“ S amuel, would you like the changing table here?” Celeste was marking off the nursery with painter’s tape, insisting that he sit, because he suddenly felt huge. It was like he’d swallowed a basketball overnight.
Their family attendant, for lack of a better phrase, had proven to be a godsend. She was calm when he was emotional. Physically, she could work like a draft horse.
And she made the best cinnamon rolls ever. As good as Simon’s, and that was saying something.
“That’s a great spot for it. Far enough from the crib that she—” She. He put a hand on his belly. Oh. She.
Jake? Mate? I need you.
“Are you well, Samuel?” Celeste asked.
“Fine. She kicked.”
Celeste clapped her hands and made a happy noise. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”
I’m coming, love! In seconds, Jake was thundering up the stairs, and he heard the click of dog and wolf nails, too.
It’s a girl. She’s a girl. I know she’s a girl. She moved. He was going to pass out.
Jake came and grabbed him up in a hug, swinging him around gently. “Wow! A girl. Can you hear her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? I think so?”
“Baby.” Jake kissed him hard, and his ears rang a little. And when he glanced up, panting, afterward, he noticed Celeste was gone. “We’re all alone.”
“Uh-huh.” Samuel blinked up at Jake. “We are?”
“We are.”
“Oh.” Samuel’s cheeks heated, and he grinned. “Are we going to do anything about it?”
“Listen to you. This is a baby’s room.”
“Your daughter’s room.” Samuel grabbed Jake’s hand. “Show me yours…”
“Ours, mate,” Jake told him.
The words still pleased him so.
Jake tugged at his hand, and he followed Jake to their room. He wanted kisses and cuddles, and as excited as he was about the baby, he needed Jake to focus on him suddenly. Just him.
He locked the door behind them, knowing Celeste had Grant and the puppies. “I need you.”
“I want you too, baby. It seems like it’s been forever.” Jake took him in those strong arms again, kissing him deeply.
He opened up, letting Jake love him like no one else.
Those big hands slid under his butt, lifting him, and Samuel giggled when he had to wiggle a bit to get around his belly. But that was okay. Jake was right there with them.
“Going to love you forever, sweet dragon. For the rest of eternity.”
“Promise?” Jake grinned. “I feel like we ought to take advantage of the fact that Grant has someone to take care of him when he wakes up from his nap.”
All the while Jake spoke, his fingers were busy tugging and pulling at cloth and then, before Samuel knew it, they were both naked.
“ I feel like that’s really a good idea.” Samuel wiggled, working his way back toward the bed till his legs hit the mattress.
“See, I knew you’d share my goal.” Jake helped him lie back on the pillows, then came down with him, spreading his legs to kneel between them. He was hard and ready, his cock rising proudly from the nest of hair at his groin, and Samuel could only stare.
This was his. Jake was his mate, and he still couldn’t believe it.
“I am goal oriented,” Samuel said, reaching for that sweet cock.
“Mmmhmm.” Jake arched, muscles flexing, skin turning in nice dark pink. “I have always liked that about you.”
Samuel giggled. “Don’t lie. You hated me to begin with.”
Jake gave him a hard look. “I never, ever hated you. I was suspicious of the situation, and I was freaked out, but I never hated you. You need to know that.”
So, that had turned serious quickly. Samuel just nodded. “I believe you. I understand. Now kiss me again.”
A huge smile curving his lips, Jake bent down to do just that, hand on either side of his chest so that he didn’t crush Samuel. That made their lower bodies meet, their cocks rubbing together, and Samuel moaned, a rush of wetness making him ready for Jake.
“I want you inside me. I want your knot.” Maybe it was too soon, but Samuel didn’t want to wait. He wanted a wild loving that matched the fire in his belly that was growing deeper and needier all the time.
“Let me just check you and see.” Jake easily slid a finger inside of him, making his toes curl.
“I’m ready for you. I’m always ready for you.”
“I do love that.” Jake reared up, lifting Samuel’s hips with one hand while using the other to guide his cock into place. “I think you’re right. You feel like you’re ready.”
Panting, he arched up, begging for it. “I am. Come on, please,” Samuel said.
Catching his gaze, Jake slid forward pushing right into him, and it was exactly what he needed. The friction, the pressure everything was just what he had to have, and he was not going to last very long at this rate.
Jake began to move, pushing in and out, thrusting, not so hard that it moved him on the bed but hard enough that he felt every inch of it. It was perfect. It was gentle and sweet, and yeah, that was fast and furious, and it was giving him life right now.
“So damn hot, baby, so freaking amazing.” Jake kept moving, kept pushing, and all Samuel could do was let it happen, his hands fisting in the sheets next to him.
“I can feel your knot.” He could too. He could feel it swelling in him. It had been far too long. This whole parenting thing was hard, and he was grateful that they had someone in the house now that could help with that so he and Jake could have time together like this. Being in bed with Jake in the middle of the day felt decadent.
Jake groaned, sweat dripping off of him. “It’s just right. Oh, baby, I can’t?—”
“And you don’t have to. Just take me.” Samuel wrapped his legs around Jake, and they moved together hard and fast. A little awkward because of his belly, but it didn’t matter. They were there together, and happy. So happy.
He could feel it when Jake’s knot swelled to the point where it was hard to move, and he knew that soon he was gonna come because his ass started to clench in rhythmic motions.
“Oh, God, I feel you, baby.”
“I feel you too, Jake.” He clawed at Jake’s back, his body on fire, his lungs desperately needing air.
“Come with me. Come with me now,” Jake said, and he could sense the hard, deep spatter of Jake’s seed inside him.
Samuel cried out, his head falling back, his hips punching up. He came hard, liquid heat splattering between them.
“Oh, yeah.” He gave a happy moan. “That’s it. That’s what I needed.”
Jake’s soft chuckle matched his little sigh. “I know exactly what you mean.”
Jake pushed off to one side a little bit, rolling them to face each other, still joined where the knot wouldn’t let go. “I love you, baby.”
Samuel reached up to touch Jake’s cheek. “I love you too. We’re gonna have a baby.”
Jake kissed his palm. “We are. I can’t wait to see what she’s like.”
That made Samuel laugh. “Yeah, let’s just hope she’s not as focused as Grant.”
“God help us. If that happens, we’ll need at least two more familiars.”