Chapter Thirteen
Lifting his hat, Roth swiped at the perspiration on his brow. The cloth he used barely made a difference with the way sweat was pouring off him. It was hot as hell under the bright Texas sun. With the high humidity and the sun scorching from above, they were trying to rotate the herds closer to the creek. Those in the northern pasture had already been watered. He was helping the hands with the stragglers in the southern pasture.
Some ranch owners weren’t as hands on as he was, when the ranch was as large as the Lazy Creek. But, Roth enjoyed being involved in more than determining where to plant the best grazing grass and breeding cycles. More than he enjoyed it, he needed it. Some days, physically exhausting himself was the way he was reminded that he was still alive. That he’d survived and drew breath.
The only other thing which brought him the same measure of peace was the time he spent with Autumn. Since their first night together, they’d slept in the same bed more often than not. And, he actually slept with her. More soundly than he had in years. The nightmares, which used to wake him at least once a week, were mysteriously absent when she curved her body into his each night.
Over the low, intermittent vocalizations from the cattle, he couldn’t hear much. Yet, he noticed the moment Autumn turned the silver SUV onto Lazy Creek Road. Dust kicked up from the gravel despite her driving slowly and carefully. Like him, she’d been taught not to speed down the road nearest grazing pastures. It wasn’t uncommon for one of the cows to get through the fence and end up standing in the middle of the road.
Seeing her driving toward the main house took his thoughts toward the future and the past simultaneously. He knew what he wanted. Having his Sugar with him in Lone Star Ridge on a permanent basis. Roth wanted her to not simply extend her sabbatical, but turn in her notice, leaving Las Vegas behind. However, he hadn’t asked her to do any of that. Mainly because he knew it was fast as hell for him to ask for such a commitment, but partially because of the quasi-promise he'd made to Nick. They’d finally talked before Nick returned to his post.
One Month Ago
Roth sat in the rocker on the front porch watching as the pickup truck in the distance drew closer to the house. He recognized the chrome on black Dually. When the vehicle was closer, his view of the person in the driver’s seat confirmed it. It was Nick. The only time the truck moved farther than a few feet at a time was when he was in town.
Thankful that Autumn was busy with her mother, he planted both feet firmly on the wooden surface and waited. In a few minutes, Nick drove to a stop in front of the attached garage and cut the engine. The two stared at one another through the glass of the windshield but neither moved for an unmeasured amount of time.
Roth refused to be the one to make the first move and he was certain Nick probably felt the same. While in one aspect, he could see Nick’s perspective. Autumn was his younger and only sister. He saw it as his duty to protect her. On the other, Roth was still pissed at Nick for the way he spoke about her and to her that morning.
It was something he’d never thought his friend would do. Although Roth had never mentioned to Nick anything regarding his interest in Autumn, he couldn’t have predicted Nick’s response, that he would say such mean-spirited things. Especially inferring that Roth was treating Autumn like a prostitute.
So, recalling how hurt Autumn was and had been following the incident, Roth didn’t move a muscle. Instead, he held Nick’s gaze until the other man looked away and climbed out of the cab of the truck. As he approached, Roth noted the tension in his shoulders and the stiffness of his gait. His steps were no less carefully placed than usual, but Nick’s body was as taut as a bow string.
Once he was within a foot or two of the stairs leading up onto the porch, Nick finally spoke.
“We need to talk.”
Pressing his heel into the floorboards, Roth set his chair to a gentle rock. Turning his hand palm side up, he continued to look at Nick.
“Okay. Talk.”
Nick muttered, but not low enough for Roth not to hear it, which was very likely his intention. “Stubborn bastard.”
“Unless they’re lying, my parents were married when I was born. And if you came here to insult me some more, you can get in your truck and go back the way you came.”
He knew goading Nick wasn’t helpful, but Roth couldn’t stop himself. Besides their normal familiarity and history of bantering, he wasn’t feeling very generous at the moment. Even knowing it was possible he was making the situation worse, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Shooting him a glare, Nick pursed his lips before finally speaking again. “I didn’t come here to start any shit with you, Rotty. We’ve been friends too long to let bullshit come between us.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your bullshit or are you saying ? —”
“I’m not saying you and Autumn being together is bullshit. I’m talking about what’s happening right now. Everything I say seems to come out wrong, or you take it in a way I didn’t intend.”
Nick leaned one shoulder against the post at the top of the stairs. With his arms folded across his chest, Roth stared at his friend.
“It ain’t about the way I take it. It’s kind of hard not to think the worst with the way you acted a few days ago. Behaving like I’m some kind of fuck boy you need to run off. Not to mention the shit you said about me paying Autumn for sex.”
Holding up a hand, Nick looked at him with a clenched jaw and his version of a pleading expression.
“Can we not mention my little sister and sex in the same breath?” When Roth didn’t say anything else, Nick continued. “I know I fucked up. Okay? And I apologized to Autumn for being an ass. But, have you looked at it from my view point?”
At Roth’s responding shrug, Nick ventured farther onto the porch, sitting in one of the four empty rockers. Taking off his hat, he hung it on the arm of the chair.
“You’ve known my sister since she was a little girl. It was no secret she had a huge crush on you. Seeing you two together, having even an inkling of what happened between you, it took me to a bad headspace.”
Roth refused to acknowledge the implications Nick made. If he did, he couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t come to blows. He heard the question in Nick’s voice. The one waiting to be asked. So, he remained silent, seeing how deep Nick would dig the hole and unsure if he’d extend a hand to help his longtime friend climb out of it.
“You told my pops you hadn’t seen Autumn in years. But, I know you. Starting up with her isn’t something you’d do without putting thought into it.”
Roth silently acknowledged Nick had finally said something that made sense.
“If I’m to believe you two just started up, then my question is, how long?”
Knowing him so well, Nick didn’t have to elaborate on his question. Roth understood. He wanted to know how long it had been since Roth had stopped looking at Autumn as just his friend’s little sister and started viewing her as a woman. At this point, Roth had nothing to hide.
“The wedding.”
“What wedding?”
“Hers. To the cousin fucker.”
Roth refused to call Russell anything other than what he and Nick had settled on once they learned the woman Autumn caught him with was the same woman he’d claimed was his cousin.
“That was more than a decade ago.” Nick shook his head in disbelief.
“I know.” Roth’s expression remained the same.
“Why did you wait?” Nick’s posture relaxed a little, and he leaned his back into the wooden slats of the rocker.
“Why do you think?”
The look Roth shot Nick telegraphed the things they’d gone through collectively and individually during those years. They weren’t together during the mission which led Roth to resign his commission. By then, they were leading separate teams.
But it wasn’t only the wounds from his time serving, it was the situation they found themselves in now. The strain on their friendship because he finally acted on the desire he’d pressed down for almost fifteen years.
Silence stretched between them. Only the sounds of the ranch settling for the day could be heard. Tilting his head, Nick peered at Roth.
“I don’t want to know anything about what you two do together.”
“I wasn’t planning to give you a play by play.”
“I don’t even want the Cliffsnotes.”
“Again. Wasn’t planning to tell you.”
“My sister better keep a permanent smile on her face. But, I don’t need details on how you put it there. Just know if it slips, our next talk will involve far less words.”
Staring at him blankly, Roth eventually nodded. He didn’t need Nick’s threats. His mission was to keep Autumn so happy any thoughts she had about being anywhere other than with him, wouldn’t dare to enter her mind.
“And one more thing. I don’t know if she told you, but Tummy’s been going through some stuff at work. Mama and Pops are already on her to come home. She doesn’t need any more pressure from you.”
Roth sat up straighter, he didn’t like where this was going. Having Autumn return to Lone Star Ridge was definitely on the table for him.
“Promise me you’ll let her decide on her own. If what the two of you have is going to go the distance, she can’t relocate her life just for you. It’s not fair to her. So... promise.”
As thoughts swirled inside him, Roth understood the truth of what Nick said. Didn’t mean he liked it, but he understood. However, he wasn’t certain he could promise not to provide any incentive to help Autumn come to the right decision. Nick stared at him expectantly. Finally, Roth dipped his chin in acknowledgement.
“I won’t press her.” When Nick nodded, Roth held up a hand continuing, “I won’t press her, but I won’t stop showing her the benefits of being here surrounded by people who care about her.”
Roth snapped out of the memory, returning his focus to rounding up the stragglers. Now that his Sugar was home, he was anxious to wrap things up. He’d asked Amelia to cook Autumn’s favorite meal. Miraculously, his housekeeper complied without a single sly remark. Probably because she really liked Autumn. Amelia commented about him being less of a grump lately, and she attributed the attitude adjustment to Autumn’s appearance at the Lazy Creek.
He wouldn’t argue the point, but he didn’t give her fuel for her little jabs. Whether it was having his Sugar in his life or having her beside him each night chasing away the demons from his dreams, Roth was doing more living these days. More than he had in longer than he wanted to admit.
After he and the guys got the last of the herd where they wanted them, he bid them goodbye. Once he’d given Big Tex a rub down with a wet sponge, looking him over for any hitchhikers and small injuries, Roth set him loose in the paddock. Noting there was plenty of water and some of the sweet grass the horse liked to nibble on available, he turned the rest of Big Tex’s care over to the stable hand.
The short ride to the main house in his ATV, was uneventful. However, a frown dipped his brow as he drove the small vehicle toward the front porch. There was a man standing there speaking to Autumn. The guy looked vaguely familiar, but Roth couldn’t place him immediately. When he was within her line of sight, Autumn’s face stretched into a smile. Giving him a wave, she turned back to the man, accepting the package he held in his hands.
Now, who the fuck was this guy, and what was he giving her? Throwing the ATV into park, Roth levered himself out of it much more quickly than usual, making his way toward them to get answers.