Rio looks murderous as I pass him in the hall on my way to the showers. Max smiles at me, slightly easing the knot in my stomach. I clean up and change my clothes. Once back in the hall I search for Rio, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
He’s talking to Felix when I finally catch up with him, but before I can approach a guard indicates I’m wanted. Rio meets my gaze as I’m pulled away.
“The governor wants to see you,” the guard says, giving me a stern look.
“Why?” I ask.
“I don’t know. You can ask her when we get to her office.”
I nod. I won’t get any answers from him, or he doesn’t know anything. Hopefully, I won’t be questioned about Rio like last time.
We make our way through the gates. Eastward is becoming familiar to me, and the maze is less daunting.
For once, the governor is already in her office when I arrive. “Take a seat,” she says when the guard ushers me inside.
Ignoring her words, I place my hands on the back of the chair and lean forward. “I’ll stand, thanks. What’s this all about?”
“We don’t need to dance around the subject, so I’ll cut to the chase. I know your secret.” It’s unnerving, the way she stares at me like she’s seeing me for the first time.
I wonder which bit of information she’s referring to? “You’ll need to be more specific.”
“You’ve been lying this whole time, treating us all like fools.” She leans towards me, still leaving me in the dark to what we are talking about.
“Okay, now I’m lost.” I wave my arms and shrug my shoulders to show I’m confused.
“New evidence has come to light.”
In this place, she could be speaking about any number of things. My heart begins to pound although I’m not sure why she’s making me nervous. Is this about Rio? Do they know he’s killed people? Or am I being set-up for something?
“You’re talking in riddles, and I’m getting bored.” Being the nice guy hasn’t worked for me so far. I’m beginning to understand some of the rules in Eastward, and being friendly with the governor isn’t a good idea.
“Sit down,” she says through gritted teeth.
I think better of arguing this time and do what she says. Sitting, I flex my elbows, placing my fists on my cheeks. “Just tell me what you think you know and save us both the headache.”
“You weren’t driving the car that hit that young boy, were you?”
All the air rushes out of my lungs, and I start to feel lightheaded. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I cross my arms over my chest. Her comment totally blindsides me.
“The investigating officers missed one key detail.”
I shrug, trying to keep my cool. My whole life feels in the balance. Prison isn’t somewhere anyone would want to go, but I’ve accepted my fate. “Please, tell me more.”
“You’ve got an identical twin.” She holds up a school class photo from high school. Kai and I aren’t standing together. Yes, we look alike, but the picture isn’t brilliant. She must’ve seen more than the information she’s sharing with me.
“Oh, that.” I shrug, trying to channel my inner Rio. He wouldn’t crack under pressure.
“Yes, that.” She points between the two of us in the picture.
It’s hard not to react. My hands are shaking as I comb it over my head. “What do you want from me?”
“The truth.”
“The right brother went to jail.” Sharing a cell with Rio was my destiny, not Kai’s.
“Are you sure about that?” She looks puzzled for a moment as she tries to decipher my words.
“I thought you were going to cut to the chase.”
She lets out a deep breath. “Your brother was picked up this morning for drunk driving.”
My heart feels like it just stopped. How could he be so reckless, especially after getting a second chance? His arrest changes everything. I’m no longer willing to blindly protect him. “So, what now?”
“Now we wait. The cops need to go over the evidence. You might want to call your lawyer.”
A lawyer isn’t the only person I want to get on the phone. I’ve been doing time for an asshole who hasn’t even learned his lesson. I clench my fist hard trying to get a hold of my anger.
The governor doesn’t seem to notice my reaction as she shuffles some paperwork before picking up the phone.
As I’m leaving, a group of envelopes on the side catch my eye. Swiping them from the desk, I tuck them under my top. My pulse is back in overdrive. I know it’s wrong to take these documents but also unable to resist. Are these my letters to my family?
Instead of being taken back to my cell, I’m put into an interview room. A phone is brought so I can contact my lawyer along with a vending machine coffee.
I’m not left alone so I can’t call my mother or confirm my suspicions with the letters. Were they returned to the prison by my brother or were they never sent outside the prison building? Am I just being paranoid about my close relations, or was my communication with them somehow interfered with?
Once I’m done with the phone it’s taken away and I’m abandoned. I sigh with relief before taking a drink of my warm coffee.
I need time to think about everything that’s just happened. It’s a shame this room is more like a psych ward than somewhere to relax. There are only white walls, a couple of chairs and a table. At least in my cell, I can lie on my bed and have Rio for company. Shit, Rio. He’s not going to know what’s happened to me. Will I get a chance to talk to him again before I leave?
I run my hands over my face. Am I really getting out of here? The prospect of freedom feels unreal. Even the vending machine coffee is better than the drinks we get in the canteen. The idea of eating a takeaway pizza and a café cuppa doesn’t seem possible. I’d murder for a burger and greasy fries.
Will my old room be untouched? Brad said Sonia had been snooping around. Did she take some of my stuff to my mums? I’m not sure I can step back into my old life when so much has changed.
Lifting my shirt, I pull out the letters. The handwriting on the front is mine and I find the envelope unsealed. All mail is checked on the way in and out of prison, but none of these letters have ever been sealed.
A bitter taste fills my mouth. Not one member of my family has visited me since I went down. The governor might’ve cut off my written communication, but surely she couldn’t control my visitor rights. Plus I’ve tried to call. I have to face the fact they’re all absent from my life because they choose to be.
The day my father died I lost them. When I get out, perhaps it’s time to cut ties completely. Fuck them. I don’t need them.
Going back to the Cyclones also doesn’t sit right with me. I might be getting a second chance and maybe I need a new start. If I slip back into old ways, I could end up back here of my own accord.
Then there’s Rio. He’s not a good man, I know that. But he’s been good for me. He’s pushed me to own who I am. Maybe I’ve always known I was gay, he just confirmed it.
I’ve fallen asleep in the chair when the door opens, and my lawyer, Jarred Burgess, enters. He looks unimpressed, which is probably because I haven’t given him an ounce of truth since we first met. He shoos the guard out of the room before setting his briefcase down on the table.
“I think it’s time you give me the whole story so I understand what is going on.”
I raise my eyes, studying him. Now the governor knows the truth, what do I have to lose? “The police turned up at my house and accused me of a crime. They had evidence, including pictures of someone who looked like me in the car that injured the boy.”
“But you weren’t at the scene when the accident happened, and you’ve never driven that car?”
I chew on my lip, finding it hard to admit the truth. I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t me. This stays between me, you, and the governor for now. My twin brother was in the car. He was the one who injured that boy.”
He wipes his hand over his lip. “Okay, so you were trying to protect your brother?” He thinks out loud. “We can work with this. What’s changed with your brother? What has he told them?”
I shrug, unable to hold back my sarcasm. “Have you forgotten I’m trapped in this hell hole? The last person I spoke to on the outside was my old housemate about a week ago to check on my pet goldfish.” Okay, so that’s partly a lie, I don’t have any pets, but hopefully, he’ll understand I’ve been abandoned in here.
“Why did you agree to take the fall, instead of letting your brother take the blame for the crime he committed?” He completely ignores my outburst, choosing to continue his line of questioning.
I rub my jaw carefully considering what I’ve been asked. “I’m not sure exactly. I was told it was the right thing to do because I’m the screw-up of the family.” I frown hating that I’m admitting this.
He nods, lost in his own thoughts. It feels weird trusting someone, especially after being inside. Trust is a weakness while in prison and not something I did often even in the outside world. It takes time to scope people out and although I’ve spent time with this guy, I haven’t given him a chance to prove himself before now. I’ve known my lawyer for a while, but all I’ve done is ignore his pleas and advice on how to handle my case. Now I have to put my confidence in him if I want to be a free man.
I tell him about the conversation I had with the governor and give him the letters I took from her office. We fill in some paperwork and he makes some calls. By the time he’s packing up I’m exhausted and just want to go to bed. The guard takes me back to the inner prison, and I slip into my cell after the jail is locked down.
Rio’s topless laying on his bed. My eyes wander over his abs, and suddenly, I’m not so tired anymore.
“So, you’re getting out?” he says.
I shouldn’t be surprised he already knows something has changed. He’s been one step ahead of me all this time.
“It looks that way,” I say, trying not to show any emotion on my face.
I head to the sink and wash my face. I remove my shirt, dropping it to the floor. Towering over Rio I keep tight-lipped. I’m not sure how he’s feeling about us or the idea of me getting out.
“Take the pants off too. I want to enjoy you for as long as I can.” It’s so easy with Rio. He always knows the right thing to say especially when I’m not ready to play all my cards. I do as he requests, and he loses his trousers too. The smile on my face feels wicked as I climb on top of him.
Our lips connect and he puts his arm around my waist. I already know what he’s planning. Rio likes to be in control. But after the day I’ve had I’m not willing to submit. He tries to flip me over so I’m underneath him; I thrust down into his groin not letting him.
“Not tonight,” I whisper in his ear.
He tries again but I’m not budging. I lick down his collarbone paying special attention to the mess I made with my knife. The skins reddened and is healing into a thin scar.
“You still owe me for that,” he says, gesturing to the mark I’ve left.
“Aw poor kitty, how can I make it up to you?” I bite down gently on his shoulder as close to the wound as I dare.
He growls. “Let me take your ass.”
That’s the first time he’s asked to have sex. We’ve fooled around plenty of times but never gone the full way. The offer is tempting but he’s playing dirty. He just wants to dominate the situation as usual.
I shake my head. “No.”
He bites his lip. “I hope you can handle me.”
“Oh baby, I’m going to handle you so hard.”
He winks, before surrendering his arms back to the mattress. We study each other for a few seconds before I carry on with my assault on his torso. I lick and nibble my way down his chest to his abs. This man is beautiful and mine—for now. I rub my thumb along his abdominal V, nipping the skin at the crook of his hip. He closes his eyes for a brief second physically trying to hold back his reaction.
I take my time to worship every inch of him, kissing every patch of his perfect body and exploring the ridges of his contour.
Once he’s restless with need, I turn my focus solely to his cock. Lightly, I run my bottom lip up his length. He watches me with lustful eyes. I lick the sensitive tip making him groan.
“Just suck it already,” he says, bringing a smirk to my face.
“You’re so impatient.”
He tries to push my head down, but his aim is off and I’m not ready to give in yet. I tease him with my lips, tongue, and teeth until he’s practically begging.
Taking his cock into my mouth I flatten my tongue against his length and suck my way back up. He groans loudly and it sends a jolt of heat through my body. I work him, sucking him deep and allowing my mouth to pop as I pull off his dick.
He struggles not to interfere with my pace and every time he touches the back of my head I stop. He covers his head with his pillow in frustration.
I move up and down his shaft a few more times before lifting the pillow off his face. “Are you into this?” I ask.
He gestures to his hard dick. “Fuck, yes.”
Despite his words I can tell the control freak is struggling to let go. “Turn over,” I say.
He narrows his eyes at me. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” He points to his erection.
“Just do it.”
He eventually does as I asked. I nestle over him allowing my length to sit between the valley of his ass cheeks.
“Lights out,” one of the guard’s shouts before the darkness sets in.
I kiss his neck while grinning into his warm skin. We begin to move together, and I rock against his entrance. When I reach around him, he lifts his pelvis allowing me access to his length again and starts to stroke it. We get hot and heavy with our thrusts and my cock presses hard into his ass.
I know what I have to do to take this further, I’m just not sure if that’s what Rio wants. Releasing his cock, I spit on my hand, my fingers grazing his puckered entrance.
“Do you want me here?” I ask.
“Hell yes.”
“Have you done this before?” He’s no virgin, he’s too wicked for that, but I’m not an expert in male-on-male sex. Rio likes to dominate so I doubt he’d reverse the roles with just anyone.
“Just because I like to top doesn’t mean I haven’t tried everything at least once.”
I push my finger inside making him groan. “I want to know what else you’ve tried once but maybe later.”
Stretching him I work him open adding more fingers until I think he’s ready to take my cock. I spit on my hand and give my length a few strokes before lining up with his entrance. Slowly I push my way inside making him groan loudly.
“Shh… someone might hear.”
“Are you scared someone will find out I’m your boyfriend? You have nothing to worry about because I’m pretty sure they already know.” He groans again as I thrust forward.
“Say that again.”
“They know already.”
“Not that part.” I push in and out, loving his tightness around my cock.
“It’s hard to think right now. You’ll need to be more specific.” I love that I’ve rendered him senseless.
“You called me your boyfriend.”
“Get your hand around my cock and I might do it again.” There’s the Rio I’m used to.
I grab his cock and start to pump it again.
“I’m getting fucked by my boyfriend,” he cries out.
His words send a lightning bolt of lust down to my balls as I continue to push in and out. “You say the sweetest things.”
I stroke his length harder knowing I’m not going to last much longer. This is the best sex I’ve ever had, and I don’t want it to end. My thrusts become more erratic as I start to lose control. Rio is loud but I’m past caring as he moans in pleasure. I’m unable to hold on any longer as my balls tighten, and I start to come. I whimper, pumping my seed into his ass. He growls and hot cum spills into my hand.
“That was intense,” I say, panting for air.
“That was incredible,” he says.
He pulls me into his arms, and I finally let him take control as we snuggle into oblivion.