Chapter 6
I f there was anything Jamie Joy did not understand about the elite world, it was the parlor games they played for a lack of anything else to do–and from too much after-dinner booze.
Helen Warner was up for the latest round of charades. Jamie sat in the middle of the couch, between Etta and Monique, watching in wonder as the blond femme held up two fingers and began dancing around like an idiot. This is the least composed I have ever seen her. Also, the drunkest.
“Singer!” Monique called. And that’s the loudest I’ve ever heard her speak.
When Helen shook her head, everyone went back to the drawing board.
“Politician,” Etta said. “Dancing fucking monkeys.”
Of course, those two would be on the same wavelength. Jamie had a feeling that two separate lovers of Monique Grant would have to think the same way. No wonder Helen and Etta were such close pals during dinner.
After nodding, Helen commenced holding up her fist and acting like she was going to punch herself.
“Oh man,” a half-drunk Ira said into their glass of cognac. “I can’t remember their fucking names. I’m… I’m too tipsy.”
“It’s on the tip of my tongue.” Kathleen slapped her partner’s thigh in excitement.
“That’s not all on the tip of her tongue.”
Kathleen smacked them so hard that Ira almost dropped their glass in surprise.
“Raymond Mitchell,” Etta said, on the verge of a yawn. “Next.”
Jamie patted her girlfriend’s leg. Someone’s getting sleepy . When it came close to Etta’s bedtime, she had a habit of growing an attitude that did not make her the life of the party. It made Jamie feel like she had to apologize for her every five minutes. Except they were with friends – or at least Helen and Monique were friends. And Natasha, Jamie supposed.
Natasha, who got up from the corner she was working in and approached her employer with trepidation. “What should I do about the charts due on Monday?” she whispered, kneeling next to Etta’s seat. “Do you want them done tonight or tomorrow?”
“Tonight would be better, but don’t tax yourself.”
“I think I’ll go up to my room and work on them.” Natasha went back to the desk she worked at, gathered her things, turned down a glass of cognac from Eve standing in the corner, and left the study.
Eve put the glass down with a huff. Even though she said nothing, everyone knew what she was thinking when she crossed her arms. Poor Natasha. Or is that poor Eve? No, it was definitely poor Natasha, who was working herself ragged with overtime. During dinner, Natasha confessed she took on this extra work so she could buy her parents a vacation for Christmas. Sex, even with a stunner like Eve, was probably the last thing on her mind . She could probably use it.
“You’re up, Coleman.” Helen tossed Etta the bowl of paper. “Time to be a thespian.”
Etta caught the bowl but handed it to Jamie without a second thought. “Think I’m going to pass.” She finished her glass of cognac and turned down the fresh drink Eve still had in her hand. “I’m tired. I’d rather turn in early and get an early start tomorrow.” She looked at Jamie. “We’re going for a walk in the woods bright and early.”
Jamie forced a smile. Fuck you, Etta . Mushroom hunting. Etta Coleman wanted to go mushroom hunting because she was a weirdo who liked plants a little too much.
Everyone else smiled politely, although Ira muttered something into their glass that made Kathleen hide a laugh in her hand. Monique intervened by saying, “Still learning about mushrooms, Etta?”
“Naturally.” Etta stood, straightening out her jacket and smoothing out her trousers. “Jamie’s become quite good at identifying the poisonous ones. Sometimes I wonder if she’s trying to get her inheritance a bit too early.”
Jamie laughed, uneasily, and Monique was the only other person to smile. Probably because they were the only people in that room who understood Etta’s dry humor.
“By the way, I would appreciate you coming with me for a moment.” Etta held her hand out to Jamie. “I need to speak with you about tomorrow. I won’t keep you from socializing too long.” Her wink was almost genuine.
Jamie took her hand and was helped up. She sent Monique an apologetic look before joining her girlfriend in the empty–and cold–hallway. I miss the fireplace already. She hoped their room had one and that it was stoked already.
“Yes?” Jamie asked as soon as they were alone. “I thought we already had our plans solidified for tomorrow…”
Etta took her hand and dragged her across the hall. Uh oh . Jamie recognized that brute strength. Her heart leaped in her throat as Etta made sure the coast was clear before opening a door and hauling Jamie inside.
It looked like an office. One with a locking door, if Jamie heard what her girlfriend was doing correctly. A single light turned on in the corner. “Etta… what is…”
She kissed Jamie with the strength of a woman with a point to prove. Jamie stumbled backward, against the wall, her body reacting in the only way it knew how–with instant arousal. Fuck that ! Her brain wanted an explanation first!
“Excuse me.” She pushed Etta away. “Is there something I can help you with, ma’am?”
“Oh, right, sorry.” Etta opened her jacket pocket and pulled out her girlfriend’s sapphire collar. “I need you to put this on.”
“Hold up.” This was happening too fast, even for Etta Coleman, the woman who used to pay Jamie to be sexually available to her at all hours of the day. Now she collared her when she wanted to enact those scenarios. They weren’t a lifestyle BDSM couple, but they had the collar to dictate when they were having a scene. “First, what is going on, and second… did you go through my purse to get that? Because that’s where I last left it.”
“I plead the Fifth on the second question.” Etta cleared her throat, caught. “As for the first… well, can you blame me, Jamie? We were going to have a romantic time this weekend, and here we are, trapped with two other…”
Jamie put her hands on her hips. “Two other what?” Oh, she had a good idea of what Etta was about to say.
“Two dominant types.” Etta was hilarious. She was so used to being in complete control wherever they went. Jamie was often the only person in the world–besides Monique, perhaps–who could make Etta behave when she got too uppity for her own good. Trapped in a house for a weekend with two others known for being Dommes in the city’s kink scene? Two Dommes with big reputations? With women who submitted to their desires, whether it was lifestyle or scene by scene? Etta Coleman probably had the hardest, angriest nipples in the house. How the fuck was she going to assert herself when she couldn’t even put her hands all over her girlfriend without embarrassing the both of them?
Etta was a woman who kept her kink behind the scenes. She barely went to the kinky club unless business dealings happened there.
Yet Etta Coleman didn’t say “two dominant types.” Instead, she said, “Two very sexual couples.”
“Everyone’s been behaving themselves tonight…”
Etta looked around the office. “You’re kidding, right? Use your senses, Jamie.”
She put her arms down in a haughty huff. “What are you trying to…” Her deep breath caught her by surprise. In her nostrils was a heavy perfume that she thought she left behind in the study. That’s Monique’s perfume...
“Yes. There’s been a lot of hanky-panky in this room since we got here. We’re lagging.”
“One couple hardly means…” Jamie went for the couch, but she stopped short, gasping in strange horror as she saw… well, she dared not repeat what she saw staining the couch.
“I told you. Hanky-panky.”
Etta encircled Jamie’s abdomen with her arm. She lowered her hand from her nose, tearing her eyes off the crime scene before her. “That’s disgusting!”
“Is it?” Etta’s voice was low and husky, the exact tone that sent excited shivers throughout Jamie’s body. The longer she gazed at the mess the previous couples left behind, the more she realized what her girlfriend wanted. Sure enough, Etta pushed up against Jamie’s ass in due time. “Because it only serves to remind me of what I need to do to you.”
“Need?” Jamie didn’t protest as the collar wrapped around her throat. The moment she clasped it, she had to obey Etta. Etta was going to fuck her right here, without a doubt. Normally that wouldn’t worry her too much, except when Etta was like this… with a collar that made her infallible and the absolute master of Jamie’s destiny… oh God, who knew what she would do!
“Yes, my flower.” The moment the collar clasped around her throat, Etta lifted Jamie’s skirt, grabbing her thighs, her stomach, and the brunt of her unsuspecting pussy. “I need us to outfuck everyone else in this house.”
Wow, that was direct, even for her!
“You’re crazy,” Jamie said, although her lack of breath betrayed how hot this was already getting her. Between Etta stroking her slit through her silk underwear, and snaking her hand down her generous cleavage, she was about to come undone then and there. “I knew we were going to have a lot of sex this weekend, but...”
A shriek echoed in the room as Jamie was pushed over the back of the couch. Her knees scrambled onto it, just as her hair tumbled down the side of her face and threatened to brush against the soiled ground. Even with underwear on, she still felt exposed. She felt even more exposed when Etta pulled aside said underwear.
“Your girlfriend has needs that surpass simple sex.” Etta felt Jamie’s bare skin, her other hand bunching up the skirt and tugging it whenever necessary. “Now, I need you to not say a single word except for what I want to hear you say. Understand?”
Jamie nodded, her lips wetting within her mouth. “I understand… ma’am .”
She was not surprised that Etta spanked her. She was, however, surprised that it was so hard and so… invigorating. Jamie’s knees dug into the leather couch. I wonder who was here before me . And she wondered if the idea of coming all over someone else’s mess was getting Etta as hot. Yes. Definitely yes.
Etta spanked her again, the shrill sound of skin hitting skin in Jamie’s ears. It was a miracle she could hear over the pumping of her blood.
“Tell me, Jamie.” The way Etta’s voice clawed her back made Jamie whimper, her insides relaxing and releasing the arousal her girlfriend craved to see run down her thigh. “If you could have anyone in this house fuck this pretty bud of yours, who would it be? There’s a good selection out there.”
Her hand was poised above her ass. Jamie, swallowing, lifted her head and tried to find her voice. “You, ma’am. I only want you to fuck me.” She sounded pitiful. Probably because for the briefest moment she imagined one of those other Dommes fucking her. No, that’s wrong. But she didn’t doubt that Etta planted those images in her head. She wanted Jamie to think about Helen Warner tying her up and nibbling her nipples. She wanted Jamie to imagine Ira Mathison throwing her down on this couch and going at her until she screamed for mercy. All right, hot stuff, let’s not make me feel like I’m mentally cheating. Too late.
However, Etta wanted her to think about these things because she yearned to prove that she was better than them. She needed Jamie to admit that her girlfriend, Etta Coleman, was the hottest, most dominating, the absolute best in this group of fuckers and suckers.
She could do that right now. Except it wouldn’t mean a damn thing until Etta had her ultimate way with Jamie.
“Again, ma’am,” she said, core heating in preparation. “I want you to fuck me.”
“Is that so? Why do you want me? Not that I don’t want you, my flower, but it won’t hurt you to convince me.”
Wow, she was direct tonight. For some reason, knowing she was fighting that much insecurity made Jamie hotter. Etta would prove her worth as a woman and Domme, and she was doing it with nothing more than her body. Holy shit, I’m ready.
“Because…” She couldn’t believe she was saying this. She couldn’t believe she was about to debase herself like this. Yes, I can! Wouldn’t be the first time! “You’re the only one who can satisfy me.”
“I’m serious, ma’am.” Jamie reached back, pressing dangerously close to her opening. She pulled herself open in front of her girlfriend. “You’re the only one who can satisfy that.”
“You can be more honest, my flower. Tell me exactly why you need me to fuck you. Don’t dance around it. Don’t be ashamed of your body.”
Oh, fuck you. Jamie pulled her hand back to the couch and bowed her head, garnering the courage to say what was on the tip of her tongue. “Because you’re the only one who is kinky enough, ma’am.”
Jamie had no idea how kinky the others were. Well, that wasn’t true. She knew how kinky Helen was because she had seen her perform with Monique at the club. As for Ira, they seemed like the kind either compensating for something or completely bolstered by what they got up to behind closed doors. Let alone with another Domme like Kathleen, who saw it fit to submit to the likes of Ira. Fact of the matter was nothing, well, mattered. This was about fueling Etta’s ego so she would fuck Jamie long and hard. Sometimes I love these games . Sometimes they drove her crazy. Tonight? Both thoughts claimed her.
At the end of the day, however, Etta was still the kinkiest woman Jamie had ever been with. In the early days of their relationship, she was constantly amazed at how far Etta would go, how she could take the most mundane sex act and spice it up using nothing but her hand. And even though she knew to expect it now, Jamie was still often taken by surprise.
Taken, always. Surprise, always.
“You need it kinky, huh?” Etta tapped her ass. “Tell me why.”
Jamie braced herself for more self-debasement. “Because I’m so used to kink that it’s all that can satisfy me… ma’am.”
“Are you a kinky girl, my flower?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Etta pushed two fingers against her opening and spread it apart, opening her body to the cold air of that office. She’s going to ruin me . Didn’t she always?
“I see. You really do need a Mistress to satisfy you, don’t you?”
Oh, fuck her.
“Jamie.” Her voice, although tender and loving, did not make Jamie feel any different as Etta leaned down and kissed her cheek. The smooth texture of Etta’s trousers rubbed against her leg, making her tremble in anticipation for the rest of Etta to touch her. “You’re gorgeous tonight. I don’t tell you enough.”
She told her at least once a day, but Jamie agreed – once a day wasn’t enough.
“Seeing you on this couch like this has got me so… bothered.” Etta dropped her composure for one split second, letting lust take control as she slid her hand along Jamie’s slit. Oh, shit . When Etta pulled away, she smacked Jamie’s ass, forked those fingers around her opening again, and watched as she became wetter. Knowing Etta became more powerful from it made Jamie even more aroused. “Your nectar is getting all over my fingers, my flower.”
“Golly gee, ma’am, I have no idea how that could be happening…” Jamie was still fantasizing about getting fucked. This time solely about Etta, the only Mistress with the ability to satisfy her.
“Don’t be mouthy.” The tap on her ass was a warning shot. “Or I’ll stuff that mouth full of something that will shut you up.” Before Jamie could say she was okay with that, Etta continued. “And not give this beautiful pussy what it deserves.”
Jamie braved being a little mouthier. “What does it deserve, ma’am?”
Finally, she was wet enough for Etta to sink her fingers in.
Jamie pushed forward, knees digging into the couch as one hand shot between her legs and took over Etta’s job of spreading her nether lips apart.
She thrust her hand forward. Jamie gritted her teeth, clutching the back of the couch and bracing her legs wide open. "Oh, fuck me," she whimpered. Suddenly it no longer mattered that someone got to this couch before them. All that mattered was having her body visited by the woman she loved and craved to dominate her.
"You were right, my flower." Etta grabbed Jamie’s long, curly hair and yanked it hard enough to raise her head. "You need a woman as good as me to pleasure you.”
She didn’t have to tell her!
"So, I guess that means I can do whatever the fuck I want now." Etta yanked hard, forcing Jamie on her fingers as she involuntarily leaned back, crying out loud enough to echo in the room. "And I want to fuck you until you scream."
Etta Coleman was the kind of woman who kept her promises.
"Oh, my God!" Jamie muffled her mouth with the leather couch as Etta drove into her, sinking her fingers as deep as they could go into Jamie’s angled body. They both knew how volatile this position was from plenty of experience over the past year they had been together. Etta could reach parts of Jamie they didn’t even know existed!
"Is this what you wanted, my flower? Is this the kind of fucking you’ve been craving?"
"Yes, Mistress…"
"Louder. I want them to hear how good I fuck you."
"Yes, ma’am!"
Etta was a beast. The kind of wild animal who took what she wanted—and she wanted Jamie. Specifically, she wanted her body, the validation her cries of release provided, and the way Jamie held onto her through her climax. When it came. Until then, Jamie was on the receiving end of a woman who would take nothing less than catching her, pinning her to this couch, and taking her from behind as the animal kingdom intended.
It made her feel small, vulnerable, and oh-so- good .
"Fuck me, Mistress!" Jamie gasped in reverie, her whole body shaking against the couch. “Please, fuck me more! Give it to me!"
She shrieked as Etta spanked her the moment those fingers hit Jamie where it mattered most. "You would like that, wouldn’t you, my delicate little flower?"
"Oh, God, yes!"
"Do you want to come? Do you want to lose yourself all over the hand of the only Mistress who can ever satisfy you?”
"Yes! Please!"
"And do you want me to make you mine?"
Jamie sucked in her breath, her body shaking on Etta’s. "Yes, Mistress! Make me yours!”
Etta grabbed both of Jamie’s hips and pulled her back, forcing her fingers as deep as they could go before going at Jamie as if it were the last chance in their mutual life.
Oh my God, I am a fucking sex toy right now. Those were Jamie’s favorite moments when wearing the collar. Love and romance existed outside of this blue band around her neck. Right now, her sole purpose was to serve her Mistress, and she best did that by existing and being as sexually available to her as possible. This meant letting Etta fuck her on a stranger’s couch to prove she was the best in the house.
That especially meant that .
It also meant opening herself up to her, taking whatever she gave. Her thrusts, her passion, the satisfied moan she made when Jamie came.
"Etta!" She matched Etta’s thrusts, willing her to discover what was still left to plunder in such an eager body. That’s when Jamie felt the closest to her, physically. Even when turned away. Even when looking at the carpet instead of the eyes of her lover. "Oh, my God !" Etta continued to penetrate her from behind, the sounds of their skin like a thunderous drum in Jamie’s head, all through her orgasm.
When Etta finally pulled out, Jamie let out a breathy moan and collapsed onto the couch, her knees wobbly as they carried her down to the floor. She didn't want to look too desperate, but Etta had a way of making her feel things, making her feel like there was nothing else for her but to come for her, and only her.
She sat there with her arms on her knees, her hands together and her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath. Etta knelt next to her and ran a hand through her hair. When Jamie looked over at her, she saw that gorgeous smile. Etta gave her a peck on the lips before standing up again and helping Jamie up to her feet.
"Not too bad," she said, smug.
Jamie looked over her shoulder, her body aching for more. "Please fuck me again…" she whimpered. "I need it, ma’am."
"I’m sure you do." Etta pulled down Jamie’s skirt, however. "Later. For now, you can be content with that."
Except she wasn’t content. That was the problem!