The Holiday 9. Kathleen 75%
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9. Kathleen

Chapter 9


T here was one way to beat the cold, especially in a guest room with a gas fireplace on the fritz. And that one way was to take a shower, put on pajamas, get under the covers, and go down on the hottest pussy in the house.

Such was Kathleen’s lot at ten that night. Well, I told her I would earlier. She wasn’t a woman to go back on her word unless she had a damn good reason. And, really, being so cold that she only wanted to get beneath the covers and fool around was a good reason.

It was supposed to be one of those relaxing moments together. Kathleen wasn’t in a hurry to get Ira off. If anything, she was looking forward to enjoying this evening as much as she could. Didn’t we come up here with the intent of romance? Some women would argue whether getting a mouthful of hair was romantic, but Kathleen didn’t care what those women thought. All she knew was that she got a huge kick out of bringing Ira to the edge and then pushing her back again.

Tonight wasn’t about edging, however. Kathleen’s tongue and lips only cared about bringing Ira relaxation. Meanwhile, she would enjoy it as well.

“You’re gorgeous down there,” Ira said, amazingly in control for someone who had been getting it good for the past ten minutes. Then again, her voice was laced with desire. She just wasn’t about to ram her crotch in her girlfriend’s face and break her nose for the sake of an orgasm. Thank God. I need some warning for that, thanks.

Kathleen raised her brows and looked her girlfriend in the hazel eyes. The comforter covered the top of her head, but she could still see some things… like the haughty look radiating from Ira Mathison, the only one who would tell Kathleen she looked gorgeous eating her out.

She eased off, taking a deep breath as she grinned and delicately massaged Ira’s mound. “I’d like to think I look gorgeous no matter what I do for you.”

“Well, yes.”

Ira brushed the hair out of Kathleen’s face. For a moment, they shared a level of intimacy that made her blush. She loved Ira and told her as much all the time. Ira loved her and took good care of her, in and out of the bedroom – or office, she supposed. Yet having her hair brushed out of her eyes like that while she rubbed her nose along Ira’s musky body made her feel like a silly girl again. Some people have that power, I guess. It could be such a pain in the ass.

“I’m serious.” Ira did an admirable job sounding as such while her girlfriend nuzzled her nose in untamed body hair. “You look gorgeous all the time. Why would now be any different?”

Kathleen kissed her partner’s thigh. “Your mood sure has changed from earlier.”

“Oh, that? You mean when I was doing exactly what you wanted? Excuse me.”

“No, excuse me, my prince.”

“She’s calling me a prince!”

“I do that all the time.”

“Not on a whim like that.” Ira gathered a chunk of Kathleen’s hair into her hand and gave it a gentle tug. “After earlier, I didn’t think you would care to do things like that.”

“I was being facetious. Hm. And now you’re being mouthy, but not in the way that benefits me.”

“Shut up.”

“Chop-chop. Back to lickin’.”

Sometimes Ira could be so… so … exasperating. Kathleen knew she did it purposely to get on her girlfriend’s nerves, but sometimes she was too much!

At any rate, Kathleen knew how to get back at her.

She wrapped her mouth over her again, eyes never leaving Ira’s as her tongue danced circles around her clit and her hand teased her relaxed entrance. Ira cursed in ecstasy. Yeah, she thought she liked this now?

Kathleen stretched a mouth as far as she could, determined to cover the entirety of Ira’s mound, hair and all . I’m going to do it. By God, I will show her… But Kathleen wouldn’t be able to dig in unless she figured out where to rest her tongue for the next few minutes.

Then she brought out her teeth and grazed the sensitive skin of Ira’s slit.

“Fuck!” She never admitted to loving Kathleen’s teeth on her. Indeed, if Kathleen weren’t as experienced as she was in the art of pleasing a partner who lied back and enjoyed her oral sex… she wouldn’t even dare.

However, she trusted herself. Ira trusted her. That’s all that mattered as she drew her teeth up and down Ira’s nether lips, tongue and hand doing the brunt of the work. Ira became simultaneously more relaxed and stiffer as her wetness covered Kathleen’s tongue and promised more to come. If Kathleen knew what she was doing.

Oh, I do.

The moment Kathleen closed her eyes so she could enjoy this, Ira made the strangest sound. A pained moan came from the depths of her soul.

Kathleen stopped. “You okay?” she asked, pushing back the bed covers so she could get a better look at Ira, who blinked a thousand times before bringing herself back to reality.

“Yeah? Why the hell wouldn’t I be fine?”

“You made a weird sound.”

“Huh? I thought that was you.”

Kathleen heard it again. It was coming from outside their room. “What the fuck is that?”

If Ira cared, she sure as hell wasn’t going to show it. She put her hand on Kathleen’s head and pushed her back down. “Busy, Katie. We’re too busy to give a shit.”

I have half a mind to bite her. Yet Kathleen couldn’t say no to finishing the job she started. She blocked out any sounds other than her heavy breaths and Ira’s steady ones coursing through her body. Besides, she would much rather feel Ira’s heat and taste what made her so… her . Kathleen’s teeth and tongue agreed, stimulating Ira in unison.

“I’m gonna come if you keep that up.” Finally, tension entered Ira’s voice. Kathleen rewarded her excitement with a hum on her lips. A hum that got her more wetness and a shudder in the body beneath her. “Yup. Definitely gonna come. You better be ready, Katie.”

If Kathleen weren’t ready, she would have stopped, wouldn’t she?

Don’t hold back. Oh, boy, would she have loved to hear that come out of Ira’s mouth…

Instead, they both had to make do with what soon surged against her mouth.

“Hang on, babe, I’m…” Yes, yes, I know. I can tell, thanks . Ira’s thighs swelled with heat, and her pussy pulsed in the impending climax. Not to mention the way her fingers dug into Kathleen’s scalp!

The best thing about going down on Ira? She was a silent screamer. Sure, she may have gasped or grunted, but most of the time her orgasms were as soft as she was during the act itself. She let her body speak on her behalf.

That was fine with Kathleen, who was happy to let it happen.

She felt the moment Ira relaxed under her, breath coming out in long sighs. Her body sank into the mattress, no longer in the mood to fight the sheets. Kathleen pulled her head away from Ira’s pussy to find it glistening.

“Fucking hell,” Ira muttered, collapsing into her pillow. “That was fantastic.”

Kathleen decided it was too cold outside of her comfy bubble, so she relegated herself to Ira’s thighs, where she pressed her cheek against skin. “You always know how to sweet-talk me.”

“I’d ask you to get up here and cuddle with me, but you seem pretty cozy down there.”

“Indeed I am. Although I suppose we should go to bed soon.”

“Why?” Ira slammed her arm down onto the bed, sighing. “We’re not doing anything tomorrow except hearing about Etta Coleman’s mycological discoveries.” She snorted through flared nostrils. “Or her pussy discoveries, based on that bullshit earlier.”

Kathleen buried her face deeper into Ira’s body. Her hair tickles . “That was hot.”

“I knew you were getting turned on.”

“I mean, once I realized what was happening, all I could think about was sex again, so…”

“Oh, my slutty nymph. What a treasure you are to me.”

Kathleen laughed. Earlier, in the study, she and Ira began hearing what sounded suspiciously like Etta fucking her girlfriend Jamie in the other room—assuming the girl screamed like that, and Etta herself could sound like a pack of wolves on the prowl. Shivers went down Kathleen’s spine then, and they went down it again now. Even though she had been thoroughly fucked by her partner earlier, she still got wet listening to that young woman take her Mistress like a pro. A dying pro, but a pro, nonetheless!

Wonder how that Domme fucks. Either she was a total stud, or Jamie Joy was that easily entertained on the other end of a woman’s lovemaking . This is Etta Coleman we’re talking about. She could be a virgin, but I don’t doubt she’d know what to do once in the thick of it.

“What in the world are you thinking about?”

Kathleen dug her short nails into the hair growing at the top of Ira’s thigh. “Aw, someone who wants to know what I’m thinking after sex.”

“You know I’m in love with you, then.” Ira chuckled. “Because I think you are the only woman I’ve asked that in my whole life.”

“It’s because you know I’m thinking about sex. Or at least you. You and sex.”

“Uh-huh. Are you joining me up here or not? I’m itching to hold you in these arms.” Ira flexed her biceps, which appeared out of nowhere to impress her girlfriend.

“No way. It’s actually warm down here.”

“Kathleen Marguerite Allen.” Ira pulled back the cover, exposing Kathleen to the cold air that did not affect her. “Get your hot ass up here and cuddle me, damnit!”

“Oh my God.” As chills—and not the sexy kind—overtook her, Kathleen heaved herself up the bed and landed in Ira’s hold. She pulled the covers behind her, but they didn’t quite make it up. Neither of them missed how Kathleen’s nipples suddenly speared her T-shirt. Again, not in the sexy way. They’re gonna freeze off. Then I’m suing Ira. She grinned at the thought . She would be made to pay with oral sex at least once a day and a deep fucking every other. Oh, and she would fully submit to me once a week!

“There, that’s not so bad.” Ira readjusted them both until Kathleen was snugly in the crook of her arm, their legs entwining. “And neither are these.” Ira’s hand reached around and squeezed one of Kathleen’s breasts.

“You’re so whiny and grabby.” Kathleen didn’t mean that. Well, maybe she meant that tonight, but Ira only acted this way when she was in the mood to give Kathleen a big, hard time. “It’s because you’re such a mama’s kid.”

“Let’s leave my mother out of this, please.”

“As you wish, my prince .”

Ira pressed down upon her, kissing Kathleen’s lips with languished certainty. “I love it when you call me that.”

Their kiss ended when Ira couldn’t stand that position any longer. She leaned back, stretching both arms above her head as if she were the luckiest asshole in the universe. She probably thought she was.


“Yeah?” She was already half-asleep.

“You deleted those pics I sent you off your phone, right?”

“Which ones?”

“You know which ones.”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t know if you mean the ones of your hot snatch or you dressed up like a hot teacher with your tits hanging out. They were separate occasions, and thus warrant different discussions.”

“Please tell me you deleted those. I sent them to you in moments of utter weakness because I got so horny when we were apart.”

“I deleted them, don’t worry.”

“Thank God.”

“You know those things still exist on some server somewhere, right?”

“Shut up, Ira.” Kathleen patted her chest. “Besides, let’s think about how well I fucked myself both of those nights. Thinking about you, of course.”

“Of course. Who else would you think about? I’m the only one who makes you make that sound when I get all up in your business with my Avalon.” She referred to her preferred line of packers that let her live the kind of life she liked best.

Kathleen winced. She knew that involuntary sound. The one she emitted when her pussy wasn’t quite ready for the width of the tip when Ira first thrust into her. “I’ve told you why I make that sound.”

“Ah, yes, but I need you to tell me again. Tell me how great my strap is, Katie.”

Kathleen slipped her hand between Ira’s legs and tenderly stroked her soft flesh. “I have no complaints.”

“One of these days I’ll use it to make you sound like Coleman’s woman when she’s screaming in another room.”

“Maybe that’s something only Coleman can do.”

“If I ever get drunk enough to wife-swap with Etta Coleman, then I’ll count on you to let me know.”

“Who said we had to be drunk?”

“Fine. If she gets drunk enough to take you on.”

“Like you’d let her.”

Ira shrugged. “That woman could probably use a Domme in her life.” She waggled her eyebrows much too easily for a woman wiped out after two orgasms. “What do you say, Kathleen? Wanna spank Etta Coleman?”

“Not really.”

“You are no fun.”

“I think this is your passive-aggressive way of telling me you want to fuck Jamie Joy, or whatever her silly name is.”

“I mean… if I were single, and she was single, and she approached me, do you think I would say no? She’s hot.” Ira laughed. “And apparently a screamer.”

“You are too much. If you want a screamer, order me to the next time you collar me.”

“Oh, my darling.” Ira stroked her girlfriend’s long blond strands, fingertips digging into Kathleen’s neck. “You already do.”

Before Kathleen could say anything, she heard that sound again.

“What the fuck is that?”


“You don’t hear that?” In truth, Kathleen had heard it throughout her lovemaking with Ira but had managed to ignore it while caught up in the moment. Yet now she couldn’t hear anything but that again. It was overpowering Ira’s heartbeat, for fuck’s sake.

“I vaguely hear something that sounds kinda… spooky.”

“Oh, my God, don’t start that.” Kathleen didn’t believe in hauntings, per se, but as a child, she was often petrified of any horror movie that hinged on religion or the afterlife. The Exorcist still gave her nightmares every Halloween. “If I weren’t freezing and lazy, I would send you out there to find out what the hell is making that obnoxious sound.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Because you win the gender games in this case. Big masc has gotta go out and protect their woman from the bad things.”

Ira rubbed her face with the back of her hand. “You are the definition of a pain in my ass.”

Kathleen opened her mouth but was once again cut off by the rudest sound imaginable.

This time it wasn’t ghost moans. It was a name. As shouted by a woman on the verge of sheer ecstasy.

“ Helen! ”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Aren’t they way down on the other end of the hall?”

“I swear, Jem needs to look into the insulation around here.”

“Jem needs to look at their calendar more often!”

“ Helen! ”

Kathleen buried her face in Ira’s chest. “I guess Monique didn’t want to be outdone by her friend Jamie.”

“More like she didn’t want to be outdone by her ex-girlfriend’s new squeeze.”

“I forgot about that.”

“Ah…” Ira wrapped both hands behind her head. “What a threesome that would be.”

“Is your mind so in the gutter today that you can’t stop thinking about other people having sex?”

“Why stop thinking about it? We can hear it all over this house.”

“This was after you made me come on Jem’s couch.”

“Which I’m sure Etta Coleman took over after we were done.”

“This is one fucked-up group of people.”

As the sounds of crazed sex continued down the hall, Ira sighed. “That’s what happens when you put a bunch of Dommes in a house together like that. They’re gonna outdo each other. This isn’t the club where you can leave your ego behind or blow it up to Mars… honor is on the line here.”

“I’m a Domme and I think that’s bullshit.”

“Lovely, you’re a femme. This is a masc thing.”

“Excuse me? Helen Warner is not masc. She’s as femme as me.” Kathleen would categorize Etta as “masc,” though. The woman definitely wasn’t femme, and nobody mistook her for anything but “fairly butch,” whatever that meant these days. “Until a few months ago, Helen and I would be on the same wavelength everywhere we went.”

“Helen only takes female partners, unlike you.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“You travel in different worlds. I think I understand her mindset more than you.”

“Oh, and you would know about that?”

Ira lowered one hand to stroke Kathleen’s shoulder. “You give me too much credit if you think I’ve been sitting here not fantasizing about dragging you out in front of those people and fucking you until they understand I’m the top Domme around here.”

On one hand, Kathleen wanted to roll her eyes at how silly that was. On the other? She understood. Ira wasn’t like other dominant types who strutted their stuff around. She didn’t overpower rooms or take over small groups. Ira was the kind of person who worked behind the scenes and let her reputation speak for itself. Ira Mathison cared most about what her girlfriend thought, and Kathleen thought she was very, very much the prince of the surrounding jungle. There’s a reason she’s my prince and no other is.

“Good God, they’re still going. How much can one woman take?”

Kathleen couldn’t answer Ira’s question. Somewhere, on the other end of the hall, one woman was single-handedly taking the fuck of her life. I can admire that . She could also admire the person on the other end of it. It took someone with great stamina and strength to put an experienced sub like Monique through the wringer. Then again, Kathleen knew firsthand how intense those two were. I saw them perform one night. It may or may not have been the hottest show I’ve ever seen at the club.

“Oh, for the right woman…” To the sounds of one begging to be fucked and then for mercy, of all things, Kathleen moved her hand down Ira’s thigh and touched her again.

“Katie…” Ira addressed her, but attention was on the moans and cries filtering through their wall. “Are you getting turned on by this?”

“On what, sweetie? The sex or your pussy?”

Although nowhere near wet yet, Ira twitched beneath her touch. “Yes.”

The moans intensified. If Monique wasn’t dead, she was probably halfway there. Knowing that someone was doing that to her… It reminded Kathleen of the way Ira took her in the downstairs office. Had anyone heard that, well… their brains probably melted too.

“As I said earlier,” Ira pushed her hand between Kathleen’s legs, touching her slit through thin fabric. “My slutty nymph.”

“I’m only slutty for you, my prince.”

“Fancy that. I’m only slutty for you, my goddess.”

Kathleen grabbed her harder, making her intentions clear as she rose and bared her teeth at Ira. “Let’s have slutty sex.”

“Now hold on. Give your prince a chance to get their shit together.” Ira meant her body, or what she probably wanted to reintroduce to their bed. “They’ve had a busy day.”

“So have I.” Kathleen shut up when she heard Monique climaxing in the other room. She sounds like she’s… Words failed Kathleen. All she could think about was having sex so good that she’d scream Ira’s name, begging her to keep going, crying that she was the only one in the world who could satisfy the biggest slut in the house. That’s me!

“Oh, ho.” Ira removed her hand from Kathleen’s slit to show off how wet her fingers were. “I think you like what you’re hearing over there. What is it, Katie? Imagining it’s you?”

She bit her bottom lip. “Maybe.”

Ira slipped her hand back between Kathleen’s thighs, this time tearing aside her underwear and going straight for her sexual jugular. “Why imagine when you can live it?”

“Why not indeed, Ira?”

Their gentle kiss and tender, mutual touches were peppered with the cries of a woman losing her mind down the hall. She has to run out of energy at some point. Hasn’t her pussy worn out yet? Kathleen wasn’t sure even she could go for Round 2 so soon after their erotic tryst in the office a few hours ago. If she thought her core was satiated then…

“Down,” Kathleen growled, pushing Ira back onto the bed, whose hand remained between her legs, guiding Ira’s movements with precision. “I let you take me earlier. Now I’m going to take you.”

“Hey, do whatever you want.” Ira extended her arm toward the lump of clothing amassed on the other side of the big bed. It was her pants, her boxers… and the Avalon, of course. “Just do me the honor of letting you have the ride of your life, darling.”

Kathleen sat up, pulling down her underwear and lifting her T-shirt far enough to free her breasts. While she put on a show, Ira fidgeted with her implements, preparing herself to lay back and let Kathleen do all the work. Again.

“It’s my turn to make some noise.”

And as Kathleen rode her lover with abandon, the sound of her voice filled the room, overpowering even the remnants of Monique’s ecstasy from down the hall.

She straddled Ira’s hips. “Enjoy yourself, my darling.” Ira grabbed her thighs but did not commit beyond that.

Not until Kathleen started to sink, slowly, agonizingly taking Ira into her and feeling the exquisite way she made her feel. Ira was just lying there, and already Kathleen was convinced she was the most in love she would ever feel in her life.

Because while Ira may have been “just lying” there, she looked into Kathleen’s eyes, smiling softly as she watched Katie have her way with what made their sex life unique.

God, I love riding cowgirl.

She started slow, making sure everything fit within her at the right angle before moving back and forth. Ira sucked in her breath but did not make any other sound. She watched Kathleen intently, though. So intently that Kathleen wondered if Ira was the one controlling things after all. Ira had an intrinsic way of making her think she was in control until the very last moment.

No, right now, Kathleen was definitely in control. She controlled how fast, how hard, even how deep as she raised her hips and felt the Avalon slide halfway out of her. She further tortured herself by forcing the tip up and down within her, stretching more than her imagination. All of her. She wasn’t merely forging a path for Ira to take her. Kathleen was opening herself up to all of her, gripping the Avalon until it was pertinent to release it again.

Kathleen opened her eyes to find Ira sucking in her breath with every movement. “Holy fucking shit,” she muttered. “Are you trying to get off or kill me?”

“Why?” Kathleen could not betray how much she wanted to go wild riding her right now. “Going to come already?” It didn’t take much.

A frustrated groan spread through Ira’s throat, forcing her to close her eyes as her grip on Kathleen’s hips tightened. “Quite the opposite, I’m afraid.”

Kathleen didn’t know what that meant, but hell, she didn’t care. There’s me, there’s her prosthetic… well, time to ride into the sunset!

She lifted herself off Ira, made sure she was ready, and then took that motherfucker for all she was worth.

As a Domme, this was one of Kathleen’s favorite positions. Time and again over the years, she got the best orgasms from straddling a pair of sturdy hips and humping as hard as she could. It was free. It was wild. It gave her so much control that she didn’t know what to do with herself half the time. Other than come. Again. And fucking again .

Well, Ira was sturdy. Toned, striking, and with a scent to die for. The way she looked at Kathleen – in that adoring, look at you go kind of way – told Kathleen that she was a stunning creature worthy of this moment. The more she grinded against Ira’s hips, swallowing her whole within her own body, the more she wished for Ira to give her the same thing she gave her earlier in the office.

“Come with me, baby.” Her hands splayed across Ira’s chest, giving her enough leverage to up her speed and pound herself toward the bed. Ira flinched in pleasure but did not react otherwise. “I need you…”

Her fingers dug into Kathleen’s hips again. “What do you need? Say it.”

Kathleen stilled, nearly overcome with the orgasm threatening to explode within her. “I need your O-face.”


What a time to play games! “Because…” Kathleen made sure her girlfriend had a good view of her breasts as she leaned back and braced herself against Ira’s bent knees. “Because I fucking want it, Ira.”

“Good enough for me. You’re a helluva bargainer.”

“I always get what I want.”

Ira smirked at her. “Yes. You do.”

Kathleen closed her eyes again, enjoying the quivering sensations of thrusting down to meet Ira’s upward movements. Fuck me. Ira’s wandering hands went from her hips to her thighs, to her lower legs, and all Kathleen could think was that time stopped for each movement. She wasn’t inspired to be loud, but she was definitely inspired to…

Well, to come.

“Fuck!” Orgasm took her by surprise, rattling her bones and making her eyes roll back in her head. Ira thrust upward, hard, piercing her deep within and forcing her to have a stronger climax when she was least expecting it.

An orgasm like that would usually make Ira come with her, but it was a miracle that she stayed as composed as she did as Kathleen rode through her plateau. As she started coming down from her high, Ira pinched her girlfriend’s flesh, reminding Kathleen that she had yet to relieve her pressure.

“Oh…” Kathleen eased forward, wincing as Ira’s prosthetic refused to accommodate her movements. On the plus side, she was now so wet that she slid off with almost no effort. “How did you do that?”

“I told you.” Ira didn’t let her rest. She grabbed Kathleen’s arm, hauling her body into her lap, lips searching for a nipple and making Kathleen shudder in renewed pleasure. Oh fuck, not so soon ! Was that what she was thinking earlier? Kathleen’s body begged for rest, but to say she wouldn’t let Ira fuck her again…

“Don’t bet on me giving you what you want so soon.”

She pulled Kathleen onto her lap again, this time making the cowgirl take her in reverse. Kathleen nearly blacked out as her partner spread her legs over her waist and directed the prosthetic into her. Easily. Kathleen cried out as Ira slowly rocked in and out of her, hands running up Kathleen’s sides and hooking beneath her breasts.

“You’re gonna have to work harder than bobbing up and down to get me to come again, Katie.” Ira’s voice was both poison and an aphrodisiac in Kathleen’s addled brain. She whined, her whole body shaking as Ira pulled out of her and then slammed back in again. “You’re gonna have to want it.”

“Oh, my God…” Only one thought entered her mind. The last time Ira went three times… the third time took for-fucking-ever. What the fuck have I done, letting her come twice today already? She had created a monster!

Kathleen was tired, sore, and at the whim of the Domme quickly claiming her sub.

“You’re going to keep taking it until I finally come. I don’t give a fuck if you’re about to pass out. You started this. You want it.”

Kathleen shuddered. “I know…”

Ira sat up enough to take Kathleen into an embrace, legs opening wider over Ira’s hips. Oh my God. Holy fucking hell! She didn’t have a choice, did she? The more she let go of the control she once claimed, the easier it became to bear what this Domme was doing to her.

Ira was going to fuck her until she literally could not anymore.

“Goes without saying,” Ira growled, pinching both of Kathleen’s nipples. “Be as loud as you want. It’s that kind of weekend.”

Once again, Kathleen didn’t have a choice. The cries fell from her lips as easily as the pleasure played her for a fool.

She had no idea when one knockout bout of delight began and the other ended. From the moment Ira took her over, thrusting into her with such power that it made the room spin, Kathleen was consumed. By pleasure. By the room. By her. She lived in perpetual bliss – or was it hell? – where she was never allowed to “finally” come and be done with it for the night. As long as Ira was still needy, Kathleen had to be available to her.

I don’t know how she hasn’t come yet! Surely, Kathleen’s perpetual pleasure would get it out of her. Kathleen's core was permanently clenching, doing its fucking damnedest to stimulate Ira in return. Oh, not only her body! That blasted ego, too! It became a mission. How hard and how often did Kathleen have to come to get this Domme to come?

That wasn’t the “worst” part.

No, the biggest source of Kathleen’s carnal mayhem came from the mirror hanging in front of her.

For a guest room, this place had a huge mirror hanging above the antique dresser, granting a perfect view of the large bed and any hanky-panky going on. I can’t look away… She looked so spent, her face scrunched in continuous carnality as Ira thrust into her so hard that her thighs turned red and her breasts bounced with the force of a quake beneath her feet. Even if she managed to close her eyes and shut out the truth of how she looked, she could not escape the sounds of her cries begging for relief. Or was it the sound of Ira pounding her from below? Either way, that sensational sound of hot skin and wet flesh made Kathleen sob in desire.

“Please come!” she eventually cried. “For the love of God, Ira!”

No matter how much she begged, however, Ira did not give her what she wanted. Eventually, she slowed her thrusts, holding herself deep within Kathleen as she collapsed backward into her Domme’s embrace, breathless.

“You want me so badly that you scream it to the rest of this house?” Ira hissed into her ear. One hand mauled her breasts. “You really are my slutty nymph.”

Oh, no. Kathleen was a goner when she started getting off on Ira calling her names. “I’m here to make you come, Mistress.” The world crashed down around her. The more she fell into her role of Katie, the sub of Ira Mathison, the more she wanted to debase herself for her Domme’s sake. “I don’t want anything else.”

“If you can make me come, then I will certainly reward you, my sweet.”

“Please… I’ve already come so much…” It was almost unbearable.

“I know. That’s why if you can make me do it, you’ll get what you want so much.”

“I don’t know what to do…” Kathleen had clenched her, massaged her, and even screamed at her to come. Nothing worked! “Use me however you need to…”

“I will.” Kathleen flew forward, landing on her hands on the end of the bed, her body dislodging from Ira’s long enough to warn her that she was unprecedentedly stretched. A torrent of her arousal emerged, running down her skin, down Ira’s, and making her so wet that she was almost useless.

Oh, hell yeah.

She was brought up on her knees, legs spread and her head pushed into the bed. Ira lined herself up, her strength unbridled as she held Kathleen's face to the bed with one hand and her hips still with the other.

“You’re mine, Katie. No one else can have you.” That was the last thing Ira said to her before driving her to the end.

Kathleen screamed into the bedding, her cries of pleasure driving her brain to a higher place as Ira pounded her until she barely felt like a person anymore. Fuck, I asked for this…

Coincidentally, those were the only words she could speak as well. “Fuck me, Ira! Fuck me!” Too bad the bed muffled most of those words.

It could not muffle hers.

Whenever Kathleen was put into this position, her sole purpose becoming her Domme’s pleasure, the only things Ira called her were dirty words that made her embarrassed and out of the solar system turned-on at the same time. After the month I’ve had, I need to feel like this. She needed to give up her humanity occasionally. The only person she trusted with that endeavor was Ira—the only woman who could help her escape reality and give her seemingly simple tasks instead of asking her to save or change the world.

Making her come should’ve been one of those easy tasks. Except right now Kathleen was so beyond herself that all her brain registered was Ira’s prosthetic spearing her cunt and those filthy words making her feel both liberated and debased.

“Oh, God!” That was the only entity capable of helping Kathleen as Ira firmly grabbed her hips and began impaling her. Hard. Loud. Intense. Ira broke her open and made her spill her soul time and again. Yet another orgasm claimed Kathleen, and she shrieked, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

Finally, after what felt like a million years and half that much pleasure, Ira squeezed her ass and shouted along with Kathleen.

It was both relieving and toxic to feel her burst. As Ira slowed down, Kathleen collapsed onto the bed, her mind finally going blank and her body spent. There was nothing left except the warmth of her Domme still inside her.

Ira fell over her, breathing against Kathleen’s sweat-covered back. Their hearts thundered together, and Ira gently nuzzled the back of her girlfriend’s neck. Kathleen closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of being ravaged. Her legs shook, and her arms would not support her for a while. She had given herself completely to her lover, and she knew that Ira was equally satisfied.

They collapsed, on opposite sides of the bed, Kathleen nursing her thighs and Ira panting in borderline pain. “I swear to God, woman,” she eventually growled. “If you try to fuck me again, I will boot you out of this room and you can go get your kicks elsewhere. I bet Coleman could still use someone to help her with Jamie.”

“No problem.” Kathleen rolled over. “Good fucking night.” She pulled herself up to the pillow and promptly passed out.

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