“I worried about this.” Kerry sighed dramatically, formed his features into a resigned expression, and gave his head a little shake. He had a hard time staying in character when Keegan’s drowsy gaze turned sharp and alert. Kerry’s mouth quivered at the corners and threatened to give him away. “I believe I even warned you this might happen during our locker room chat at the Feisty Bull.”
Relief softened Keegan’s gaze again, and he rolled his eyes. “So arrogant. The only ring I’m thinking about is the asshole you just stretched around your dick.” Keegan pushed up to a sitting position and straddled Kerry’s hips. His torso was slick from where they’d smeared his release between them. Kerry became aware of the stickiness on his stomach, too, but couldn’t be bothered to wipe it off when the fireplace crackled behind Keegan and cast gorgeous shadows over his body. He was beyond grateful his interior designer hadn’t let him override her decision to install it in his bedroom. “I can’t wait to ride you like this.” Keegan undulated his hips and triggered a fluttering response in Kerry’s core. Maybe he’d rebound quicker than usual and make both their fantasies come true.
Tucking one arm under his head, Kerry watched the play of muscle under Keegan’s skin, the hypnotic movements pulling him under Keegan’s spell. The glistening smears caught his attention again, and he reached up and swirled his finger through it, wishing it was his cum painting Keegan’s golden skin. “I’ve never wanted to mark anyone or claim them for my own.” Kerry had never resented using condoms during sex. He’d never yearned to tuck someone against his heart and hold on for dear life. Everything changed when he met Keegan. The impossible not only seemed possible but plausible. Inevitable?
Kerry cut off the train of thought before veering too far off track. He cupped the back of Keegan’s neck and pulled him down to bring his lips within kissing range. He’d meant to keep things light between them, but the situation called for raw honesty. “I expected to feel a surge of resentment if I gave in to my attraction to you, but you’ve brought me a level of warmth and peace I’ve never known.”
Keegan swallowed hard and blushed a little, but he kept his soft gaze locked on Kerry. Not that long ago, he would’ve broken eye contact. “And I expected to feel a surge of self-hatred and shame after sex.” His eyes filled with tears, but Kerry didn’t see sadness shimmering in his hazel depths. “This liberation and joy is something I couldn’t have dreamed for myself.” He blinked, and a few tears spilled down his face. Keegan groaned and pulled against Kerry’s hold to sit up again. “Damn it. I vowed I’d never cry again after sex.”
Kerry hadn’t wanted to let him go, but he’d vowed to honor Keegan’s choices. He lifted his hand and brushed the tears away instead. “Tears of joy and liberation are welcome anytime.”
Keegan looked away then and stiffened. Kerry followed his gaze and found Betty sitting in the doorway, watching them.
Meow. Her orange eyes bored into Kerry’s, and her twitching tail betrayed her annoyance.
Keegan chuckled. “Is your perverted cat rating our performance?”
“She’s demanding breakfast.” Kerry looked at the clock. “I’m seven minutes past her usual mealtime.”
Meow. Betty’s complaint got louder and would only continue to rise in volume and shrillness the longer he delayed. “I better meet her demands or suffer the consequences.” He sat up and kissed Keegan before he could slide off Kerry’s lap. “She’s definitely giving you a ten out of ten. So bossy and sexy.”
Keegan looped his arms around Kerry’s neck and smiled. “Tell me more.”
All thoughts of getting out of bed were gone. “How about I show you instead?” Kerry rolled and pinned Keegan beneath him once more and captured his bossy mouth in a kiss that left them breathless. He’d be more than willing to stay just like this for the rest of the day, or at least until he recovered enough for round two. The mattress bounced at the foot of the bed, and Kerry broke the kiss to glare at his cat. “There’s dry kibble in your dish. Eat that. I’ll give you tuna soon.”
Betty narrowed her eyes and made no move to leave them alone. She didn’t yowl at him, so he took that as a good sign to resume kissing Keegan, whose lips trembled with barely contained glee. “Don’t encourage her,” Kerry warned. His mouth barely grazed Keegan’s when Betty’s sharp teeth sank into his foot. She’d only warned him and didn’t break the skin, but it hurt enough to make him yelp and sit up.
Keegan slapped a hand to his mouth to muffle his reaction, but his body shook with restrained laughter. Betty jumped off the bed and darted into the hallway. Kerry was tempted to shut the door and resume their activities, but she’d only make a pest of herself. And he still wore the condom.
“I’m going to take care of this.” He pointed to the latex covering his dick. “Then I’m going to feed my nagging cat. How do you feel about taking a shower to clean up?”
Keegan stopped laughing and jackknifed into a sitting position. “Together?”
“The same woman who talked me into installing a romantic fireplace also convinced me to put a shower big enough for—”
Keegan launched himself off the bed and hauled ass to the nearest door.
“—two,” Kerry continued.
When Keegan yanked the door open, he must’ve only seen the clothes hanging to the left and right because he turned, put his hands on his hips, and glared. “Really? You’re just going to let me make a fool of myself?”
Kerry chuckled and crossed the room at a much slower pace. “It has showerheads on both ends and multiple nozzles along the sides for massaging.” He stopped when he reached Keegan, took his hand, and led him into the closet. Kerry reached out and flipped on the switch. Light flooded the space and revealed a closed door on the other end. “I haven’t tidied the bathroom, so it might be a little messy.” Kerry opened the door, flipped on the light, and winced. His clothes from the previous night were in a pile next to the hamper instead of inside it. He’d flung his towel across the vanity instead of hanging it on the rack to dry.
Keegan stopped beside him and took his time examining the space. He lifted his head and sniffed the air. “Smells just like you.” Before Kerry could ask if that was a good or bad thing, Keegan turned, pressed his nose against Kerry’s neck, and sniffed him. He followed that up with an almost purr-like noise, which then reminded him of his furry beast.
Meow! Betty’s insistent tone let him know she wasn’t playing around. He’d better move his ass or risk losing a toe.
Keegan eased to the side and gestured to the cat. “You better take care of your girl.” He eyed the shower with a skeptical eye. “I could probably figure this out.”
“Just one more minute, Betty,” Kerry told her. She flounced off with a low growl, and Kerry reached into the tiled enclosure and cranked the faucet handle. Only one showerhead came on, but that was his intention. “I don’t want you on the other side of the shower if it means I can’t hold you against me.”
Keegan assessed the massive structure where steam already billowed toward the ceiling. “That bench is sure going to come in handy, though.”
The comment drew Kerry’s attention to Keegan’s sweet ass. “Yes, it will.”
Keegan looked over his shoulder as he stepped inside the shower. “Go feed the cat.” He stepped under the spray, sighed, and tilted his head back to get his hair wet. “I’ll be right here when you get back.”
“Don’t touch anything,” Kerry groused.
Keegan considered him with a quizzical expression. “Do you ration your shampoo or something?”
“I want to be the one who does the touching and washing.”
“Hurry back, then.”
Betty was licking her ass on the center of his bed when he stepped through the closet door.
“We need to work on your manners, young lady,” Kerry said as he strode out of his room.
The carpet muffled Betty’s launch behind him, but he knew she was in hot pursuit. As soon as he put his foot on the first step, Betty zoomed past him like the hounds of hell were after them. In her eyes, being late for tuna was far worse than having slobbering dogs. He paused in the kitchen and stared at the picnic basket and coffee thermos as if they were apparitions. He’d forgotten all about the food Keegan had brought with him. Betty yowled her displeasure at his tardiness and got him moving again. He found her in the laundry room, sitting beside the empty tuna dish.
Kerry pointed to the bowl beside it filled more than halfway with her dry kibble. “You have plenty to eat.”
Meow. Which sounded like Betty speak for “you have plenty of other toes.”
Kerry didn’t know why he wasted time arguing with his cat when Keegan was naked and wet upstairs. He yanked the can’s pull tab so hard it snapped off before it broke the seal. “Damn it.”
Betty swished her tail scornfully as she watched him through narrowed eyes. He put the can back on the shelf and grabbed a different one. That time, he opened the tuna and dumped it in her dish without incident. Betty attacked the fishy flakes with gusto, and he smoothed his hand over her back. Things didn’t bode well for him when she ate her tuna too quickly, and she was mad enough to puke it up in the worst possible locations.
“Easy, girl. You’re not starving, and there’s plenty of tuna where that came from.”
Betty glared at the interruption before continuing to eat, but thankfully at a slower pace.
Kerry dashed back upstairs and found Keegan in the same spot Kerry had left him in, and he turned and met Kerry’s gaze when he reentered the bathroom. He opened the shower door and stepped inside. Kerry wrapped his arms around Keegan and pulled him against his chest.
“Ready to go again?” Keegan asked.
“My little lamb has turned into quite the minx.”
Keegan fisted a hand in Kerry’s hair and brought their mouths together. They kissed hungrily as their hands roamed all over slick skin. When they parted to catch their breath, Keegan traced the lines of a tattoo on his chest. “Your body makes a beautiful canvas.” He looked up and met Kerry’s gaze, but his fingers continued exploring. “I started taking art therapy classes to help work through stress and trauma. It looks like you’ve been working through yours with ink therapy for a while now.”
Kerry looked down at his chest and watched Keegan’s fingers as they traced over one dark line, then another. “I’ve never considered my compulsion to add tattoos is a form of releasing pain. I’d just heard they were addictive.” He pointed to a set of initials over his heart, and Keegan traced the NJH . “This was my first one. I got it as soon as I turned eighteen to honor Natalie.” He’d been so proud to show it off to his family. “My mother teared up when she saw it, but my uncle teased that I wouldn’t stop with one tattoo.” Kerry grinned wryly. “He wasn’t wrong, but I have zero regrets. Each tattoo memorializes something or someone important.”
Keegan looped his arms around Kerry’s neck and kissed him. “I didn’t mean to bring up distressing topics.” He smiled sheepishly. “Seems I could use some work on my after-sex techniques. First, I cried, and then I reminded you of the worst time of your life.”
Chuckling, Kerry pulled Keegan tightly against him. “Until now, my after-sex techniques comprised of disposing a condom and zipping up. I’m the last one to criticize.”
“Did you at least slap them on the ass as you walked away?”
Kerry laughed harder. “I was that douchebag on some occasions.” He latched onto Keegan’s ass with both hands. “We can learn proper afterglow techniques together.”
They kissed and explored again. Kerry felt the welcome zing low in his belly, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the effects of little sleep, an explosive orgasm, and hot water. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Keegan’s, who correctly read the signs.
“We’re clean enough for now.” Keegan twisted his torso to shut off the water.
They remained in the enclosure until chilly air penetrated the steam and made them shiver. Kerry pressed a kiss to Keegan’s forehead before he opened the door and pulled two towels off the rack. He draped one around Keegan’s shoulders and rubbed his body with the other.
“This is warm,” Keegan said as he toweled off.
“I didn’t put up a fuss when the topic of a towel warmer came up. It turns on automatically when the shower starts.”
Kerry ogled Keegan’s fine ass as he followed him into the bedroom. The alluring view gave him a zing of energy, but it fizzled quickly when Keegan headed for his discarded clothes.
“You can borrow one of my shirts,” Kerry suggested. “And stay a little longer.”
Keegan froze with his briefs in midair. The desire to do just that was clear in his expressive eyes, yet the set of his mouth told Kerry his answer before Keegan could respond. He sighed longingly and said, “I can’t. I have things I need to tackle at the ranch before I work a shift at the Feisty Bull tonight.” Keegan stepped into his underwear and pulled them up his long legs. He turned and smiled at Kerry. “And you need to get some sleep. You look exhausted.”
“I am.” But it didn’t negate his disappointment that Keegan wouldn’t be there when he woke up. “Will you eat breakfast with me before you leave?”
Keegan’s brilliant smile made the sun look like a slacker. “I’d love that.”
Kerry tugged on a pair of sweats but didn’t bother with a T-shirt. He sat on the bed and watched Keegan redress, resenting each new article of clothing that covered his gorgeous body. This was completely fresh territory for Kerry, and it felt like navigating uneven terrain. It would take him a while to find his footing, but he was determined to do this right. He stood up when Keegan finished and crossed the room.
“You’re not going to put on a shirt?”
Kerry cocked a brow and tugged Keegan close. “Do you need me to?”
“Won’t you get cold?”
“I’m hot-blooded.” He playfully nipped at Keegan’s throat. “Like a wolf.” He added a growl when Keegan laughed at his antics. “And you still look tasty.”
A scraping noise came from downstairs. “What’s that?” Keegan asked.
It took Kerry’s sluggish brain a few seconds to figure it out. He bolted out of the bedroom and yelled, “Betty! Don’t you dare!” The ominous sound occurred again when Kerry was halfway down the staircase. He took the remaining treads two at a time and vaulted onto the hardwood floor. The kitchen came into view when he rounded the corner. Betty sat on the island with her paw pressed against the basket. She’d already scooted it so half of the basket hung over the side of the marble countertop. One more good push and it would topple over. Betty’s expression could only be described as spiteful when their eyes met. Kerry had seen this look at least once a day since he brought her home as a kitten, and he ran faster. “Don’t you—”
Betty gave the basket a shove, and it toppled off the counter. Kerry lunged forward and snagged it seconds before the basket crashed to the floor. He stood up to address his dastardly feline, but she was nowhere in sight.
“Hello, beautiful,” Keegan cooed. “Why is your daddy yelling at you?”
Kerry spun around to find his cat winding around Keegan’s legs. She purred loud enough for him to hear it across the house. Betty stood on her haunches and placed her paws on Keegan’s upper thighs. She didn’t do a full stretch with Keegan because he was still a stranger to her, but she was making a big overture. Keegan reached out a hand and let her sniff it. Betty seemed to check out each finger before she headbutted his palm. Keegan glanced at Kerry as if seeking encouragement, and he nodded, knowing Betty was on the verge of adding another adoring member to her fan club.
“Oh my goodness,” Keegan gushed. “You are so beautiful, Betty. Your fur is so soft, and your eyes are so pretty.”
Kerry snorted and earned reproachful glares from both Keegan and Betty. “She’s a tyrant. Don’t let her fool you. We were mere seconds away from having our breakfast destroyed.”
Betty purred louder and kept pressing her head against Keegan’s fingers. She closed her eyes in a blissful expression that made Kerry jealous. What the fuck was happening? Getting jealous of other men was one thing, but his cat?
“I don’t believe him for a second, sweetheart,” Keegan cooed.
Kerry turned his attention to unpacking the food from the basket instead of trying to persuade Keegan. Besides, he hoped Keegan would spend a lot of time here, and he wanted Betty to like his favorite human almost as much as Kerry did. The food aromas made his mouth water. “Do I smell blueberries?”
Arms slid around his waist seconds before Keegan pressed his body against Kerry’s. “Mmhmm. Blueberry lemon crumble muffins. I found the recipe, and Harry made them this morning.”
“You eat like this all the time?” Kerry asked, gesturing to the bounty.
Keegan poked his head out from under Kerry’s arm. “Yes, but we work it off. Well, the crew does. I mostly push paper around and fill in where I’m needed. I’d pack on the pounds if I didn’t work out and box regularly.” He dropped his arms and stepped back. “Where do you keep your plates?”
“In the cabinet above the dishwasher.” Kerry opened the drawer in the island where he kept the silverware and serving utensils. “There are insulated packs in here to keep the food warm, but I can heat it up more if you’d like.”
Keegan set two plates on the island. “Nah. Liberating sex and a joyful orgasm has made me famished.”
Gesturing to the food, Kerry said, “You go first. My crew went out for a big breakfast at the Greasy Spoon after we cleared the accident.”
Keegan didn’t put up an argument. He loaded his plate and scooted a stool back from the island.
“Don’t wait for me,” Kerry said when it looked like he would do just that. “Do you want coffee from the thermos, or would you like something else? I have milk, orange juice, and water.”
“Orange juice, please.”
Kerry filled two juice glasses, then filled his plate. He sat down beside Keegan and smiled at his half-empty plate. Damn, he hadn’t been teasing about his ravenous appetite. Pride swelled in Kerry’s chest, and he leaned over to kiss Keegan without thinking about it.
Keegan turned wide eyes on him. “Hi.”
Kerry ducked down for another kiss, this one longer. He tasted blueberry, lemon, and a hint of salt from the bacon. He deepened the kiss, claiming Keegan in ways he didn’t fully understand yet. “When can I see you again?”
Keegan’s eyes remained closed, and he swayed a little as he sighed. His lashes fluttered open, and dreamy hazel eyes locked on him. “You’re still here.”
The question amused Kerry. “Where else would I be?”
“I keep thinking I will wake up and find this has all been a wonderful dream.”
Kerry brushed the back of his fingers along Keegan’s jawline. “This is real, and I want to take you on a proper date. Just you and me. No Sven tagging along. No family members watching our every move.”
Keegan smiled. “So, I didn’t mistake the matchmaking attempts at the family dinners or Sven’s interference on Saturday night.”
“Nope, and they don’t get to take credit for us getting together,” Kerry said stubbornly.
“Good luck with that.” Keegan broke off a piece of muffin and popped it into his mouth. “I’m working tonight.”
“I am too,” Kerry said. “I’m filling in so Curtis can attend his kid’s ballet recital.”
Keegan practically melted. “That’s so sweet. What a lucky girl.”
“Boy,” Kerry corrected. “The little guy dances like it’s no one’s business. Curtis will send me a video, and I’ll show you.”
Keegan covered his heart. “That’s even sweeter.”
“What about tomorrow night?” Kerry pressed.
“I have a therapy appointment, but it should be over by four or four thirty at the latest.”
“I’ll be home by five,” Kerry said. “Why don’t you pack an overnight bag and head here after therapy instead of going back to the ranch? We can leave from here.”
“You want me to stay the night?”
Kerry kissed his luscious mouth. “If it were up to me, neither of us would leave this cabin for several days. You wouldn’t have to worry about clean clothes because we wouldn’t wear them.”
“Whoa,” Keegan whispered.
Kerry thought the same thing as soon as the words left his mouth. “Too much?”
Keegan swallowed hard. “Not for me, but what about you?”
“Honestly?” Kerry asked.
“Of course.” Keegan set his fork down and seemed to brace himself for Kerry’s response.
“It feels like not enough. I have eighteen months of stupidity to overcome.”
Keegan shook his head. “Not on my behalf. I wasn’t ready for you when we first met. I might not have been ready for you six months ago either. I think this happened when it was supposed to and not a second sooner.”
“That sounds too easy,” Kerry said. “Like something you’ve made up to make me feel better.”
Keegan shrugged his shoulders and lifted a forkful of eggs. “Doesn’t make it less true.”
They ate in companionable silence until Keegan pushed his plate away several minutes later. He’d made a hellacious dent in his food, but there were some scrambled eggs left over.
“Want to make Betty your best friend forever?”
“Of course,” Keegan replied.
“Give her a few pieces of scrambled eggs.”
Keegan imitated the clicking sounds Kerry had made the previous evening. Betty trotted over and stretched up to sniff his offering. She swiped them out of his palm and devoured them off the floor. Then she purred and rubbed against Keegan’s stool, begging for more.
“That’s enough, my darling hellcat,” Kerry said. He picked up the plates and carried them to the sink. “Want me to pack this back up so you can take it home?”
“Nah,” Keegan said. “You can eat it after you wake up.”
Kerry yawned as if on cue.
“I can take a hint,” Keegan teased. “Text me later.”
Kerry snagged his waist and held him in place but kept his grip light. “One more kiss before you go.”
One more kiss stretched on for another twenty minutes. Keegan’s phone chimed, and he snarled adorably.
“A work calendar reminder,” he said. “I better take off.”
Kerry walked him to his truck but kept their last kiss short. “Be careful.”
“You too,” Keegan replied. “And try not to strip down to your underwear in front of news cameras.”
Kerry grimaced. “They caught that?”
“Caught it?” Keegan asked. “Hell, they zoomed in and broadcasted it live. There are so many thirsty videos and memes out there now.”
Kerry buried his head in his hands and groaned until a thought hit him. “Is that why you came over here? To stake a claim?”
“Hell yes.”
Kerry laughed. “This bossy side of you is sexy.” He pressed one last quick kiss to Keegan’s lips, then stepped away from the truck. “Better go before the wolf takes over again.”
Keegan expelled a shaky breath and climbed into his truck. Kerry watched him drive away before returning inside, where Betty waited for him on the back of the couch.
“We need to work on your manners,” Kerry said. A big yawn stopped him from naming her most egregious crimes. Damn, he felt good. Tired, but in the best possible way. The warmth he felt in Keegan’s presence was still there, a silent blanket wrapped around him. “Damn it,” Kerry swore. “Am I on the cusp of turning into a sap like Seth?”
Betty’s meow seemed like a resounding yes, and Kerry decided he was okay with it. He went upstairs and fell into the deepest sleep of his life. When he woke a few hours later, Kerry found a text from his mom. Lucinda wanted to meet for lunch at the diner during her break at the salon. Kerry recognized a summons when he saw one and agreed to the meeting. It was better to conserve his energy for the interrogation ahead than waste it resisting Hurricane Lucinda.
He arrived at the diner first and chose a corner booth in the back. Kerry caught several heads turning in his direction as he walked by and remembered what Keegan had said. Had all these people seen him in his underwear? One elderly gentleman at a neighboring table gave Kerry a thumbs-up, and a woman at another winked at him. Kerry decided they approved of the mission and not the fit of his underwear and turned his full attention to the menu. He stared at the damn thing until his mother arrived, even though he could recite each item by memory.
Lucinda’s radiant smile had him reaching for the menu again to shield his retinas from permanent damage. “Turn that down a notch, will you?”
She snagged the menu from his hand and laid it on the table. “Just let me have this.”
He’d said something similar to Seth not that long ago when his cousin caught him during an unguarded moment. Kerry had been observing Keegan with his family and admiring the way he fit. Belonged. It hadn’t been the first revelation of the sort, but it was the one that rocked Kerry the hardest. He’d allowed himself a moment to wonder what a future with Keegan could look like if he weren’t so messed up.
Kerry’s face must’ve betrayed the joy he’d glimpsed and had drawn Seth’s attention. Kerry had zero intentions of acting on his attraction at the time, so he’d waved off Seth’s concern for Keegan’s heart and told his cousin to just let him have the moment. Kerry might resemble the Harts, but Lucinda’s influence ran deep. He didn’t need to rely on their mother-son bond to know the source of her happiness. “Let me guess. Sven called you when he got home last night.”
His mother responded with an indignant snort. “It’s like you don’t even know your brother, Ker. Sven called me before you even pulled out of the parking lot.” Her smug expression turned somber. “Sven promised you didn’t kill anyone. Was he telling the truth? Do you need me to help hide Danny’s body?”
Kerry chuckled. “The asshole is still among the living, as far as I know.”
“Sven told me that Keegan followed you home to talk .”
He didn’t miss the emphasis she’d placed on the last word. “And I received an emergency phone call before we could get to our conversation.”
Lucinda leaned forward and said, “Conversation or conversation ?”
Kerry shook his head at the innuendo she’d bled into the word the second time around, but he kept his expression neutral. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
She studied his face for only a few seconds before her lips twisted into a knowing smirk. “Your body language tells me everything I need to know, and you’re welcome that I insisted you include the fireplace and fancy shower in your bedroom suite.” She held up her hands before Kerry could respond. “Again, just let me have this moment.”
“Did you call me here to gloat?”
Lucinda placed a hand on her chest and batted her eyelashes dramatically. “Me?”
“Careful,” Kerry cautioned. “You’ll lose an extension.”
His mother rolled her eyes. “You don’t know what it’s like to be lash impaired. Both you and Natalie inherited Graham’s eyelashes. All the Harts have long, black eyelashes that don’t require curling or mascara. It’s just not fair.”
“I admire how easily you can say their names.” Kerry hadn’t intended to take their conversation in a heavy direction, but maybe that had been his problem all along.
Lucinda reached across the table for his hands, and he obliged her. “It hasn’t always been this easy, but you know that.”
“You put in the time and hard work to heal,” Kerry said.
“One step, one hour, and one day at a time. I didn’t have a choice. You’d lost your sister to a violent death and your father to grief. I wouldn’t leave you alone in this world. You were my reason for fighting every single day.”
Damn, how he loved this woman. “You started fighting for yourself at some point. You opened the salon, and you fell in love with Steven.” Kerry shook his head. “I don’t know how you learned to love again.”
Lucinda took a deep breath and looked like she was considering her words. “I couldn’t stay mad at Graham. I wanted to, but he hadn’t left us because he didn’t love us anymore. He blamed himself for Natalie’s death and never recovered.”
The discussion between his parents on the morning their lives changed forever was as clear as if it had happened yesterday instead of twenty-five years ago. Natalie had just gotten her license and wanted to drive to the river to hang out with friends. Lucinda had said no, which prompted a rare argument between mother and daughter. Graham had intervened and worked out a compromise. Natalie could take Seth and Kerry to the ice cream parlor in town and meet up with her friends there. He couldn’t have known Natalie would drop off the boys in town and catch a ride to the river with a guy she’d been secretly dating.
“Graham’s protective instincts became so severe that he wanted to shut us in against the world so no one else could hurt us. The isolation only deepened his depression until he became unrecognizable, Kerry. I urged Graham to get help. I wanted him to see a therapist to talk through his grief and paranoia. He just couldn’t live in a world without Natalie.” She shook her head sadly and squeezed Kerry’s hands before releasing him. “He lost out on watching you grow up to be an incredible man who risks his life to save others. I’d like to think Graham and Natalie are watching over us. They’d be so proud.”
Maybe on some level, Kerry realized he’d followed in his father’s footsteps. He’d built a protective wall around his heart and rarely let new people in. His close friendships were all ones he’d formed before Natalie died. He respected and liked his crew, but he only knew them professionally. Kerry had made space in his life for sexual pleasure with willing partners who knew the score, but he never permitted physical comfort. That changed when he met Keegan. Somewhere along the way, he realized he’d been existing instead of living. “I don’t want to close myself off to love anymore.”
“Then don’t,” Lucinda said firmly. “You’ve had countless examples of the truest love within our family alone. Everything you need is right here” —she pointed to her temple, then to her heart—“and right here. It’s never too late to start therapy to work on the things that are holding you back from the rich life you deserve.”
Kerry exhaled a shaky breath. He’d seen firsthand what a good therapist could do for people who’d bought into the process. “I’ll think about it, Ma.” He grinned wryly and shook his head. “I’m thirty-eight years old and about to go on my first date. I don’t want to mess this up with Keegan.”
“Sweetheart, don’t overthink this. Keegan isn’t a guy who needs grand gestures.”
“He deserves them. I thought about watching some rom-com movies to get ideas.”
Lucinda giggled and gestured for him to stop. “Don’t do that. Keegan is crazy about you, not Hollywood’s version of the perfect man. Keep it simple. Start with a nice dinner. Then, you need a nonsexual activity. Bowling, a movie, or something you know he enjoys.” Lucinda leaned close and waggled her brows. “Then you get to the really good stuff.” She sighed wistfully and got a faraway look in her eyes. “I remember when Steven and I first started dating .” Her emphasis on the word made him cringe.
“Got it,” Kerry said. “Dinner and an activity.” They could do both those things at his house, but he wanted to make Keegan feel special. “Anything else you want to recommend?”
“Don’t screw this up.”
No pressure. “Yes, ma’am.”