Chapter 10
T he thing about agreeing to go into Eve’s room wasn’t that sex was on the table… but that Natasha must work her way up to it. Have an out in case she decided it wasn’t for her.
And to get a few things sorted with the woman Natasha had become attracted to those past few months.
“So… you’re… maybe asexual…” Eve considered those words with a glass of sparkling water in her hand. After offering Natasha more alcohol from the stash in the guest room – and being rebuffed, again – she changed tactics with something bubbly but non-alcoholic. Natasha wouldn’t say no to hydration, but she insisted on them both having (most of) their wits about them. Currently, they sat on a pile of linens and pillows in front of the gas fireplace that offered a soft orange glow to the somewhat dark room. Natasha was warm enough to take off her sweater. Eve was halfway to getting naked, and her guest had to put the kibosh on that… for now. “Well, don’t I feel silly?”
Natasha had to choose her words carefully. Too many people misunderstand me. Natasha sometimes blamed herself. After all, how she described her sexuality was something she always intended to be private – something to help her make sense of the world and her romantic destiny. There were times when she even wondered if she might be aromantic, but after watching many of her female friends find love (sometimes at the flip of a dime) she realized that she merely wanted something more. Something deep. Something real enough on the outset that even if she jumped into bed with someone, it wasn’t without big cause.
“You shouldn’t feel silly,” Natasha said, remaining supine on her pile of comforters as she sipped her glass of unflavored fizzy water. “It’s not like I share this with everyone. I’ve just decided to share with you why I’m not always in the mood to respond to your very overt flirtations, Ms. Evelyn.”
“Oh, God, don’t call me Evelyn. That’s what my mother named me. Eve is the name I carved for myself.”
“Duly noted.”
“Well… I’m glad you told me, though. I wouldn’t want to bother you. Unless you were interested and it was a flirty game we played. I will say, I greatly enjoyed my anticipation of seeing you when I…”
Natasha had to interrupt her. Now. “Who said I didn’t enjoy the anticipation as well? You know libido isn’t a super-defined thing, right?”
“I admit it’s not something I’m personally familiar with.”
“Nor am I in a hurry to get to it most of the time. If I were to be in a relationship again, let alone one where I have sex, I imagine it to be a long courtship, you know? Not only to ensure we’re both happy but because that’s how I like it. Too often I jumped into things because I thought I had to or I couldn’t let an opportunity pass me by. Turned out I like a lot of build-up. With someone I could see myself spending some quality time with.” She attempted to lean closer to Eve, who had physically distanced herself since Natasha’s confession. “I’m not a one-night stand type woman, Ms. Warner. So, if that’s all you want from me, I shall thank you for the conversation and see myself back to my room.”
Eve considered all of this while Natasha felt quite chuffed that she had established such a powerful boundary. It was one thing for a beautiful heiress like Eve to flirt with her for the past few months, but that was all they could be should Eve have no true intentions for Etta Coleman’s receptionist. I’m sure there are plenty of other women who enjoy her company. Like that. Let them have Eve if all the spoiled woman wanted was…
“All right.” Eve interrupted Natasha’s thoughts without missing another beat. “I shall inform you of my intentions. Because I think you’ll find that my relentless attraction to you is quite genuine. Perhaps I didn’t see certain parts of your identity coming, but do you think it bothers me? Certainly not.”
“Nor am I someone to conquer, mind you.”
“Of course not! Conquer you… what kind of woman do you take me for?”
“My apologies.”
Eve sighed, hand touching her chest. In the glow of the firelight, Natasha found her even more beautiful. She also found Eve’s words to be quite promising, though she needed to hear more before she made up her mind.
Natasha wasn't a total novice when it came to relationships, after all. She had a few friends she occasionally spent the night with before realizing she wasn’t meant for that life – and those encounters were wonderful but never intimate. As Eve so succinctly put it, it took a long time for her to be okay with having sex with someone she wanted to care about. That's why Natasha liked the build-up to these things because she genuinely enjoyed being with people. But she wanted something more than friends with benefits, and that was where it got hard. She didn't know how to tell someone "Hey, let's make this romantic", especially if they didn't share the same lower libido or interest in a relationship. So, she did what she could to make do with what she had. She had fun with her friends, but she was always waiting for something else.
“I can’t promise you the sun and the moon,” Eve said, her profile striking the air as she tilted back her head and leaned into the cushions before the fireplace, “but I promise you my honesty. I think you’ll find that while I enjoy casual relationships as well, deep down, I’m not much different from my sister. We’re both hopeless romantics dreaming of ‘the one.’ Well, Helen’s found hers. At least she’s way older than me. Makes me feel like I still have time.”
“Do you mean that?” Natasha cautiously asked. “You’d like something long-term?”
“Well, compatibility is very important in these things,” Eve explained. “For the right woman, I can wait. I can enjoy quality over quantity. It’s about the romantic connection first and foremost. Intimacy is more than the feverish sex everyone around us instantly jumps into. I like a good cuddle, you know.”
Natasha couldn’t help but grin. “Me too.”
“I’d invite you to cuddle with me, but I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.”
“What wrong impression would that be?”
“Why, that I am only using it as a ruse to feel you up and kiss you.”
Natasha sat up straight, turning her gaze toward Eve. Her voice was even but firm.
She said, "I wouldn't object to the first part."
Eve was taken aback. "And what would you say about the second?"
"If you were to kiss me," Natasha admitted, "I would not object to that, either."
The way Eve looked at her now – her eyes bright and hopeful – gave Natasha a thrill like she hadn't felt in a long time. She set her glass down and leaned closer to Eve, who reached over and put her glass aside. For a moment, they merely stared at each other in the firelight. Natasha couldn't believe she was doing this. She hadn't been in a position like this for quite some time. But she did nothing to stop the inevitable when Eve's hand reached up and touched her cheek, her fingers moving down to stroke her neck.
Eve leaned forward until they were so close, Natasha could feel the other woman's breath on her lips.
"Are you sure?" Eve asked.
Natasha nodded, her voice low. "Yes."
With that, Eve pressed her lips against Natasha's.
She gasped softly at the touch, savoring the feeling of Eve's mouth on her own. The other woman's hand moved from her cheek to the back of her head, fingers running through Natasha's hair as she deepened the kiss. A surge of heat hit her everywhere. A pleasant tingle ran down her spine as Eve's tongue brushed against her bottom lip. Natasha parted her mouth and whimpered as it slid inside.
Eve pushed Natasha down onto the cushions, enveloping her.
Natasha wrapped her arms around Eve's shoulders and pulled her closer. Their bodies pressed together as Eve's hips rocked against Natasha's, sending another jolt of sudden excitement through her. Well, well. Perhaps Natasha had been ready for this after all. An attraction to Eve had been there, of course, but she wasn’t sure she could give the heiress what she desired in the bedroom, let alone with any intense frequency. Eve seemed the type to pursue at least a weekly thrill if not more. Would she be happy with Natasha? Would she be satisfied?
Would Natasha?
Why am I wondering this while she’s kissing me? Now was not the time to worry about the future! Now was the time to indulge in a sudden surge of arousal that Natasha hadn’t felt in a year!
No, no. They had to sort this out now. Before Natasha lost her mind and went back on her boundaries. And whose detriment would that be to? Her own!
“I’m sorry.” Eve backed off when Natasha showed the first sign of interruptive resistance. “I got too into it. Sorry.”
That was the last thing she should be apologizing for, but that was neither here nor there when Natasha said, “I think I want to sleep with you tonight.”
“Oh, you think? ”
“I only have one condition.”
Eve quietly anticipated what Natasha had to say.
“If we sleep together tonight, we’re dating. We’re giving it a real go. Maybe it won’t pan out, maybe we want different things from life, but… you know…” She blushed. “You have to be serious about it. And patient. You might find I am not always this into it. And that what I want in bed can suddenly change.”
“I like an adventure.”
Eve loomed over her, digging her elbow into a thick pillow as they came close to kissing again. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re already my girlfriend. We’re sealing the deal Evelyn Warner style.”
Natasha whimpered again. God damn she’s hot. It had been too damn long since Natasha remembered what it was like to want to have sex. Not just to make her partner happy. Not just because it was what she should do. And not just because society had drilled into her that her only use was the sexuality she brought to the table. She wasn’t like Eve, who embraced who she was and shared it with the world. But maybe Natasha wouldn’t mind partaking in what Eve served. At least for tonight.
“I thought you said you didn’t want to be called Evelyn.”
“See, it’s fine if I call myself Evelyn. You shouldn’t call me that, though. Especially not in bed. Please don’t make me think of my mother being mad at me when I’m in bed.”
“This isn’t a bed, though.”
“Okay, but like, it’s a bedroom! And I’m thinking I might get to see you naked in a few minutes!”
“Would you like that?” Natasha giggled. “You still have yet to grope me.”
“Darling…” Eve snorted into the modicum of air between her and Natasha. “I’ve been dying to see you naked for months. It will be the highlight of my year, I guarantee it.”
Natasha pushed herself up far enough to tug her pullover halfway up her torso. Eve’s eyes didn’t miss a second of it.
"You are eager, aren't you?"
Natasha smiled, her cheeks flushed with excitement as Eve's hand moved lower, sliding under her shirt and tracing slow circles on her stomach.
"It's been a while," Natasha said as Eve's hand moved up to cup her breast. "I mean, I think I remember how to do this."
Eve laughed softly, leaning down to kiss her again. She squeezed Natasha through her bra, gently stroking her nipple with her thumb until it was hard and sensitive. Natasha moaned against Eve's lips, her own hands roaming up and down her back, feeling the softness of her skin.
"God, you're so hot," Eve murmured as she broke the kiss. "I can't believe you're here with me right now."
Natasha smiled, her heart fluttering at Eve's words. No one had ever genuinely called her hot before. Not in a way that made her feel good, anyway.
"I'm glad I am." Natasha reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, pulling her lingerie away from her chest while keeping it tucked beneath her pullover. Eve's eyes widened slightly, her breath catching as she took in Natasha's exposed breasts. "I think I've been wanting this for a while, too."
Eve kissed her again, eagerly grabbing Natasha.
"You have the most beautiful tits I've ever seen," Eve whispered against Natasha's lips. "I can't wait to put my face in them."
Natasha let out a soft gasp of surprise at Eve's words. "So, what's keeping you? A written invitation?" God, was she getting wet? This was moving quickly. Was Natasha ready for this? Did she trust Eve when she said they were dating as of tonight?
"Maybe that's what I need," Eve said. “To show me you're serious about this. Because I also don't want to be jerked around, darling."
Natasha swallowed, her heart beating faster at Eve's words. She wasn't entirely sure if it was out of excitement or nervousness.
"Okay, I'll write you a letter."
"You... will?"
"Yeah. I'll write you a letter and tell you all the things I want to do to you."
"Like what?" Eve asked, her voice low and husky as she got into the moment. Her thumb and forefinger lightly pinched Natasha's nipple. Yup, I'm wet. And getting more eager for that hand to touch her elsewhere!
"Well, first I'd start with kissing you," she began, her voice trembling in excitement. "I'd kiss your lips and then work my way down to your neck..."
Eve moaned softly as Natasha continued, describing what she would do to her in detail. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sound of Natasha's voice.
"And then I'd kiss your breasts," she murmured, "and suck on your nipples until you were begging me for more."
"So, what I'm doing right now? Wow. You're a real original Dickinson." Eve grinned right into Natasha's cleavage. Finally, she had stuck her face there.
Natasha could barely believe this was happening. But as Eve's hand moved lower, sliding into her pants and underwear to cup her ass, Natasha knew this was no dream. This was better than any fantasy she could have imagined to get her going with anyone, let alone the Evelyn Warner, a woman Natasha never imagined was this thoughtful in bed.
"I can't believe you're mine tonight."
Natasha shivered at her words, goosebumps rising on her skin as Eve's fingers slowly slid from the back to the front. She moaned softly, her breath coming in shallow gasps as Eve continued to touch her. Only now she found the warmest place between Natasha's curvy thighs, where the denim of her jeans strained against her spreading legs so Eve's hand could reach in farther, touch her deeper.
"Do you like that?" Eve asked. "Do you like it when I touch you like this?"
Natasha nodded, unable to form words as pleasure threatened to reintroduce itself to her. She gripped the linens beneath her, arching her back as Eve's finger teased her entrance.
"Not only tonight, right?" Natasha asked before succumbing to the sex crashing into her like tumultuous waves from the sea. "You're not going to use me to get what you want and bail?"
Eve hesitated. Yet her precarious touch between the legs kept Natasha suspended in arousal instead of crashing back to boring reality. "I'm going to get what I want," she growled. "But I am not going anywhere. When I say you're mine, I mean it."
"As long as I'm yours, too."
"Of course you are. If we're doing this, we're doing this right. No one-sided relationships in my house."
"I'm not an object."
"That's why I said 'house' instead of 'home.' That's also why I've stopped touching you now that you're getting mouthy."
Natasha whined again. "Don't do that, though."
"Stop touching me. I don't want to stop."
Eve grinned. "Oh, really?"
"Yes, really." Natasha's breath came in short gasps as Eve slowly slid her finger inside, teasing her clit. "I want you to keep touching me. Please, don't stop."
"Hmm... well, since you asked so nicely."
Natasha moaned as Eve continued to touch her, slowly moving her finger in and out. The sensation was incredible, sending waves of euphoria through her body as Eve expertly worked her to the edge of orgasm. But Natasha didn't want to come yet. Oh, no. Not yet.
Eve murmured against Natasha's ear, "I can't wait to watch you come."
Natasha groaned at her words, her breath coming in short gasps as Eve worked her magic. It had been so long since she'd felt this good, let alone with someone who could make her feel this way for the first time in forever. But as Eve continued to touch her, she could feel her orgasm building inside her, threatening to overwhelm her at any moment.
"Come for me, Natasha," Eve whispered in her ear. "I want to see you come undone."
Natasha closed her eyes, her body tensing as she teetered on the brink of release. And then, with a moan of joy, she came, her orgasm washing over her like a tidal wave. Her body trembled as Eve continued to touch her, prolonging the sensations until she was temporarily spent.
"That's it," Eve said, kissing her lips and gently stroking Natasha’s hair as she came down from her high. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Natasha slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Eve, who was smiling down at her with a look of pure adoration in her eyes. This is exactly what I needed . A night of passion with someone who truly cares about me, with promises of more to come at our own pace.
"God, that was amazing," Natasha finally managed to say.
"The pleasure was all mine." Eve grinned. "Anything to take your mind off silly concerns that seem pressing but aren't."
"You did more than that." Natasha brushed Eve’s hair out of her face. "You made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time."
"Oh? And what's that?"
Eve kissed her again, their bodies pressed close together as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.
Like that, Natasha had an epiphany.
She pulled away from Eve and stared into her eyes, suddenly struck by the realization that this was what she wanted all along. This was the type of connection she craved, the type of intimacy she desired. Not just physical, but emotional. Something real and lasting. Someone to share her life with, to grow old with. Oh, god, she was moving too fast!
What should she do? Besides panic?
"What?" Eve asked.
"I, uh..." Natasha composed herself before Eve could sense something was amiss. "I think... I think I'm ready for bed."
"Sure. Let me go wash my hands."
Natasha nodded and watched as Eve got up from their pile of linens and disappeared into the bathroom. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. As she lay there in the aftermath of her orgasm, Natasha couldn't help but wonder where this relationship would take them. Would they last? Or would they fall apart like so many before them? Only time would tell. But for now, she was content to enjoy the moment and see where it led them.
Although... perhaps she should find something out about Evelyn Warner before this went any further.
"Whoa..." When she returned from the bathroom, Natasha had stripped down to the underwear barely covering her hips and rear. She had even lost her bra, currently piled on top of her jeans and pullover as they littered the floor. "You are... Jesus."
Natasha raised her eyebrows.
"I mean 'Jesus' as an expression of shock and admiration, not like literally Jesus... I mean you're... a woman for one thing... and very much not... the son of God..."
Natasha wanted to encourage her to keep going because she could safely say that this kind of dialogue had never happened before. At least not when she was almost naked.
But there were other things to do. Like approaching Eve halfway across the room and catching her unawares by grabbing the front of her sweater and yanking down her head.
"You know what I think?" Natasha purred as Eve struggled to regain her balance. "You're the kind of woman who needs to be put in her place sometimes. Say, in bed?"
"Are you trying to imply something, ma'am?"
Natasha leaned forward, whispering, "Yes. And don't call me that."
With a growl, Eve grabbed Natasha and pulled her closer, savagely kissing her. Natasha moaned softly, pushing her posture straight as Eve touched her. This is exactly what I need, Someone who will play my games for once.
They stumbled toward the bed, tripping over each other's feet until they fell onto the mattress with a loud thud. Eve landed on top of Natasha. They wasted no time getting rid of their clothes, tearing at Eve's other garments until they were both completely naked. Natasha lay back against the pillows and spread her legs, inviting Eve to touch her. As fingers slowly slid between Natasha's thighs and stroked her, Natasha moaned, thrusting her hips as Eve's fingers entered her again.
"You're so wet," Eve murmured, thrusting her fingers deeper inside Natasha. "I love it."
Natasha closed her eyes, letting the pleasure wash over her as Eve continued to fuck her. She writhed, gasping as she feared she would suddenly reach climax again before setting out to accomplish what she wanted in this bed. Eve didn't stop, though, increasing her speed and ferocity until Natasha was begging for release.
Natasha came again, crying out Eve's forbidden full name. She didn't care. Eve didn't care. Natasha could call her by her entire legal name and neither of them would care!
"That's it!" Natasha shoved Eve off her the moment she had even a bit of her wits about her. "Ooh, you know what I want?" Eve landed on her back, head halfway between both pillows as Natasha straddled her and pinned both of Eve's hands above her head. The slack-jawed response she garnered shot an arrow of love straight to her heart. "I want to give you a piece of your own medicine. Several months of you coming into my place of work, looking at me like a piece of meat, playing with my head, and making me question everything I had come to think about myself..." Natasha bared her teeth to show Eve that she meant business. "Has anyone treated you like their doll of the minute, Eve?"
It took her a moment to respond. "Why, not in a long time."
Natasha slowly meandered her gaze down the length of Eve's naked body, taking in her satisfyingly small breasts and the deep navel that invited her tongue to come in and play. But it was the surprised countenance that did Natasha in. No, Eve was not used to having the tables turned on her. She was part of a circle of Dommes. Even Natasha knew that, as much as she tried to stay out of her boss's personal pursuits for her sanity.
Well, that simply wouldn't do. If this lasted more than a few dates, Natasha needed to know that Eve could get it as well as she took it. Natasha could not be with a well-to-do heiress used to getting her way unless it resulted in humbling Eve as much as she deserved.
"Good. Then I hope you enjoy every second of this."
Eve's eyes widened when Natasha bit her lover’s bottom lip before pulling away. "I've been fantasizing about this since the day we met, actually," Eve admitted. "Now that I have you here, there's no holding back, huh?"
"That's what I like to hear."
With that, she sucked on Eve's neck, trailing down to her collarbone. Then lower. She paused at her breasts, teasing her areolas with a wicked tongue before continuing down to that flat but responsive stomach. Eve gasped as Natasha reached her navel, swirling her tongue around it before dipping inside. She continued lower still until her face hovered above Eve's pussy.
Natasha looked up at Eve and sneered as if she had won the long con. "I've always wanted to try this," she purred, gently licking Eve’s clit. God, she tasted amazing! The sweet nectar of arousal flooded Natasha's senses as she licked Eve's pussy, wanting nothing more than to make her come over and over again, if only for the power that would give her.
As if to punctuate that thought, Natasha slid two fingers into Eve, feeling how tight and warm she was. She thrust deeper inside, curling those fingers upward until she found the soft spot she searched for. Eve cried out in unexpected ecstasy, gripping the sheets beneath her as Natasha offered something new, something different.
"Are you gonna come for me now?" Natasha asked, looking up at Eve through hooded eyes that knew how to play the game. "Come all over my fingers?"
Eve nodded frantically, unable to speak as she teetered on the edge of climax. With one final flick of her clit, Eve crumbled as an orgasm ripped through her.
Natasha sat back, watching with satisfaction as Eve writhed beneath her. It was incredible to see this woman, usually so strong and in control, reduced to a quivering mess of carnal bliss. Natasha had never felt so powerful before, so in command of sex. And she loved it.
When Eve finally recovered from her climax, she opened her eyes and stared up at Natasha with a look of awe and adoration that made one’s heart flutter.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Eve breathed, barely able to catch her breath.
Natasha shrugged. "What, like it was hard to figure out? With you? You scream how you want it with one wiggle of your ass."
"Good God! What have I gotten myself entwined with?"
Natasha wasn't letting her come down from heaven that easily. This was her chance. Her moment to claim that last part of Eve that thought she was the master of this relationship's destiny.
"Roll over and find out, Miss Warner."
As if by instinct, Eve did as instructed. No matter what kind of game they were playing, there were certain things a person could not ignore. And one of those things was Natasha's tone when she was getting ready to make someone her playground.
This was exactly what Eve wanted. Someone to take control. To dominate her. To make her feel weak and vulnerable and utterly at their mercy. Ha! Yes, Natasha was sure of it. This was what Eve had been wanting every time she came into the office and looked at the receptionist with a plea in her beautiful blue eyes.
And Natasha was more than happy to oblige. As soon as Eve rolled over, Natasha jumped her, landing her thighs on Eve's ass and hanging on to her shoulders. Eve yelped into the pillow but did not ask to stop.
"I am so going to enjoy this," Natasha said as she slowly grinded against Eve's ass. Her body was the perfect type to complement Natasha's stately curves, particularly her thighs, which had caused her unfortunate problems in the bedroom before. But not with Eve, who was flatter in all the right places. Natasha fit against her like the perfect puzzle piece meant to complete this moment before the night was over.
"I don't know why you waited until now," Eve admitted between heavy breaths. "But I'm glad you finally decided to show me who's boss."
"You're telling me," Natasha said as she grabbed a handful of Eve's short hair, pulling her head back. Eve cried out as Natasha continued to ride her ass. It was intoxicating, feeling Eve respond to her movements. The power that came from dominating her, taking control, and showing her who was in charge. It was something Natasha knew she had dreamed about before. With this woman, no less.
Deep in the night, when half asleep, thinking back to Eve's latest visit to the office. I would ride every part of her until she begged for mercy. Such simple dreams to lure her into the deepest, most blissful melancholy of sleep.
The bed shook beneath them as Natasha continued to fuck Eve, her breathing becoming more ragged with every smack of the bed against the wall.
Natasha released her hold on Eve's hair, sitting up slightly as she moved one hand between Eve's thighs and fingered her slit. Eve was loud, thrusting her hips upward against Natasha's fingers as they pleasured her again. God, it was such a turn-on watching her lose it like this, knowing that Natasha was responsible for making her feel so good. Had anyone done this for Eve before? Let her relinquish power? In a safe place with someone who wouldn't hold it against her later?
"Damn..." Eve begged, her voice hoarse from crying in ecstasy. "Fuck! Keep doing that!"
Natasha couldn't deny Eve anything when she sounded like that, desperate and vulnerable and totally under her spell.
"Ahh, yes." Natasha reveled in the sudden tightness of Eve's pussy as she was penetrated once more. "I want you to come for me, Miss Warner. I want you to come all over my fingers and let me feel how wet you are."
Eve moaned as Natasha continued to finger her, bringing her closer and closer to another orgasm. Her body tensed, her breath coming in short gasps as she teetered on the edge of release.
Eve came undone, jerking up against Natasha's thighs as she succumbed.
"Oh, god... oh, my god..." Eve panted as she collapsed onto the bed. "That was amazing. You're amazing."
Natasha held back a deviant smile, proud of what she had achieved tonight. This was exactly what she'd hoped for - to show Eve that she was as capable of taking control. That she could make her feel things she'd never felt before. That she could give her pleasure in ways she'd only ever dreamed about. Judging by Eve's reaction, Natasha had succeeded.
She kissed Eve's shoulder, savoring the warmth of her skin and the faint scent of sex that lingered on their bodies.
"Are you tired?" Eve asked. "I mean, if you need to rest, we can-"
Natasha cut her off. "I'm not leaving this room until tomorrow morning," she said. "And I hope you aren't either."
Relief was evident from both Eve's languid body language and her soft smile. "Of course not. I'll stay here until Christmas if you'll have me."
"Christmas? We barely know each other."
Eve laughed, and Natasha hid her grin as she hopped off that sweaty body. She wanted to hear that laughter again, so she kissed Eve's back, slowly making a steady way up to her neck.
What if this is forever?
Natasha was content with that until she remembered who she was with.
“So, where do you want to go on our first official date?” Eve quipped as they lay side by side on the bed. While Eve folded her hands behind her head, Natasha stared at the ceiling, wondering What the hell have I done? “Simple, like dinner? Or we could go to the museum in town. They’ve got the new Nordic Christmas exhibit everyone is raving about.”
Natasha had to say something before Eve asked her what was wrong. “Yeah. Sure.”
She feigned fatigue to get out of more pillow talk. Eve curled up behind her after Natasha turned over onto her side. She should have been too cold to sleep on top of the covers naked, but…
Eve was quite warm. Natasha had to give her that.
“Do you think anyone heard us?” she whispered.
Eve was not quick to reply. “I want to say yes, if only for my ego, but I also know that you don’t want to hear that, so…”
“What if they heard me howling like a freakin’ ghost?”
“Did you? I hadn’t noticed.”
Natasha pulled the pillow over her head and groaned. She had opened up a can of worms with this one.