Chapter 5
“ T hey want us to have Christmas in New York City,” Eve said, slamming back her third brandy of the hour. “They spend the whole year in Wyoming and think we’re going to gallivant around NYC for the holidays. Who wants to spend Christmas snowed in like that? I don’t.”
Kathleen pretended to be listening intently, but in truth, the words barely funneled through her brain. She was busy staring at her partner, currently amusing herself with a game of chess against Etta Coleman . Finally, someone to play chess with. Ira was always bothering Kathleen to learn how to play, but she wasn’t into those kinds of games. She much preferred body games to ones that asked her to use most of her brain.
“At least your mother wants to spend Christmas with you,” Kathleen said, sighing. Her whole body was crossed. Her legs. Her arms. Her eyes if she stared at her partner for too long. “Nobody can get mine to leave Europe. My father and I are going to the Mathisons’ for Christmas. Not my first holiday without her, but…”
The door opened, admitting Helen and Monique back from their sojourn. Eve made a face to shock the ages as they walked by, sitting on the once-empty loveseat.
Eve leaned in, whispering into Kathleen’s ear. “They totally did it. The perverts.”
“How can you tell?” Helen and Monique always looked like that—smitten and absorbed with one another . Tell me I look like that with my partner and I will kill you. She couldn’t even imagine it. She saved the puppy faces for private. A nice reward for Ira when she was good.
“Oh, I can tell,” Eve continued. “I unfortunately know all about it by now.”
“At least some people around here are getting laid.”
“Tough break about your romantic weekend.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Ira should be knuckle-deep in her at this moment, going to town on Kathleen’s pussy as they waited to be called down for dinner. Then she would be knuckle-deep in the bath. Then in bed again. All fucking night. Or at least that was the fantasy Kathleen concocted in her head. I was going to break out the collar after the bath… She hadn’t submitted to Ira in a good month. She better stick it in the right hole first, though. The one that had been screaming for Ira’s fingers ever since they got in the car four hours ago…
“Hey, speaking of getting laid…”
Kathleen already knew where this was going. “No, I have no idea how you can bag the hot chick over there.”
Etta Coleman’s secretary sat in a corner, going through her boss’s business phone so Etta could “relax” with a game of chess. If being hunkered over, squinting her big brows, and snarling like an ogre could be called “relaxing.” It was a good thing Ira was not easily intimidated. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be winning right now.
“At any rate, I know all about this woman.” Eve had pined for Natasha for months. Pushing over a year now. Apparently, she was the butch Domme’s type. And gay, which was a bonus. Yet no matter how many times Eve asked the pretty blond out, Natasha declined. To Kathleen, that meant Eve needed to pack it in. She wasn’t getting that pussy anytime soon. No point in making the girl uncomfortable.
“Everyone,” the butler said in the doorway, “dinner is served.”
The smell of roast hit them before they even entered the dining room. An eight-person table was set, no place cards available. This meant the competitive types had a silent contest to see who got to sit at the ends. Haha, not Ira . Oh, Ira was competitive, but she didn’t get into pissing contests. She was the type to wait in the shadows for an opportune moment. Let CEO ass-kickers Helen Warner and Etta Coleman have a battle of the wills!
Suited Kathleen fine. She didn’t want her girlfriend posturing like an idiot anyway. She did that fine on her own time.
By some hilarious twist of priorities, Kathleen ended up on the other end of the table, between Eve and Ira. Behave yourself. She sent that thought to Eve, who sat diagonally from Natasha and was already counting her lucky stars.
Courses of food came out. Roasted meats, potatoes, vegetables… all spiced and tenderized perfectly, so everything practically melted off forks and tongues. Thankfully, this meant everyone’s mouths were full and thus too busy to have awkward conversations. The minor words that came up were mostly Etta and Helen chatting.
That didn’t stop Kathleen’s partner from finding ways to communicate with her.
“You’re hot,” the text on her phone said.
Her mother used to ride her ass for texting at the dinner table. Too bad Mommy Dearest wasn’t coming home for Christmas. Naughty Kathleen would have to make do with texting her hot partner and occasional Domme next to her.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Aw, shucks. You think so? Warner and Coleman are both dressed better than me. I feel so woefully underdressed for a night I thought would be nothing but relaxing with you. We didn’t even bring a third wheel, the fuck!”
They exchanged furtive glances around the corner of the table. Kathleen held in a smile. Ira didn’t even bother.
A new text popped up on Kathleen’s phone.
“Watch the eye-fucking.”
“Mind your own business.”
“How dare you. There is nothing more interesting than watching you and your girlfriend eye-fuck at the dinner table.”
“Talk to somebody, for the love of God. I can’t be your only friend here.”
Eve put down her phone and pretended her dinner was the most delicious thing ever.
“Are we alone again?”
“I dunno, are we alone at all this weekend?”
“I hear we have our own room.”
“Oh, good, so the others can hear us going at it.”
“Sweet! We’re still hooking up this weekend?”
“If you, Warner, and Coleman manage to not get into a pissing contest. I saw the empty bottles in the study.”
“Unlike them, I know how to pee standing up. I win.”
“I’m sure at least one of them could figure it out. Probably Etta Coleman.” There were rumors that she identified as non-binary like Ira, but Kathleen’s partner was the first to tell her that one shouldn’t make assumptions based on how a woman styled and carried herself. “Or maybe Helen would surprise us. Oh, never mind. I’m not interested in finding out.”
“Weird. I kinda am.”
Kathleen snorted into a fork full of roasted carrots. A few people glanced at her, but their end of the table mostly kept to themselves. Etta and Helen were talking about an article in The New Yorker, God help them all.
Chills went down Kathleen’s spine as Ira slipped her hand beneath the tablecloth and caressed her knee.
“Excuse you, Mathison.”
“Forgive me, Ms. Allen. I find myself unable to keep my hands off you. Your beauty is so exquisite that I’ve fantasized about fucking you ever since we got here. Because I thought I would get to. Right away. Good Lord, I’ve missed you.”
Kathleen was trapped between wanting to smile and roll her eyes. Ira’s brand of flirtation could be silly.
“To be fair, I assumed I was going to spend this weekend riding your face.”
“Oh ho ho! Tell me more about my face!”
“It’s the most beautiful one in the room, I’m sure, my prince.”
She had to wait for Ira to gather her bearings and reply, hand squeezing Kathleen’s knee even harder. “You flatter me, my queen.”
Kathleen glanced around the table, making sure nobody was watching her blush with naughty thoughts. Her nipples tingled beneath her shirt. As for the rest of her? It ached for Ira to touch her, with any part of her body. Fingers, mouth, tongue…
“What else would I say to the only one allowed to dominate me?”
“I’m glad you’ve missed that as well.”
“I’ve thought about it at least once a day since we last played like that.”
“Only once a day?”
“I’ve been a busy woman.”
“As long as busy means thinking about me as you touch yourself.”
“Who else is there to think about?”
With a devil-may-care grin tugging at her face, Kathleen slipped her hand over Ira’s knee… and pushed it higher.
Since reuniting two days ago, they had sex twice. Two quickies that were supposed to help them get by until that weekend. No role-playing. Not even a hint of kink. Just quick, vanilla sex that was at least as rough as they were horny. We had video chat sex twice while we were separated. Not the same. Kathleen would take a quick make-out session over only watching Ira touch herself any day of the week. What’s the point of having that glorious prosthetic if I can’t feel it?
Oh, she was feeling it now. Letting her fingers tease Ira’s zipper and feel her tremble beneath layers of clothing.
Ira was a master of control. She continued to eat, paying Kathleen no mind as her girlfriend massaged her beneath the table. At first, Kathleen was content to merely feel the warmth of Ira’s body heat. Then she ached to touch skin, and within seconds, she had her hand slipping beneath the waistband of Ira’s pants.
Then the silky hair below her navel. Never mind what she was packing beneath that.
Holy shit, I need this now.
Kathleen got up and excused herself, citing a need to use the restroom. But instead of the washroom, she found the butler in the hallway and asked him for a comfortable place to make a phone call. He directed her into the office.
The cold, dark office.
She turned on a lamp by the couch before grabbing her phone from her pocket. “Get your ass in the office across the hall. Now.”
“What should I tell them?”
“If you have to tell them anything, say you need to grab something from your suitcase. Or tell them you’re coming to fuck me in the office, I don’t care.” Kathleen switched off her phone and shoved it in her front pocket.
She went to work.
This had to be fast. It had to be good, but fast. No way in hell was she waiting a few more hours before it was socially acceptable to disappear to the bedroom!
No way was she dealing with everyone else up there on the second floor too, possibly listening to them fool around. I don’t know how insulated these walls are. She hated having sex in places where others might hear – especially if those people knew her personally.
So while she waited for Ira, she braved the idea that her partner would be the only one to walk through that unlocked door. Braved it, because she was undressing in preparation.
It was damned chilly in that room but Kathleen unbuttoned her shirt, pulling it open to reveal her breasts. She jiggled things around until both were pushed prettily up, with one button giving them the final boost to look beyond perky. Then she leaned back, kicking off her boots and pulling her pants down to the floor.
By the time Ira finally walked into the office, Kathleen was nearly naked and spread open on the couch.
“Wow. Is this safe to do after eating?”
Kathleen pushed her hand down her slit, spreading it open so Ira could see everything. Not that there was anything here Ira hadn’t seen before… “You haven’t had dessert yet.”
“Oh, I haven’t had dessert in over a month.”
Ira locked the door behind her, a grin radiating warmth toward Kathleen . Good, because it’s freezing in here. Kathleen could tolerate a lot of things, but icy air wasn’t one of them.
“What if everyone hears us?” Ira removed her belt and let it drop to the floor. Her forest green sweater came next, but only halfway – enough for Kathleen to see how much Ira had been hitting the gym lately. Get over here, or I swear to the fucking sky... Ira was deceptively strong. Though she wasn’t “big” like other muscular women, her toned body made for the best surprises during their bedroom escapades.
“Sorry, too cold,” Ira muttered, pulling her sweater back down. “Someone should turn on a heater in here.”
Kathleen patted the top of her slit. “I’ve got some heat right here for you, babe.”
“ Oh boy , bad jokes and calling me babe ? I have me a real winner.” Grinning, Ira knelt between Kathleen’s legs and ran her hands along her partner’s thighs. “My word, you are warm down here.”
“Told you. Now do something with it.”
This was the crux of their relationship. Kathleen, a Domme in her “real life,” had no problem ordering Ira around when the moment called for it. Like now, when her body shook in the great and mighty need for Ira’s touch.
Not just her fingers, which now traced slow, teasing lines along her folds, but her tongue too – so dangerously close to giving Kathleen exactly what she wanted.
“I can’t tell if I should commend or punish you for not waiting.”
“Commend me, babe.”
Ira smirked. Right now, Kathleen Allen was in charge – and Ira Mathison would love every second of it.
Well, of course she would like it. What red-blooded American was going to turn down the opportunity to get all up in her business? She was a goddess, as Ira often told her.
“All right, lovely.” One finger tortuously pushed between her folds and rubbed against her clit, dipping down into Kathleen’s famished body. She shuddered, slipping down the couch as Ira leered at her through glaring hazel eyes. “I’ll do what you want for now. As soon as I’ve ensnared you, though, you’re following my whim.”
Kathleen didn’t doubt it. She also didn’t doubt that she would be hungry for that. Why does she think we’re doing this first? Kathleen knew how to play their kinky game.
“Ah, fuck me,” she mumbled, leaning back on the couch as her hands fished for Ira’s soft hair. Her head was firm beneath Kathleen’s touch, but the short waves of hair textured her fingers in a way that was almost better than the tongue rolling against her clit. Almost . She was still a red-blooded American woman too.
At first, Ira was gentle. After all, this was not her idea. Usually, if it were her idea, she’d spare no expense getting Kathleen off as soon as possible. That was assuming her sole purpose for going down on Kathleen was to get her wet enough for part two.
When Ira moved her tongue from Kathleen’s clit to her opening, Kathleen wondered if that still wasn’t her end game.
Goodbye, world.
It was amazing how easily Ira’s tongue filled her. Kathleen only jokingly referred to herself as a size queen, but she was usually content with whatever took her over—if it was big, that was a bonus. When it came to tongues, however, things changed. Ira had taught her that, like anything else, tongues often followed the same rules of size vs. skill. And Ira knew how to fill her, to soothe her, and to send her over the edge from what she did with her whole mouth.
“You’re going to kill me,” Kathleen murmured, arms crossing. “You better have that thing in your pants ready after all this effort.”
The growl against her pussy told her she needn’t have any concerns.
“Make me come, baby.” Kathleen moved her hands over her breasts, reveling in feelings above and below. “Make me come all over your face.”
She thought she heard Ira laugh down there. Still, she did not pull away from Kathleen or otherwise relent. If anything, she went at her harder .
Her tongue wrapped around Kathleen’s clit, lips pursing, cursing, and taking over every inch of her folds. Fingers stroked her opening, caressing the sensitive nerves around the edge before entering her. Kathleen groaned, one hand shooting to Ira’s head and pulling her hair.
When she caught sight of Ira’s eyes, narrow and determined, gazing back at her… Kathleen said fuck it and began thrusting her hips against Ira’s face.
With every passing second, another part of her was filled by Ira’s fingers—fingers that curled, searched, and found her innermost places. Kathleen contained a yelp of pleasure as Ira pounded them into her, unrelenting in passion against this pivotal spot.
Her lips around Kathleen’s clit and the arrogant look in her eye only sent Kathleen over the edge.
“Oh my God!” Orgasm tore through Kathleen. Oftentimes, when she found herself in this position, she stopped caring if anyone could hear her. Who gave a shit if the other guests—who weren’t even supposed to be there that weekend—heard her getting the fuck of her life? Who cared if they found out how good her relationship was? Kathleen always had something to prove. Tonight, she was proving to the world that Ira Mathison, lover extraordinaire, knew how to fuck her to oblivion.
Ira continued to touch Kathleen through her orgasm, watching her convulsions as every shudder claimed Kathleen’s body. Her core released more than orgasm—it released every bit of sexual frustration within her. The frustration translated into her dominating personality. Yeah, that got all over Ira’s face too.
“Shit, that’s hot.” Ira backed her face away, but her fingers remained inside Kathleen. “Both literally and figuratively. Good job, my darling.”
Kathleen exhaled but did not dare close her legs. Ira was standing, unzipping her trousers while grabbing a long and slim case from her deep sweater pocket. At this point, Kathleen knew what was in there: the rod that went into this particular packer that Ira must have chosen for quick and efficient sexy times.
“That’s a good look on you,” Kathleen said. “I should come on your face more often.”
Ira put one knee on the couch as she loomed over Kathleen, the overpowering scent of “Kathleen Allen” accompanying her partner’s face coming closer. Their kiss was also laced in this delicious trap. I don’t taste so bad if I do say so myself. Her favorite way of sampling her own taste was like this–on the lips of her beloved.
“I was under the impression you do that quite often, Ms. Allen.” Ira kissed her throat, lining her now-ready prosthetic with Kathleen’s opening. She had to stay focused, as there were important things to say.
“As I said, Mathison, not often enough. Now, fuck me good.”
Ira pulled her lips away, tentatively penetrating her. Drive me crazy, why don’t you? She touched Kathleen enough to make her relax open, but her body ached to have Ira fill her right here, right now. Kathleen was exposed on this couch in a friend’s house. Anyone could come through that door at any moment. They would see her pushed on this couch, taking her Domme’s favorite extension of her sexuality as she claimed Kathleen for everyone to hear and see.
Kathleen wasn’t one to put on a show of sex in front of others, but she was into the idea of being caught like this. And that was how she knew her headspace had gone from aggressive to submissive. That, and the hand gently curling around her throat. The weightlessness of it told her she was not in danger. The tension in Ira’s grip, however, told her she was now someone’s plaything.
“I don’t mind having you all over my face, darling,” Ira said with the deep, domineering voice she saved for flirtation and, well, sex. “But you have to understand I do it for more than your pleasure. I get a lot out of it, you know.” She emphasized her point by easily pushing into Kathleen, reaching far, far into her body, and making her gasp. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This was the fullest, the most connected she had felt with her Ira in many weeks. Their quickies since reuniting a few days ago were too fast to fully appreciate how good Ira felt inside her.
“I missed seeing you like this, Katie,” Ira said softly, using the only real term of endearment that made Kathleen shiver. “Katie” was what she called the submissive inside of her. Now here she was, coming to the forefront of her headspace and begging her Domme to use her in ways she hadn’t been used in one long, soul-draining month. “I know you’ve missed feeling me like this, too. What do you say for finally getting what you want?”
The ability to speak on command was lost for more than a few seconds. “Thank you…”
“Thank you, what? Don’t be rude.”
Ira’s firm tone washed over her, easing Kathleen into her role as Ira’s obedient submissive, born for the sole purpose of serving her every need. “Thank you, Ira.”
“That’s right.” Ira lifted her hips, taking Kathleen’s with her. She whimpered, soundless words falling from her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut and Ira pierced her against the couch. “Now you’re going to come again. And so will I.”
I sure fucking hope so!
Ira thrust into her once, hard, pushing deep into her and showing how much mastery she had over this moment. Kathleen didn’t have to think. She didn’t even have to move. Her role was to lie there with her legs spread wide open and take whatever her Domme offered, urging her to release her own pent-up energy. Ira pulled Kathleen’s leg higher against the back of the couch, spreading her so open that she slammed in and out of her with almost no friction.
It was torture. It was bliss.
“Ira…” Within seconds, Kathleen already felt another orgasm within her. The grunts in her body and the sound of Ira’s desire did not help. It all overwhelmed Kathleen, guaranteeing she would fulfill Ira’s wishes… assuming that was what she wanted. “I’m gonna…”
“Come for me, my sweet.” Ira sounded slightly crazed. In control, but enjoying every second of this. It had been over a month for her as well. “I want you coming so hard that you can’t let me go.”
She could do that. She could really do that.
“Ira!” Her body betrayed her wish for silence. Between her vocal cords screaming inside her mind and her wetness nothing more than a melody to her senses, Kathleen was going to come so hard, indeed. “Fuck me, please!”
She was pushed over the precipice when Ira changed her pace, going from long, arduous thrusts to quick motions that continuously stroked every inch of Kathleen’s center. She moaned so loudly that Ira had no choice but to cover her mouth, muffling cries of climax that would have been loud enough for anyone else to hear.
Stifled, Kathleen released everything . The month of loneliness, the weeks of sexual solitude, and the soul-crushing desire to have this person be one with her in the most delightful of ways.
She opened her eyes in time to see Ira’s bearing down upon her, overtaking her ability to think about anything but the pleasure she was giving Ira in turn. Ira growled in appreciation and completely turned the tables on this naughty tryst in an office that belonged to neither of them.
Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod… Kathleen’s mind blanked out, succumbing to endless pleasure as her orgasm refused to abate. Instead, she was trapped in a cyclone of unyielding desire, her body unable to come down from its high. The plateau she endured challenged her ability to stay within herself because all she wanted was to escape to another world where nothing mattered but this pleasure and how Ira gave it to her.
For she was taking her there. The woman had a mission, thrusting into Kathleen with such determination that Kathleen did not doubt for a single second that she belonged to Ira. This was it. This was her reason for being alive at this very moment. No matter what happened outside of this office, they would always have this. They may be crowded out in the house, but they found their slice of paradise in this room…
The sound exploding from Kathleen’s body brought Ira to paradise with her.
Kathleen felt her climax before hearing it, as often was the case with making love. Yet this time it came a whole two seconds before, as if Ira couldn’t even feel it for herself at first.
That’s how good I am.
And the sound she made? Kathleen nearly died from the rough, animalistic noise emanating from her throat. She felt like she was being caught and claimed by the most basic of all human desires. Sex and love . She would revel in both.
As Ira’s thrusts slowed, she released Kathleen’s mouth and leg, letting her collapse onto the couch and catch her breath. Slowly, she came down from her high, her long, arduous orgasm dissipating through her body until she could function again. “Oh my God,” she whispered, opening her eyes to see Ira struggling to stay over her. “That was the best. I haven’t come that hard in forever.”
“Forever is a long time,” Ira said, breathless, her hips struggling to pull back. Where do you think you’re going? Kathleen was greedy and possessive when it came to sex. Ira wasn’t going anywhere. “Unless you mean a month is forever.”
In truth, “forever” went back to two or three weeks before they were separated. What? She can’t pitch a no-hitter every time we fuck. Winning the game by the seventh inning stretch and smacking some home runs out of the park was enough for Kathleen. In fact, she was pretty sure she couldn’t survive coming that hard every time she had sex.
“I love you, Katie,” Ira said, fingers losing purchase on the back of the couch. “But I need my packer back.”
“No, you don’t.” Kathleen’s nails ran along Ira’s sweater, indulging in the strength that took her to heaven and back. “It’s going to stay right here inside me forever.” Ira underestimated the strength of Kathleen’s Kegels.
“Fantastic. My girlfriend’s sex drunk.”
“Doesn’t take much these days.”
As reality settled back in, Kathleen released her hold on Ira and let her pull away. The worst part . Not just because it marked the end of their lovemaking, but because damnit if Kathleen didn’t hate this renewed loneliness that crawled up her legs. Or maybe that tingling sensation was from having her legs up in the air for so long. Hm. Possible.
“That is one of the hottest things in the world.” Although as wiped out as Kathleen, Ira still managed to have a diabolical smile as she sat back and smacked the inside of her girlfriend’s thigh. “Hope Jem doesn’t use this couch much. You’re a mess!” Kathleen did not give a single shit right now. Endorphins were too powerful. “You’re amazing, my love.”
Ira finally joined her on the couch, carefully putting herself away as she sighed against the plush leather and leaned against Kathleen’s shoulder. She gradually closed her legs and pulled her shirt back down. “That took two people to make happen.”
“Don’t I know it.”
They waited five more minutes, cuddling together on the couch, nibbling one another’s lips, and whispering the words they had wanted to say over the past month. By the time they realized how long it had been since they left the dinner table, they were rushing to put their clothes back on, Kathleen wondering where the nearest bathroom was.
“Think they missed us?” Ira asked when she emerged from the small water closet attached to the office. “I bet our dinners are cold.”
Kathleen linked her arm with Ira’s and snaked fingers along her hand. “We ate dessert first, didn’t we?”
“You didn’t eat anything.”
Kathleen kissed her cheek and whispered, “Later. In bed.”
Indeed, their dinners were quite cold when they got back to the table.