K eegan was used to Kerry occupying his waking thoughts each morning, but he typically starred in carnal roles. Those lustful feels were still there, but they’d taken a back seat to Keegan’s concern about his well-being. He checked his phone to see if he’d slept through a text, but he hadn’t missed a notification. Kerry had said he wouldn’t call or text if the rescue ran late, but Keegan would’ve preferred interrupted sleep to wondering if Kerry was okay.
He’d never fretted like this before, at least not on a nauseating scale. Was it because he was on the cusp of achieving his impossible dream after months of pining, wishing, and hoping? Doubt, small but persistent, urged caution. Kerry’s swift attitude reversal could spin out of his favor just as quickly. Maybe a part of Keegan would always wait for someone to yank the rug out from under him, but that wasn’t how he wanted to live.
Instead, he focused on the sincere expression in those dark eyes and the blatant arousal Kerry had felt for him. An answering heat stirred low in his belly, but he would not fuck his fist if there was a chance he could have the real thing soon. Keegan debated on a reasonable time to text Kerry. He didn’t want to wake him up, but he didn’t want to come across as inattentive either. What was the correct level of eagerness and concern?
Groaning, Keegan threw back the covers and swung his legs out of bed. “Pull it together, Kee. You barely made it to first base with the guy, and you’re ready to rush over there and check him for cuts and bruises.” He snorted so hard it hurt. “Yeah, that’s the reason I want to wake Kerry up.” Keegan looked in the bathroom mirror and noted the smirk on his face. “Two things can be true at the same time,” he told his reflection.
If that fucker talked back to him, Keegan would check himself into the nearest hospital. His sanity might be in question, but the sentiment rang true. Keegan wanted to assure himself that Kerry was safe and wrap himself around the man like a second skin. He decided ten o’clock was a reasonable time to text Kerry and went about his morning routine. Keegan spent longer on his hair than he normally would, but he liked the result.
His gaze landed on a message he’d printed and taped on the wall next to his mirror. Keegan had found the unicorn-themed graphic in a queer support group on Facebook. The bright colors might’ve caught his attention, but it was the words that touched his soul. I am queer. I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am loved. These affirmations had been a game changer and a lifesaver, and he repeated them every morning. Keegan looked in the mirror, adjusted his posture, and said the words out loud before he left his bedroom.
Rory and Harry were sipping coffee and looking at something on a laptop when he entered the kitchen. The ingredients for an amazing breakfast were spread before them on the kitchen island. The smell of baking bread or pastry tickled Keegan’s nose and made his mouth water. He detected hints of berries and citrus, and that piqued his interest even more. Harry and Rory looked up at the same time and wore matching curious expressions. He’d mistakenly told a few of the guys that he was going on a date, which meant everyone on the ranch knew it. Harry and Rory looked especially bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when they noticed him.
Harry set her coffee cup down and rounded the island to reach for his arm. “Tell me. How’d it go?”
“The date was a complete disaster,” Keegan replied without preamble.
“Oh no,” Harry said with a frown. “I’m so sorry.”
Rory took another sip of coffee as he assessed him. “You don’t seem very upset about it.”
Keegan shrugged and said, “He’s not the one for me.”
Harry rubbed his arm. “That’s a great attitude to have, honey. The right guy will come along and scoop you right up.”
Rory set his cup down and narrowed his eyes. “Our sweet Keegan isn’t upset because he knows he’s already met his special guy.”
Keegan silently implored his body not to betray him and give away his thoughts, but it didn’t listen. The telltale heat started in his chest and spread up to his face. His kitchen cohorts noticed and responded with the standard ooh s and aah s . “The night wasn’t a total bust, and that’s all I’m willing to say right now.”
Harry’s delicate features formed an angelic expression, but Keegan didn’t buy it. “I’m making the blueberry and lemon crumble muffin recipe you found.” Her right brow arched up slightly. “Maybe you’d like to be the first to try them.”
Keegan was a real tramp for anything with blueberries and lemon and would absolutely sing for his pastries. The words flew from his mouth so fast that Harry and Rory barely had time to process the horror of his date before he was gushing about Kerry’s heroics. He didn’t give them time to swoon over the sexiness before he had them laughing about Sven’s antics. But then he reached the part in the evening where he followed Kerry home, and his words came to an abrupt halt. Keegan reached up and touched his lips. His mouth hadn’t looked different in the mirror, but it felt changed. He hadn’t just shared simple kisses with Kerry. They were…they were…transformative. Was this how a butterfly felt after breaking free from its cocoon?
“Oh, honey,” Harry said, throwing her arms around Keegan. “I was only teasing you. I’d never force you to talk about anything before you were ready.”
Rory looked worried too, and Keegan wondered what he’d said to evoke these reactions. He sidled up and hugged Harry and Keegan, forming a small huddle in the kitchen. “If that Danny ever bothers you again, you won’t need to wait for Kerry to ride to your rescue. Ivan and I will fuck him up. Have you seen my man? He’s built like a Viking, and the littlest sneer renders a person useless.” Rory pulled back, and malice shimmered in his light blue eyes. “And then I will use my cyber skills to destroy Danny.”
“I know you will, Ro.” Keegan squeezed his arm and kissed Harry’s cheek. “Tell me what I can do to help with breakfast.”
That seemed to prod the two back into action. Harry ran the kitchen like a general who prepared for every eventuality. She put Keegan in charge of making the Denver scrambled eggs and assigned Rory the home fries and breakfast meats while she went to work on a crêpe batter. With the three of them working in tandem, breakfast came together quickly and without a hitch. Harry handed him a blueberry muffin from the pastry basket, and he didn’t bother with token resistance. He pulled the biggest crumble off the top and popped it into his mouth. Brown sugar, cinnamon, and a subtle hint of lemon made him do a happy dance right there in the kitchen. Harry giggled at his antics and encouraged him to take an actual bite. Keegan’s phone chimed with an incoming text just as he lifted the muffin to his eager mouth.
Harry waggled her brows. “Someone is eager to talk to you this morning.”
“Better not be Danny.” Rory crossed his arms over his chest and looked prepared to do battle.
Keegan hoped Kerry had texted him, but it seemed awfully early for that, unless he was just finishing the job. But that seemed doubtful. Keegan sighed and retrieved his phone instead of biting into his muffin. “It’s a text from Sven. What’s he doing up so early?” His friend was a night owl who wouldn’t see his first salon client until late morning. Sven should still be dreaming of all the beautiful men he hadn’t kissed yet.
“Only one way to find out,” Harry said, adding a gentle elbow nudge to go with the verbal one.
Keegan tapped on the message and frowned as he read, You better talk to your man about setting thirst traps. A video link popped up beneath the message. The caption read: Jaw-dropping heroics from a local hottie. Keegan’s stomach cramped, and he debated playing the video. The clip came from a social media page and not an affiliated news channel, though the cover image showed a reporter standing on a bridge with a semitruck partially dangling over the side of a bridge. The local hottie part rubbed Keegan the wrong way, but it was the jaw-dropping heroics part that gave him pause. He knew Kerry’s job was dangerous without watching video proof. He must’ve stared at his phone too long because his kitchen comrades moved closer to see what he was looking at.
“Are you going to watch the video?” Rory asked.
Keegan chewed on his bottom lip as he considered his options. Curiosity got the better of him, and he tapped the link to play the video.
“Thank goodness,” Harry whispered. “Saves me from finding it later.”
Rory and Keegan chuckled, but their merriment turned to gasps when the video zoomed in on the truck’s perilous position on the bridge. In the background, a reporter gave her viewers a summary of the timeline, starting with the accident and what she described as a major disagreement between law enforcement and the first rescue crew that responded. The camera panned to the right, and the reporter’s arm came into view as she pointed at the newest arrival.
Keegan would’ve recognized Kerry without seeing the logo on the vehicle or hearing it from the reporter. The video cut to a different scene, one where a man in a harness went over the side of the bridge and the reporter again stated the obvious perils. The camera zoomed in to capture the intensity in Kerry’s expression as his crew lowered him closer to the truck. He was saying something to the driver, but the microphones were too far away to capture his words.
“He’s so brave,” Harry said.
“And smoking hot,” Rory added.
Metallic grinding and groaning noises came from the truck, and Keegan squeezed his eyes shut. “I don’t think I can watch this.”
A small hand rested between his shoulder blades and rubbed soothing circles. “You know there’s a happy ending, or Sven wouldn’t have sent it to you,” Harry said.
Keegan nodded and opened his eyes again, but his heart raced a mile a minute as he watched Kerry rescue the driver and haul him up to safety. Harry had to remind him to breathe a few times as they watched the action unfold. The trio groaned in unison when the rescued driver vomited on Kerry. “There goes my appetite,” Keegan complained.
But then the footage skipped forward to a view of Kerry stripping down to his underwear at the side of his truck. Heat and want flared to life inside Keegan.
“Oh my,” the reporter said breathlessly.
Rory snorted. “Someone sounds thirsty.”
“Indeed,” Harry said, though she sounded a little breathless too.
Video proof of Kerry’s survival wasn’t enough. The urge to see, touch, and taste him grabbed Keegan by the heart in an unrelenting grip. He swiped up to dismiss the text thread and tucked his phone away. “I need to go.”
Rory hummed approvingly while Harry burst into frenzied motion, wrapping food in foil or placing it in storage containers. She darted into the pantry and returned with a picnic basket.
“Going somewhere?” Rory teased.
“I’m not, but Keegan is.” She looked up from her work and smiled at him. “I don’t want you showing up on his doorstep empty-handed.”
Rory snorted. “Your cooking is incredible, but it will be the last thing on Kerry’s mind if Keegan shows up on his doorstep looking like that.” He circled his forefinger in Keegan’s direction.
“Look like what?” Keegan gazed down at his jeans and red hoodie. There was nothing enticing about his chosen wardrobe.
“Oh honey,” Harry said. “It’s your expression, not the clothes on your body.”
Keegan darted around the corner of the kitchen and studied his reflection in the hall mirror. His cheeks looked flushed, and the expression in his hazel eyes was… Well, he didn’t know. He’d never really noticed it before now. His pupils seemed bigger, and he looked…hungry. Keegan blinked, but the yearning was still there. Acknowledging the hunger only intensified the sensations elsewhere, as if his body had truly come alive for the first time. Was he crazy to get in his truck and drive to Kerry’s house? And to do what? Feed him breakfast? Keegan cocked his head to acknowledge it was a good icebreaker. He turned back toward the kitchen before he could talk himself out of it and nearly ran into Harry as she rounded the corner with the basket in one hand and a thermos of coffee in the other.
She handed both things to him and rose on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Drive carefully, and do not hurry back.” She winked cheekily. “I’ll be mighty disappointed if you do.”
“Should I leave a note for Cash?” Keegan was eager as hell to get to Kerry’s house, but he didn’t want to let down the man who’d gone to bat for him in ways no one else ever had. He cycled through the things he’d planned to do but couldn’t think of anything so pressing it couldn’t wait a few hours.
“I’ll tell him when he comes to breakfast.” She gave Keegan an impish grin. “The boss knows a thing or two about living in the moment. I promise he won’t be upset with you.”
“Thank you for this,” Keegan said, lifting the basket and thermos. “I don’t know how any of us would make it without you.”
Harry dismissed the idea with a wave before turning back toward her kitchen. “Don’t forget your boots, honey,” she called out.
Keegan glanced down at his socked feet and laughed. He absolutely would’ve walked straight out the door in his haste to get to Kerry’s house. Keegan stopped at the door long enough to slide his feet into his boots before heading outside. A cacophony of distant voices warned that the rest of the crew was walking to the ranch house for breakfast, so he moved his feet faster to avoid them and their probing questions. He made it to the truck and was backing out of his parking spot before his friends emerged from the shadows and stepped into the circles of light cast from the porch sconces. He gave them a quick wave before driving away. He met Rueben on the long driveway and kept going instead of stopping to talk. His best friend would want to know where he was going before the sun was up, and telling Rueben might force Keegan to reevaluate his actions. He’d spent two years analyzing everything he’d ever said or done, and for once, he just wanted to follow his instincts.
Later, Keegan wouldn’t remember the rest of the drive to Kerry’s house. His next vivid memory was of standing on the porch and trying to decide if he should just ring the bell or call Kerry. Keegan set the thermos and basket down on the porch and fished his phone from his pocket.
“Hey, Kee.” Kerry’s sleepy voice sent a zing of longing straight to Keegan’s groin. His breath hitched, and Kerry sounded more alert when he said, “Is everything okay?”
Keegan willed his racing heart to calm down. “That depends.”
“How you feel about me showing up on your porch unannounced…with a basket full of goodies?”
“Like Little Red Riding Hood?”
“Well, I drove over a creek and through the woods.” Keegan considered for a second. “But there’s nothing grandmotherly about you.”
“Wait! Are you here now?” Rustling fabric came through their connection, followed by hasty footsteps on a hard surface.
“That depends,” Keegan repeated.
Kerry’s dark and delicious chuckle rumbled through the connection and down Keegan’s spine. “This Big Bad Wolf is going to devour you.” Then, he disconnected the call.
Keegan nearly lost his nerve when a light came on inside the house. The etched oval glass in the center of the door and the skinny panels on either side of it had a frosted design that blocked prying eyes while allowing light inside the house. A large, flesh-colored shape moved beyond the door, and footsteps grew louder as Kerry approached. Keegan tucked his phone away before picking up the basket and coffee but nearly dropped them again when Kerry opened the door stark naked. His hair was messy and wild around his face, and Keegan could feel the heat radiating off his hard body.
“Oh damn.” Keegan sounded as breathless as the reporter from last night, and he would’ve clutched imaginary pearls if his hands weren’t full. Too bad they weren’t holding Kerry’s taut balls, which were on full display. Kerry’s dick hardened beneath Keegan’s hungry stare. Christ, the guy was hung.
“You kind of look like Red in that hoodie,” Kerry teased.
Keegan forced himself to meet Kerry’s gaze, then swallowed hard at the stark hunger burning in his dark eyes. His mussed hair wildly framed his face, and his desire for Keegan was as naked as his gorgeous body. It was the exact moment that Keegan shed his doubts and embraced his instincts. “You definitely look like the Big Bad Wolf.” Keegan’s gaze drifted down to the dark, trimmed curls and the fully erect penis jutting forward. “Oh my. What a big dick you have.”
Kerry hooked a finger in the top of Keegan’s hoodie and tugged him inside the house. “The better to fuck you with.”
“I brought breakfast,” Keegan said nervously.
Kerry closed the door behind them and crowded Keegan against it, pinning his impressive erection between them. He cupped Keegan’s face and pressed a brief kiss to his lips. “I ate enough food after the rescue to feed ten men. If you want to eat first, we can—”
“No. You’re the only thing I want in my mouth right now.”
Kerry’s wicked smile promised Keegan wouldn’t regret his decision. He reached down and relieved Keegan of his burdens and took a few steps back. “I’ll just set these in the kitchen. You can go on up.”
It would feel strange, possibly intrusive, to enter Kerry’s room for the first time without him. “I’ll wait.”
The detour to the kitchen didn’t take long, and Keegan got the chance to ogle Kerry’s superior ass as he walked away. He leaned against the banister at the foot of the stairs and soaked up the view—coming and going. Keegan had heard the term “size queen” but had never associated it with himself. The length and girth of Kerry’s dick should concern him, but Keegan was too eager to stretch himself around it.
“You’ll make me blush,” Kerry said when he joined him.
Keegan rolled his eyes and headed up the stairs. Kerry’s tread sounded heavy and eager behind him, and it spurred him to move faster. As if sensing a chase, Kerry increased his pace, too, until they both jogged up the stairs. Keegan would’ve bolted for Kerry’s room if he knew the direction. When he asked, Kerry lifted him up and over his shoulder, giving Keegan a close-up view of that rounded, muscular ass. If Kerry could take some liberties, so could he. Keegan smoothed a hand over one firm cheek and earned a hard slap against his own.
“I’m trying so hard to be good,” Kerry growled. “I wanted to take you right on the stairs.”
“I wouldn’t have objected,” Keegan said.
Kerry stopped and deposited Keegan’s sweet ass on the foot of his bed. He took Keegan’s face in both hands. “Do you remember what I said about consent?”
Keegan nodded vigorously. “Yes. I want this, Kerry. I want you more than I’ve wanted anyone or anything in my entire life.”
Kerry inhaled slowly and searched Keegan’s face. “I’m so far out of my depth, but I’m done fighting this.” He dropped his hands and stepped back. “I’m going to brush my teeth, and I’ll be right back.”
Keegan reached for his hoodie, but Kerry stilled him with a growl.
“I want to do that.”
Keegan dropped his hands in his lap and looked around the room. Kerry had turned on a bedside lamp before coming downstairs, but the low-wattage bulb only illuminated a small circle near the top of the bed. He should be grateful since the darkened space would make him feel less insecure, but it also meant he wouldn’t get to see as much of Kerry. Would it be presumptuous to turn on the overhead lights? A fireplace was centered on the wall opposite Kerry’s bed, with a television mounted above it. Spring had arrived in Colorado, but the mornings were still chilly and damp. Keegan imagined the play of shadows and light on Kerry’s body when he—
The fireplace made a soft whoosh before flames licked along the fake logs. Keegan looked over and caught Kerry watching him. He stood next to his nightstand and held a small remote. “Handy little thing,” he said. “My interior designer droned on about how romantic it would be to have a fireplace in the bedroom. I told her it would be a waste of money, but she persisted. The damn fireplace is my favorite feature in here, even though I’ve only used it for practical purposes until now.”
Kerry dropped the remote in the drawer and closed it. He stalked around the bed and stepped between Keegan’s thighs. Reaching down, Kerry lifted the red hoodie up and over Keegan’s head. His T-shirt followed next and landed on the floor next to the bed. Static crackled in the air, and Keegan wasn’t sure if it came from his clothes or resulted from the passion surging between them. Kerry kissed him, sliding his minty-fresh tongue inside Keegan’s mouth to tease and explore.
The frenzied energy from the prior evening was gone. There was no “will they, won’t they” deliberation happening behind closed lids. They kissed and touched each other with the confidence of two men who’d accepted the moment had been a long time coming. Keegan might not have been a virgin, but this was the first time he embraced the carnal urges guiding his hand to wrap around Kerry’s hard length.
Kerry broke their kiss with a lusty moan and rested his forehead against Keegan’s. “You’re still wearing too much.” He stepped back long enough to remove Keegan’s boots and socks, then took stock of Keegan’s bright pink toenails. Kerry lifted his right leg, and Keegan fell onto his back. Kerry stroked his thumb along the arch of his foot, then nipped the big toe before sucking it between his lips. Keegan gasped at the sensual intimacy and fell deeper under Kerry’s seductive spell. He slowly withdrew the toe from his mouth and grinned wolfishly as he lowered Keegan’s leg. “I told you they were made for sucking.”
Keegan smiled at the memory. He’d been so insecure about wearing toe polish until Kerry showed up at Lucinda’s salon and pronounced his toes were made for sucking. He’d proudly showed them off with flip-flops after that.
“But now I want to suck other parts of your beautiful body.” Kerry dropped to his knees between Keegan’s parted thighs.
Warm lips pressed a series of kisses on Keegan’s belly, and a wet tongue dipped into his navel. Kerry angled his face to brush his beard over the sensitive skin, and Keegan squirmed. Big hands landed on Keegan’s thighs to hold him in place, but in a way that drove Keegan mad with desire. Kerry nuzzled his nose along Keegan’s stomach, then over the front of his jeans. The pressure against his thighs eased because Kerry shifted his hands up to Keegan’s waistband, where he made the simple act of slipping buttons through holes the sexiest thing Keegan had ever seen. Kerry spread the placket open to reveal Keegan’s pale pink briefs with a telltale wet spot. Then he held Keegan’s gaze as he leaned down and inhaled deeply.
“You smell better than I ever imagined.” Kerry’s husky voice turned Keegan’s insides to jelly. “I don’t just want to imprint your body with mine. I want to devour you until there’s no you or me, just us.” Kerry personified the Big Bad Wolf in that moment, but Keegan would not play the meek Little Red Riding Hood.
He reached into his underwear and pulled his dick free. The swollen head was slick with precum when he pressed it to Kerry’s lips. “Get to eating, wolf.”
Their gentle exploration ended in a hungry growl as Kerry sucked his dick down to the root. Keegan arched his hips up off the bed, and Kerry tugged his underwear and jeans down to mid-thigh to bare more of him. Kerry angled his head so he could watch Keegan’s expression as he worked his cock up and down. Keegan’s entire body shook as pleasure threatened to blow his circuits. Instead of slowing Kerry down, Keegan fisted his luxurious, wavy strands and thrust his hips, driving his dick into the eager mouth. The wet, sloppy noises Kerry made were filthy, but instead of being repulsed by his reaction, Keegan embraced the carnal desire it stirred within. The only thing Keegan resented was the denim prison surrounding his legs. He wanted to spread them wide and offer all of himself to Kerry, but he didn’t want to lose Kerry’s wicked mouth.
Keegan started to squirm and push his jeans down a little farther. Kerry got the hint and shifted enough to strip Keegan bare without slowing his suction down. Warm hands massaged his thighs, inching closer and closer to his groin. Kerry’s thumbs brushed over his taut balls and below to Keegan’s taint. The blow job continued in earnest until a curious digit brushing over Keegan’s puckered entrance earned a needy whimper.
Kerry lifted his head, wet lips curving into a wicked smile. “Feel good?”
Nodding, Keegan said, “Do it again.”
Kerry placed his hands under Keegan’s thighs and pushed his legs up and open. His hungry gaze fell to Keegan’s most intimate parts. “Look at you,” Kerry said. “So fucking perfect. So pink. I want to taste you here too.” Their eyes met again, and Keegan saw the unspoken question in Kerry’s gaze.
Did he want this? To know what Kerry’s tongue felt like against his hole? The tight clinch in his core was a resounding affirmative. “Hell yes,” Keegan said.
Kerry lowered his head between Keegan’s legs again, stopping to place ticklish kisses on his inner thighs. Beard hair rasped over delicate skin as Kerry inched closer to Keegan’s center, making him feel alive in a way Keegan had never experienced. He nearly came out of his body when Kerry pressed a kiss just to the right of Keegan’s quivering pucker. Anticipation strung him tighter than a bow when Kerry lifted his head. Waiting for his lips to land where Keegan wanted them most made the moment drag out insufferably long.
Kerry blew over the sensitive flesh, and Keegan released the neediest whimper. And then his mouth was there, licking, teasing, and sucking Keegan’s entrance. Kerry held his hips in a bruising grip as if he feared Keegan would take his treat away. A wicked, wet tongue circled his rim and wiggled into his puckered entrance. Kerry wedged his broad shoulders under Keegan’s thighs and lifted him into the air. He clutched Kerry’s hair in surprise, then cried out in ecstasy when Kerry wriggled his tongue and breached Keegan’s hole with a savage growl.
But that was just the beginning of Kerry’s erotic onslaught, and Keegan’s mouth fell open in a silent scream as Kerry tongue-fucked his hole with wild abandon. His nose bumped relentlessly against Keegan’s taint, and Kerry’s bristled jaw rasped against Keegan’s spread ass cheeks. The onslaught of sensations brought him to the precipice of climax much too soon. He wanted to feel the euphoria of an orgasm with Kerry, but not yet. That’s when his guilt and recrimination could make an appearance, and he was desperate to hold on to this joy for as long as possible.
“I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” Keegan warned. He didn’t sound nearly as panicked as he felt, but Kerry must’ve seen the truth in his gaze.
He withdrew his tongue and lifted his head. “Then I’ll just make you come again.” The simple response made Keegan smile. Kerry held his gaze, waiting for his decision.
“Well, if it’s that easy…” Keegan tugged Kerry’s head back down to where he wanted it.
This time, Kerry sucked his middle finger deep into his mouth and made a show of slowly dragging it from his mouth. The digit was long and slick, and Keegan knew exactly where Kerry planned to put it. Soft kisses drifted across his pelvis, and Kerry’s nose nudged against Keegan’s cock. The wet finger pressed against his entrance at the same time Kerry wrapped his lips around Keegan’s cockhead. He held his breath in anticipation, but it whooshed out when Kerry penetrated his ass and sucked his dick down to the root at the same time. The finger stretching Keegan open curled and nudged his prostate.
“Oh fuck,” Keegan said. He tensed his body, fighting the sensations to make the pleasure last. Maybe he could’ve held off if he’d closed his eyes and hadn’t witnessed the wicked joy in Kerry’s dark eyes as Keegan thrust his hips, fucking Kerry’s mouth while riding his finger. Suddenly, chasing a climax like this wasn’t enough. He laid his hand on a broad shoulder, and Kerry stopped and stood up. Keegan scooted farther up the bed to give them room for what he really wanted. “I want you inside me when I come.”
“Yeah?” Kerry truly looked like a powerful wolf stalking his prey as he crawled up the mattress at a slower pace.
Kerry didn’t stop his momentum until he hovered over Keegan on all fours. He captured his mouth in a long, deep kiss before he leaned toward his nightstand to get supplies. He rolled on a condom with economical movements that betrayed his familiarity with the practice. Keegan didn’t have time to get insecure over their varying experience levels because Kerry moved between his legs once more. Maybe he saw a flash of something in Keegan’s eyes anyway because Kerry paused for a kiss. “This is the first time I’ve ever invited a guy to my home and into my bed. No one compares to you. Do you hear me?”
Keegan nodded eagerly and rested his hands on Kerry’s shoulders. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
He took his time working Keegan open before slicking up his erection and pressing it against his entrance. They kept their gazes locked on one another as Kerry entered him slowly. Keegan’s breath hitched as his body burned and stretched to accommodate Kerry’s girth and length. He didn’t mean to tense, but Kerry was attuned to his every nuance. “Do you need me to slow down or stop?”
Keegan tightened his legs around Kerry’s waist. “Don’t you dare.”
Kerry leaned over Keegan and kissed him hungrily until he relaxed, then pushed the rest of the way home. “Just give me a minute.” He rested his forehead against Keegan’s as a tremor racked his powerful body. “I talked a big game earlier, but I’m ready to come.”
Keegan fisted his hands in Kerry’s hair. “Go ahead. I’ll just make you come again.”
Kerry snorted and raised his head. “I’m insufferable, aren’t I?” He pulled back a little and thrust back in, as if testing himself. Just that little friction made Keegan gasp.
“I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.” He tightened his clinch around Kerry’s dick. “Except for you holding back right now. Move your sexy ass.”
Kerry’s response was a low growl, but he complied, slowly at first but gaining intensity with each thrust. He snapped his hips forward, his balls slapping against Keegan’s ass as his dick nailed his prostate with precision. Kerry lowered his torso, trapping Keegan’s dick between their bodies and applying the perfect amount of friction to heighten Keegan’s pleasure. “Come for me. Come around me. Come all over me.” Kerry grunted and dug his knees into the mattress for even better purchase. He lowered his head and nuzzled against Keegan’s neck. “Just come.”
As if on command, pleasure detonated in Keegan’s body. The intensity stole his breath and made it impossible for him to do anything but hold on as Kerry fucked him mercilessly, using Keegan’s body for his pleasure. Kerry lifted his head and locked his gaze on Keegan’s at the moment he found his release. It felt like a full surrender to their strengthening bond and was easily the most vulnerable moment Keegan had ever shared with another person. He didn’t shy away from it. He cupped Kerry’s face and pulled him down for a kiss. Kerry braced his weight on his forearms, but even that distance was too much. Keegan ran his hands up and down Kerry’s damp back, mapping out his muscles and bumping his fingertips along his spine.
Kerry eventually eased out of him and rolled over, bringing Keegan to lie on top of him. “I weigh too much.”
Keegan tucked his head under Kerry’s chin and sighed. “You can pin me to the mattress anytime.” The significance of the moment fully hit Keegan. The afterglow used to turn into his freak-out moment, with bliss giving way to panic and shame. Not this time. Not with this man. Keegan raised his head and met Kerry’s sleepy gaze. “How much rest do you need before round two?”