The Guardian Dragon’s Unexpected Mate (Oro Escondido #2) Chapter 26 93%
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Chapter 26



S amuel hummed, cleaning up the front room a little before they left for Logan’s house. They had been planning to do Thanksgiving by themselves, but Samuel wasn’t feeling up to cooking, really, and Lars had just run roughshod over him, insisting that he and Jake and Grant come to the big to-do at Logan and Dakota’s home.

“Love, no one is going to see the couch.” Jake carried Grant out, having gone to get him dressed and make sure he’d pottied.

“I just want it to be nice, you know?”

Celeste wandered through, one eyebrow arched, and Samuel turned bright red.

“Of course you do, baby. But it looks grand now.”

“It does. I’m sorry, Celeste. That was so rude of me to make it sound as if you don’t clean well enough, and?—”

She came to Samuel, kissed his cheek. “Sweet dragon, we’re fine. Let’s go have a joyous holiday.”

“Okay.” Samuel took a deep breath, then let it out. He was a hormonal mess, but a happy one. “Thank you. I owe you chocolate.”

“Apples. I love apples.”

“Fair enough. Apple pie it is.”

“Oooh. With vanilla ice cream and lots of cinnamon.”

“You know it.” Jake winked. “I’ll order the pie from Mrs. Garcia.”

“Perfect.” He wasn’t ready for pastry yet. At all.

“I’m sure there will be pumpkin and pecan pie today, too.” Jake loved pumpkin pie, he knew. That smile made him chuckle.

“There is going to be so much food. Lars has been planning and cooking for days.”

“Simon and Dakota have been in on it, too.” Jake chuckled. “But Lars is bossy.”

Lars did love what he did, but he had…opinions.

“Be nice, mate. Lars helped bring us together.”

“I adore him for it. You know that.”

“I do. He loves you dearly.” Jake needed to hear him say that, over and over.

“He does?” Jake raised an eyebrow.

“Luff!” Grant was still a little sleepy, but he perked up at his perceived I-love-you moment.

“That’s right, baby boy. Love.” They got loaded up and headed across to Logan’s home. He had a little pang for the dishwasher, which was still running, but Jake took his hand across the console, and he relaxed, letting it go.

He needed to breathe, to focus and just enjoy their first Thanksgiving together.

Yes. Our first. It’s going to be so amazing. I want you to sit and let me wait on you hand and foot.

I don’t need that.

Probably not, but I do—need it.

He glanced at Jake in surprise. Really?

Yes. It makes me happy to take care of you. And I know how hard it’s been on you the last few weeks.

I’ve felt the weight a little. She’s going to come out full-grown. And there was still another month to go.

A whole month.

He was excited to meet her, to have his body back, but there was something wonderful about knowing this was the last time he and Jake and Grant were going to be a family of only three.

“Ammu! Turkeys.”

“I know. You love a good turkey, hmm?” Grant was looking forward to all the food, having heard tales now of what Thanksgiving was all about. He was old enough now to sample all the things.

“Turkey lurkey! Turkey jerky!” he teased.

“Turkey urkey!” Grant crowed.

“Turkey murky,” Jake teased, making him laugh.

“I’m not sure I’m into murky food, love.” Although, he was hungry, and he could murder some rolls.

“Well, what is lurky?” Jake chuckled, squeezing his hand.

“Like sneaky. Lurk, lurk, lurk?” He was getting the giggles now.

“Ah. I see. The lurking turkey.” Jake made a gobbling noise that had Grant giggling madly.

Oh, someone liked that!

ME! Grant’s mental voice was…uncontrolled still.

Loud, my love , Jake said.


Jake grinned at Grant in the rearview mirror. “I know you’re working on it.” He turned off on Logan’s road.

“You’re amazing, Grant. Can you try—” whispering?


whisper whisper.

sisster sisster.

“Oh, very nice, son,” Jake said. “Thank you.”

“Welcome!” Grant waved happily. “Uncles!”

“Yep. Uncles.” Jake pulled into Logan’s drive, parking alongside the throng of vehicles. “Come on, you. Let’s go see who there is to play with.”

“Babies! Babies! Me!”

“You do love your babbies, hmm?” He waited for Jake to lift Grant out of the car before kissing Grant’s cheek. He wasn’t carrying Grant now; Jake had yelled at him. Celeste carried their food offerings, and they went as a family.

“Samuel! Jake!” Logan waved, taking Grant from Jake. “Celeste, bright blessings.”

“Bright blessings to you.” Celeste smiled, then sailed on to greet Simon in the kitchen while Logan handed out hugs like he was Santa Claus.

“Look at you! Come and sit, Samuel, we’ll visit. The girls want their Uncle Ammu.”

“Do they?” Samuel walked in to find Dakota and the twins, hand on his lower back.

Dakota frowned. “They so do. Can you have a seat? I’m going to grab you a drink.”

“Oh, thank you. I don’t want to be any trouble.” He sank into a chair, grimacing.

“You’re not. Not at all. Be right back.”

“Okay.” He felt a little bemused, but oh, his back hurt, so he just sat and listened to it throbbing.


“Yes, baby boy?”


“Sure.” He leaned forward and lifted, feeling something deep inside him tear, and he cried out, bloody water staining his shirt.


Jake came racing in, skidding to a stop in front of him. “What’s going on? Samuel, are you hurt?”

“I—” He stared at Jake, panic flooding him.

“Oh, my. Simon, dear, can you get that suite all ready and run a bath.” Dakota seemed so calm. “Logan, call the midwife. Celeste, I need you on baby duty, please.”

“Of course. I will watch over them.” Celeste gave him a gentle smile.

Jake looked panicked. “What? The baby? It’s too early?”

“She doesn’t appear to care.” Dakota rolled his eyes. “Can you walk, honey? We’ll take you and get you cleaned up.”

“Of course I—Oh!” No. He sank back down.

“I can take you, love. Arm around my neck.” Jake bent to scoop him up, so gently that tears sprang to his eyes.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, mate. I didn’t mean to.”

“What? No, of course not. These things happen when they happen, love.” Jake carried him to the guest room Simon had laid out for him.


“She’s on her way.” Dakota opened the door on the second floor. “This way you’re safe as houses, well-taken care of.”

“Thank you,” Jake murmured. “This was unexpected, huh?”

“Babies are. No stress. We’ll have food for days. It takes a village.”

He didn’t want to be a village. He wanted turkey and pie and not to be the direct center of attention.

“Hey.” Jake sat on the bed next to him. “Let’s do this, huh?”

“It’s not supposed to be today. It’s supposed to be Christmas!” He sobbed into his hands.

“Well, it’s a holiday, hmm? Maybe she got confused.” Jake took his hands away from his face. “I love you.”

“I’m scared.” And it hurt. He wasn’t ready. “I don’t have any baby clothes here.”

“Well, I know Dakota has some things that we can use.” Jake was calmer now, holding it down for him.

“Or we can have someone stop by and grab your bag from your house.” Kota brought in juice and ice chips. “Would that make you feel more comfortable?”

He sniffled and nodded.

“Oh, baby, I never thought of it.”

“Jason is on his way. He can detour by your place and Theresa can pack some things.”

“Oh, way more trustworthy than Bea,” Jake teased.

“Bea is on patrol. Just to be sure. She and Jason are taking turns.” Kota offered Samuel a warm smile. “You are surrounded by family here. You are supported by love.”

“Thank you. Is Grant okay?”

“Celeste is with him and the twins. As soon as we have you all cleaned up, we’ll let him come see you’re okay.”

“Thank you,” Jake said. “He’s probably scared.”

“He’s going to be fine, guys. I swear. He’s going to be great, and you’re going to have a baby.”

“I need to get cleaned up. Please.” Samuel needed all this noise to stop for a second.

“Jake, why don’t you go and call Theresa and tell her what Samuel needs?” Simon had come back in, and he was serene and smiling. “Dakota and I will help Samuel and then you can bring in Grant.”


“Please.” He needed to break down a little, but he didn’t want Jake to worry.

“I’ll be right back.”

As soon as the door close, he began to sob, terrified and overwhelmed, and Dakota was right there, holding him.

“I’m sorry,” he hiccupped between sobs.

“Oh, Samuel, it’s okay. It’s going to be fine. She’s just ready.”

“You think so?”

“Absolutely. She didn’t want to miss Christmas.”

He sniffled. “Or Thanksgiving.”

“That too. Everyone was so looking forward to the season. She can feel that, you know.”

Dakota helped him clean up, and once he was dry, he felt much better. “Thank you. I’m a little scared.”

“You’re great. Honestly. You’re amazing.” Dakota kissed his temple. “Logan says the midwife is here. She’s coming up with Jake.”

“Okay.” That would allay his fears too, Samuel knew, if she told him all was well. He just—He needed to breathe.

Sally knew her stuff. She was solid, no-nonsense, and incredibly kind, and Samuel had a smile for her as she walked in. “Look at you, being an overachiever.”

“It’s all right?”

“It’s eighteen days, honey. You’re perfect. That baby is just ready.”


Jake stood back, smiling, waiting. He was a good man, for all their troubles at the beginning. His smile was…glowing.

“I need you, mate.” He reached out, and Jake came right to him.

“I told Grant you were having his sister. He farted. Loud.”

“Hmm.” He tried not to laugh. “Well, maybe he has stress tummy.”

“You’re looking well. I’m going to go downstairs and wash up, have a bite to eat. You’re perfectly fine. Feel free to get in the tub, walk around. Whatever your body says.”

“Thanks, Sally.”

“Do you want me to bring up Grant?” Dakota asked.

Jake nodded. “Why don’t you before everyone eats? I’ll hang with Samuel.”

“I want him to know I’m okay. Please.” He felt more comfortable. Steadier.

“Good deal.” Dakota gave them a thumbs-up and hastened off.

He looked at Jake. “Are you all right?”

“I am right as ramen, love. Now that I know all is proceeding according to nature and you’re not in danger? I’m ecstatic.” Jake kissed his knuckles.

“Are you ready?” He’d expected a few more weeks.

“We’re pretty prepared, baby. We wanted to be so we could enjoy the holidays.” Jake chuckled, the sound warm, happy, his thumb sliding over Samuel’s hand. “And now she’ll be with us.”

“Yes. She’ll need a Christmas dress.”

“Ammu? Ammu? Want!” Grant came toddling in, eyes wet.

“I’m right here, my love.” He looked to Jake, who nodded, then got up to lift Grant to the bed.

“Gentle, baby boy. Ammu is a little sore.”

Grant jabbered at him, just telling him all about it, and he held on, trying not to tense as another contraction started.

“I hurt?” Grant said suddenly, the fear in his voice ringing in the words.

“No, sweet.” He panted, sweat popping up on his forehead. “It’s part of having a baby.”

“Babby? Sisser? Now?” He stared down at Samuel’s belly. “Sisser! Come out!”

“Oh!” Samuel felt his belly clench again, way faster than he’d expected.

“She’s coming, Grant. I promise. But Samuel needs to rest now.”

“Okay. Da. Come. Ammu seeps. Now.”

Jake laughed. “I need to stay with Ammu, baby. But Celeste is downstairs, and so are the twins, hmm?” Jake winked at Dakota, who Samuel saw hovering in the doorway.

Grant frowned, and Samuel grinned. “Uncle Kota can take you, okay?”

“Okay. I come back soon?”

“Yes. Soon.” Samuel reached out to ruffle Grant’s hair. “I love you.”

“Luff. Babby. Bye!”

He ran out, and Samuel moaned, the contraction hard and heavy.

“What can I do, love?” Jake asked. “Do you need to lean on me, or for me to rub your belly?”

“I want to get in the water. Please. Then I want you to hold my hand.” And he wanted to hit Jake with a rock, a little bit.

“Okay. Let’s get you in the tub.” Jake lifted him, taking him to the bathroom.

The tub was big and full, and he sighed as the water eased him a bit. “Better.”

“Yeah?” Jake sat next to the tub, holding his hand, as he’d asked. “Good. You were looking peaked.”

“This was unexpected.” He hadn’t even been in labor, he didn’t think.

“Mmm.” Jake squeezed his hand. “I should have realized. Logan told me what to watch for. I just didn’t realize I was seeing it.”

“I just…” His body tightened, but at least he could breathe.

“You were doing that thing. Nesting?” Jake squeezed his hand, smiling. “It was cute.”

“Hush you. Was I?” He held on tight. “I love you. We’re having a baby.”

“We are. And I can’t think of a better day. I’m thankful for you and our family.”

He had less of an urge to whack Jake now.

He was sure it would return in short order.

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