Walker stewed about Marci saying it was ‘ tremendo’, which he was ninety-nine percent meant tremendous about Easton not having a girlfriend, and then the reminder of Clint and Lily and Miles and Eva. Thinking about his brothers’ convoluted stories to finding their right one made him wonder what he was doing with Marci. He was going to damage his twin brother if he didn’t get some distance. He was falling hard and fast for Marci. Holding her close in the water had been a slice of heaven. He’d only forced himself to let her go because she was obviously freezing. Not for a moment had he thought about Easton.
They made it back to the main house and ate breakfast with Mama and Papa and then he excused himself to go train with his horses for roping. After training, he was hot and sweaty and ready to shower. There was no more news from Aiden and nothing from Easton either. As he came out of the shower, he saw a text from Papa asking him to check the fence line. There was also a text from Easton saying he planned to be home late tonight and thanking him for watching over Marci.
Guilt swirled through him. He slowly made his way out of his room. Should he knock on Marci’s door or leave her here with Mama? She’d be fine writing her books, maybe. But he was her protector. He needed to stay by her side, and they had planned on a hike.
Before he could second guess himself, he rapped on her door. A moment later, she flung it open. She was in a T-shirt and jeans. The way those jeans fit was almost as appealing as the smile on her gorgeous face and the scent of coconut that swirled in the air.
“What’s the plan now, mi vaquero guapo ?”
How could he not smile back at her? How could he not make a plan with her when she was so irresistible?
Easton coming home tonight was good. He’d talk to his twin and beg him to understand that Marci was perfect for Walker; he knew it deep down. What if Easton still felt the same? Could he compete with and possibly injure his closest brother and best friend? Especially when Easton had never healed from Cassie. Yet giving Easton a chance with Marci felt like casting pearls before swine. Not that his brother was swine, but he hadn’t proven he could be loyal to a woman in ten years. What if Walker stepped back, Easton won Marci’s heart, and then he broke it?
“What does that mean?” he asked.
“My handsome cowboy.” Her cheeks tinged red, but she held eye contact.
Walker’s own eyes widened. If only he could be hers. “I need to go ride the fence line and check it,” he said quickly, noticing her sparkling mahogany brown eyes dimmed a bit at him not responding to her alluring line. If he responded, he’d pin her against the wall and kiss her until she knew he was hers.
“Can I come with you?”
He regarded her. She’d be safe here, but … “Sure. You are my responsibility, after all,” he said, smiling and hoping it sounded teasing, not lame.
“ Si .” But she sounded disappointed in his response. “Let me grab my shoes.”
He paced as he waited, stewing about Easton and how to make Marci his without hurting his brother. He felt deep in his soul that Marci was meant to be his, but that was her choice. He knew as soon as Easton got here, his brother would do everything in his power to influence that choice in his direction.
“Let’s do this,” Marci called out, her bright smile in place.
He put his hand on the small of her back, earning a bigger smile from her. Every touch, smile, and word felt so right.
They walked out of the house and into the barn. He hadn’t found her a hat and boots yet. Dang.
“Do you want to ride on your own today?” he asked as they approached the horse’s stalls.
“No, por favor ,” she said quietly.
“ Bueno ,” he returned, grateful he at least knew how to say ‘good’.
She rewarded him with a brilliant smile. His heart took off. She wanted to ride with him. They’d be extra close. Again. He was crossing so many lines he didn’t know where to stop, and he didn’t want to.
He hurried to saddle Johnny Boy and before long they were riding double through the ranch yard. He wrapped his left arm tight around her waist, his hand across her abdomen. His right hand held the reins. Marci was pressed in tight against him in the saddle, her coconut scent messing with his mind in the best possible way.
He’d loved horses, riding, and roping his entire life, but even his most exciting events, adventures with his brothers, and wins at rodeos couldn’t compare to the thrill of having Marci close while slowly walking the horse.
One of the ranch hands, Brandon, walked past. He gave Walker a sly smile and raised his hand to Marci. “Ma’am.”
“ Hola ,” Marci called out. She raised a hand, but then wrapped her hand over his again and rested her left hand on his leg.
His muscles tightened and he sucked in a breath.
“Is that okay?” she asked just like she had yesterday.
“It’s perfect,” he said, giving his same response.
Marci melted against him as they started along the dirt road that circumvented the ranch. He had to pay attention to the fence, but only his eyes were on the task. Every other part of his body was wrapped around Marci.
They didn’t say much as they rode. He took it slow. Really, really slow. He could do this route in forty-five minutes, but it was over an hour before they reached the lake and the north side of the property.
Marci tilted her head back to look at him.
“Would you like to get off and stretch?” he asked.
He reined in Johnny Boy. She held onto the horn and lifted herself up. He swung off the horse and pivoted, reaching back for her. Marci slid down to the ground, leaning into him, her arms wrapping around his lower back.
“Sorry. My legs are stiff from sitting so long.”
“Don’t apologize,” he murmured, cupping her waistline and hips with his palms and fingers. He leaned down and brushed his lips across her forehead.
She blinked up at him. He should kiss her. Right now. Take advantage of those luscious lips and guarantee that Easton didn’t stand a chance with her.
Easton. He wasn’t certain if Easton deserved a chance, but he had promised his brother to watch out for her, not steal her. He bit back a curse.
He forced himself to straighten and step away, keeping one hand on her elbow. “Let’s walk around for a bit, stretch those legs.”
He looped the reins around a tree branch, and they walked along the lake down to the river that flowed out of it.
“This is the most scenic spot on earth, like a postcard,” she said, glancing at the lake and the clearing then up at the mountains beyond. “I’m grateful I got to be here and see it, smell it, and feel it.”
“Do you think you’d come back?” he asked. He could imagine Key Largo was as gorgeous as his mountains. It was a compliment that she felt the same. “After Abuelita’s safe and you head back to your island?”
She glanced up at him. “I’d like to. I guess it depends.” She bit her lip and her eyelashes fluttered.
Walker’s blood ran hotter. He wanted to ask what it depended on, but he wimped out. She was interested in him; he knew she was. Would she continue to be interested when Easton returned? It was a gamble. He should make his move now. If only he could dump the guilt of not only not honoring what he told his brother he’d do but hurting his brother. If Marci was the right one for Easton, Walker had to step down. He might not survive, but Easton deserved to be happy. If Easton would truly commit to one woman. Even with a woman as mesmerizing and incredible as Marci, Walker had his doubts.
He took his hat off, ran his hand through his hair, and put it back on. They circled back to Johnny Boy, and he helped her climb on, then settled on behind her. It was instinctive to wrap her up and savor the feel of her, the coconut smell of her. She fit perfectly against him.
They finished riding the fence and returned to the barn. Marci was adorable as she helped him unsaddle, brush down Johnny Boy, and then do the second feeding for the horses.
“How many times do you feed them?” Marci asked. “It’s not quite lunch yet.”
“Three to five times a day is ideal.” He tilted his head. “There’s a shared calendar on all of our phones. We mark when we can feed for the upcoming week, and then mark it done. They usually get five small meals throughout the day, unless things are insane.”
“That’s so intriguing.” She blinked up at him. He wasn’t certain what to do now. Normally he’d be focused on an extra roping practice or workout for him or his horses, but he’d feel awkward having her watch that. They were finished with the feeding and the fence line and he didn’t want to muck out stalls with her. He could do that tomorrow and get in extra practice. When Easton was with Marci. His chest tightened painfully.
“Do we have time to tour your cabin before lunch?” she asked.
He swallowed hard, pulled off his hat and brushed at his hair, and plunked it back on. He and Marci, alone in his cabin. Was that like a match strike to kindling? He was gone over her and didn’t know if he’d survive the afternoon and evening without kissing her.
“Sure,” he heard himself say.
“ Chévere, ” she cried out.
He laughed. He found himself doing that a lot around her. She made him feel so many things—happiness, light, importance, desire. He should stop those thoughts.
They walked on one of the many wide trails, taking a shortcut to his cabin.
“This ranch is incredible,” Marci said, glancing around. “It’s this slice of beautiful heaven but also like a maze. I’d get lost if you weren’t with me.”
“Guess you have to stay with me.”
“Guess so.” She winked and he tripped on … something. Catching himself, he straightened and knew his face was probably red. “You all right?” she asked.
“Roots,” he muttered. As a pro roper, usually his balance was unrivaled. He could ride standing on a horse. He cleared his throat. “The easiest way to find your bearings is remember the mountains are to the east. Even in the densest part of the forest, you can see the peaks.”
“Okay, the mountains I am yearning to climb that remind me of the solid and strong Walker are to the east.”
He swallowed and studied her. Solid and strong were good, but did she want exciting and alluring like Easton? “The entrance and main house are on the west side of our property,” he continued.
“Mama’s loving home filled with delicious food to the west.”
He grinned. She was adorable, and a lot of other positive descriptors. “The lake is north.”
“My ice bath where my vaquero guapo holds me in the cold water, north.”
He chuckled even as fire filled him. He was her vaquero guapo. Not Easton.
“What’s south?”
“A whole lot of trees and fence line and some grazing pastures for the horses and bulls.”
“Okay, we need to talk about the bulls. They are terrifying looking.”
“Stay away from them. Their pens are secure.” The thought of this angel getting close to one of the bulls twisted his gut.
“And to think Easton rides those beasts. Very brave.”
They entered the clearing that housed his cabin, so thankfully he didn’t have to respond. Easton was brave and enticing to every woman Walker had ever met. Just as he feared, he was steady and strong, but not brave and exciting.
He glanced askance at Marci as she stopped and bounced on her heels, clasping her hands together and looking at his cabin and truck with wide-eyed wonder.
“This is fuera de serie ,” she exclaimed.
Walker grinned at her exuberance. “I’m not certain what that means.”
“Off the charts. Oh my. I love this cabin and that truck. It all just … fits you so perfectly and is just as ideal as you are. You have to give me the tour, and then would it be asking far too much for me to come write on that perfect front porch tomorrow? Can you even imagine the inspiration that would flow?” She met his gaze and bit her lip.
Walker needed to give her inspiration, loads of it, in the form of kisses that would be ‘off the charts’. He needed to have her teach him how to say that in Spanish.
“ Gracias ,” is what he managed to get out, and about the extent of his Spanish knowledge. They’d had some ranch hands from Mexico when he and Easton were teenagers. Easton learned a lot of Spanish, most of it swear words that Mama didn’t approve of. Easton could make Marci laugh with his Spanish. Dang.
“Of course you’d be welcome to write here. Easton will be home tomorrow.” Easton would be home, and Marci would be very busy with Easton monopolizing every minute of her time.
Walker yanked his hat off and shoved his hand through his hair. Maybe he should kiss her and pray it would give him an advantage over his brother. And make him the biggest backstabbing jerk on the planet.
“That’ll be fun,” she said as if she didn’t realize Easton being home meant the end of their time together, or maybe she did.
“Okay, first of all, the truck.” Her eyes sparkled. “That is the perfect truck for mi vaquero guapo . Tell me all about it.”
Walker swallowed and put his hat back on, hoping to shadow his face and hide how deeply she affected him. Her handsome cowboy. He wanted to be hers and he loved when she threw in Spanish terms. “It’s a Ford F-350,” he managed, grateful he hadn’t parked it back in the garage yesterday. “Diesel. Great for towing.” He lifted his hands. “I’m not sure what you want me to say about the truck.”
She nodded. “No, that’s great. I can Google more details. Can I see the interior? Do you tow horses to nearby roping events?”
“Yep. Miss Sue is a prima donna and complains about not being able to ride shotgun.” He winked and grinned when she laughed. They walked to the truck. “We have to fly to events that are across the country, but anything within twelve to fourteen hours I’d rather drive. I have to stop often to let the horses out and walk them around, but it’s a cheaper than flying them.” His face got red, and he opened the driver’s door and stepped back, accidentally brushing against her. He’d worked his entire life, saved, and invested with his dad in real estate ventures. Money wasn’t tight for him, but it sounded like Marci came from millions and was successful all on her own, so saying ‘cheaper’ felt awkward.
She peered in. “Ooh, this is esplendido .” She ran her hand over the leather seat, and he had to swallow and look away. He wanted her hands touching him like that.
A few seconds passed, and she nodded and stepped back, shutting the door. “I’m having all kinds of visions about that truck.” She winked. “Can you just imagine you, I mean the cowboy, driving his girl to watch the sun set. He’d push his seat back all the way, lift his cowgirl over the console and onto his lap. Then she’d take his hat off, run her hands through his hair, and kiss him for a very long time. They’d probably miss the sunset.” She grinned as she painted the verbal picture.
Walker could only stare at her. He could envision exactly what she was saying. He was ready to beg her to go on a ride with him. They didn’t need the excuse of a sunset.
“All right.” She clapped her hands together. “Let’s tour this cabin.”
Walker could barely nod. She led the way, oohing and ahhing over the natural landscape and wildflowers out front, the wide front porch with rocking chairs.
“I’d add some flower boxes,” she said, winking at him.
Walker swallowed and typed in the code to open the front door. She could add anything she wanted to his house, as long as she stayed with him.
The lock clicked. He pushed down the handle and swung the door wide. Marci stepped inside. “Oh, my.” She gazed around at the open main floor as he set his hat on the entry table.
Rhett had built Walker, Easton, Miles, and their good friend Cade Miller’s cabin with identical floor plans. The living area was on the right of the main floor, the kitchen and dining on the left with a laundry and bath that led to the garage to the far left. Upstairs there was a master suite on the right side of the loft and two bedrooms with a bathroom between them on the left.
Marci wandered around the main living area, exclaiming over the large windows showcasing the forest, the high-quality appliances, woodwork, and furnishings. He followed her upstairs and was only slightly uncomfortable when she wandered from the spare bedroom and office and into his master suite. She looked at everything, exclaiming it was all ‘ tremendo ’.
They walked back downstairs. He wanted to make up excuses to keep her here longer. He’d never brought a lady into his house. Marci belonged here.
She stopped in the living room. “I have to try out these leather couches. They look comfy.”
He watched her settle down and moan, “Oh yes. I love the feel of this.”
Walker’s jaw went slack. Did she have any idea how enticing she was?
She glanced up at him. “Everything about your house is perfecto .”
“Thank you,” he managed, running his hand through his hair. He had to think of something to say besides telling her she was perfect, sitting down on the couch next to her, swooping her onto his lap, and kissing her. “How do you know the brand names of appliances and what quality flooring is?”
“Because Abuelita is as charitable a person as you’d meet, but she’s also a wealthy snob. Everything must be high quality.”
“You are very down to earth and unassuming,” he said. “It floors me that you came from money.”
“It’s Abuelita’s money, not mine. I mean, I rock the writing and make fabulous money, but I’m not some multi-millionaire. Yet.”
He was so impressed with her. She wasn’t bragging, just stating the facts. His phone buzzed on his hip. He pulled it out and read the message from Papa. His stomach rolled. He hadn’t realized who Papa would recruit to help him take Marci on a hike.
Would this be a nightmare? He’d only seen Clint and Lily at church and a couple family dinners since they had gotten together. Spending hours with them, with Marci in the mix … he wasn’t so sure it was a good idea. He would have to fight to not make it awkward. Thinking about Lily was like a healing cut on his palm when he was trying to rope. It was healing but still there and could get ripped open with a wrong move. If he could be with Marci, it would heal miraculously.
“Can I just stay here and write all afternoon?” she asked.
Maybe he had a way out.
“Of course. Papa’s arranged it so we can go on a hike in the mountains this afternoon, but if you’d rather?—”
“Yes! I mean no!” She jumped up from the couch. “Yes, I want to hike those beautiful mountains. No, I wouldn’t rather work.” Her eyes widened. “I don’t think I’ve ever said that before. I’d always rather work. You have shown me a new world, Walker Coleville. I can’t wait to explore the mountains that remind me of you—tall, stately, and unequaled in their beauty.”
Walker’s heart did a weird hop. He wanted to show her a lot of things. He wanted to stay with her and love her.
Unfortunately, he could hear the grim reaper music playing. Easton would be here when they woke up in the morning. His own chances with Marci would die a sudden death if he didn’t step up and show her how he felt. Was it rotten of him to want to wrap her up in his arms and convince her with his kiss that he was the right brother for her?
Rotten for sure, but tempting. Marci was more than tempting. She was almost impossible to resist.