.
At first, Korrev's acts of kindness were strange but adorable. He made sure she ate her meals every day, even if she complained that she was stuffed. He would order the servants to give her the best blankets and anything else to keep her entertained, so she remained in bed. When he wanted her to go to sleep, he would cuddle her and stroke her hair until she fell asleep.
But even though Korrev was acting almost gentlemanly, she couldn't help but be nervous. She had never expected him to find her, and now that he had, she had expected shouting, or at the very least, a whipping, but neither of those things had happened. Instead, he was almost loving with her, as if he was afraid she would break.
Karin looked at him one morning when they were finishing their breakfast.
He raised a pale eyebrow as if daring her to speak.
She wrapped her robe around her body. This was one of those happy occasions when Korrev had finally given her what she wanted, clothes. Even though she had clothes now, she was still feeling terribly cold. She had also lost her curves. Her breasts and hips were basically non-existent. She hadn't been this slim since she was a high school student.
"Karin, if you have something to say, then just say it." He took a sip of his drink. "Staring at me with eyes of wonder will not do anything to make our conversation go further."
She hesitated. "Why haven't you punished me?"
"Do you want to be punished?"
"No!" she blurted out. "But I just feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."
He looked annoyed, obviously, not understanding the human phrase. "What are you trying to say? Speak plainly."
"I'm just wondering what's next? Do I go back to being your pet?"
"We're not there yet," was all he said. She was still sick, even though the cough in her lungs had gotten better, but she was still sleeping more than normal and wasn't very hungry, either.
"I want to know," she whined.
Korrev glared at her. "Do you want a spanking?"
"No," she mumbled as she looked at her lap. "But I would like to know things. I don't like being kept in the dark, Korrev. Just tell me what's going to happen after I'm fully healed?"
For a second, he did not speak, which only made her more nervous. Maybe he was planning on dumping her somewhere else because she was so disobedient.
"It's up to you," he simply said.
"What? What does that mean?"
"Did you hear me when you were asleep? Before you awoke completely?"
"Obviously not," she answered tensely.
Korrev almost smiled. "I promised you if you woke up, which you did, I would give you your freedom."
Karin blinked at him, waiting for the punchline, obviously not believing him. Why would this tyrant give her freedom, just like that, after making her life difficult for months? He kept her as his pet, looked for her for months, then suddenly, he would just let her go?
"You seem surprised, Pet. I thought you would be jumping for joy." He didn't sound amused. In fact, he sounded almost a bit sad.
"I just never thought you would give me my freedom. You said I would be your pet always. You're not someone who changes your mind."
"That was before your desperation caused you to be foolish, Karin. You nearly died. I will not have you risking your life because you want to leave." He grimaced. "I would rather let you leave on your own, than be the one responsible for your death."
Karin didn't say anything. She just stared at her lap. This was what she had been wanting all along. Then, why wasn't she happy?
"What's wrong, Pet?" he asked with a wry smile. "Are you having second thoughts?"
"Don't be silly. I've been wanting to leave." Karin couldn't hide the crack in her voice. "How would you do it? Would you just plop me back on Earth?"
"Not exactly. We would have to erase your memories before we do."
Erase her memories? "Why?"
Korrev gave her a wry smile. "We can't have you exposing our secrets to the humans. Not that they would believe you. Believe me, it's quite painless. We'll drop you off on Earth. It would be like waking up after a bad dream."
A bad dream?
If they had asked her at the very beginning of her abduction, she would have described the entire ordeal as a very bad dream. However, now, she wasn't so sure.
She should jump at the chance at being free, but strangely, she was having second thoughts. If her memory was erased, she would forget about her time in Krotev. About Alice, Kyvan, and Azis. She would even forget about Korrev.
She would forget about the blond king who was sometimes sweet and other times harsh. Who would sometimes stroke her hair until she fell asleep. Who would punish her if she was bratty and who would praise her when she behaved well.
The answer was obvious. She should return home to the life she once led. A life where she was a successful lawyer, living in her glamorous penthouse in New York. But then she remembered her life back then. Had she been happy? The answer was no. She had been overworked and spent more time at work than at home. She had also been lonely. Karin couldn't remember the last time she had a friend or been somewhere not work related.
Life in Krotev was far from perfect, but at least she had formed somewhat of a family here. She and Alice were friends. She got along with Kyvan and Azis. And Korrev? Korrev was complicated.
She did not hate him as much as she had when he had first made her his pet. In fact, dare she say she had even grown attached to him? When Karin had been stranded, he had taken over her thoughts. Her desires. To the point that, at night when she had been alone, Korrev had consumed her every thought.
Once or twice, she had admitted to herself she would do anything to see him again. When she had woken up and found him staring at her, she had thought it was a dream, not a nightmare. The first word that had come to her mind had been joy. Joy, because she had been reunited with Korrev.
Now, he was giving her her freedom. Suddenly, she didn't want it.
As if sensing her turmoil, he chuckled. "Are you having second thoughts, Pet? Perhaps you are a glutton for punishment."
Karin didn't laugh. "I wouldn't remember anyone? Not even you?"
"Correct." Korrev gave her a wry smile. "It would be as if you and I had never existed together. That is what you wanted, didn't you?"
She bit on a nail. "No. Not really. I'm not sure. Could I come visit you or Alice?"
"We are not exactly a vacation destination, Karin. Once you decide to leave, you are gone for good. So, what is your answer?"
Karin didn't speak for a few moments. She had many things on her mind. But then she found herself saying, "I want to stay."
Korrev couldn't hide his surprise. "You want to stay with me?"
"And Alice," she couldn't help but say. Karin wasn't a naturally shy person, but saying out loud she wanted to stay with Korrev suddenly made her feel nervous. She had spent so much time trying to get away from him. Then, suddenly, she wanted him near her. It was foolish. Sometimes she couldn't believe her own mind.
Karin should run away. The logical part of her brain told her to accept his offer, but her heart, her heart wanted something different, and it was to stay with him. Forever. Even if it was as his pet or as his breeding mare, she wanted to stay with him. Being torn apart away from him, even if her memories were erased, would be too much for her.
"Are you sure?" Korrev pressed his thumb against her chin, tilting her towards him. "Because once you say yes, there is no going back. I won't let you leave my sight again, Karin. Do you understand?"
"I do," Karin responded. She was surprised her voice wasn't shaking.
A twitch of a smile appeared on his lips and his body relaxed. "Good."
That was all he said. They would probably never say the words "I love you" to each other. Korrev wasn't the type to say them. Neither was Karin.
That was fine. They didn't need to say anything.
Korrev knew what Karin felt about him. Karin knew what Korrev felt about her.
It didn't need to be said out loud. They just knew.
"May I have a kiss?" he asked, sounding so polite, it almost made Karin laugh. He was such a brute and aggressive man, it was hard to imagine him as anything else.
"I should probably have a bath first," she mused. She felt sticky, and not in a good way.
Korrev nodded. "And then?"
Karin giggled. "And then we can kiss."