Marci was confused about Walker.
No, not confused. Stronger than that. Befuddled or mystified.
She lay back down on the bed and let the tears come. All her bravery and determination to win his heart leaked out with her tears. He’d basically rejected her last night and now she knew why. Families are rough? He loved Lily and Lily loved Clint. Marci’s kiss must have either made him long for his lost love or not have compared to his lost love.
Her heart broke for him as much as for herself. Could he let Marci wait for him and help him heal? She’d never known a man, a relationship, a romance could be like this. She didn’t want to be without him. Ever. If only he felt the same.
A rap came on her door, and she jumped to her feet. Walker. He’d come for her. He’d tell her that Lily didn’t compare to her, not for him, no woman did. He’d wrap her up and kiss her and everything would be right in this world.
Well, except for Abuelita being found. Please let Abuelita be safe and please let Walker love me , she begged in her mind as she flung the door open, smiling brightly.
“Walk … Papa Jared?”
“Marci.” Papa looked far too serious. He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I’ve got … I’m not sure if it’s good or bad news. They found your grandmother.”
“Abuelita!” Tears stung her eyes, and her heart raced. “Where? Is she alive?”
“She’s alive.”
Her heart settled a bit.
“A fishing boat found her earlier this morning. They’re a couple hours ahead of us, so it’s been about three hours since she was found. She was near drowned, her bloodstream full of a drug called Rohypnol, commonly known as a roofie. It took a while for the hospital to revive her and then for Aiden’s people to get the intel.”
“Oh my. Poor Abuelita.” She put a hand to her heart. “Can I go to her?”
“Yes. Aiden’s got a chartered jet out of Missoula meeting you at Kalispell. My boys will go with you and watch over you and your grandma until Aiden’s people settle all of this.”
“Oh.” His boys. “Walker?”
“Yes.” He gave her a brief smile and an instinctive dad look. He knew she wanted his son. “Walker and Easton. Pack your bag.”
“I don’t have anything. Just my laptop.”
“Oh. Well, put some extra clothes and toiletries in there, if that’s all right. You’ll be home soon enough. I don’t think they’re keeping your grandmother in the hospital too long.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Yep.” He turned and walked away.
Marci hurried back into the room, dropped to her knees, and thanked Heavenly Father that Abuelita was alive and safe. She asked for the men to be caught and for Walker to love her.
She stood and changed into a T-shirt and jeans and threw her own sundress and sandals in her bag. She put on some makeup and put a few toiletries in the bag with her laptop. It would be good to get home. Would Walker stay with her?
She walked out of her room and down the stairs. Walker, Easton, Jared, and Mama waited in the foyer. She forced a smile at all of them but focused on Walker. His blue eyes were full of concern.
“I’m sorry about Abuelita,” he said.
“ Gracias . I’m grateful she’s alive.”
“That is a blessing.” He smiled at her and brushed his hand through his hair. She wanted to touch that hair again.
Hurrying toward him, she was intercepted by Mama. “Ah, sweet girl. I’m so glad your grammy is safe. Give me a hug now.” Mama hugged her tight. “When this is all settled, we’d love to see you again.”
“ Gracias , Mama. You are an angel.”
“You are, darlin’.” Mama released her and stepped back. “My boys will take good care of you and watch over you.”
“I know they will.” She smiled at Walker.
He studied her and didn’t return her smile. Her stomach tightened. Where did they stand? Did those kisses and their connection mean anything to him?
“Take care now,” Papa said, giving her a one-arm hug.
“Thank you. You too.”
Easton opened the door and gestured. “Let’s get you home to the sunshine and salt water, Marci.” He smiled kindly.
“Thank you.” Easton didn’t know her at all. She loved her sunshine and salt water, but she loved these mountains and trees and … She glanced at Walker but he didn’t meet her gaze.
She walked through the door with Easton. He loaded her in the front seat of Walker’s truck and sat behind her. Walker said nothing as he loaded up. He said nothing as he drove them to Kalispell. The tension between them felt thick and heavy. He must love Lily still. He’d hidden that from her and now he was distancing himself.
She pivoted in her seat and drew Easton out about the fire he’d fought. He was great to chat with. Though her gaze kept traveling to Walker, clenching the steering wheel with his arm muscles flexing, she kept a conversation up with Easton until they got to the airport.
They parked the truck, met the pilot, and got settled into a small jet. She gave Walker a welcoming glance as she settled into one of the leather recliners on the plane. He gave her a half smile but didn’t sit by her. Easton did. He asked her questions about her latest series and then he fell quiet. She was able to put her recliner back and try to sleep. She didn’t sleep much. Just kept sneaking peeks at Walker.
When they finally landed in Miami, a car was waiting. Nick Jacobs and Autumn Cardon were there. Autumn was the woman who’d impersonated her.
Nick shook Marci’s hand. “Good to see you.”
“You too. Is Abuelita …”
“She’s doing well. Giving the hospital staff a hard time every time she awakens.” Nick grinned.
“Oh good.” She turned to Autumn. “Thank you for impersonating me and putting yourself at risk to help me and Abuelita.”
“Oh, beautiful angel author. That was a privilege. I live for danger.” Autumn winked at her and shook her hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, truly. Your series with the female bodyguard agency. Brilliant. Did you use me as your inspiration?”
“Oh, definitely.” Marci laughed. She liked this female bodyguard. She hoped to pick her brain later.
Autumn winked again, then turned to Easton. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite hot bull rider boyfriend. We finally meet.”
Easton shook her hand, his cheeks turning dark as he shot a glance at Marci. Autumn eased in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Marci wasn’t certain what Autumn said, but Easton looked happy and then embarrassed, almost like a little boy. It was an odd look for him. He recovered quickly and started bantering back with Autumn.
They all loaded into a Cadillac Escalade. Nick and Autumn sat up front. Marci was sandwiched in the back between Walker and Easton. She leaned closer to Walker. Easton gave her a wounded look, but she couldn’t figure out why. He was busy returning Autumn’s flirtations the entire drive. Their exchanges got bolder the longer they waited in traffic.
Marci felt Walker’s hand brush against hers and glanced at him. His cowboy hat was on his leg and she had a full view of those blue eyes she loved to get lost in. She gave him a questioning glance. His eyes begged her to give him a chance. Maybe he did love Lily and it was rough, but he was trying to heal and move on. She could happily assist him, be by his side, listen to his pain, and kiss away that pain.
His fingers brushed hers again. She’d promised herself last night that she would live in the real world and not be afraid. She slid her palm against his. His eyes widened, but he slid his palm up and down against hers several times, making her hot all over, then he threaded their fingers together and claimed her hand.
She released a happy sigh and leaned into his shoulder. They couldn’t talk right now, but she felt hopeful again. After this was all over, she wanted to help him heal so they could sort out a future together. She prayed they could.
They reached the hospital, and Walker released her hand. He opened the door and slid out, setting his hat on the seat. She noticed the pistol he always wore and felt reassured. Walker would and could protect her. Had the nefarious people who kidnapped Abuelita given up on Marci or were they biding their time?
Walker put his hand on the small of her back and eased in close. The rest of the group made a protective circle around them. They walked quietly through the hospital’s main doors. Not even Autumn cracked jokes, her head rotating as she looked for danger.
Marci felt like she was a celebrity or something, and the looks people gave her crew backed that up. Hospital security approached them, spoke quietly to Nick and then gestured them to the elevator.
They walked on and she focused on Walker. He was strong, brave, and here for her. Her own personal mountain.
They took the elevator to level five and the patient rooms. The nurse at the desk took a long look at Walker, Easton, and Nick, then jumped to her feet and offered to escort them personally to Abuelita’s room. Walker stayed close to Marci.
“Why did you leave your hat?” she asked him.
“I’d want to take it off inside anyway, and I want my hands free. To keep you safe.”
“Ah. Thank you.”
He glanced at her.
“Thank you for being here.”
“I told you, Marci…” He lowered his voice, leaned in, and his breath brushed her ear lobe. “Anything for you.”
She was warm all over. They had to have a chance. They just had to.
They reached Abuelita’s room. The crew stopped and thanked the nurse. She nodded and backed away, blushing. Two men stood guard at Abuelita’s door. Nick and Autumn greeted them.
Marci wanted to see her grandmother. Tears of relief pricked her eyes. Abuelita was alive and she was here. Prayers answered. She hurried forward.
Nick held up a hand. “Just a moment, Marci.” He disappeared into the room. Marci waited to hear Abuelita either tease and flirt with him or cuss him out. Nothing. Her heart tightened. She reached for Walker. He wrapped his hand around hers and gave her a meaningful look. She wanted to kiss him.
Nick reappeared. “It’s clear.” He looked between them. “Walker will escort you in.”
Walker smiled at Nick, and she smiled too. She caught Easton studying them intently, but he said nothing as they walked in together. Walker escorted her around the curtain. Abuelita was in the bed. She looked pale, her eyes closed, tubes attached to her arms and an oxygen mask under her nose. Her chest rose and fell slowly, and thank heavens for that or Marci would’ve feared she was dead.
She pulled away from Walker and rushed to Abuelita’s side.
“Abuelita,” she whispered, not wanting to wake her but wanting to see her dark eyes snapping at her, her mouth firing off Spanish curse words or laughing. Her grandmother was all she had left. Gracias a Dios she’d been preserved.
Marci felt warmth beside her and glanced up. Her strong, handsome cowboy was right there. Walker gave her a reassuring smile. He might not be ready to move on from Lily, but he was here for Marci now.
“I need you here,” she said.
“I’m here, Marci.”
“How long will you stay?”
His blue gaze traveled slowly over her face, then he cradled her cheek with one strong palm. “As long as you need.”
Marci’s eyes widened. His pledge was beautiful and exactly what she needed. She’d never be alone again. She arched up toward him.
“ Que diablos is happening here?” Abuelita croaked from down below.
“Abuelita!” Marci turned from Walker and bent down to her grandmother. “You live!”
“Barely,” Abuelita whispered.
Marci kissed her cheek and eased back. She smelled of hospital antiseptic, not her usual high-dollar perfume. “What happened? Did they hurt you?”
“No.” Abuelita shook her head. “Not even sucio criminals want to injure an old grandmother.”
“But how did you get free?”
“I don’t know. It’s all a fog. The nurses say they had me drugged.” She reached up and Marci clasped her hand. “You have to stay safe, mi amor .”
“I will, Abuelita.” Her gaze flicked to Walker, and he nodded seriously. “I’ve got incredible protection, and they’ll watch over you now too.”
“ Bien, bien . Now … who is this vaquero guapo and how soon can we go home?” She tugged the oxygen away from her nose, obviously annoyed.
Marci and Walker both smiled at Abuelita using the term she’d called him. “Abuelita, this is Walker Coleville. He’s a cowboy and a gentleman.”
“I can see that.” Abuelita raised her eyebrows. “Do you love my beautiful nieta ?”
Walker’s jaw slackened. He brushed a hand through his hair.
Marci’s stomach dropped.
He didn’t love her. Who could blame him? He hardly knew her, and of course he had things to heal from, and she was too vocal and didn’t understand human relationships.
“Abuelita. How are you feeling? Truly?”
Her grandmother raised an eyebrow at her and then she started cursing in Spanish.
Walker stayed by her side, but things were stiff between them again. What had she expected? Him to proclaim his love?