J ake was working on a drainage ditch with Bea when his phone buzzed where it sat on the tailgate of his truck.
“Can you grab that, Bea? I’m kind of knee-deep in muck.”
Sweat dripped down his back, the late summer trundling into early fall, and they were all pitching in to shore up the town before winter came on again.
Although the snows this year should be less crazy than the last winter.
“It’s Dakota…”
“Put it on speaker.” Weird.
“What’s up, man?” he hollered.
“Amber called me. There are strange dragons sniffing at the coffee shop about Samuel and Grant.”
“What kind of strange dragons?” Adrenaline flooded his body, making his heart race. Who would be looking for Samuel?
“I don’t know. I don’t think they were enforcers of any kind. They looked kind of aristocratic.”
Shit. He might have been happier with enforcers. This sounded like someone from Samuel’s keep. “What did you tell them?”
“I didn’t tell them anything. I told him I hadn’t seen Samuel. I lied my ass off to buy you some time.”
“Where are they now?”
“I don’t think they could get across the wards without feeling uncomfortable, so they’re at the Golddigger having lunch.”
“Okay. Okay, cool, let me get out of this ditch.”
Dakota laughed. “Why are you in a ditch?”
“Bea and I are having to fix a pipe. Frank Garcia lost his dog and threw his back out.”
“Oh, man, it sounds like Frank’s having a shitty day. I’ll send him a casserole.”
“Yeah, you do that,” Jake said, trying to keep the heavy irony out of his voice. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Anytime. If they come back up this direction, I’ll let you know.”
Dakota hung up, and Bea looked at him from over the side. “Need a hand?”
“Yeah, I need to make some calls at the very least.” He reached up, and Bea hauled his ass up out of the culvert, his feet making sucking noises as the water and mud pulled at him. At least he didn’t lose a boot.
Jake wiped his hands off on a piece of T-shirt he’d brought with him to use as rags, and then called Celeste at the house.
“Jake, how odd to hear from you in the middle of the workday.”
“Thanks.” He had to grin. Celeste was always so forthright. “Look, somebody has been in town asking around about Samuel. No one has shown up at the house, have they?”
“No. Goodness, I would know if they had, but I’ll keep an eye out now.”
“Please do. I brought Bumper with me to work today to give him a break from the puppy.” Lazy butthead was sitting in the truck, but he was there, and the puppy, Grant, and Samuel were home with Celeste. Samuel had been super tired today.
“Of course, of course. Where were these people when they were last spotted?”
“At the Golddigger having lunch.”
“Ah, good. That means they were probably having trouble getting across the wards.”
“That’s what Dakota thinks, but you never know when somebody’s going to fall for a sob story or something and drive them in.”
“Goodness, that sounds awful. Yes, I’ll keep an eye on it.”
“Samuel still asleep?” Jake asked.
“I’m afraid so. He got up and had some decaf tea, and then went right back to bed.”
“Poor baby.” He knew it was way too early for Samuel to be worrying about having the baby, but she’d been giving him fits ever since she decided to start kicking and pushing and growing in a big way.
“No one will get in this house, Jake.”
“No one’s getting past the wards.” He wasn’t worried. Much.
“I hope so. Should I have Samuel call you when he awakens?”
“Please. Bea and I will wash up real quick and head to the Digger for lunch.”
“But you don’t want him to meet you, correct?”
“No. Goddess no.” He chuckled. “Whatever they want, I want to find out and warn them off. Samuel is part of our wing now.”
“Yes. Yes, this is home. I’ll keep things well here.” There was a thread of steel in Celeste’s voice.
“I know you will. I believe in you as part of our family, lady.”
“You honor me. I’ll have him call when he wakes.”
“Thank you.” He hit the end button, then looked at Bea. “We need to head into town. I think maybe Samuel’s family sent someone to talk to him.” It had better be just to talk.
“Well, I’m hungry for lunch. I’ll warn Lars and Logan to keep watch.” Bea stripped mud off her arms. “They won’t be mad if we’re a little dirty.”
“That’s what I figure. Celeste knows, but Samuel isn’t feeling great, and I don’t want to wake him for possibly bad news. Golddigger it is.”
“You are on. Do we get to have a fight? Please?”
“Oh, I doubt it. Dakota says they look swanky.” He grinned. “Maybe they’re my in-laws and they just need a hug.” He indicated his filthy clothes.
“You are the best son-in-law ever!” Bea’s eyes twinkled. “I can’t wait to welcome them.”
“Right?” He did put a towel down in the truck seat. “Ready?”
“Hell, yes.” Bea grinned, the look toothy as fuck. “Let’s cause trouble.”
He chuckled, getting the truck fired up so he could head to town. Bea called Logan and filled him in on the way, and they got to the grill, noticing a shiny late-model rental. Far nicer than the one they’d afforded Samuel when he’d arrived.
Jake wanted to growl, but he knew he had to tread carefully. He wasn’t just a mate. He was a wing guardian. He was representing the entire dragon wing. All of his people, not just his Samuel and Grant.
“Fancy.” Bea rolled her eyes as she drawled the word out. “At least he comes from money.”
Jake shot her a glare. “Shut up. Money? They didn’t even want to give him his hoard back.”
She nodded, her expression suddenly serious. “I’m just giving you shit, now. You know how I feel about abusers.”
That was true. Bea didn’t hold with assholes. Hell, she was absolutely amazing.
“How do you want to play this man?” Bea asked.
“We go in. We assess the situation. They don’t get to go up in the wing. The worst-case scenario is that I get a hold of Samuel, let him know that they’re looking for him.”
It wasn’t as if they were going to be able to take Samuel or Grant. Samuel was fully grown, and there was no doubt about their nonexistent claim to Grant.
“Okay, that works. Just remember, if we have to, I’m very good at biting.” She glanced over and offered a grin.
He wanted to smile back, but he just couldn’t. He didn’t like this—didn’t like that no one had even bothered to call Samuel and tell him they were coming. This wasn’t how this whole thing was supposed to work.
Jake might not have a lot of blood family left, but he had a lot of wing family, and he knew this was not how they treated each other. These people were after something, and he didn’t know what it was. Yet.
Taking a deep breath and nodding at Bea, he headed inside the restaurant.
“Jake, hey, good to have you here for lunch.” Lila waved and walked over to not offer her hand, because obviously she saw how filthy he was.
“We thought we’d drop in.” He grinned back at her, but he was searching the restaurant, looking for the people who had invaded their space.
The pair were sitting at the far end of the grill by the big windows, a man and a woman, immaculately dressed and coiffed. A little old-fashioned maybe, but they had an air of sophistication and wealth about them. They didn’t fit in in Oro Escondido at all.
“Come on. I’ll give you a table over here by the windows.” Lila knew absolutely what was going on.
“Thanks. We appreciate it,” Bea said, her tone gruff.
Lila led them to the table closest to the interlopers and put the menus down for them. “What do you folks want to drink?”
“I’ll take a Mexican Coke,” Bea said.
“I’ll just take some iced tea,” Jake added. He was still sizing up Samuel’s family. They were of the age to be Samuel’s parents, and he wondered what the hell they were thinking.
“I’ll be right back.” Lila headed off to get their drinks.
“So you think we’re gonna get that pipe laid today?” Bea asked, making conversation, he could tell, just to keep things rolling.
“Maybe. It depends on what happens.” He kind of jerked his head toward the table where Samuel’s people were sitting.
“Sure. It’s always hard when wing politics interferes with making things work for the town.”
“No shit.” He saw the woman’s head jerk when he said that word, and he was like, wow she’s so fancy, isn’t she, thinking a simple swear word was offensive.
Bea’s next salvo got their attention at the next table, for certain. “How is Samuel doing?”
He and Bea had already talked about Samuel this morning, so she was just stirring up shit, which was great. “Oh, you know, he’s having some morning sickness still, just a little, and he’s really tired today.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Hey, you know how it is.”
“I do. When Mickey was pregnant, I thought she was just going to go to sleep like Rip Van Winkle and not get up again for years.”
“Well, between the library and the baby and being pregnant, he’s got a lot on his plate.”
“Yeah. But he’s doing great, and Celeste has been a huge help. It’s good to have a family helper.” He made a point of raising his voice on that, so they knew Samuel wasn’t alone.
Their frowns just kept getting deeper and deeper. It was ridiculous, and it infuriated him.
“He ever hear anything from his family?” Bea asked loudly.
“Not since they shipped all his books and said good riddance.”
“He doesn’t need them. They don’t deserve him. Pieces of shit.”
That got a loud, outraged gasp from the lady. The man stood up from his chair, slapping the table with his hands.
“That’s quite enough. Obviously, you know we’re here to see Samuel.”
Jake rose too, allowing himself to pull up to his full height, letting his copper scales show. “If you were here to actually see him, you would have called first. What do you want?”
“We want the baby raised in a decent wing!” the lady said, eyebrows up, hand on her chest.
“Which baby?” He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against the table, waiting. Which one was more important to them? Grant, or Samuel’s and his little girl? They both had the same blood.
“The little boy. He’s Susan’s child.”
“Grant is my son.” He kept his hands hidden because they were clenching with anger. “He was my sister’s son, and he’s been with me his whole life.”
“That’s an oversight.”
“Pardon me?”
That wasn’t Bea.
Or Logan.
Or Lars.
That was their oldest guardian Jason’s wife, Theresa, who was standing there, her eyes blazing. “What the hell did you say?”
The other woman drew herself up. “I said, it was an oversight. Samuel was meant to bring him back. He failed.”
“Let me get this straight.” Theresa tilted her head, her earrings clacking. “You sent your proxy to our wing to fulfill custodial rights for your family, yes?”
“Well, yes, but?—”
Theresa held up one hand, cutting her off. “And so, since your chosen proxy has taken his custodial rights, the letter of the law has been fulfilled. You sent him here.”
“To bring the baby home.”
“Do you even know his name?” Jake spat.
Samuel’s father growled. “He’s our grandson.”
Theresa just shook her head. “Samuel is your proxy. He came here to fulfill your wing’s rights. He chose to remain, and you gave your implicit blessing by sending his things.” Theresa looked at him. “Jake, dear. Does Samuel have access to Grant at least fifty percent of the time?”
Jake nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Then you are willing to share custody of Grant with Samuel, fifty percent of the time?”
Presently Jake knew full well that Samuel had adoption papers in with the court, and it was just a matter of waiting. Theresa was their lawyer, after all. “Yes, ma’am.”
She looked at who Jake could only assume was Samuel’s mother. “The rule of law has been fulfilled. The baby is with your family member half of the year.”
“That’s not the same. We want him at our wing.”
“That would be up to his fathers, wouldn’t it?” Theresa looked to Jake again. “How say you?”
“Samuel and I are fine right where we are. Thanks for thinking of us though. We sure do appreciate it.” He drawled out the words as offensively as he could. Bea snorted behind him.
Jake? Love? Is everything all right? Celeste says people are looking for me.
He pursed his lips. She wasn’t supposed to tell you.
I sort of went all head of household on her.
Your parents are here wanting Grant.
“Are you listening to me, you third-rate dinky wing asshole?”
Jake’s attention arrowed back to the current situation. His brows snapped down, and the very earth around the grill began to rumble. “What did you say?”
“You heard me! I am of the Patriolous Wing! I have a lineage. You’re just—just an upstart.”
There was a crack as a rock exploded outside.
“No, Jake,” Lila murmured. “Don’t kill my business.”
Your dad stepped in it, baby.
A rumble of thunder sounded next, black clouds gathering over the building.
“I think, perhaps, you should go.” That was Bea. “I’d go right now, if I was you. Storm’s coming.”
The woman, because he still didn’t know anything but their wing name, moved closer to the man. “Is Samuel?—”
“Aware that you’re here? Yeah. I don’t have to make the earth move, even though I can. Not when he can make the skies split.”
Lila murmured softly. “Should I make him some cheese enchiladas?”
“I want to see my grandson!”
Jake roared, making Samuel’s parents step back. “No! If you had called? If you had shown up and apologized and asked to see your pregnant son? I might have said yes. But no, you don’t get to poison either of them with your presence.”
“You can’t?—”
“He can.” Logan’s voice was deadly quiet. “He’s Samuel’s mate and a guardian.”
Jake felt like the whole wing had his back, and he couldn’t be prouder. Lars walked in with Logan, and Jason arrived moments later, the guardians forming a semicircle behind him.
“This is Samuel’s wing. Grant’s wing. He’s home with his family.” Jake straightened his back, holding their gaze. “Whether or not he speaks with you—ever? That’s up to him. His choice.”
“I suggest now that you leave and wait for him to contact you.” That was Jason, glowing like a platinum dragon should.
The woman’s shoulders slumped, but she jumped when another crack of thunder sounded. “Yes. I think you’re right.”
They’re leaving, love.
I’m heading home. I’ll bring food.
Please. I’m starving. Bring enough for Celeste.
Of course.
“I’ll make sure they get on their way,” Lars murmured.
“I appreciate it, my friends, I can’t thank you enough. Cookout at my house this weekend.” He shook hands and gave hugs all around.
“I’ll finish up with Bea,” Logan said. “Go be with your mate once your food is set.”
“I will. Thank you.” He grabbed Logan in a hug. “Brother.”
Logan hugged back, whacking him once.
Lila brought out a whole bag of food a few minutes later. “Here, Jake. All the good stuff, including carrot cake.”
“You are my favorite. Cookout at my place this weekend.”
“We’ll be there.”
“Thank you. All of you.” He headed outside so he could go home to Samuel. What a mind-fuck.
They were waiting for him, sitting outside the restaurant in their car, and he felt his hackles rise.
The alpha opened the car door, stepped out, and lifted a box, “We brought Susan’s child his birthright.”
What? Their son was chopped liver?
“And you couldn’t even be arsed to send Samuel his books until I forced you. Why do you hate him so?”
“We don’t.”
“He never was going to amount to anything. He simply stayed with his books. There’s little need for that in a wing.”
He fought his temper. Again. “Good thing we need him here, then. What is it you want to give Grant? I’ll decide if he needs it.”
The dragon handed the box over. “Rubies. They were from her hoard. She left them behind.”
Jake felt a muscle in his jaw twitch. “I’ll see what Samuel says.” That was all he was willing to give.
One oh-so-haughty lip curled. “They’re not for Samuel. They are for Susan’s son.”
“You just handed them to me, and he’s my son. I say who gets to decide what.” He turned on his heel and walked away before he got ugly.
Come home. They can’t have what they came for.
No. No, they cannot. Jake strode to his truck, wishing he could just fly, but?—
Go. I’ll get Lars to drive your truck hom e, Logan told him.
So he took off his shirt, wrapping the rubies in it, and he shifted, taking off for home carrying the food and the gifts, hurrying to get through the wing’s barriers where it was safe. This was going shave off long minutes that he needed to spend with Samuel.