Cleaning wasn’t what I expected to do before the Sunday service, but here I am with a duster in one hand and the polish in the other. I work the shine into the wood, taking pride in my work, while Max tackles the brass statues. Ernie sits with the priest on the altar, sipping water.
I didn’t talk to anyone about what happened last week in the phone room, and nobody has asked even though I have bruises around my neck. Maybe Rio was right, and if I ask for help, it will be seen as a weakness.
Felix was strong. In a fistfight I wouldn’t be able to take him. He’s also part of a rival gang. Back home, we would look after our own, but the rules are different here. It’s better if I don’t put too much trust in anyone.
Felix hasn’t been anywhere near me, even though I’ve not changed my routine at all. I shower, run, eat, sleep, and repeat. He wouldn’t have to look for me if he wanted to finish the job. It doesn’t stop me looking over my shoulder every so often though.
Rio’s kept his distance too. We’ve barely spoken, and he’s even turned away from me in the bathroom instead of checking me out. I’m on my own, and I still haven’t figured out the rules of survival.
Fresh flowers are brought in, and after cleaning everything up, we place hymn books on the benches. The organist practises a few songs as we finish up.
I sit in the same place for the service and hold back when it’s ended. The priest gestures me into his private quarters, and I take a seat. While he gets a glass of water and guzzles it down, I close my eyes. I’m tired, and it just occurred to me this is the only place I feel safe. The priest isn’t going to cause me any harm. I use my few minutes to truly relax as it’s been a tense week.
“Would you like to talk about anything, child?” he asks.
I flinch, not realising I was falling asleep. “Great service. I’m just tired, nothing is on my mind.” A total lie, but I have trust issues. Even a man of God makes me too nervous to spill secrets.
“This is a safe space; I want you to know that.” He looks sincere, and his soft tone makes me want to believe him.
“I’m glad.”
“Tell me what happened.” He points to my neck. The marks are fading, but the unease they’ve caused still sits heavily.
“Some guy with too much adrenaline got a jump on me.” I shrug. It’s a small olive branch, although it’s a big step for me to offer it.
“Did you not have your knife?” He frowns, like that would’ve solved all my problems but I’d be in trouble with the guards if I’d been caught with a weapon.
“I’d left it in my room. I didn’t want to get caught with it.”
He nods. “Understandable. Have you fixed the disagreement you had with him?”
“That’s just it… it was an unprovoked attack.”
I’m confused as to why Felix did what he did. Was it fuelled by jealousy because of my roommate, or because I’m in a rival gang, or linked to the warning Rio gave me about someone wanting me gone? I have no clue.
He strokes his chin, thinking for a moment. “That’s unusual, especially when you have the Cyclones watching your back.”
Do I? I want to ask, but instead, I take a different approach. “What’s your link with the Cyclones?”
“They keep me and my daughter safe in exchange for my service at the prison.” He shows me a picture of a beautiful teenager.
“You must be very proud of her.” Is there more to what he’s saying? Is there a threat to his daughter’s safety, or are they caring for her?
“I am.” He smiles with pure love on his face. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me every detail of what happened but know I’m here for you when you need me.”
“Thanks. I just need time to process but I won’t make the same mistakes again. These bruises are as far as the trouble will go.”
I might be being optimistic, but Felix won’t get the jump on me again. I’ll be prepared next time, if there is a next time. I’ll prove to Rio I’m not weak.
When we’ve finished with the counselling session, or whatever this is, I spend a bit of time with the Cyclone’s, before returning to my room for the evening.
Rio looks up when I enter the cell, but quickly glances away. I brush my teeth in the sink with water, no toothpaste. I’m in no mood to use the communal bathroom tonight. I climb into bed just as lights out is called.
I close my eyes, waiting for sleep to set in. An hour passes, and I’m still wide awake. Usually, I toss and turn, but I’m beginning to notice patterns with Rio. He studies my sleep patterns like he never fully lets his guard down. If I’m moving around, he’s not sleeping. If I’m still, he sometimes drifts off for short periods.
There’s a slight rocking to the bed, and I open my eyes but don’t move a muscle. It continues, and I have an idea of what’s happening. Blood runs down to my dick as the springs begin to creek. A soft moan leaves his lips, and I fight the urge to reach for my length.
The bed begins to shake as his movements become more vigorous. I can’t fight temptation any longer. My hand slips into my boxers, and I grab my hard-on. My balls tighten on contact, letting me know a release is overdue. The first stroke is like ecstasy. I don’t hold back my groan. There’s no way he doesn’t hear me either. The bed squeaks louder as we both carry on. He moans softly, and I find myself doing the same.
Closing my eyes again, I imagine he is touching me. Fuck, my dick likes that idea. I stroke it faster and harder until I’m about to explode. Maybe I should be embarrassed that I’m going to come too quickly. I try to hold on as long as I can, but it’s been a while since I got any kind of action. I hear my name just as the first spurt of cum jets out.
“Fuck,” I mutter, milking my cock until I’m spent. Warm cum fills my boxers until I’m seeing stars.
It’s quiet again for a few seconds. Rio climbs from his bed to use the sink. He washes his hands before coming back to the bed. My hand’s still under my waistband as we stare at each other.
“Want me to clean you up?” he asks, holding a piece of tissue.
Removing my hand, I hold it out to him so I can get the tissue and show him the mess I’ve made. There’s no point hiding, we both know what just happened. I watch him lower his mouth towards my fingers. He gives me enough time to object before he starts to lick them clean, stirring a new arousal within me. Once he’s satisfied he’s got every drop, he moves away.
I’m thankful he doesn’t ask for more, as I’m not sure I’m ready for it. What just happened was enough.
“Goodnight,” he says.
“Night,” I say. I turn over, and at last I find sleep.