The Rancher’s Home (Silver Creek Ranch #5) Chapter 12 57%
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Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve

Autumn rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wipe away the weariness. She’d been staring at her computer screen for hours, researching case law and comparing them to the notes she’d taken. Sunset was no longer a large-scale ranch as it had been in the past, but there were still ranch hands taking care of the livestock and the land which hadn’t been leased out to ranchers boarding the property.

The business was folded under the umbrella of her father’s company, and Autumn happened to be visiting the offices when she sat in on a meeting where the smaller holdings were being discussed. Technically, the company was hers and Nick’s but she’d been reluctant to move back home, and her brother enjoyed military life too much to give it up for the corporate world.

With her shares, she didn’t actually need her job with Fortune Innovations in Las Vegas. If she even mentioned issues in the workplace, her father was quick to remind her there would always be a position for her with the Daley Group. But, Autumn wanted to make her own way. And she had. Which is why when the division head mentioned an issue regarding the foreman and problems with their insurance provider honoring the policy terms, her ears perked up.

She didn’t specialize in medical or insurance issues, but she’d felt compelled to look into it. The legal department wasn’t likely to take up the case due to their current load, and the employee couldn’t afford the fees for an attorney skilled enough to make the insurance company rethink their position.

Low level vibrations on the desk, where her elbows rested, drew Autumn’s attention to her cellphone. It was face down on the surface, so she had to flip it over to see the message from Roth.

Dinner at 6 p.m.

The smile that took over her face lifted her cheeks so high they nearly closed her eyes. She quickly tapped out a response.

Is that a request or a demand?

Propping her chin on her hand, she watched the screen, waiting for his reply. She enjoyed pushing his buttons. The payoff never failed to bring pleasure. Without conscious thought, she wiggled her bottom in the executive chair of her borrowed office.

The wi-fi at her grandma’s house needed an upgrade in the worst way. Autumn had arranged for it. But for some reason, it was taking them forever to get out there. In the interim, she was using an unoccupied office at the Daley Group headquarters.

Roth had offered his place, but with the way they couldn’t keep their hands off each other, that option was a non-starter. Her parent’s house was out of the question, because then she’d have to field questions from her mama about her budding relationship with Roth.

Her phone vibrated again with a new message.

Sugar, if you want a spanking, just say that. Have your sweet ass where I can see it no later than 5:55 p.m.

Autumn giggled around the hand she placed over her mouth as the next message came in.

And you can take that whatever way results in you being where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there.

So bossy. Does this count as our charity date? I thought you were supposed to take me somewhere nice.


Autumn considered keeping things going, but she decided against it. She’d done enough to ensure she received proper...punishment for her behavior.

6:02. Got it.

Gonna spank that ass, Sugar. Now go back to saving the day.

Autumn wiggled again at the warmth flooding her center from Roth’s promise. She’d honestly never thought she was the kind of woman who enjoyed a well-executed spanking. But, where Roth was concerned, she’d learned there were very few limits on what she wouldn’t try at least once.

She’d feel some type of way about it, however the same seemed to be true for him. As rough and gruff as he appeared on the exterior and in his speech, he’d been more than willing to explore with her in and out of the bedroom.

Also, she was now able to tease him about the charity date without thinking of the nasty way Nick made it sound. Fortunately, for her relationship with her brother, Nick had reached out to her to apologize for the things he’d said that morning over breakfast. He and Roth had come a long way since that morning. Neither of them would tell her what was said, but they had at least reached an impasse. Her brother returned to his base a few days later. But not before making a trip to the Lazy Creek.

Following his visit, Autumn wasn’t subtle when she checked Roth over for even a hint of bruising. Her inspection was derailed due to an uncooperative subject, who turned things around on her until she was screaming herself hoarse from the explosive orgasms he delivered. Following that day, they never discussed Nick’s visit again.

It was a struggle to refocus on wading through legalese after having her libido awakened by Roth’s message, but Autumn managed. When her watch eventually buzzed, letting her know it was time to call it a day, she was more than ready.

Although she was a couple of hours early, she opted to drive to Roth’s place instead of Grandma Hattie’s. Having learned her lesson the first night they spent together, she called her grandmother from the car as she drove out to the Lazy Creek. The call connected after only a few rings.

“Hello?” Her grandma’s questioning hello sounded far away from the phone causing Autumn to frown.

“Granny? You sound like you’re across the room from the phone. What’s going on?”

“That’s because I am across the room. I have bread dough on my hands. I was gonna clean them off, then I remembered you told me I could just tell Sara to answer the phone, and I wouldn’t have to touch it.”

Autumn squelched the giggle that rose within her at her grandmother’s reference to the built-in electronic assistant as Sara. She refused to call it anything else. It was a wonder the thing actually responded to any requests. But it did.

“Oh. Okay. Well, I was calling to check on you and let you know not to wait up for me tonight.”

“You and that boy might as well move in together. You haven’t spent more than two or three nights here ever since the morning he parked his truck in my yard. The only time you show up here is to get more clothes.”

“Granny! I don’t think that’s true.”

It was totally true, but Autumn couldn’t believe her grandma called her out so blatantly.

“Listen, little girl. You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but don’t bring it to me. I didn’t get this old and learn nothing along the way.”

Knowing there was no way she would win this round with Hattie Daley, Autumn simply changed the subject.

“Do you need anything? I can stop by the store or whatever.”

Despite not laying her head at her Grandma Hattie’s each night, Autumn did check on her every day and run errands for her. It was the least she could do while she was in Lone Star. It took some of the load off her parents since her grandmother refused to have anyone underfoot—which was how she felt about the companion they attempted to hire when she declined their invitation to move in with them a few years ago.

“No, baby. I’m okay. I’m just gonna make my bread, then have my dinner. I’ll probably sit on the porch for a little while before I go on to bed.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.” Autumn merged into the lane to take the highway as she prepared to end the call.

“Oh! I almost forgot.”

“You almost forgot what, Granny?”

“You got a package today. I left it on the table in the hallway.”

Autumn sat up straighter in the seat. “A package? From who?”

“Hmm... I don’t recall the name, but it had a Las Vegas address on it. It was one of those big envelopes.”

“Oh. Okay. Thanks. I’ll get it in the morning. It’s probably from Fortune.”

“Are you sure? I can have one of the boys bring it over to you. You know at least two or three of them will come around as soon as they smell dinner.”

“I’m sure. Whatever they want can wait. I’m not on their time right now.”

Autumn was curious as to what the company would’ve deemed worthy to send a package, but she wouldn’t alter her plans or potentially sour her day by opening anything from Fortune Innovations. At least not until tomorrow.

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

They chatted for a few more minutes before her grandma ended the call. She didn’t give a reason, but she didn’t really have to. Autumn had accomplished her goal. Also, with her grandma mentioning having one of the hands bring over the package, Autumn was now comforted in knowing someone was going to stop by and keep her grandma company. At least for as long as it took them to wolf down a meal.

As the turn off for the Lazy Creek came into view, her thoughts shifted to the man who’d occupied most of her time for the past few weeks. She allowed herself a moment to daydream about what it could be like if she decided not to return to Nevada. In a roundabout way, she’d discussed it with her closest friend, Kiara, when they’d last spoken.

Since she’d been back home and they couldn’t see one another regularly, they exchanged text messages most days and an actual phone call once a week. Her bestie had been far from surprised Autumn and Roth finally hooked up, citing the fact that she had been drooling over him for years.

While they’d talked, Autumn hadn’t brought it up to Roth. What they had was new. Tenuous. She didn’t want to stress it with future talk when she was still uncertain of which direction she wanted to take her career.

Slowing the vehicle, she carefully navigated off the highway onto the road to the Lazy Creek, passing through the gates while looking at the livestock grazing in the field. Just as she was about to give the private road her full attention, she caught a glimpse of a figure in the distance.

Even from more than two hundred yards away, she recognized Roth sitting astride his favorite mount, Big Tex. The Shire horse was one of the few breeds able to handle the weight of a man as large as Roth. He and his brothers all had Draft Breed horses because of their size—the horses and the men.

Seeing him astride the big beast stirred something inside her beyond the usual lust. Being honest, it didn’t take much for her to mount his big body and practice her equestrian skills. But seeing him in his element, moving through the cows at a light trot, it struck a different chord inside her.

Unwillingly, her thoughts went back to the package delivered to her grandmother’s house. She was positive it was the work she’d taken her sabbatical to remove herself from. Autumn also had no doubt as to who would be bold enough to ignore the terms of her leave of absence to send it to her. Flint Childers. One of the senior staff attorneys at Fortune and a big part of the reason Autumn was considering leaving the company.

The man was the epitome of the phrase, it’s not what you know, but who you know. As long as they’d been in separate legal divisions, Autumn had done well. Her reputation was stellar. Suddenly, when he transferred to Corporate Governance, everything she said had to be backed up with more case law, requiring additional paralegals assigned to research.

It was bullshit. But Flint wasn’t the only catalyst for her sabbatical. She’d already been on the path to discontent at Fortune. Having Flint in her division was simply another hole poked in the boat already filling with water.

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