Chapter Eleven
Only his respect for Miss Hattie and Autumn’s parents kept Roth from doing more than glaring at his life-long friend. He hadn’t expected Nick to want to throw a party when he figured out Roth and Autumn had spent the night together. Nick was smart, so he quickly connected the dots. But he apparently hated the picture they formed.
Tough shit . Roth wouldn’t cheapen what happened between him and Autumn. He also had every intention of doing it again. Regularly. If she’d have him. Considering her response to him, it was unlikely she’d turn him away.
Going about the task of dumping Autumn’s uneaten breakfast into the trash, Roth waited for what he knew was coming. Travis Daley wasn’t a man who wasted words. So, Roth knew he’d say what he wanted to say when he was ready—not a moment sooner.
It wasn’t necessary to look at Nick, Roth felt his friend’s stare boring into his back as he moved around the kitchen. He was thankful for the spaciousness of the area. It meant they didn’t have to get close to one another. Roth was still fuming over the things Nick said. If he got too close, he couldn’t promise they wouldn’t accidentally bump into each other.
After a few minutes, Mr. Daley stopped moving around. Standing in front of the island containing a butcher block countertop, he folded his arms across his chest. Roth flicked the handle on the faucet to stop the flow of water into the sink. Miss Hattie had a dishwasher, but he knew she didn’t like it. So, it didn’t occur to him to do anything other than prepare to hand wash the plates and cutlery.
“How long has this thing been going on between you and Autumn?”
Mr. Daley’s voice was calm and the question was delivered without the edge of harshness. However, it didn’t sound any less accusatory.
“Respectfully, sir. It sounds as if you think Autumn and I have been secretly seeing each other behind your back.”
“Have you?” Nick spit out the question before his father could respond to Roth’s statement.
Cutting a glare at Nick, Roth worked to keep his temper in check. Flying off the handle wouldn’t help the situation. If he hadn’t been reared to be respectful of his elders, and didn’t have such a close relationship with the Daley family, this entire conversation wouldn’t even be a consideration. However, this was his life and current condition.
Ignoring Nick’s question, Roth returned his stare to Mr. Daley. He’d deal with his friend later. With a shrug, the older man slightly tilted his head toward Nick.
“My son has a valid question, and you still haven’t answered mine.”
Folding his own arms, Roth leaned against the counter with the sink behind him.
“Last night was the first time I’ve seen Autumn for more than an hour in years. Not since she moved to Nevada. So, no. We haven’t been sneaking around behind anyone’s back.”
Nick grunted as if he didn’t believe Roth. It was on the tip of Roth’s tongue to remind them both that he and Autumn were consenting adults. There was no need for sneaking and secrecy. And, despite their close family ties, they weren’t related. So, no kissing or any other kind of cousins was in play.
Roth couldn’t say it didn’t sting just a bit for his life-long friend to suddenly treat him as if he was a fuck boy preying on Autumn’s innocence. While it wasn’t their business to know, as special as the previous night was, he wasn’t her first. And she wasn’t his. He also wouldn’t tell them it was Autumn kissing him that started the ball rolling. Again. That wasn’t their business to know and he wouldn’t be the one to tell them.
Unlike Nick, Mr. Daley’s face was unreadable as he stared at Roth. Finally, he asked the question Roth anticipated the moment he saw them through the window.
“Rothschild, you and Nick have been friends for so long, I’ve grown to see you as another son. But, Autumn is my only daughter, and I won’t have her toyed with. She’s had enough of that to last a lifetime. So, what are your intentions?”
“Sir, I’d never toy with Autumn.” Dropping his arms, Roth rested the heel of his palms against the edge of the sink behind him. “So, my intentions are honorable. But I won’t say anything more than that until she and I have a chance to talk about it.”
Nick’s scoff quickly followed Roth’s statement. “You won’t say more, but you’ll all but say y’all spent the night doing everything but talking. Like that’s some shit we needed to know.”
The heat of anger licked up Roth’s neck, causing his composure to slip.
“What the fuck is your problem, man? You’re talking about your sister. ”
Roth heard the growling note in his own voice. He hadn’t even realized he moved until Mr. Daley’s hand landed in the center of his chest to keep him from stepping completely into Nick’s space. Glaring at his so-called friend, Roth searched his face.
“You’re acting like you haven’t known me for most of my life. Like we haven’t fought shoulder to shoulder and watched each other’s backs for years. Is the thought of me having more than a passing interest in Autumn such a terrible thing?”
Regardless of what Nick said, Roth knew he couldn’t walk away from Autumn. Not even to save his friendship.
“That is my problem man. I know you. I know things about you Autumn probably never will. You actually expect me to be okay with you being with my sister? My sister ? I’m not.”
Spinning on his heel as if he’d been commanded during drills, Nick showed Roth his back as he exited the kitchen. A few seconds later, the sound of the front door opening and closing reverberated through the house.
If Nick had punched Roth in the face, it couldn’t have had more of an impact. He wasn’t completely wrong. They’d grown up together. Nick knew things about Roth even his family didn’t know. It was due partially to their friendship and their time serving together as Rangers.
While Roth knew he’d had a stretch of time where he was really fucked up. And honestly, he was still dealing with some of those things. Having his friend insinuate the stuff he’d done in the military and his struggles after giving up his commission made him unsuitable for Autumn stung. More than a little.
For Roth, those could be the only references for Nick to point to. He’d had a few relationships, but they hadn’t ended because he treated the woman poorly. Usually, it was due to him being exactly who he told them he was, a career military man who wasn’t in the market for a wife. Someone always thought they’d be the one to change his mind.
He'd transitioned to mutually beneficial arrangements long before he ever left the service. It was much easier for all involved. Until he’d seen Autumn again, and actually touched her, Roth hadn’t considered a future. With her or anyone else. But, he’d known the moment he let things get past kissing, there was no stopping this train.
Mr. Daley pulled Roth from his thoughts when he dropped his hand and retook his position in front of the island. To his credit, he didn’t make excuses for Nick or try to convince Roth that Nick hadn’t meant what he said.
“Son, I can respect your position. But you need to appreciate mine. Like I said, Autumn is my only daughter. And you were there for the mess with that piece of shit on her wedding day. So, you know she’s already been through a rough time. Even with her leaving the state, it took her a while to get over it.”
Nodding, Roth returned to his spot in front of the sink and matched the older man’s pose when he leaned against the edge.
“This thing with you has the potential to hurt her far worse than Russell ever could. Because as much as she thought she loved him, she didn’t know him the way she knows you. Did either of you consider how much our families are intertwined?
My wife and your mother are friends. They socialize in the same circles. Hell, your father and I play golf together twice a month. What happens when whatever this is you two are doing goes sideways?”
While Mr. Daley didn’t say it, to Roth, his words didn’t only imply the imminent demise of his budding relationship with Autumn, but that he would be the reason for it. It’s quite possible he was overly sensitive to being blamed because of Nick’s outburst. However, Roth couldn’t stop himself from drawing that conclusion.
Somehow, he managed to keep his voice level when he responded. “Like I said, sir. Before I speak on it with anyone else, Autumn and I need to talk. But you should know, I’d never do anything to hurt her. And I’m not planning for there to be a mess for anyone to clean up.”
Mr. Daley stared at him silently for another few moments before nodding. Understanding the discussion was over, at least temporarily, Roth turned toward the sink, turning on the hot water to resume his task. He’d just placed the first clean plate onto the drying rack when Mr. Daley spoke again.
“I know you believe yourself to be a man of honor, and you’ve never shown me any different. That being said, I will always choose my child’s well-being over anyone else’s. You keep that in mind.”
Roth didn’t look up or pause in his movements. A second later, he noted Autumn’s father had left the room from the sound of his retreating footsteps. A few moments after that, softer footfalls reached his ears. He felt Autumn’s presence before he saw her in his periphery.
“Hey, Sugar. How are you feeling?”
Her soft fingers curled against his forearm and he stopped moving to fully look at her. Her dark brown eyes appeared bottomless as she stared up at him.
“I’m fine.” She applied pressure on his arm until he stopped moving. Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth briefly, then she released it. “I’m sorry. About this morning. About Nick. All of it.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper, so he had to lean in to hear her. Roth immediately shook his head. Grabbing a towel, he dried his hands, pulling her into a hug.
“Sugar, you don’t have to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. There’s no way you could’ve known any of this would happen.”
Nuzzling her hair, he kissed her forehead when he tilted her face up toward his. Deciding not to push the envelope, he avoided her deliciously pouty lips. Her amazing curves were a test of his will pressed against him, but he managed to keep things PG.
“Don’t worry about Nick. We’ll work it out. There’s nothing for you to do there.”
The cloud of concern in her dark eyes made him squeeze her closer.
“I’m serious, Sugar. I’ll handle it.”
Roth wasn’t sure how he’d deliver on his promise, but he knew he’d get it done. Having tension with his best friend because he’d yielded to his own desires wasn’t something he relished. He didn’t delve into the reality of what he felt for Autumn being beyond simple desire.
One bite at a time. It was the only way to eat a two-thousand-pound bull. One bite at a time.