Max is eyeing me like fresh meat as I sit alone in the dinner hall. This is why I like to stay under the radar and let creeps like Felix think I’m easy pickings. It’s a mask—a charade—unlike Kaden who proved he’s not as streetwise as he could be. Yes, I should give him a break after what happened with Felix but it’s hard when I don’t want anything to happen to him.
Ignoring Max, I finish my burger before taking my empty tray to the shelves. I’m heading toward the bathroom when Felix starts to follow. If he’s doing what I think he is, I need to make a decision. Do I slip back into my old persona, or do I tell him to shove off?
I round the corner, glancing over my shoulder to see if he takes the same route as me. When I enter the bathroom, immediately I thrust myself into the closest wall. If I’m behind Felix when he comes into the room, his confusion will give me a slight advantage.
He enters without missing a step and heads to the toilet region. Grabbing a towel, I head for one of the shower stalls. With no doors, there’s nowhere to hide but I can act casually. Max is next to enter, followed closely by Kaden. They sit on the bench opposite my location.
“Do you mind?” I ask them. “I’d like to get a wash in peace.”
Max chuckles. “I never took you as a shy man.”
“What’s happening here, ladies?” Felix asks, coming to join, followed by two guys from his crew.
I curse under my breath. The last thing I want is to be caught between two gangs. Giving up my pretence, I ditch the towel and head for the door. It’s been years since I felt intimidated, and I won’t be starting again now.
Felix shoves into me, making Max and Kaden get to their feet.
“Woah. No need to turn up the heat.” I try to escape, but Felix has other ideas. He throws the first punch. I duck so he hits one of the metal bars on the bench. His two cronies make a grab for me, but I’m fast. I slip out of reach, but not before Max and Kaden start pounding on Felix.
I’m standing in the doorway with a clean escape in view but the two other members of Nickel are approaching, and Kaden may lose his advantage. Latching onto one of their backs I wrestle him to the ground. I land a few punches before his mate pulls me off. I’m kicking and bucking as they try to put me down.
A whistle sounds, and everyone scrambles to their feet, trying to look casual as the guards enter.
“What’s going on in here?” the governor asks.
None of us speak as we line up like naughty school children. The governor gets in all of our faces, but nobody bites when she seeks answers. She’s left with no choice; she has to let us go even though she’s aware something just went down.
Max is the first to catch me up. “You should consider joining us. The Cyclones would easily welcome you into the fold,” he says.
Max didn’t technically ask me a question, so I don’t voice my opinion. I try not to react as I meet his eyes. I’m a loner. Joining a gang is eventually going to lead to me doing something I don’t want to do. It’s better I stay away from that scenario as it won’t end well.
Kaden is close behind us. He trips over his own foot before stumbling into the wall. “What the fuck was that?” I ask when he finally catches up. He knows I’m not talking about his clumsiness.
“I thought you might need some help.” His smile is smug and I’m guessing this has something to do with me calling him weak. At least I know where he stands now, he thinks there is strength in numbers. It should’ve been obvious really; he is in a gang.
“I had it handled,” I grumble. We move away from Max toward our cell, and he doesn’t follow.
“Felix is a big mother fucker.” Kaden is looking at the situation too logically. Yes, Felix is huge, but he’s slow and not very bright. His strength can be overpowered with a little creativity.
“And Max is a psychopath.” We enter our cell as I make the flippant comment.
“Says the man who kills people for a living.” His voice holds anger.
I get right up in his face. “Just because we had a wank together, doesn’t make us best buds.”
He squares up to me. “You saved me. I was just repaying you the favour.”
“No, what you were doing was initiating me into a gang. I’m a lone wolf, I’m not in need of a pack.” I grit my teeth.
“Would it be so bad to have someone watching your back?” He bares his teeth.
“Yes,” I snap back.
“I don’t get you. First, you try to kill me, then you’re flirting, and then you’re avoiding me like a friend you can’t shake.”
I pause. Some of the anger I was feeling disperses. “Yeah, well, you’re not the only one confused by my actions. I could’ve just done the job and got paid.”
“Then why didn’t you?” he raises his voice.
I falter.
That’s the ultimate question here, the one I’ve been trying to figure out all this time. I’m not one to catch feelings or leave a job undone. I’m a ruthless killer. I depend on no one and need for nothing outside my own unit. I’m my own best friend and worst enemy.
“Because I like you, okay? There I said it.”
He looks at my lips, and my heart starts to pound. My black soul wants more from Kaden than anyone before. This is worse than any counterattack. I’m a loner and don’t need him to be looking at me like that. Why couldn’t he have been an easy lay and then maybe I could’ve moved on. My infatuation would’ve hopefully fizzled out.
He pulls me forward, and my lips come crashing into his. They’re as soft as I expected but also punishing. He kisses me hard like it’s the last one he’s ever going to get. Our mouths move together in unison, and he slips me a bit of tongue.
The door to our cell is wide open, and anyone could walk in at any minute. He doesn’t seem to care, but I force him away.
He tries to grab me, but I hold my hands up. “We can’t do this.” He frowns, and I love that he’s disappointed. “We need to be smart.” I tilt my head to the open door. “Anyone could see.”
We watch someone walk past before he nods. “To be continued.”
Between Felix and Max, I’m cautious of my movements all day. I keep my head down and my brain on full alert. Kaden hangs with his crew, but his glances aren’t helping me stay out of trouble. Plus, I’m fighting an erection most of the day. The promise of more tonight has me struggling to keep it under control.
I burn off some steam using the gym before heading into the yard to run some laps. Usually, I avoid Kaden’s time out here, but I’m running out of places to hide. The inmates aren’t the only ones watching me closely.
After exercising, I’m pulled up to the governor’s office. I help myself to the grapes on her desk before taking a seat.
“Whenever there’s trouble, your name seems to pop up,” she says, pacing the room.
“I’m just an unlucky guy. It’s not my fault I’m in the wrong place at the wrong time.” I reach for another grape.
“Unless you’re the one causing the problem.” She puts her hands on her hips.
I throw the grape in the air and catch it in my mouth. Taking my time, I eat it before speaking. “What proof do you have? Oh, wait… that would be none.”
“It’s just coincidence you’re at the centre of all the trouble?” She pulls the grapes out of my reach.
“Now wait a minute… centre is a strong word.” My face lights up with a stupid grin.
“I don’t have time to play games.” She rolls her eyes looking unimpressed.
“Then let me return to my cell and stop asking silly questions.”
She slams her hand down on the table. “I’m watching you.”
“Yeah, well then you’re going to miss when the other guys cause trouble.”
She points her finger right at me. The governor has a temper, and it often gets the better of her. It’s easy to push her buttons, but I won’t be giving her any answers. “Get out of my office.”
“Yes, ma’am.” I stand and head to the exit.
“I know you killed Jono,” she says, halting my steps. “That’s right, I know your secret. Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure you never see the light of day.”
I wave on my way out, but my anger rises. He should’ve been mine to kill but I don’t want to take the fall for some else’s work. Why does she suspect I’m behind what happened to Jono? I was careful that day and left no evidence I wasn’t anywhere near him. If I had, she wouldn’t be threatening me. I’d have already been put in front of a judge.
When night falls and I’m locked in my cell, I’m no longer in the mood for Kaden. Instead, I pretend to be tired and fall asleep.