As they finished their run, Marci, Walker, and Easton walked back toward the barn and the main house. She’d kept up pretty well. Only slightly winded from the high elevation.
“Where is tu casa , Walker?” she asked, glancing askance at him. He gifted her with that slow smile and she almost tripped over her own feet.
She was dying to see where he lived, how he decorated, and get insight into his life. Then she needed to officially meet his horse and go on a ride together. It was a beautiful plan.
“Walker and I each have cabins through the trees,” Easton said.
“Oh. You don’t live at the main house?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Do we have time to see them?” she asked.
“Sure. If you’re okay with not seeing us spar today.”
“Hmm. That’s a rough choice. Could you spar later? Oh shoot, I keep forgetting Walker is leaving us.” She frowned. “We’d better have you spar now. I can see the cabins later, but I can’t watch you fight later.”
The twins exchanged a look and then Easton shrugged. “You want to watch me thump my little brother?”
“Ha!” Marci burst out. “I don’t know if that would happen. Walker is far too strong looking.”
Walker grinned.
“We should spar,” Easton said, his jaw tight. “So I can prove I’m the alpha.”
“Yes, and Walker’s the sigma.” Marci nodded her head.
“Let’s spar so I can prove the alpha is better than the sigma,” Easton said.
“We’ll see.” Marci winked at Walker. She hoped she wasn’t upsetting Easton, teasing them about the alpha and the sigma. That wasn’t her purpose, but she could never claim anyone was better than Walker.
They all walked back to the large barn, through the back door, and up to the sparring ring. Marci sensed a funky tension between the brothers and hoped this sparring wasn’t a bad idea. Easton was only flirting with her. There was no way the playboy was actually interested in her. But maybe Easton was the type who had to win at all costs, even against his brother. She didn’t like that. A character flaw for certain. He could learn and overcome that, but Walker was already humble and confident. No need to prove himself. The sigma for sure.
She stood near the edge of the ring as they pulled off their shirts.
“ Chaco ,” she cried out.
They both looked at her.
“All that weightlifting, roping, and bull riding makes a body incredible, eh?” She blushed as they both smiled. “Forgive me. I’ll just stand over here and be quiet.”
She gawked at Walker’s wide shoulders, striated muscles, and taut waistline. She loved that he had a farmer’s tan, a true hard-working cowboy, the sigma male who didn’t need to prove anything to anybody.
“You don’t need to be quiet,” Easton said. “You can admire me all you want.” He flexed and winked at her.
“You both are giving me oodles of writing material.” She pressed her hands together and bowed slightly. “ Muchas gracias .”
“Anytime,” Walker said.
Easton let out a low growl that surprised her. The brothers exchanged a look, then they wrapped their hands and put on protective head gear.
As they started duking it out, she couldn’t hold it in. She cried out in surprise, she cheered—mostly for Walker, though she tried to cheer evenly—, she gasped, and she screamed in horror.
“Oy! No, no, no, … Si ! Yes, yes, yes … Bien hecho ! That was impressive. Ouch! Oh, se amable , be nice!”
The twins seemed to be evenly matched, but Easton got more intense as they smacked each other with their fists, knees, and legs. Neither of them said anything, which made all the noise she was making even more pronounced.
Footsteps approached from behind her, and she forced herself to look away from Walker’s beautiful upper body flowing like poetry to see Papa Jared approaching. He nodded to her, then called, “Boys, it’s time to stop. Walker and his girlfriend Miss Sue have a plane to catch.”
The men broke apart and turned to their father.
Girlfriend? Miss Sue? Marci’s stomach flipped over. Walker had a girlfriend and the woman traveled with him to his rodeos. Of course she did. Oh, no. Miss Sue was probably the perfect cowgirl. The lady Walker loved. Marci’s heart beat dully in her chest. Her hopes and dreams plummeted to the concrete floor, shattering in a horrific heap.
The men circled slowly once more as they deescalated. Both took their head gear off and started unwrapping their hands. The fight was over. She’d thought it was impressive and catalogued some emotion and sound and ideas for her books but wondered if it had resolved any of the tension with the brothers or made it worse. Neither seemed eager to end the session.
Walker had a girlfriend, Miss Sue, but he’d gifted Marci with interested looks, touched her, and flirted with her, right? Was she making that all up in her head? How could he be her perfect match and already have a girlfriend? No wonder Easton seemed frustrated with his brother. Walker was leading Marci on, and he was in a relationship. Her stomach curdled. She was going to be sick.
“I’ll walk Marci back to the house so she can shower up and have some breakfast,” Jared said.
“Oh. Thank you.” Marci didn’t mind the shower or the breakfast, but … when would she see Walker again? Ever? If he had a girlfriend, it shouldn’t matter. How could he have a girlfriend and feel like the love of her life? She’d known from the first moment their gazes caught, him tall and brave on his horse, that he was her future.
Could she have been wrong? She suddenly despised real-life romance. A girlfriend? Her stomach felt full of acid and it was climbing her esophagus.
She let herself focus on Walker. His chest was heaving from the exertion of the fight, he was glistening with sweat, and his thick hair was messy. Though he looked as if he’d been in a fight, no skin was broken and there were no obvious bruises forming. He looked absolutely glorious, the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. Una chuleria .
He held her gaze and something deep passed between them. He yearned for her. They had a bond that was unequaled by anything either of them had experienced. Girlfriend. He couldn’t have a girlfriend. It was obvious he liked Marci. Why did he have to leave? Worse, why did he have to have a girlfriend?
He glanced at his brother and the connection broke. Marci’s stomach turned over and she had the awful feeling that she’d never see Walker again. Even if he longed for her, felt the tenuous bond growing between them and realized Marci should be his girlfriend not Miss Sue, he wasn’t going to come for her. She was an awful person to want him to dump Miss Sue for her.
Jared directed her toward the main part of the barn with a soft touch on her elbow. Marci didn’t know how to refuse.
They were through the barn and outside in the beautiful and chilly September morning when Jared muttered, “Sorry about my boys. They’re the best of men, but sometimes even the best act like darn fools when there’s a beautiful lady come between them.”
She whipped to look at Walker’s dad. “You think … I’m coming between them?”
He nodded.
“But that’s silly. I wouldn’t want to do that. Easton flirts with everyone, so I know I can’t mean anything to him, but the problem is … Walker’s leaving and with his girlfriend Miss Sue.” She felt morose and was probably saying far too much to Walker’s father. What did she know about fathers? She missed her dad, but it got harder and harder to hold onto the memories as the years rolled around.
“Girlfriend?” Jared chuckled. “No. Miss Sue is his roping horse.”
Marci stopped walking and turned to him. “Are you serious?”
“Yay!” Marci cheered, relief so strong she felt weak filling her. “I thought he had a girlfriend. Oy! I was such a mess. You called his horse a girlfriend?” She turned, wanting to run back to Walker and hug him tight. He didn’t have a girlfriend. Of course he didn’t. A loyal cowboy like Walker wouldn’t lead her on if he had a girlfriend.
“Sorry. It’s just a tease about his horse because she’s a mare.”
“It’s okay. I was a disaster, but now I’m so happy.” She paused. “But he’s leaving.”
“Probably for the best,” Jared grunted.
“Why is it for the best?”
His dad didn’t want her to fall for Walker. Why?
“You’ll be leaving soon, and Walker is just getting over … a rough heartbreak.”
He started walking toward the house again. Marci kept pace with him, feeling like her own heart was breaking. Walker didn’t have a girlfriend, but he had apparently just lost one. She wanted to heal him, love him, but she’d likely never see him again.
They entered through the main door. The house smelled like cinnamon and sugar. It was warm and welcoming. “Millie has all kinds of breakfast ready for you. Whenever you’re ready, feel free to come down.”
“Will Walker be at breakfast?”
“He’ll shower and eat at his house and leave for the airport.”
“Oh.” Disappointment coursed through her. They hadn’t even said goodbye. The only way she’d get to see him again was to run to his house, but Jared or Easton would follow her and mess it all up.
“Thank you,” she managed. She dragged her feet up the stairs and into her room. She took a long shower, then dressed in some comfortable gray joggers and a long-sleeved red T-shirt she found in the variety of clothes in the closet.
She should’ve headed down to breakfast after she got dressed, but she stretched out on top of the bed and let the melancholy overwhelm her. Abuelita was in serious danger, Marci was stuck in Montana with no way to help, and Walker was flying away. She was certain she’d met the man of her dreams, and now her dreams were shattering.
She must’ve drifted off. Peeling her eyes open, she saw the sun was bright outside the north-facing windows and slanting in from the west. Her eyes and throat were scratchy and dry. She slid to her knees, said a prayer for Abuelita and for a good attitude and more faith and for Aiden’s people, especially Autumn impersonating her, to be safe. She also prayed for Walker to be safe and succeed at his roping. She added that whatever should work out with her and Walker to work out, but she feared the answer would be nothing could work out between them.
Standing, she walked into the bathroom and used it, brushing her teeth and putting on eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. She ran a brush through her hair and peered at herself in the mirror. She looked as discouraged as she felt and wasn’t sure why she’d wasted the time with makeup.
Tonight, Autumn would rescue Abuelita. Marci would have to trust in that. She and Walker Coleville weren’t meant to be like she’d imagined. He could become the inspiration for one of the heroes in one of her books, more likely an entire series of books. He’d never be her personal hero or her love, her own vaquero guapo . It was better if she accepted that truth and stopped pouting. She pasted on a smile, but her heart still hurt.
Her stomach grumbled and she hoped Mama hadn’t waited with breakfast for her. It was probably mid-afternoon. She may have missed breakfast and lunch by now. She said another prayer and kept the smile on her face. These Colevilles were taking care of her. She wanted to be a good house guest and not mope around because Walker was gone and Abuelita was in trouble. Abuelita would say it would all work out, but she sure wished it would work out with Abuelita safe and Marci in Walker’s arms.
She strode to the door and flung it open. A tall, handsome cowboy leaned against the opposite wall. He straightened and a slow, devastating smile curved his lips.
“Walker!” she screamed out. She ran out into the hallway and launched herself against his glorious chest. “You’re here! You came back! You didn’t leave yet? Oy! Estoy tan feliz !”
She clung to him and didn’t even care that she was making a fool of herself. Walker was here. Had he given up his rodeo to be with her? Was he willing to move past his heartache and give love a chance? Were all of her dreams about to come true?
His arms came around her back and he lifted her slightly off her feet before settling with her cuddled against his well-built body.
“Marci,” he whispered softly against her hairline.
Marci burrowed in and savored the feel of his strong chest and arms, his soft T-shirt, the musky smell of man, leather, and horse. She wished she dared arch up and kiss him. She could blame her impulsive move on the excitement of him coming back.
She wasn’t brave enough to plant one on him, but she enjoyed every moment of the hug. She hadn’t even dared pray for Walker to come back for her and here he was. Heaven was full of miracles, and she was ecstatic. Of course Abuelita would be rescued and maybe Walker Coleville would fall head over heels in love with Marci. She would never doubt again.