Walker spent a very long day trying to stay close to Marci and support her and her grandmother, but things were awkward with her and they were awkward with Easton. Autumn kept flirting with Easton and his brother returned it.
If Marci was supposedly Easton’s ‘one’, why was he bantering with Autumn? Walker was fed up with his brother. He’d held himself back from fully pursuing Marci because of guilt and hoping Easton could be healed from Cassie and now Easton was acting like his normal self and flirting with a woman who’d already proclaimed she only did ‘shallow hookups’.
If only Walker had proclaimed the love that was building inside of him for Marci when her grandma had asked earlier. He’d frozen, wanting to talk to Marci alone about everything he was feeling, and he’d probably hurt her or confused her more than ever.
It was after dinner—thankfully Autumn had brought sandwiches in so they didn’t have to eat hospital food—that Abuelita was released. They had six of them escorting Abuelita and Marci to their Key Largo estate. The sun sank into the ocean to the west as they crossed the expanse with bridges on both sides. It was breathtaking, all that ocean stretching as far as the eye could see. Walker had seen pictures of this scene. To see it out the window was stunning. Even as distracted as he was, he could appreciate the openness and beauty.
Walker was in the rear SUV with Marci by his side and Nick and Abuelita up front. Autumn, Easton, and the other two guards employed by Aiden, Adam and Jose, were in the lead vehicle.
Nobody said much, and it was obvious Abuelita was exhausted when they finished the hour and a half drive and pulled up to the gate of her estate. It was dusk, but he could still see swaying palm trees and an expanse of grass and flower beds flowing to the ocean with a thick forest of trees beyond a small cottage at the far end of the estate.
He thought his mountain home was paradise, but this was the definition of paradise in most people’s minds. Marci had gushed about the mountains, as delighted as anyone he knew, but what if she never wanted to leave her grandmother and this island spot? He couldn’t ask that of her. If he could tell his brother he was pursuing her and somehow admit to her all he felt, could they try a long-distance relationship? He could come visit anytime he wasn’t helping his family with protection details, training, or at a roping event.
The lead vehicle pulled up to the mansion. It was a two-story home with many windows and balconies, white stucco and very airy looking. His cabin and his parents’ home had large windows, but the rich wood, trees, and mountains surrounding their spots made it naturally darker. Even with the sun setting, this home was filled with light.
Nick and Autumn did a sweep of the house and then they all escorted Abuelita and Marci in. Marci helped her grandmother get settled in her bedroom. Walker and Easton waited in the hallway by the bedroom door while Aiden’s people conferred with Abuelita’s security and accessed the estate and home cameras. Neither of the brothers spoke, and the silence was cold between them. Walker hated it, but he was done stepping aside for Easton.
Marci walked out and shut the door softly. She turned to Walker with a smile. He had no idea how long they’d be here as her protection detail, but it was time to talk to her alone.
“Can I run to my cottage and pick up some of my clothes and toiletries?” she asked. “Autumn said I’ll stay here in the main house with all of you.”
Walker nodded. “Sure. I’ll come with you. Let me text Nick.”
“I’ll come too,” Easton said.
“Thank you,” Marci said.
Walker didn’t want Easton to come, but Marci’s safety was most important. He quickly texted Nick and then they walked back out the main entrance. They walked across a long slope of grass and to a cottage set next to a thick copse of trees and the ocean beyond.
“This is a beautiful place,” Walker said. “Breathtaking.”
“Thank you. It feels good to be home.”
His chest constricted. She wouldn’t want to come back to Montana with him. He could split time here and at the ranch. They could work that out. He had to be with her.
She typed in the code on the front door and opened it. Walker caught and held it. Marci typed in another code inside the door to disable the alarm.
“I’ll stay with Marci,” Easton offered. “You do a sweep quick.”
Walker ground his teeth, but he didn’t question his brother. Keeping Marci safe had to take precedence to wanting to be close to her and keep her away from Easton.
He flipped on the living area lights and checked in the pantry and behind the couch. “This area is clear,” he called.
Marci and Easton walked into the house. Walker nodded to them and checked the office. He liked the cozy space with lots of windows. Marci had a treadmill desk, a cozy armchair and ottoman, and a stand-up desk. He could imagine her working in here, creating stories and excitedly living in another world. She was so appealing to him.
He checked the bedroom next. It was light and airy with a white bedspread and pale blue and silver pillows. The bed looked soft, and he could easily imagine Marci flinging herself onto it or snuggling under the covers with her dark eyes sparkling up at him.
Under the bed, there were a bunch of extra blankets and pillows stacked. The bathroom and attached master closet was through an arched opening from the bedroom, no real door on it. There was a pocket door to a separate toilet room. He went through her bathroom and closet and came back out.
“All clear.”
“Thanks.” She smiled at him and walked past him into the bedroom. “I’ll just be a few minutes.” She closed the bedroom door behind her.
Walker strode over to Easton. A fan turned on in the bathroom. With that noise and the closed door, she shouldn’t be able to hear him talk to his brother.
“Dude.” Walker planted himself right in front of Easton with a wide stance and arms folded across his chest. “We’ve got to work this out. I hate this coldness between us.” But he refused to back down and step aside so Easton could pursue Marci. No way was that happening.
Easton arched an eyebrow. “Well, stop hitting on the woman I want to date and have a relationship with then.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Walker ground out. “You’ve spent the entire day flirting with Autumn.”
“Only because you’re all over Marci and she looks at you like you’re Zeus. You need to back off and let me have my shot.”
“No.” Walker clenched his fists and pushed out his chest. “Not a chance. I love you, bro, and I’ve been loyal to you and never tried to take one of your many girls, but this is Marci. She is the right woman for me, and she is the only one who can choose not to be with me. You can’t keep me from her. I’m not backing off or standing down.”
Easton glared at him and balled his own fists. It looked like it was time for a battle.
Walker was going to fight his twin. Not for a sparring workout, to get some frustrations out, or for some petty annoyance.
For Marci.
He’d go to battle for her. And he’d win.