"Your baby is fat."
Kyvan threw Korrev a dirty look as he grabbed his newborn son, Kovin, away from him. Kovin was a chubby baby, with a wide, toothless grin and dark hair and blue eyes like his mother, Alice.
He was two months old, and Korrev already knew he was going to be a fine warrior if the way he was gripping a plushy his mother had lovingly knitted for him was any indication. Alice was having a playdate with Karin, so it was decided both men would take care of Kovin.
Kovin was chewing on his father's bicep, leaving drool all over the place.
At one point, it would have disgusted Korrev, but strangely, he now found it adorable. He now found many things adorable, it seemed.
Kyvan sighed as he touched the back of his son's head. "We have about twenty minutes before he starts throwing a fit and starts screaming for Alice. It seems he's hungry every thirty minutes, which doesn't help me with Alice when I tell her I want another baby soon. The last time I suggested it, she threw a vase at my head."
"But everything else is good?" Korrev asked. Kovin gripped his tiny hand around Korrev's finger and squeezed. He giggled.
"Yes, Azis says the baby is healthy. Alice says the birth wasn't too bad. Perhaps, I'll convince her to have another baby before the year is over."
Korrev laughed darkly. "You do know you don't have to ask much, right? She is your mate. It is her job to give you sons."
"She is also my wife," Kyvan said defensively. Kyvan and Alice had a ridiculous wedding ceremony a month ago, after Alice had insisted on the stupid human ritual. Korrev had only attended because it would have been frowned upon if, as king, he didn't go. He hoped the others didn't get those same ridiculous ideas or he would lose it.
One wedding was bad enough. He was happy Karin was happy with being queen and she didn't need to get married to be happy.
Kovin started fussing with his arms and whining. Korrev sighed as he opened his arms. "Give him to me." Kyvan did as he was told and the king started bouncing the baby on his lap. Kovin laughed and for a few minutes, at least, he stopped thinking about being hungry.
"Is there anything on your mind?" Kyvan asked casually, knowing he wouldn't speak if pressured. "You asked for this playdate out of the blue."
"It's Karin."
"It's always about Karin. She's the only one who manages to change your moods so quickly. What about Karin?"
"You must not tell Alice about this."
"I tell Alice everything. Unless it is a safety matter."
"This is a secret you will keep from her. As your king, I order it."
Kyvan sighed, thoroughly annoyed. "All right, if you insist, but I must warn you there is a high chance Karin is telling Alice about the very matter you are determined to keep so hidden."
Korrev scowled but didn't correct him. Kovin started tugging on his blond hair.
"She can't get pregnant."
Karin had thought this month she had gotten pregnant, but when she went to get checked by Azis, he'd told her there was no baby in her womb.
This had caused Karin to fall into a deep depression, which was why he had insisted to Kyvan for them to have a playdate while the men kept the baby behind. He was worried his queen would grow even sadder if she saw the baby.
Kyvan struggled to hide his surprise. Korrev couldn't blame him. A mate who couldn't get pregnant, wasn't unheard of, but it was rare. They had the best medicine and technology, even better than the human ones and most planets. Azis usually pumped them full of fertility drugs when they first arrived, causing them to become pregnant shortly after they arrived at Krotev.
Korrev had been taming Karin when she had first arrived and then she had run away, so he hadn't thought much about her fertility until Karin had brought it up.
He knew she had gotten another dose of fertility drugs from Azis and he fucked her at least twice a day, but there was still no baby.
Karin was growing desperate, and he quite frankly didn't know how to help her. They had run into this problem with some of his other warriors' mates before. It was rare, but it happened. Sometimes his warriors decided to send their mates back to Earth if they couldn't provide them with children; other times, the couple agreed to remain childless.
They had already established Karin was staying in Krotev, but they had never discussed the possibility she might not have children since it was so rare.
For the first time, Korrev was feeling a bit lost. He didn't want to hurt Karin by getting another mate who could birth him children, but he also couldn't die without providing an heir. There would be chaos.
Kyvan paused, unsure of what to say. "What does Azis say? He's the expert."
He snorted. "He's useless. He says her illness must have caused problems and we should be patient. But she's been here for over a year and she hasn't gotten pregnant. Not even once."
"A year is not very long in our lifespan," Kyvan tried to argue. "Sometimes it takes mates a little longer to be impregnated. I wouldn't lose hope just yet."
"Karin really wants a baby, for different reasons than I do. She's been feeling unnaturally sad." Korrev hesitated. Kyvan's own mother had been killed by his father when she had fallen into a deep depression after his birth. It had been meant as an act of kindness. Kyvan never spoke of it, though. "I am just worried her sadness will continue if she fails to become pregnant."
He nodded. "What will you do then?"
"I need an heir."
"So, will you push her aside?"
It wasn't unusual for a king to have more than one mate.
"No, I want her to be by my side, to be my only queen. Karin would never allow another woman to share my bed." Korrev was proud his queen was so possessive of him.
"But you need an heir," was all Kyvan said. Korrev would need to make a decision soon.
"I know, but I will not hurt Karin. Not again."
Kyvan seemed surprised at his statement. The bastard didn't even try to hide it. The king pursed his lips as the baby drooled all over him.
Korrev pushed the baby towards him. "I think your son needs you."
"I wanted to see the baby," Karin whined when he picked her up from her playdate with Alice. The baby had grown fussy with Korrev and Kyvan. Kyvan had decided to take him back to his quarters after the king told him he would drop Alice off.
Alice was only too happy to return to her baby and husband.
Korrev didn't like the look on Karin's face when she saw Alice holding the baby, even though it wasn't Alice's fault. He had just taken Karin back to their bedroom, even though both Alice and Kyvan had invited them to stay for the evening meal.
"You didn't miss much," Korrev insisted gently. "He just cries and wants his mother a lot."
"He's adorable. He gets bigger every time I see him." A sad look crossed her eyes.
He squeezed her shoulder. He was trying to be sympathetic. Korrev truly was, but it didn't come easy to him. Who had ever heard of a sympathetic king? Still, for her, he could at least try.
"You'll get pregnant soon, love. I'm sure of it."
Karin was trying too hard to smile, to please him, but she was struggling to hold it. "I know."
Korrev nuzzled his nose against the back of her ear. "We could have dinner and then go to bed early." He squeezed one of her breasts.
Karin kissed him gently on the lips. "I'm actually going to bed without dinner. I'm not very hungry."
"Karin," he scolded gently. "You will get pregnant soon. I guarantee it."
Karin didn't think it was true, but she didn't seem to be in the mood to argue. Instead, she squeezed his hand in a weak attempt to make him feel better. "I know I will."
The next few days passed, and neither Korrev nor Karin brought up the idea of a baby again. It was still weighing heavily on her mind, he could tell by the miserable look on her face.
She was quiet. He didn't like seeing her quiet because it usually meant she was going to do something crazy without thinking.
Korrev had asked Azis for advice, but of course, he was no help. He had just told him he needed to let nature take its course and to wait a few more months before trying more severe methods.
But he didn't want to wait any longer. Korrev wanted to try something now. Anything to make her happy. He hated seeing Karin so unhappy. Having her pout because of a spanking was one thing, but having her be utterly miserable was something quite different. Karin was getting sadder and sadder each day. She was also losing weight.
He could tell every night when he fucked her. She was losing her curves and becoming skin and bones, which worried him constantly. She had never quite recuperated from her illness and he didn't want her to regress.
"You could take her on a trip," Kyvan suggested one day during one of their training sessions.
"A trip? What kind of trip?" Korrev wiped the sweat off his brow. He was king. He couldn't just go gallivanting across other planets. It could become a matter of national security.
"To Earth." Kyvan gave a small shrug, as if it should have been obvious. "Before her mind was all about babies, she was homesick. Perhaps taking her back to Earth would give her something else to think about."
It wasn't a bad idea, but it did make him worry. What if she suddenly decided she preferred Earth to Krotev and she changed her mind? Not that he would ever let her leave, of course, but he didn't want to give her another reason to be desperately unhappy.
"Do you think it's a good idea?"
Kyvan gave him a crooked smile. "It's the only option you have, I'm afraid. If Alice and I didn't have the baby to take care of, we would go with you. Unlike you, I actually like Earth." Unlike Korrev, Kyvan had spent a few weeks stalking Alice before he kidnapped her.
"Earth it is." But despite him saying the words, he couldn't hide his doubtfulness.
Karin reacted pleasantly when he told her they would visit Earth. For a few minutes, she stared at him curiously, but at least her mind wasn't on a baby anymore. "You're not planning on dumping me there and getting a more fertile mate, are you?"
Korrev let out a laugh until he realized his future queen was quite serious. "Honestly, Karin, look how much I have suffered for you. Do you really think after everything I've gone through, I would just dump you on Earth?"
Karin rolled her eyes, but an amused smile was twitching on her lips.
"We can't go back to New York," he warned her. "It would be a huge security risk if someone were to recognize you. But we can go anywhere else. Avoiding the entire United States might be the safe option."
She rolled her eyes at his paranoia, but after a few minutes, she finally told him where she wanted to go. "Paris."
The following day, they left on one of the smaller ships, to Paris, France. They would have to land in the French countryside to appear undetected and then board a train or bus. Karin didn't care. She was too excited. For once, she was thinking of something not related to pregnancy.
Karin glanced curiously at the way Korrev navigated the ship. No wonder she had failed so miserably on her first try.
They spent a week in Paris, doing all the touristy things Karin had always wanted to do, but never had because she had put work first. They visited the shops, which Korrev found pointless because she would always be naked at home. They went to museums, which Korrev found boring. They tried delicious French cuisine, which Korrev found tasteless.
At night, Korrev would fuck her so hard, she was surprised they never got a noise complaint. The bed would shake and her moans would only be half hidden by a pillow as he pumped into her, filling her with each stroke. Karin felt like she was still filled with cum even after she had cleaned herself.
On their last day in Paris, Karin had insisted on a walk near the Eiffel Tower. It was August on Earth and very warm, even at night, which hadn't helped Korrev's sullen mood. Laughingly, Korrev hated the heat. He said he had never gotten used to it since Krotev was significantly colder, with the exception of the palace.
It was fun seeing him sweat and dealing with tourists who didn't see him as the almighty alien king.
"Do you miss it?" Korrev suddenly asked as he wrapped his arms around her torso, breathing in her sweet scent.
"Sometimes," she admitted as she looked at a couple walking their dog. "I'd forgotten how busy everything was all the time. How many people there are on Earth. Even though I've lived here for over three decades, it feels surreal. It's like I never left."
"But?" Korrev nibbled on her ear. "I can feel a "but" coming."
Karin let out a small laugh. "I don't want to say it. Otherwise, you are going to get an even bigger head than the one you already have."
"Say it."
"I miss home," she finally blurted out. Karin looked like she couldn't believe she had said it.
A proud smile appeared on Korrev's face even though he tried to hide it.
Karin gave him a whack on the shoulder. "Don't be smug. It's not attractive."
"I'm not being smug. It just pleases me you think of Krotev as home after despising it for so long."
"I didn't despise Krotev, I despised you, for pulling me around on a leash," she answered back snarkily. "But I do miss it, and Alice, of course. Our bed is much more comfortable there. Krotev is so much more peaceful than Earth. I never knew how peaceful until I returned to Earth."
"Do you want to go back?" he asked hopefully. They still had a week left in their travel plans. She had gotten it into her head she wanted to go visit Italy.
Karin smirked. "Nice try. You promised me Italy, and we are going to Italy." She squeezed his hand. "We are going to have the rest of our lives in Krotev. Let's enjoy this moment together, just the two of us."