Marci ate lunch with Walker and Mama, talking about the hike they were to go on and how incredible Walker’s cabin and truck were and all the inspiration she was getting for stories. She didn’t share the romance inspiration that Mama’s incredible son was giving her.
Walker was quieter during lunch, but he smiled at her often. His blue eyes had looked troubled at times today. Was she bothering him with her exuberance? They’d had some perfect chances to grow closer and kiss and he hadn’t made a move. It was a bummer for certain. How could she tell him he was her ideal hero but he needed to step up and claim his heroine?
After lunch, she changed into a T-shirt, tights, and running shoes and hurried to type as much as she could about Walker, the horseback ride, the way he looked at her as if she was the only person he wanted to be with, his house, truck, his scent, and the feel of his touch.
She’d always loved her island paradise, but this mountain forest was a paradise all its own. Could she get Walker to love her, marry her, and they could split time between the two locations? She giggled and then screamed in delight. She was crazy. She didn’t even know if he was interested in a relationship.
“Marci?” Walker’s call came through the door.
“Coming.” She ran to the door and flung it open. Ah. Her vaquero guapo . She adored him in a cowboy hat, T-shirt, jeans, and boots, but he looked just as alluring in a T-shirt, shorts, and runners. What would he look like in church clothes? She put a hand to her heart and tried not to pass out as the image played through her mind—him in a dress shirt, tie, slacks, and church boots. He’d hold her close on his family’s pew, and neither of them would get anything out of the sermon.
His brow furrowed. “Are you all right? You look pale. Why did you scream?”
“Oh, sorry.” She put a hand to her mouth. “Happy scream. Forgive me.” If only she could share why she was so happy.
What about Abuelita? She hadn’t stressed about her grandma most of the day. Abuelita would be happy about that, but it still made Marci feel guilty.
“I’m glad you’re happy. Are you ready to hike?”
“Yes, sir. Un momento .” She ran and grabbed the running shoes she’d been using, leaving the door open. When she returned, Walker was leaning against the doorframe. He filled that doorframe like nobody’s business.
“ Bendito ,” she cried out, lifting her hands. “Please don’t move. I have to get this image down.” She hurried to the dresser, snatched her cell phone, and started clicking pictures of him.
Walker straightened.
“What part of don’t move did you misunderstand?” she teased.
He grinned and her heart flip flopped. She clicked more photos.
“Why are you taking pictures of me?” he asked.
“Because you’re model perfect and my inspiration for my cowboy hero,” she said back. That wasn’t even close to the truth. Walker was so much better than any model. He was real, incredible, and her cowboy hero. She shoved the phone in a side pocket of the running tights, hoping she could take photos of the hike, and more of him. “All right, vámanos .”
They walked through the hallway and down the stairs. He didn’t take her hand. Darn it. There was a backpack sitting in the entryway. He picked it up and slung it over one shoulder. “Drinks and snacks because we might wither away on an afternoon hike.” He winked at her.
“Mama has to take care of her boys.”
“And her girls.” He gave her a lingering look and heat infused her cheeks.
Could she be one of Mama’s girls? Part of this incredible family? She only knew Walker, Easton, Mama, and Papa, but they were all the best of the best. She’d shut herself off from relationships besides Abuelita and a handful of writing friends that she only saw at retreats or conferences and occasionally exchanged emails or texts with.
Was it time to jump in the deep end? Open her heart to love and relationships and the possibility of loss? Earn a spot in these incredible family photos? With Walker, it wouldn’t be a polar plunge. It would be a perfect temperature Caribbean ocean on an eighty-degree day. Unless he didn’t want her or they loved each other and she lost him to death or him dumping her.
Her author imagination was far too active for her peace of mind.
Walker opened the front door and waited for her to walk out. She walked onto the porch and saw Mama talking with a couple who stood in front of a white Chevy truck. A sheriff’s truck. Her eyes widened and she cheered. “Sheriff Clint and Lily Lillywhite! Oy !”
Everyone turned to look at her. The gorgeous woman had honey blonde hair and an exquisitely beautiful face that softened in a welcoming and curious smile. The man was John Wayne reincarnated—tall, strong, protective, a little closed off, a manly cowboy sheriff to be a poster and example for all cowboy sheriffs.
Wow. She could definitely use these two as some inspiration.
She danced down the steps. Walker kept pace with her. Mama put her hand on the sheriff’s arm and said, “Marci, this is my oldest son Clint and his fiancée Lily. But … you already knew who they were. Did you tell her they were coming to hike?” Mama looked to Walker.
“No … I …” Walker pulled his hat off and shoved his hand through his hair, his tic when he was slightly uncomfortable. What was wrong? Was she doing something wrong and making him uncomfortable?
She rushed to explain, “I begged to know about all his brothers and any significant others earlier today and he told me all about you two. You are exactly like I pictured. Ah, I’m in love with both of you already.”
Sheriff Clint’s eyebrows arched. He shook her hand with a firm, no-nonsense grip. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Richards.”
“Marci, por favor .” She turned to Lily. The lovely woman gave her a quick hug. “ Por seguro , you are as charitable and beautiful as Walker said you were.”
Lily darted a quick glance at Walker and then Clint, all of them obviously uncomfortable. Even Mama wouldn’t meet Marci’s gaze. What was going on? They were hiding something. Marci thought through several novels and why loyal and incredible people would be hiding something from the newcomer. But in this moment she was drawing a blank.
“It’s incredible to meet you, Marci,” Lily said. “Mama was telling us you’re a number one bestselling suspense author. How fabulous. I’ve never met an author before.”
“Really? That’s wild. I think everybody I know is an author, but then my only social scene is writing conferences or retreats. I can’t believe I’m meeting a real-life wild west sheriff and his stunning and benevolent fiancée.”
Sheriff Clint smiled at that. “I’m nothing exciting.”
“Oh yes you are,” Lily shot back, giving him a lingering look that made the air sparkle.
“Ooh, que caliente . You have to tell me your entire story, from first look to first kiss to how Sheriff Clint proposed.”
Lily smiled, but the sheriff didn’t seem to like Marci’s words. He eased closer to his fiancée and wrapped an arm around her. He was one of those tough nuts to crack, she could feel it. He was only exciting and romantic for his fiancée. Ah. So tender.
She glanced over at Walker. Why did his body look so tight and closed off? He’d spoken fondly of his brother and highly of Clint’s fiancée. There was some sort of love triangle in this family’s past. Lily and the Eva Chevron’s man, Miles Coleville, right? Or was it something more?
“Why are you waiting until Christmas to get married?” she asked. It was the first question that popped into her head when Mama and Walker said nothing.
“Marci, I appreciate that question,” Clint said, giving Lily a look so enticing Marci had to fan her face. “Why not elope tomorrow, right?”
“Ooh yes, eloping is very romantic.” Marci glanced at Walker. He was studying her with a look so enticing she almost screamed that yes she’d elope with him.
“Mama Ivy and I think a Christmas wedding is very romantic,” Mama Millie said in a firm, mom-type voice.
“Oh, I get it.” Marci nodded. For the first time in ten years, she was grateful her mom was in heaven and not insisting she wait three months to be married to the hunky Walker. That was an awful thought, and she prayed for Abuelita’s safe return.
“You ready to go?” Clint asked.
“Wait. Are you both hiking with us?” Marci asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” Clint said.
“ Gracias , Walker. This is going to be incredible. I hope I don’t you slow you all down.”
“We’re in no rush,” Lily said. “Excited to spend the afternoon in the mountains on a beautiful fall day and get to know you.”
“ Eres encantadora ,” Marci said.
“What does that mean?” Lily asked.
“You are delightful.” She clapped her hands together.
“Thank you.”
“You’re delightful too, sweetie,” Mama said, shooing them toward the truck. “Now load up and have fun. I’ll see you all back here for dinner.”
“Thank you, Mama,” they all chorused. Marci had an incredible sensation rush through her, as if she were part of this family.
Walker escorted her to the rear door of the white truck and opened it for her. It was a nice truck, though not as nice as Walker’s. He helped her in and gave her a warm smile. She tingled from the simple smile and touch. Tonight she was going to yank him into her bedroom and tell him he needed to help her practice some scenes for her book. She rubbed her hands together just imagining it. If the kiss to end all kisses didn’t convince him to open his mouth and proclaim his undying devotion, she didn’t know what would.
Everyone loaded up and she had to ask, “This is a Chevy truck, not a Ford. Does the sheriff’s office force you to buy a Chevy?”
They all laughed.
“No,” Clint said. “I prefer the Chevy. Walker’s the one that’s messed up.”
She gasped at that and looked at her perfect cowboy. “No way. His truck is almost as perfect as he is.”
She caught Lily and Clint giving each other a loaded look and wondered what underlying issue was happening that she was missing. Was it all related to Miles and Eva Chevron or something else?
They drove down the tree-lined drive to the ranch and out through the security gate, waving to the guard.
“Why do we have to drive to the hike?” she asked. “I can see the glorious mountains on our runs and from the lake.”
“There’s no opening in the fence,” Walker explained. “Papa only wanted one entrance to monitor.”
“Can’t you just climb over the fence?”
“No.” Clint’s voice was sharp. “That fence is electric with barbed wire on the top. Please don’t try to climb over it.”
“Oh. Ouch, huh?”
“Don’t worry, bro,” Walker said. “I stay right with Marci.”
“ Si . Walker is the el mejor ,” she sang out. “The best.”
Lily and Clint did another ‘look’. Engaged people anyway; they had so much to communicate they could do it with a glance.
They drove to the north and east up a dirt road that ended in a tree-lined trail. As they climbed out, Marci oohed and ahhed over the trail, the thick trees, the little stream. She was literally bouncing as they started the ascent. The trail was wide enough they could walk in pairs. She wished Walker would reach for her hand, but he didn’t.
“Can you spill your romantic story while we hike?” Marci asked, already slightly out of breath. The incline and the altitude might humiliate her today. She exercised every day but dealt with neither incline nor altitude. Who cared? Soon she’d see the most glorious views in the world and right now she was in the midst of a picturesque mountain path.
“Sure.” Lily glanced over her shoulder at Walker.
He shook his head slightly. What did that mean?
“She knows you dated Miles for years, but Clint secretly loved you and pined for you,” Walker said.
“Wow,” Clint grunted. “Make me sound like a sappy wuss.”
“You are for me.” Lily bumped her shoulder against his.
“For sure.” Clint gave her a quick kiss. Then he glanced at Walker, his jaw tightened, and he picked up the pace. Marci did not want him to pick up the pace. Her legs and lungs were burning. She glanced around at the thick pine forest cascading up the mountain. She needed to enjoy the scenery more.
“I was the one who had a crush on Clint for years,” Lily began.
“But you were dating his brother, the famous Lieutenant Miles Coleville, who’s now engaged to Eva Chevron?”
“He wasn’t famous until Eva,” Walker said.
“Ah, true. Okay, but I don’t see you as a two-timer,” Marci said to Lily. Then she sucked in a breath. “Sorry, that sounded judgmental.”
“No, you’re fine.” Lily glanced at the sheriff as they hiked side by side. “I felt like a two-timer. Miles and I dated long distance for twelve years.”
“Wowza. That’s misery,” Marci said.
Walker looked at her. There was concern in his blue eyes. Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. She’d date long distance with him if he wanted, but she’d much prefer to elope and share time at each of their scenic homes.
“It was.” They walked in silence for a few beats, Marci’s heavy breathing, their footfalls, branches cracking, birds twittering, and a trickle of the stream along the trail filling up the space. “Miles and I dated our senior year of high school, but he left for the Navy shortly after graduation and long distance grew old quickly. We both should’ve broken it off years before we did.”
“I’ve written stories like that. It’s either more convenient to stay together, or you don’t want to hurt the other person, right?” She gasped for oxygen and noticed Clint thankfully slowed the pace.
“Both, actually. We both weren’t wanting to hurt each other and from what Miles said, he didn’t mind having a girl back home to get packages or phone calls from and brag about to his buddies. For my part, having a Navy SEAL boyfriend kept me safe from a lot of different men hitting on me.”
“Ooh, that makes sense, since you’re absolutely gorgeous but you have this angelic radiance about you. I bet you’re irresistible to men everywhere.”
Sheriff Clint let out a low growl at that. Lily smiled. Walker’s shoulders were bunched around his neck, his jaw was tight, and his mouth was a thin line.
“Sorry,” Marci said. “Apparently only Lily liked that comment.”
Clint half-laughed at that. “Forgive me, Marci. I’m overly protective of my Lily.”
“Nobody would blame you for that, and don’t worry. No man would dare mess with the tough sheriff’s lady.”
Clint smiled at her over his shoulder. Thank heavens she was getting the tough nut to loosen up and he’d slowed down the pace. She took another glance at the thick forest around them.
“Okay,” Marci continued, “so you and Miles just kept the status quo because it was more convenient not to break up. What changed?”
Lily glanced at her fiancé. “A man who’d already murdered four people threatened me with a poster left at my house.”
“No! How terrifying.” Talk about an inciting incident. Chacho.
“It was. At first, we didn’t know who had left it and suspected the wrong doctor.” She waved a hand. “You don’t need all the details.”
“I do, actually. You have no idea the wheels turning in my head. You’re giving me all kinds of inspiration. Please, please give me the details.”
“Well,” Lily continued after sharing a glance with Clint. “I told the doctor that I was engaged to Sheriff Clint Coleville.”
“Oy!” Marci exclaimed. “A fake fiancé angle. I love those!”
Lily laughed as Clint gave her a smoldering look. “I was terrified out of my mind,” Lily said, “but I did love every moment spent with Clint. He rescued me heart, body, and soul.”
“Whew. It’s smoking hot on this shady mountain trail.” She glanced at Walker. He was focused on the trees to his left. “Okay, keep going. Spill it all.”
Lily kept telling the story, with Clint adding a few details here and there. Mostly Clint looked like the ideal hot cowboy sheriff who was besotted with his fiancée. Marci was eating each detail up, from the horror of Lily’s parents almost being killed to the struggle to resist each other being alone in Clint’s beautiful house. She tried not to miss anything. She’d write it all down later. She was so invested, she hardly noticed her burning legs and lungs and the fact that she was panting for oxygen. She also forgot to get lost in the scenery, but that was okay.
There was something off with Walker during the entire story. Why was he visibly uncomfortable, and why did Marci feel there was a missing piece they weren’t sharing? As an author, she’d been accused of being as curious as an investigative detective.
She had to get to the bottom of Walker’s discomfort. Was he simply protective of Miles, or was there another angle she was missing?