The Roper & The Author (Coleville Ranch #6) Chapter 4 21%
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Chapter 4



Marci stayed up late. She Googled Walker Coleville and watched video after video of him steer roping. Her stomach bubbled just staring at him all tall, manly, and inspiring on his horse, his hat shadowing his handsome face, obviously the king of the rodeo. He was the most impressive and enticing cowboy on earth.

Unfortunately, he had to leave her for a rodeo. Shoot. How could she develop a relationship with him if he left? An unreal magnetic draw at first glances and touches was wonderful. Now they had to progress and deepen those feelings, share experiences, inside jokes, kisses …

Pushing the dream of kissing Walker and the worries of not developing a relationship away, she retrieved her laptop and typed everything from the first look and all the feels that look with Walker produced. She continued with him racing up to her on his noble steed and jumping off, everything he’d said, every simple touch, every glance. Oh, my, she was smitten. Forget her work in progress. She was writing a book featuring a cowboy and heavy on romance. Maybe an entire series. Her fans wouldn’t mind if the romance overrode the suspense just this time.

Finally she forced herself to her knees, praying long and hard for Abuelita’s safety and thanking Heavenly Father over and over for the good Lord’s most beautiful creation—Walker Coleville. She slipped into bed and fell asleep smiling.

She woke to a rap on her door early the next morning. She flung herself off the bed and sprinted for the door. Flinging it open, she grinned widely. “Wa … Easton. Buen día . How are you?”

Easton stood there in a T-shirt, shorts, and runners. “Good morning, beautiful.” His gaze traveled over her hair sticking up every which way and the too-big flannel heart pajamas she’d found in the stack of clothes in the closet.

“Beautiful?” She guffawed at that. “You need your eyes checked, mi amigo . Is it my workout date with my favorite twins of all time?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Let’s do this.” She moved to step out of the room, then looked down. “On second thought, give me a minute, please.”

“Take as long as you need.”

“ Gracias .” She closed the door and rushed into the bathroom, used it quickly and pulled her hair into a smooth ponytail, brushed her teeth, and put on some lip gloss. Easton had said Walker would work out with them. Right? When she’d said favorite twins, he’d said yes. How exciting. She wanted to put on makeup but refrained. She couldn’t look like she was trying too hard. Running into the closet, she found a T-shirt, running tights, socks, and some running shoes that were only a little bit snug. Bless whoever had gifted her all these clothes and toiletries.

She rushed back out. Easton was in the hall, leaning against the wall. He looked casual but almost like he was trying to look casual. It made her laugh. “You are quite the poser, aren’t you?”

“A poser?” he asked, straightening and walking toward her, a smirk on his lips.

“Yeah, you pose to look good for all the interested ladies.” She pushed his arm and grinned. He was the big brother she’d longed for. “I’m sure no one can resist you. Do you have dozens of girlfriends?”

“You’re right, no woman can resist me.” He pumped his eyebrows. “But I’m saving myself for the perfect lady for me.”

“You’re such a flirt. I love it.” She didn’t tell him that no one earth would believe he was waiting for his ‘perfect lady.’ He was far too much of a player. Yet as the author, she’d reformed many a playboy. It could happen for Easton when the right woman came along to tame him.

“Do you now?”

“Oh yes, your whole aura is just incredible. I’m using you in my next book.” The fans would love him and wait impatiently for his story, but he was a side character in her next book. The ideal cowboy’s sidekick. She wasn’t sure if she’d make them twins yet.

His grin grew. “Perfect. I can give you all kinds of writing material.”

She laughed. Hard. “I bet you can.” She’d written characters like Easton, a lot of them. They were always fun to break and to find out why they’d turned into a major womanizer. Easton had that playboy vibe down to an art.

She loved the charming characters who couldn’t settle down until they found the right one. Then they were loyal and crazy in love. It would be intriguing to see who Easton’s right one was. If only Marci could stay around long enough to see that magic happen for this adorable cowboy. If everything went well tonight, Abuelita would be rescued, the bad guys apprehended, and she’d head back home to Florida. She wanted Abuelita safe.

She did not want to leave Walker Coleville, though.

She darted around Easton, anxious to get to Walker. “Did you say we workout in the garage?” she asked over her shoulder.

“The barn,” he said.

“Let’s do this work out thing.” She pumped a fist in the air.

He chuckled and kept up with her. They burst out the front door, and the cold morning air hit her like a wall. The moon was still out and it was a beautiful early morn, the dark forest eerie but also gorgeous. She was in awe of this mountain sanctuary.

She stopped on the porch and hugged herself, shivering. Her bare arms did not like this temperature. Thank heavens for the tights she’d found. “Brr. You don’t get air like this in the Florida Keys. Brisk, dry, and fresh. Stinging almost. That’ll just wake you right up, won’t it?”

“For sure.” Easton was grinning at her as if she were very cute. He wrapped an arm around her. “I’ll keep you warm.”

“ Gracias , kind cowboy. Now let’s go.” She rushed forward and he kept up, his warm arm warding off the chill. They hurried around the house, across the grass laden with frost and past flower and vegetable gardens laid to rest for the long winter. She’d written about scenes like this but had never felt and seen them. The crunch under her shoes, the damp chill stinging her toes even through the thick socks and runners. “It’s mid-September and everything is frosty and dying. How cold does it get here?”

“Pretty cold. Below freezing and loads of snow.”

“Incredible. I’ve seen snow before, but not in a long time.” If only she could be here to experience a fresh winter’s morn. She’d have to dress a lot more warmly or have Walker wrap his arm around her.

They reached the barn just as a dark shape appeared through the trees. She peered at the man striding toward them and then her belly did a little flip flop and her heart took off as fast as this handsome cowboy could gallop on his horse.

“Walker,” she cried out. He looked absolutely incredible in a simple T-shirt and shorts. “This is such a thrilling morning.” She clapped her hands together, though her fingertips were frozen. Holding them out as Walker reached the two of them, she exclaimed, “Look at this. My fingers are freezing right off. I’ll describe the sensation much better in my next book, now that I’ve experienced it. Google failed me on that one. It’s numb and stinging at the same time.”

Walker smiled at her, but it wasn’t as vibrant as his smiles from last night. “Mornin’, Marci,” he said softly, looking from her to Easton and back again.

Easton still had his arm around her, keeping her warm like a brother, nothing the way it would feel if Walker was in his place. Easton reached over with his free hand and wrapped it around both of her clasped hands. He pulled their joined hands to his mouth and blew warm air on her fingers.

“Hey,” she exclaimed. “It really works! That’s awesome. I’ve had characters do that in books before. Ah, what a romantic move.”

Easton smiled, but Walker’s brow furrowed. He brushed his hand through his thick hair. She wanted that privilege. Her hands tangled in that hair as she arched up toward him.

How romantic would it feel if Walker had been the one blowing on her fingers? Not just warm air but magic. She’d be lit up and trembling. She trembled simply thinking about it as his blue gaze searched hers. How could she get these brothers to swap places? Easton was such a flirtatious tease. His arm around her and blowing warm air on her fingers meant nothing to him or to her, but with Walker … yummy. Such simple moves could mean the world.

“Romantic, huh? You really liked that.” Easton sounded smug, and was it her imagination or was she pressed closer to his side, his arm tighter around her?

“Oh, for sure. You’re amazing. Let’s go work out now.” She yanked free of Easton’s arms and hurried to grab the barn door. Walker beat her there. He swung the door wide and held it for her. “Thank you kindly, mi vaquero guapo ,” she said, completely out of breath simply being close to him. She was going to give her heart the best workout of its life being near this mesmerizing man.

“What does that mean?” he asked.

“My handsome cowboy.” She blushed but boldly held his gaze. She was as brave as one of her characters locking gazes and praying for a chance with a man as impressive as Walker.

“You’re welcome,” he said.

You’re welcome. It was only two standard words. With his deep voice and that alluring look in his blue eyes, she felt like he’d just proposed.

She couldn’t move. She was rooted to the cold earth and never wanted to leave his glorious gaze.

Easton came behind her and ushered her through the door with his hand on her lower back. He tugged her from her moment and her eye contact with his glorious twin. Easton was a great guy, but Marci wanted to shove him out of the barn, tug Walker in, and lock the door. All alone with a man more delectable than any hero she’d created, and that was really saying something because she created the best heroes.

Could the dream of being alone with Walker come true? Not if he had to leave today. What a bummer.

“All right, Miss Marci,” Easton said, interrupting her thoughts and her time with Walker. She really liked Walker’s twin, but he needed to go away and leave them alone. “Let’s get this workout in. What muscle groups are you focused on today?”

“Muscle groups?” she asked, her brow wrinkling.

Easton slid his hand from her lower back and around her waist again. He directed her through the barn, past stalls of horses who looked to still be sleeping. The concrete floor was swept clean, but dust floated in the air. She breathed deeply of horse, straw, and a bit of smelly manure.

She wanted to stop and get to know all these horses, but they kept walking. She especially wanted to get up close and personal with Walker’s horse.

Walker trailed behind them. She kept glancing back at him, but the barn interior was dark with only some low lights on.

“Back and bis? Chest, shoulders, and tris? Legs?” Easton asked.

“Um, the only thing that made sense in that tough man lingo was legs. I’ve got two of them.”

“Yes, you do, and they are impressive.”

She laughed with Easton at his silly reply. The man didn’t know how not to flirt.

“Ha!” she said. “You are good. Sadly, I don’t have some weight lifting ritual. I run or bike my island, swim in the ocean, and Google Pilates workouts if it’s bad weather. I’ve never lifted anything heavier than my laptop.”

Walker chuckled at that. She grinned over her shoulder at him.

“Today we’ll remedy that,” Easton said.

He finally released her as they reached a large room at the back of the barn. He flipped a light switch and illuminated the open space. She looked around and saw different machines with cables, a load of dumbbells and bars and round plates that had numbers on them as well as racks and benches. There was also a sparring ring set up.

“This is legit,” she cried out.

“For sure.” Easton grinned at her. “Now you’re picking up the lingo.”

“Yeah, hombre .” She did a little shimmy dance. Both men stared at her and she felt ... appealing. That look in Walker’s eyes made her heart thump out of beat.

“Okay, pretty lady,” Easton said. “What do you want us to teach you?”

“How to box?” she asked, looking from Easton to Walker.

The brothers exchanged a look and then looked back at her. “We could box later,” Walker said evenly. “Do you want to lift weights with us first? Or I could go on a run with you if you’d prefer.”

Alone with Walker on a run. She wanted to sign up for that, right now.

“Let’s lift first,” Easton said. “Then we can all go on a run. Then we can spar for her.”

“Bossy, bossy,” Marci teased. “Let me guess. Easton is the older twin.”

“That’s right.” Easton grinned as if she’d complimented him. “The alpha male for certain.”

Walker didn’t say anything, simply waited for her reaction. She clapped her hands and said, “That is exactly right. I have figured you two out. Easton is the alpha male for sure—a dominant, natural leader, confident, in charge.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Easton flexed his muscles and postured.

Walker ran his hand through his hair and then folded his mouthwatering arms across his chest.

“And Walker is the sigma,” Marci cried out. It fit so perfectly.

“The sigma?” Walker asked quietly.

“Easton knows. It’s a huge teenage term right now. The sigma is similar to the alpha but much, much better.” She nodded, hoping she didn’t offend Easton, but Walker was better in every way, at least for her. Walker’s blue eyes were warm and full of her.

“What?” Easton shook his head. “That’s not right.”

“Oh, for sure. Do your research. I just put this in a book and Google agrees with me. The sigma is strong, successful, and independent. He doesn’t need validation from anyone and doesn’t need to posture or show off. He’s confident and more than enough just being himself.”

Walker’s slow smile grew on his face. His blue gaze shot heat through her, and her pulse took off.

“Sigma.” Easton rolled his eyes. “Let’s get working out. We’re on back and biceps today.”

“All right, let’s do it.” She had offended Easton. Dang. She never wanted to offend anyone, especially the twin of the most perfect man in existence. Yet Walker needed to know how extraordinary he was.

Marci stayed as close as she could to Walker as the men instructed her and thoughtfully interrupted their own workouts to help her time and again. They tried to find hand weights light enough for her to use, but she couldn’t even ‘curl’ the twenty-five pounders, their lightest dumbbells. They mostly had her use resistance bands and the cable machine. She was exhausted after half an hour of trying to keep up with them and their big muscles. Her favorite part was watching Walker as he lifted the weights. Heavy, heavy weights that made his muscles pop.

“ Oy , those muscles are glorioso ,” she told him far too many times.

Usually it was Easton who would respond, “I know,” and flex for her. Then she’d laugh and they’d all get back to work.

It was the most fun working out she’d ever had. As a bonus, she learned some new exercises and gained a better understanding of weightlifting that would be helpful to incorporate in her novels. She usually Googled a strength training workout if she needed one for a book and then promptly forgot it. Most of her research was that way, in her brain and then out, but it lodged there when she participated in an activity.

Abuelita was right that she needed to get out more and especially date more. If only Walker didn’t live across the country. Would she see him again after Abuelita was safe and the bad guys were captured? That made her shoulders sag a bit.

“Keep that back straight,” Walker cautioned as he used one side of the cable machine and she used the other for … oh yes, upright rows, Easton had called them.

“Can you help me do that?” she asked, wanting to feel his touch again. It was odd that Easton had touched her almost too often this morning, but Walker had kept his distance. She needed to figure out how one of her heroines would show the more reticent cowboy twin that she was very, very interested. Real life romance wasn’t quite as smooth or easy as bringing love to life through her keyboard, but it was a million times more exciting.

“Sure.” His slow grin came. He released the handles of his cable pulley thing and came over to her. Resting his large palm on her upper back, he said, “Contract these muscles and align your head with your spine.”

She tried to contract the muscles he was touching, but her body trembled from his warm touch and she felt weak with longing for him.

“Are you too tired?” he asked with concern.

“I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning, but I’m not too tired right now.” Even weak with longing, she was invigorated and inspired by him. Could she say that? Usually she said whatever she wanted, but she didn’t want to be too forward and push him away.

“You just trembled,” he told her, his blue eyes like a work of art. She’d never dabbled in painting. She needed to learn.

“Because you touched me,” she said softly.

His blue eyes became intense and stirred her soul with longing.

“How’s it going?” Easton called, standing from an angled bench he’d been propped on with his stomach as he did some kind of back exercise.

“ Fabulosa . I’ll be tough as you two soon,” Marci said, flexing her tiny arm muscle.

“For sure,” Easton said.

They all went back to their workouts. Maybe half an hour later, her arms were quivering and her upper back muscles were already sore. It was very different from the tense soreness in her upper back and shoulders when she typed for too many hours. She rather liked this new soreness.

“The sun will be up soon,” Walker said. “Would you like to go on a run and greet the sun rising over the mountains?”’

“ Oy! ” she exclaimed. “Thank you! Thank you! I gawked at your glorious mountains yesterday as Aiden drove me here. I want to see more of them, much more, get up close and personal, smell the damp forest floor and pine needles, feel the agony of climbing to the mountain peak then exult in the magnificent view. Can we hike and touch the mountains?”

Walker smiled at her.

“Maybe,” Easton said evasively.

“Oh, I forgot for a minute. I’m in danger and Abuelita’s in worse danger.” All the anxiety for Abuelita rushed back in. Was it awful of her to forget? Abuelita would encourage her not to worry about the ‘ vieja ancha ’ or old broad as she called herself in her joking too-literal translation, especially if she saw her with the likes of Walker Coleville.

Marci turned toward the entrance that led into the main part of the barn to hide her embarrassment at not thinking of Abuelita more. She’d already lost the rest of her family, and she and Abuelita were all each other had. She should be a basket case right now.

Walker touched her elbow, and all worries fled.

“There’s a back entrance,” he said, directing her to it.

Easton sprang in front of her and got the door.

“Abuelita is going to be okay,” Walker said quietly.

She stopped walking and glanced up at him.

“Aiden Porter is incredible,” he said, “and if she’s half as amazing as the woman she raised, she’ll be able to hold on until Aiden and his crew get her out.”

“ Gracias .” She appreciated the reassurance and the compliment. He knew what she feared and what she needed, and he was right. If anyone could save Abuelita, it was the famed Aiden Porter.

He nodded to her, and they walked out into the crisp morning air. It didn’t feel quite as cold since she’d worked up a bit of a sweat lifting all those weights. The smell of pine trees and fresh air permeated the morning.

“We could plan a hike,” Walker said, gesturing toward the mountains with his head.

She was torn from her gawking at Walker to viewing the magnitude of those soaring peaks.

They walked toward the trail in the thick trees.

“After I get back from Amarillo,” Walker continued.

“Amarillo,” she said despondently. There were songs about the Texas town, and she knew his roping was important, probably as much a part of him as her writing was for her, but why did he have to leave her? Weren’t there rodeos every weekend in different spots?

“I’m flying to Amarillo today for a roping competition,” he said as if she didn’t know.

She nodded and tried to act positive, but despair almost overwhelmed her. He was leaving. They wouldn’t even have a chance to develop any kind of relationship.

“I hope I’m still here when you return,” she said quietly.

“Me too.” His voice was sincere and his gaze even more so.

“Are you ready to pick up the pace?” Easton asked.

“ Dále . You two can weight lift me into the ground, but I can outrun you.” She smiled. “I hope. I don’t have any elevation on my island. The altitude and uphill spots might kill me here. But the views will inspire me and make it all worth it.”

“You’ll do great,” Walker assured her. “We’re in no hurry.”

They fell into an easy pace and jogged through narrow trails and dirt roads that circumvented and crisscrossed their property. They were very proud of their gorgeous and chilly-looking lake. That struck her as ironic as it was as small as a pond; she could see land on the other side of it. At home, water stretched as far as the eye could see.

The mountains rising above their property through the pine, aspen, cottonwood, and pine trees, as they named them, awed her.

Marci drew them both out about roping and bull riding as they ran. Hoping it wasn’t obvious she’d only watched videos of one of them, she tried to ask Easton extra questions to fill in the gaps in her knowledge, wishing again she could be alone with Walker.

Her vaquero guapo . Why did he have to leave? What if she never saw him again?

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