J ake was going to lose his mind.
Samuel needed to have this baby. He’d been in labor for hours, he was exhausted, and Jake was starting to get more than a little worried.
He watched Samuel pace, back and forth, back and forth.
“Is he okay?” he whispered to Logan, who was delivering more tea and ice chips.
“He is. This is hard work.”
“I just worry.”
“That’s your job. Well, and being supportive, leaving when he screams at you, and rubbing his back when he doesn’t.”
“Right. I just hate that he’s hurting.”
Logan nodded and shrugged, opening his mouth to answer when Samuel screamed, “Jake! Jake, I need you!”
“Shit.” He ran to Samuel’s side. “I’m right here, love. Right here.” He grabbed Samuel’s flailing hand. “Sally?”
“We’re getting ready to push. Let’s move to the bed instead of the chair?”
“I don’t want to!”
“Love, I think we need to.” He stroked that sweaty hair. “I’ll help you.”
“NO!” Samuel screamed, convulsing, and Sally nodded to Jake.
“She’s coming. Move him.”
Jake lifted Samuel up, carrying him to the bed. God that sound made him want to die, Samuel being in so much pain. He would do anything to take it from him.
“You can push now, Samuel. She’s crowning. Jake, help him. She’s got dark hair like you.”
“Okay, love. It’s going to feel so much better soon. But now you need to push.” He settled in behind Samuel, cradling him, giving him something to press against.
Samuel leaned against him, bracing himself. “I can do this. I want to see her.”
“I know you do. And you will. You’re so damn brave, Samuel.”
“Okay, Samuel. Breathe. Breathe. And push.”
From there it went fast—at least for him. Samuel was a fighter, working to birth their little girl.
Their daughter.
And Jake talked to both of them the whole time, letting their girl know it was safe, letting Samuel know he was loved beyond anything Jake had ever experienced.
“Relax. Breathe. The head is out. I have it.”
“Is she okay?”
Sally nodded. “She is.”
“Oh.” Samuel slumped back against him. “I need to rest soon.”
“I know, love. I know.” He mopped Samuel’s forehead. “You have this. Our Black Friday baby.”
“Be good.” Oh, that was a chuckle.
“I’m trying. You know me. I get mouthy.” He was trying to make Samuel smile, distract him.
“All right, now we’re pushing nice and easy. This is just the last part, all right, Samuel?”
“Yes, Sally. I hear you. Nice and easy, and we have a little dragon.”
“That’s it.” Jake kissed the top of Samuel’s head. “Nice and easy.”
Samuel was glowing, his scales so bright he was hard to look at. That had to mean it was close, right?
Another two slow pushes, and the sound of their little girl crying filled the air.
Samuel’s eyes glowed, shining through his soul. “That’s Gwyneth. Our baby.”
“There she is.” His breath hitched in his chest. “Oh, Samuel, she’s beautiful.”
She was a bright icy pink, her scales sparkling and shining like diamonds. Her eyes were wide, and she was hollering to beat the band.
“That’s it, little bit,” Sally said. “You tell the world you’re here.”
I love you, Samuel. Look how perfect she is.
Sally handed her over to Samuel, placing her on his mate’s chest. Samuel began to cry, but there was a smile on his face, a peace. He was exhausted, but he was already so in love that Jake could tell it didn’t matter.
Da? Babby?
Yes, love. You can come see her in a bit, but she and Ammu are fine.
Babby . Grant’s happiness poured out, and Gwyneth stopped crying. Sisser!
She chirped, and he smiled. They were going to be best friends.
“Okay, Da, it’s time for you to hold her so Simon and I can get Samuel cleaned up.”
Jake nodded, letting Samuel ease his daughter into his arms.
“Go introduce her. We’ll be a few minutes. Can you send in Celeste?”
“Of course. I’ll be right back, love. You did so well.”
Samuel lifted a hand, smiling, but he was already half asleep.
Celeste passed him in the hall, stopping to press her finger to Gwyneth’s forehead. “I will defend her until the end of days.”
“I know you will. You honor us, Celeste.” He let her kiss Gwenyth’s head.
“You are my family.” She headed in to help Samuel, and Jake kept going to introduce his daughter to his son, to his wing.
Everyone was waiting in the main room of Logan’s house, and he walked through the door, feeling like the proudest dad and also like something out of an animated lion movie.
“Everyone, please meet Gwyneth. Samuel’s and my daughter.”
“Da! Babbie!” Grant ran to him, fingers opening and closing and making grabby hands.
“Here, Grant. I’ll hold you up so you can see.” Dakota rescued him, lifting him.
“Babby,” Grant breathed, and she looked right at him, grunting.
“Give her a kiss, honey. Gentle.”
“Pwetty. Pwetty babbie. Luff.” Grant kissed her cheek. “Sisser.”
“Such a brilliant young man,” Dakota praised. “She’s amazing, Jake. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” His heart couldn’t be fuller. He had his mate. His kids. His wing.
He wasn’t a broken dragon any longer.