The Guardian Dragon’s Unexpected Mate (Oro Escondido #2) Chapter 28 100%
Library Sign in

Chapter 28




S amuel sat in his library, sorting books, Grant playing with a puzzle, Gwenyth in her little rocking seat, padded so she could sit up without him having to worry about her sliding. She watched the whole world with huge, curious eyes, and he loved how she paid attention to everything from her brother to Bumper and Gala to the books he put into place on their new shelves.

Jake had made him the most amazing room, with floor-to-ceiling cases for his books, a rolling ladder that moved all around the room, a comfortable seating area, and table and stands for maps, books, and even old scrolls.

So sweet, his mate.

“And this one, my sweet girl, was my favorite book when I was a little boy. It’s all about a young omega prince trapped in a tower who gets rescued by an alpha, who seems like a gruff peasant but is really royalty in disguise.”

That caught Grant’s attention, and he toddled over, abandoning his puzzle to come sit on Samuel’s lap. “Wead it to me, Ammu?”

“Of course, sweet boy. Let’s start at the beginning.” He opened the cover, the beautiful hand illustrations making him smile, nostalgia flowing over him. “Once upon a time…”

He worked through the whole book, Grant leaning on him, little Gwyn cooing at the good parts, responding to his voice, no doubt.

Even Bumper rolled over on his side to watch him read, and he hummed when he closed the book, the tale still making him happy deep inside. “The End.”

“Ammu. It’s you!” Grant clapped a kiss on his cheek, then sighed happily. “We have cookies now?”

“Mmm. That sounds lovely.” He let Grant slip down to the floor. “Where do we go for cookies?”

“Kitch! No cookies in da library.”

“Exactly. And why is that?”

“No books and sticky fingers!” Grant bellowed it, making Gwen start, her lip quivering.

“It’s all right, sweet. He’s not angry.” He went to lift her out of her seat. He’d put her in her little play crib in the dining area off the kitchen and let her have a little nap after she had a bottle. She seemed a little tired.

“Do you want me to take her, love?”

A frisson of awareness made him tingle, and he glanced up to find Jake watching him from the doorway. He was covered in sawdust and grime, so clearly, he didn’t want to come in. Also sweet.

“How about you take Grant?”

Jake chuckled. “Come on, buddy. I think Ammu doesn’t want me to take sister because I’m all gross.”

“You’ve been working.”

“I have.”

“I just mean that’s not gross, my love. It’s your job.” He bounced Gwen when she fussed. “How long were you listening?”

“Long enough to know that’s a great book.” Jake gave him a wink. “I think Grant’s right. It’s you.”

His cheeks heated. “Only because you’re my alpha prince.”

“And you’re my omega mate.” They headed downstairs, the canines padding along behind them. Jake got Grant settled in his chair, then washed up. “So, what kind of cookies did Celeste leave for us today while she and Simon are off antiquing?”

“White chocolate macadamia for us adults, and snickerdoodles for the wee one.”

“Snickeydooods!” Grant cried.

“Yep. And milk for you and a bot for sister.”

“Sisser get cookies?”

“Not yet, kiddo,” Jake said. “When she’s bigger.”

“Bumper and Gala have doodies?”

“They can have a little bite, yes,” Jake agreed. “I’ll break it up for you.”

“Sank you.”

Samuel chuckled, moving to get cookies out of jars and pour milk and?—

Jake came up behind him, kissing the back of his neck. “I love you, mate. I’m so glad you came here and were brave enough to tell me what was what.”

“And I’m glad you decided to let yourself love me,” Samuel returned. “I love you too.”

And he had never been happier in his whole life. He had a family, one he loved, who loved him. He had a wing who accepted him.

Somehow Samuel thought it was only going to get better from here.

The End

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