Marci tried to write, but the words wouldn’t come. She did get down some of the details of Walker-related inspiration, but she fretted about Abuelita and she was frustrated with herself for being such a wimp. Abuelita would be cussing her in Spanish for the missed opportunity. Walker had called her out about frowning and she’d admitted she was thinking about her cowboy hero. Then she’d gotten embarrassed and awkward. Why hadn’t she told him the vision she’d had with him and then asked him to help her make it happen? That was what she had to do tomorrow night. She just had to. She had never met a man like him and never would again. She couldn’t miss out on pushing the right man for her to fall in love with her.
Marci prayed for a long time, mostly tearful pleas for Abuelita not to be tortured or killed. The only reason they’d take the money but not the fake Marci was because Abuelita was already dead or they recognized Autumn wasn’t her and wanted to regroup and figure out how to capture her and get the information they thought she had about the spy.
Gah. The spy. How many times did she have to explain she had no spy in her back pocket? Why couldn’t those monsters accept she had an overactive imagination?
She finally felt peace and was able to fall asleep.
The next day, she was up early. A text was waiting from Aiden with disappointing news. The other trackers had been dumped in the middle of the ocean. The boat following the money ran low on fuel. None of the other boats were close enough to stay with the people who took the money. They were back to not knowing what was happening with Abuelita or where she was, besides the speculation that she was on a yacht in the Caribbean.
Praying for protection for Abuelita, she was surprised by the comfort she felt. There was nothing she could do but worry, so she turned it over to God and tried to focus on something else. She forced herself to pull out her computer and was able to write a thousand words. She must have been too tired and overwrought last night to write. Now with Walker as inspiration, it was decidedly easy to churn out words.
Noticing it was almost seven, she hurried to get dressed in a form fitting T-shirt and shorts. She brushed her teeth, fixed her long hair into a smooth ponytail, washed her face, and put on some tinted moisturizer. She may have put on a tiny bit of mascara and tinted lip gloss, but she wasn’t about to reveal that to anyone.
When the rap came on her door, she raced for it and swung it wide. Nerves flooded her body; she could hardly wait to spend the day with Walker. She stared at him in a T-shirt and shorts, his thick hair mussed and his lovely arm and leg muscles revealed. He stared right back at her.
“Do you always look this beautiful first thing in the morning?” he asked, his voice tinged with awe.
“Ah, gracias, but I’ll admit that I was prepared today. You should’ve seen me yesterday morning when Easton came for me, hair sticking up all over the place, rumpled flannel pajamas, the sleep crease on my cheek, a little drool running down from my mouth to my chin.” She gestured to where the dribble would go and was rewarded with a deep chuckle from Walker. “I think I shocked him a bit.”
“I don’t know about that. He was very … impressed with you.”
“Can you blame him?” She lifted her shoulders and winked.
“No, I can’t,” he said softly.
It was all she could do to hold in a squeal. He was definitely the perfect hero. Her perfect hero.
A few beats passed, and she waited for him to reach out and gather her in his arms. Forget a formal exercise routine. The kissing session they would experience would be a workout all on its own.
She smiled and waited and waited.
“I started Until the Dawn last night.”
“Get out the door,” she cried out, clapping her hands together. He’d started reading the first book in one of her most recent series. “How cute are you?”
He smirked. “I’m not sure how to answer that one.”
“That was very kind of you, to read my book.”
“I only had time to read the first three chapters, but it was intense and well-written and …” He studied her. “You’re very humble to say you get your inspiration from heaven. The plot is intriguing and convoluted, the characters deep and intriguing. I think it’s impressive you give God the glory.”
“Thank you. That means the world.” She put a hand to her chest. He’d been perfect to her before. Now he was flawless, impeccable, unrivaled. He was her hero, and she could not let him go.
“We’d better get our workout in. Chest, shoulders, and tris today.”
“Oh … okay.” Disappointment filled her. The only thing imperfect about her hero was his lack of making moves on her and changing the subject when they were talking about her books. “I would take any advice from you. Your chest, shoulders, and triceps are ideal.”
“Thank you,” he murmured.
They walked downstairs. Within moments, they were out into the chilly morning air. It smelled as crisp and clean as it felt.
“Oy,” she exclaimed. “I can’t wrap my mind around the quality in this air. It’s so fresh it’s like vaya ! I’m awake! Bien ?”
He chuckled. “ Muy bien ,” he returned, which made her smile. She’d meant bien as in ‘right’, but he’d used it as ‘very good’. She could teach him loads of Spanish.
She wrapped her arms around herself for warmth and bounced as they walked. She prayed that he’d wrap her up to keep her warm like Easton had done yesterday. They walked around the house and through the beautiful yard, the grass crunching under her feet. The moist earth greeted them.
“Easton wrapped his arm around me yesterday,” she blurted out.
His gaze darted to her, and she nodded eagerly. Was that not enough of a hint?
“I saw that,” he grunted out. Then he upped his pace. “We’re almost there.”
He held the barn door for her, and she bit back disappointment. Either he hadn’t caught the hint or he didn’t want to wrap his arm around her. Shoot. How could she get him to make the moves on her?
Marci stewed as they started lifting weights. She stayed close by his side and asked him for help repeatedly, most of all with her form because then he had to put his hand on her back or her arm to help her.
When Walker finally declared they’d done all the lifts they needed to do for chest, shoulders, and triceps, her arms were quivering.
She tilted her head toward the barn. “Do you need to go feed the animals?”
“No. I did it earlier.”
“Could we do something a little crazy?”
“Sure.” He folded his arms across his chest and arched an eyebrow.
Kiss the rest of the day away , she longed to say but she restrained herself. “Let’s run to that picturesque lake and jump in. We’ll work up a sweat running and the cold therapy will be perfect.”
His face transformed as his slow grin took him from ultra-handsome to better looking than any hero from Greek mythology. “I like it.”
“ Muy bueno ,” she said softly, thinking specifically of him rather than the crazy plan.
They walked out of the barn and picked up the pace to a quick jog as he led her to a trail. As they ran, she asked him every question she could think of about roping.
“Is this all research for a book?” he asked when she ran out of questions.
“Well, of course. I’m always working even when I’m not working.”
“I can see that.”
They popped out of the trees and into the clearing with the lake. A beautiful ribbon of river flowed into the lake from above and ran out of it from below.
“Will jumping in a cold mountain lake be research too?” he asked as they walked to the edge.
“For sure. Especially with my handsome cowboy as my guide.”
He gave her a look that felt almost … challenging. Then he slid his shirt off and dropped it on the ground.
She stared at him. Her mouth gaped open, and she was certain her eyes bugged out of her head.
His chest, shoulders, arms, and abs were exquisitely formed and enhanced by his weight-lifting routine and all the hard work of being a cowboy. This guy belonged on the cover of romance novels. With the lake, trees, and mountain rising to the east, the setting was almost as ideal as the man, and it fit him. He was as solid and steady as a mountain. She wanted to get up close and personal with him just as she did the soaring peaks nearby.
His lips turned up in an undeniable smirk. “Is staring at me part of your research?”
“ Si, senor ,” she said, gasping for air as her oxygen supply was very, very low. If she was brave, she’d ask to touch the smooth skin of his shoulder, find out if it was as solid as the nearby rock outcroppings, but she wasn’t brave at the moment.
He bent down and slipped off his shoes and socks. She forced herself to look away from his muscles moving smoothly under his firm skin and slide off her own shoes and socks.
“Rope swing or jump?” he asked, pointing to the ten-foot ledge.
“Jump first,” she said. She grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the edge.
He grinned as they leapt.
“ Olé ,” she screamed.
They hit the cold water and plunged down, their hands ripping apart. Icy pinpricks stabbed at her skin. The freezing liquid surrounded her, pressing in, freezing muscles, compressing her lungs, turning her skin to painful tautness. How could water be this cold and heavy? It pressed in on her like cold dirt surrounding a coffin.
Shocked and terrified, she touched the bottom and pushed off, rotating her arms and legs to help her ascend. Bursting out of the water, she sucked in fresh air and screamed, “ Frio helado !”
Walker was close by, treading water. He chuckled.
“Get me out of here,” she cried out, swimming as fast as she could for the shore. She touched the murky bottom and scrambled up onto the rocky shoreline and then climbed the slope to where they’d jumped. Chilly water dripped down her skin. The sun was bright in the sky, but not warm enough on this September day.
She lay down on the grass and dirt on her back and closed her eyes, willing the sun to warm her.
Footsteps approached and a shadow crossed her. She blinked her eyes open, staring up at the manly perfection of Walker Coleville.
“You’re blocking my sun,” she told him. Patting the ground next to her, she said. “Lay down. It helps.”
He laughed at her but obeyed, lying down next to her. Really close next to her. Their hands and arms brushed. She shivered and then wrapped her hand around his and rotated her head to the side to stare at him. Her gaze traced over his incredible upper body and then she noticed something that helped warm her up—he was staring at her too.
“I think you’re supposed to stay in for longer than two point four seconds for cold therapy to be effective,” he said, grinning at her and squeezing her hand.
“I know,” she groaned. “I’ve utilized that torturous health trend in a few books, not personally before though. From what I read, you’re not supposed to stay in for longer than thirty seconds to a minute the first time. Google agrees with me.”
He chuckled long and low. “Google. Do you read the Bible or just Google it?”
“Ah!” She rolled onto her side and pushed at his shoulder with her free hand. “I read the Bible, thank you very much.” She made the mistake of keeping her hand on his shoulder. It was warm, firm, and muy, muy bien . He was as rugged and stable as the mountains, but even more enticing.
He smiled at her and the moment slowed down. Birds twittered in the trees, small animals scurried around in the forest, and the water from the river rushed from the lake. Marci savored locking gazes with Walker and touching his shoulder and holding his hand. She would never move again.
“Do you want to try again?” he asked, interrupting their moment. “Thirty seconds this time?”
“You’ll have to hold me in the water to keep me from swimming out like a rocket.” She was scared to try again. That water had been so cold and heavy, surrounding her and weighing her down. But she wanted to be brave, to really live, with Walker.
“Okay.” He moistened his lips, and her body went hot all over. Would he kiss her now or when he was holding her in that freezing water? Her vote was now. The cold water would dampen the romance. “Let’s do it.” He popped up and helped her to her feet. Keeping her hand in his, he tugged her to the edge of the lake. She wasn’t ready to jump in that ice bath again, far from it. But she kept pace, not willing to pull her hand free from his.
Before she could rethink it or protest, he tugged her forward. They plunged off the ledge and into the freezing liquid. It was still a shock, but not so heavy and overwhelming. She gasped for air as her head broke the surface, but it wasn’t as awful the second time.
Walker tugged her toward the bank and then he must’ve been able to touch the bottom because he stopped, wrapped his arms around her, and held her against his chest.
Cold plunge? What cold plunge? Icy water holding her down? No way. She was warm and floating in his arms.
“How long did you say you have to stay in for therapy benefits? Ten minutes?” Walker’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief.
“No way,” she protested, struggling half-heartedly to get free. Thankfully he held her fast. She wouldn’t mind ten minutes in this sub-zero liquid if Walker was holding her the entire time.
He laughed at her struggles and reminded her, “You told me to hold you in this water. Do you want me to let you go?”
She stopped moving and stared into his blue eyes. “No,” she admitted. Never, she wanted to add.
His smile was slow, sure, and perfect. She willed him to cross the inches and kiss her. A few beats passed. He held her gaze but didn’t move to kiss her. Was she going to have to cajole him into it? Claim she needed research help? She’d rather have him make the first move.
Her body involuntarily shuddered, despite his warm flesh against her.
“Long enough,” he said. “You’re freezing.”
She was. She was used to the soft, luscious warmth of her Caribbean ocean, but Walker’s touch was hotter and more luscious and she didn’t want to lose this moment.
Walker helped her up onto the bank and they scrabbled up the incline together. They sat in the sun for a bit and then tugged on their shoes and socks. He put his shirt back on. She wished he didn’t have to.
“What’s the plan the rest of the day?” she asked as they walked to the trail and through the trees.
“You said you wanted to go on a hike. I told Papa Jared and he said he’d arrange some extra help to protect you so we could.”
“ Gracias .” She clapped her hands together. “I can’t believe it. This is a dream come true.” She tilted her head, trying to take in the glory of those towering mountains. “We’ll explore the majesty of those trails, see the mountain up close and personal, conquer the peaks and look out at the valley below us like mighty explorers. Thank you, thank you!”
“My pleasure,” he said softly.
Marci’s eyes widened. She loved the way he’d said that. Would he say that when she asked him to kiss her? Would she be brave enough to ask?
They walked in silence for a few beats. She was definitely not brave enough to ask.
“Tell me about your brothers,” she requested.
“What do you want to know?” He glanced askance at her. Was the subject of his brothers not a welcome one? Their family seemed very loving, except when he and Easton had been duking it out in the barn. She was jealous of a large family. What would it be like to be a part of such a crew, loved and accepted and overwhelmed with loud, funny brothers?
“Start from the top and tell me names, occupations, married, girlfriends, personality, whatever you want to share. You can earn some extra research brownie points if you want. As much as the writer in me wants to hear about motivations and flaws, I won’t make you rat them out. Yet.” She smiled encouragingly at him. She was always on the lookout for strong male names and intriguing occupations, but she really wanted to hear about some romance in his brothers’ lives.
“Clint’s the oldest. He’s the sheriff of our county and engaged to Lily Lillywhite. They’re planning a Christmas wedding.”
“Lily Lillywhite? How stinking cute is that name? Que chulo . Ah, a Christmas wedding. What’s she like? Is she as adorable as her name?”
He studied the path in front of them, his jaw tight. “She’s incredible, a beautiful and charitable labor and delivery nurse. Her family runs a ranch not far from here where they house refugees and displaced people trying to get back on their feet.”
“Oh my. I love them and my future friend Lily already.”
He didn’t respond to that, and the silence felt a little tight between them. Was she being presumptuous thinking his future sister-in-law could be her good friend someday?
“I tried to talk Abuelita into doing something like that with our massive estate,” she rambled on to fill the silence. “She told me she gives plenty to charitable causes and wants some peace and quiet at home.” Marci shook her head, laughing at the memory, but then sadness traced through her. “I told her as soon as she was dead, I’d open up the estate to anyone who needed a home.” She wished she’d never teased about Abuelita dying.
“I’m sorry, Marci. I’ve been praying she’ll get home safe.”
“Thank you.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “Okay, Clint and Lily. Adorable and in love and he’s the big tough sheriff and she’s this angelic nurse. I want to meet them.”
Walker looked at her. He didn’t smile. “You might. Clint helps out with protection details. Not everybody gets a ride with the Aiden Porter to our ranch. Usually Clint picks them up from Kalispell. Maybe he’ll take you back to the airport when this is done.”
She wanted Abuelita safe, but she didn’t want to go back and she didn’t want Clint to take her to the airport. She wanted Walker to never leave her side.
“I’m happy about Clint and Lily. I won’t forget them. Next? There are a lot of you boys.”
“Six. Mama was a little insane when we were younger. Papa tried to take us with him on the ranch to give her a break. He also made us work extra hard to get some of our energy out.”
“Tough little cowboys following their dad around.” She wanted her own tough little boys who’d look just like their dad. She peered up at Walker and he glanced her way. Her stomach swooped and her heart raced.
“Tough and wild,” he said, clearing his throat and focusing on the thick trees around them. “We put holes in walls and broke everything in our path. Luckily, we had a ranch hand who used to do sheet rock and Papa is pretty great at repainting walls.”
She laughed. “I love the thought of a bunch of rough and tumble boys.” She sighed longingly. “But six is a lot. I think I’ll have three wild boys and one sweet girl.”
“You can special order that?” He gave her a teasing smile, the comfortable space between them restored. “Mama claims she never ‘tried’ for a girl, but she sure adores Lily and Eva.”
“I bet she does. Your mama is the best. Any daughters-in-law are very lucky.” She wanted to join the crew. “Who’s Eva?”
“My brother Miles’s fiancée. Eva Chevron.”
He paused as if waiting for her to put the pieces together. She stared at him and tripped over a root. Walker steadied her with his hand on her elbow.
“Eva Chevron is engaged to … Lieutenant Miles Coleville . Oy! I didn’t even … but you look like him … and he’s a cowboy from Montana. Wow. I’m not very up to date on celebrity life, but everybody knows Eva Chevron and her hot new fiancé. Ah, this is crazy. I really, really want to meet them.”
He laughed at that. “You’ll have to come back for Christmas then. It’s going to be a double wedding.”
Her eyes got wide and her stomach hopped. Had he just invited her for Christmas? “A double wedding. I love it. Are they all close friends?”
He let out a surprised laugh. “No, actually. I don’t know if Lily and Eva have met, besides on video chats. Miles is stationed in southern Cal and Eva’s working on a new movie.” He paused, then said, “Miles dated Lily for years. I’m not sure how Eva or Clint feel about that.”
“ Ay bendito! The plot thickens.” She rubbed her hands together. “Tell me more. Did Lily break Miles’s heart when she chose the brave sheriff or did Miles dump the benevolent Lily when he met the most beautiful actress of the century?”
Walker ran his fingers through his hair. It was always odd to see him without a hat on. She thought he was handsome either way.
“The second one, actually.” His jaw was tight and his fists were clenched. There was definitely a deeper story there, but she didn’t know if he’d reveal it. Was he upset with Miles and Eva for breaking Lily’s heart? What a protective and incredible man he was, concerned for his brother’s fiancée.
“Easton and I are next,” he continued. She’d requested him to share about the brothers, but now she was sidetracked. She wanted to know more about the fascinating Eva, Miles, Lily, and Clint story. “You know us.”
“I know you’re a famous, thoughtful, impressive, and handsome roper cowboy …” She paused. He gave her a brief smile but didn’t comment. “And Easton is a bull rider and wildland firefighter, but what I don’t know … do either of you have a girlfriend?”
She studied him for his reaction. He brushed at his hair again and shook his head. “No, ma’am.”
“ Tremendo ,” she said softly.
She thought he’d comment or smile at that, but he simply kept talking about his brothers. “Rhett is two years younger. He builds custom homes down in Kalispell. Houston is the baby. He’ll finish his residency in Omaha this spring and we’re all hopeful he’ll move home and take over Doc’s family practice. That’s it.” He spread his hands and upped his pace. “Mama will be holding breakfast for us. Are you okay eating before we shower?”
“Sure.” She smiled. “Hopefully we won’t drip dirty lake water in her kitchen.”
“There are towels in the mudroom.”
She kept up with his long legs and speed walk, wondering why he wouldn’t share more about his oldest brothers’ saga with their ladies. So intriguing. Walker didn’t seem the type to hide things from her, but what did she know?
She felt like she knew him so well, but he hadn’t responded to some of her leading statements. If one of her heroines had said ‘tremendous’ to the hero not having a girlfriend, the hero would’ve said or done something about it, maybe even stopped and kissed the heroine in this scenic and romantic forest.
Was she only fantasizing about Walker and thinking they were meant to be? If he didn’t feel the same, it didn’t matter much what she thought.