"Pretty please?"
"I already said no. Have you become deaf?"
Karin flinched.
For the past few weeks, Korrev had been incredibly gentle. She had gotten used to gentle words, not his sharpness.
Korrev sighed, which was his version of an apology. It had been a few weeks since her visit with Alice, and Karin was barely getting out of bed. Karin had heard, though, that Alice had a bouncing baby boy who weighed eleven pounds at birth. Poor Alice.
She still felt a bit tired, but the nasty tonics she had been forced to consume had done their job. Now, she was heading to Azis to have one final appointment.
"Sorry," she responded meekly. Karin knew Korrev had had a difficult few weeks and she shouldn't push. He had a lot of work to catch up on because he had missed so much trying to catch Karin.
He still hadn't said much regarding a punishment for running away and Karin hoped it remained that way. She hadn't been punished in weeks and she liked sitting down on a rear which wasn't stinging.
"Karin, I do not mean to be short-tempered, but you have been asking me the same question for weeks, and the answer is still no." Korrev sighed. "I will not fuck you until Azis tells me you are well enough for me to breed you again."
Karin tried not to sulk like a little girl. For months, Korrev had been constantly touching her. The one thing she wanted him to do, he actually refused. A week ago, her sexual appetite had come back after she had been bedridden.
After months of not having sex, it was the only thing she could think of. She wanted him. Badly. She wanted him to fuck her as he used to. Long. Hard. For hours on end, until she felt like she was out of breath and her lower body was sore and achy.
If she got pregnant, then it would certainly be a bonus. Korrev had told Kyvan that Alice had made his queen eager for a baby, which had made Kyvan roar with laughter.
Karin wanted Korrev to act like he had in the past. Possessive. Dominating. Instead of treating her gently like he currently was. Who knew the brash king had the ability to be gentle?
She touched her neck. The pink bow collar had not been brought back, but it had been replaced by something else. A diamond and pearl choker now adorned her neck. The choker was beautiful and made of the finest gold, which Korrev said could only be found on one planet. The diamonds and pearls had been brought from Earth so she could have a little piece of home with her.
Korrev had explained that even though he wouldn't go back to the bow collar, he still wantedsomething he could use to track her down if it was ever needed. Karin thought it was silly, but if it gave him peace of mind, she was fine with it.
Sometimes Karin thought she was in a dream and Korrev would tell her he was joking and she would no longer be queen. But so far, he had kept his promise. He told her they would hold an official ceremony when the weather got warmer and she would be recognized as the first queen of Krotev.
She wondered what a queen did. Probably some sort of charity project, even though Korrev didn't seem like the charitable type.
"Don't pout," Korrev scolded her as he opened the door of the infirmary. "Serves you right. After all, I didn't lie with anyone else while I was searching for you. It serves you well for you to go through the same pain I went through."
Karin scowled. She was tempted to tell Korrev she'd give up her queenship if it meant Korrev would just fuck her.
Azis greeted them with a slight bow. He didn't seem surprised they were here. It seemed Korrev dragged her here twice a day, to convince himself she wasn't dying.
Karin had told him teasingly at the last appointment that she was going to be queen. Azis, being Azis, had not responded, but she had a feeling he disapproved.
Azis was not a man who liked change. Not to mention, he was probably worried he would have to deal with both Karin and Korrev daily.
He led Karin to the back of the room where he usually provided his services.
Korrev stiffened behind them, even though it was clear he wanted to follow them. "I'll be waiting outside."
After her third appointment with Azis, both of them had kicked Korrev out. He had a bad habit of being persistent and overly critical, to the point it drove all of them crazy. Azis never said it, but she knew he was grateful to her for sticking up for him.
"How are you feeling, Your Majesty?" he asked dourly as he started listening to her chest.
Karin let out a small laugh which quite quickly grew into a cough. Azis glared at her. "I am well. You do realize you don't have to address me as 'Your Majesty', right? The coronation is still months away."
Azis pursed his lips. "It is a matter of respect."
She didn't say anything, nor did she bother correcting him. Azis was Azis. If she had learned anything in the past few months since staying in Krotev, it was Azis and Korrev were both stubborn to a fault and it was impossible to change their minds.
Azis went through the rest of the checkup quietly. Afterwards, he gave her what she felt was his own version of a smile. "Everything looks much better than I expected. You should still take it easy for the next few weeks, but you can return to your daily life."
Karin laughed. "Return to the life as a pet?"
"No, madam. To prepare yourself for your new life as queen. The king's family has been ruling Krotev for centuries. Since my own father was a boy. Now, it will be your turn to raise the future princes, the eldest who will, of course, be king."
She winced. Talk about pressure. But she had noticed people were starting to treat her with more respect, even though no official announcement had been made.
Karin fumbled with her fingers since, sick or not, she was still not allowed to wear clothes. "Azis, I did have some concerns."
"About what, madam?"
"I've been in Krotev for a year now. When I first came here, I was injected with a fertility shot. With the exception of the months I was gone, Korrev has been trying to breed me constantly. However, I had never become pregnant once, compared to Alice and the other mates who got pregnant in a matter of months." Her voice broke and she hadn't realized how sensitive she had become until that moment. Nor how much she wanted a baby.
Karin wiped away a loose tear. The last thing she needed was for Azis to see her cry. "I'm just worried I won't be able to become pregnant and I won't be able to give Korrev a son and heir."
Azis looked at her in a way which was almost sympathetic. "You are older than Alice and the majority of the other mates, but it does not indicate you will never conceive. Some younger women have trouble becoming pregnant as well. I can give you another dose of our fertility injection if you are concerned."
Karin nodded as she leaned on her side so he could inject her in her bottom. After spending so much time together, she had become comfortable in her nakedness.
After he had given her the painful injection, she turned to Azis. "How long will it take me to get pregnant?"
"For some, it could take days. Others, weeks. Sometimes months. We just have to be patient."
"What if it takes longer than that?" Karin's voice broke. "I already wasted a year. Korrev wants heirs soon. What if he does not want to wait as long? What if he chooses someone else to carry his babies instead?"
In a rare moment of affection, Azis squeezed her hand. "Korrev will understand. He had waited this long to have a family. He can wait a bit more." He paused. "It took my mother fourteen years to become pregnant with me. I was her only offspring. My father was able to wait. Korrev will wait as well."
Karin smiled, even though she was a bit teary-eyed. "She gave birth to one of the greatest healers in Krotev." She couldn't say for sure, but she thought Azis blushed.
He cleared his throat. "I will run a checkup in six months. If you are still not pregnant, then I will run some tests. Stress can make pregnancy hard to obtain. I advise you to relax your body."
"Is Korrev allowed to breed me?"
Karin wanted to return to their lovemaking soon. Not just because she was horny, but because she wanted a baby soon. It would be nice if her and Alice's sons would be able to grow together, just like Kyvan and Korrev.
He sighed. "Within reason. You should not tire your body out. But yes, you can resume your activities."
Karin gave him a kiss on the cheek which he quickly wiped away. She went outside where Korrev was waiting for her. He raised an eyebrow. "Well?"
Karin wrapped her arms around him gleefully. "You can breed me again!"
He laughed. "That was not my main concern, Karin. Is everything else all right?" Korrev didn't complain, but she knew her sickness had taken a toll on him and he hadn't been acting like a king should.
She gave a quick nod and he kissed the tip of her nose. Karin used the opportunity to rub her body against him.
"Karin!" he snarled at her as he spanked her left butt cheek, leaving behind a bright pink handprint. Her body shivered with glee. "Not in public. I do not want anyone else to see me breed you."
"Then take me back to our room," she purred seductively.
Korrev hesitated, but only for a second. She could see the imprint of his cock in his trousers. He wanted this as much as she did. He just needed a little pushing.
"Please." She lowered her hand and touched him gently. He let out a small hiss when her hand squeezed his manhood.
Korrev scooped her up in his arms and practically dragged her to their bedroom. A small giggle escaped from her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Korrev closed the door behind himself and plopped her down on the bed. This was one of the good things about always being naked. They were always ready when it was time for their lovemaking.
Karin couldn't remember the last time she felt hornier, and it was almost embarrassing. She looked at Korrev with so much lust in her eyes, she was practically dripping it.
Her blue eyes looked at the way he slowly took off his clothes and the way his cock bounced out of his trousers. He raised an eyebrow. "Karin, I command you tell me if you are ever in pain at any point. Is it understood?"
She nodded impatiently as she patted the opposite side of the bed.
Karin lost count of how many hours they spent making love. It could have been four or six or eight. It didn't matter. All she could think about was the way their bodies were pressed against each other. How Korrev would grip her hips as he thrust in and out of her. How she would caress his muscles while thinking their children would be a carbon copy of both of them. Blonde and blue-eyed.
Karin couldn't remember the last time she had been happier. She hoped she remained that way.