The Secrets of the Glen (Scottish Highlands #2) Chapter 27 66%
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Chapter 27

David wasn’t there for breakfast. Gayle told her he was still asleep in the lounge, where he was using the sofa as a makeshift bed because he was finding the trek to the bedroom upstairs bothersome. It turned out that Gayle and David had had a falling-out too, of sorts, because she wasn’t happy with his sleeping arrangements. This was partly because it meant she had to clear off out of her own lounge when David became tired, but it was mostly because avoiding stairs wasn’t going to do his rehabilitation any good – she’d told him this in no uncertain terms.

Robyn had found this out over breakfast, and pointed out that if David went home he’d have no choice but to do stairs – unless he wanted to sleep in his kitchen on the ground floor. His lounge was on the first floor, and the bedrooms were on the second, up a spiral staircase, which meant plenty of stairs.

Gayle put her cup of tea down on the kitchen table. ‘You want him to go home – don’t you?’

Robyn sighed, picked up her empty breakfast plate, and navigated her way around Olive, who sniffed the air and followed her and her empty plate over to the sink. Robyn put it in the washing-up water and turned around to face Gayle. ‘I know he was cheesed off that I went home with his dad, but Duncan is not the terrible person that David makes out.’ She sighed. ‘David didn’t even speak to me when you both turned up at his house to collect some things. He didn’t text to see how I am when you both left without me.’

‘But you’re back now.’

‘Yeah, and he’s still not exactly making any effort to speak to me.’

‘Perhaps you should speak to him .’

Robyn narrowed her eyes. ‘Oh, so you’re on his side.’

‘Really, Robyn. It’s not about taking sides. You’re being childish.’

‘ I’m being childish?’ Robyn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘It’s David that’s being childish!’

Olive whined and retreated to her dog bed.

‘Yep, I’m going to talk to him all right.’ Robyn stormed over to the kitchen door and nearly ploughed into Nick, who was back from his early morning run.

‘Whoa! Where’s the fire?’ Nick exclaimed.

Robyn frowned at him. He was in her way. ‘Sorry, but I need to get past right now.’

Nick held his hands up and stepped aside.

Robyn heard Nick say to Gayle, ‘What’s got into her?’

Robyn flew into the lounge and walked straight up to David. Hands on hips, she stared at him. ‘Unbelievable!’ He was fast asleep. She looked at him, all cosy under a duvet. It was cold in the lounge, and she rubbed her bare arms. It had been so warm and toasty in the kitchen that she’d taken off her cardigan and left it on a chair.

Feeling cold and angry, she reached down and grabbed a corner of his duvet that was dangling over the side of the settee and casually walked down the length of the settee with the corner of the duvet still tucked between her thumb and forefinger, peeling it away from David. As she went, she watched the duvet disappear from where it was lodged just under David’s chin, travel down his chest and finally expose his legs and bare feet.

She was relieved to see him wearing cotton pyjamas for it only just occurred to her that he might sleep in the nude; although whilst it would have been embarrassing for them both, it occurred to her that she wouldn’t have minded at all. She brushed that thought aside as she dropped the duvet in a heap on the floor at the end of the settee. Her teeth began to chatter. She looked at the duvet, shrugged and picked it up, throwing it around her shoulders. She trudged to the armchair opposite David, sat down on the duvet and wrapped it around her, holding it tightly under her chin. She waited for the chill morning air to wake him up.

Her eyes moved to his crutches, which were lying on the floor beneath him. As quick as she could, she dashed out of the cosy warm confines of the duvet and moved them out of his reach. She sat back down, huddled into the duvet and waited. She didn’t have to wait long. He stirred within a few minutes. His eyes were still closed at first, but his right hand moved down to his knee and a distinct look of discomfort crept across his face as he opened his eyes. The damp cold must have seeped into his knee joint, and a pang of guilt ran through her.

She fought the urge to run over and cover him with the duvet. It was too late, anyhow – his eyes were wide open, and he was looking down at his body, obviously wondering what on earth had happened to his duvet. Despite her bad temper, Robyn found it quite comical. She watched him lift his head from the pillow to look at the floor turning his body in her direction and throwing an arm over the side, assuming the duvet had fallen to the floor. Robyn watched his hand stop patting the floor as his eyes fell on her. She tucked the duvet tighter under her chin for effect.

He didn’t say anything as he sat up, which surprised her. It was as though it was the most natural thing in the world to wake up and find someone had stolen your bed covers.

Robyn was about to tell him that his father would be round soon, and it was time he went home, when Gayle walked into the room carrying a mug, taking her by surprise. Gayle threw Robyn a sideways glance as she said to David, ‘I thought you’d be awake, so I brought you in your morning cuppa.’

Morning cuppa? Robyn stared at David, who was nodding and smiling sweetly at Gayle as he took the mug. I thought they’d had a falling-out , Robyn thought.

‘Now, how about we try those stairs today?’ Gayle suggested. ‘Then you can use one of the spare bedrooms.’

David nodded at Gayle. ‘All right. I’ll try.’ Robyn thought he’d timed his pained expression very well.

Gayle immediately said, ‘Is your knee playing up? Shall I fetch you a cushion so you can put your leg up?’

‘That’s very kind of you, Gayle.’

Robyn narrowed her eyes. It seemed unlikely that David would go home. She could tell he was enjoying Gayle’s tea and sympathy. She imagined he’d get none of that from Duncan – not overtly, anyway. That didn’t mean Duncan didn’t care for his son deeply. But for David, after years of having no mother to fuss over him, she guessed this was quite a novelty.

She sat staring at him, thinking, don’t expect any tea and sympathy from me!

‘You’re going to catch your death, sitting there like that,’ said Doris. She had appeared in the doorway behind Gayle. ‘What happened to your duvet?’

Gayle passed David a cushion and looked at her mother. ‘That’s a good question.’

All eyes were suddenly on Robyn, who was sitting there with the cosy duvet wrapped around her.

Robyn saw Gayle’s expression. She imagined what she was thinking – you’re still being childish .

Well, maybe I am , thought Robyn. But just then, she didn’t care.

When Gayle realised that Robyn wasn’t going to relinquish the duvet, she turned to David. ‘Shall I pass you a throw?’

David made a show of trying to reach for the throw on the arm of the sofa.

Robyn rolled her eyes.

Gayle tucked the throw around his legs before crossing the room to her mother. She took her mother’s hand. ‘I didn’t know you were awake. Come on, let’s make you some breakfast.’ She paused in the doorway. ‘David, do you want me to hand you in some toast – or some cooked breakfast?’

‘Just some toast, please, Gayle.’

‘Why isn’t he joining us for breakfast?’ Gayle’s mother asked as they walked out of the room.

Robyn heard Gayle’s reply. ‘David and Robyn have some things to discuss.’

‘What things? Have they had a lovers’ tiff?’

Robyn grimaced. Not again , she thought. Duncan had said the exact same thing to her on the way back to David’s house from the hospital.

A moment later, Gayle was back with a plate of toast. ‘I did the toast just as you like it, lightly toasted with plenty of butter and strawberry jam.’

‘Thank you, Gayle. That’s so kind of you.’

‘Not at all.’

Robyn got the impression that Gayle was enjoying running around after her new house guest. As Gayle left the room, Robyn looked at the toast, done just the way David liked it, It reinforced her view that trying to persuade David to go home would be futile. She stood up.

‘Where are you going?’

‘To pack.’

‘Pack? What do you mean? Are you leaving? But you’ve only just got back. Where are you going?’

Robyn was a bit taken aback by all the sudden questions. ‘Why do you care?’

‘Why do I care?’

Robyn looked at her watch. She didn’t have time for an argument. She didn’t have long before Duncan arrived to collect her for work. At least someone would be pleased to see her. He was going to be even more pleased when he found out she was going home with him afterwards.

David put his plate of toast to one side and tried to get up. ‘Damn – where are my crutches?’

Robyn walked out of the room.


Robyn paused outside the door. She was feeling guilty for moving them. Still, it meant that David couldn’t follow her – or at least, if he tried, she’d be packed and ready to leave before he caught up with her.

Robyn bounded up the stairs. She was just packing when she heard Gayle call out, ‘Oh, good, you’re taking my advice and walking up some stairs. Good for you.’

Robyn glanced over at her door as she got her old suitcase out from under the bed. She could hear the creak of the stairs. David was on his way up.

She filled the case with the contents of her wardrobe, and was just clicking the case shut when she remembered the rucksack full of money. She fetched it from the back of the wardrobe. She put it on the bed, opened it and stared at the wads of cash. The bag was heavy, but she’d have to take it with her. She thought about what Duncan had told her; David had been burgled, and a load of cash had been stolen. Why had he withdrawn all that money and kept it in cash at his house?

A knock on the door startled her. David couldn’t have made it up the stairs that quickly. Robyn walked over and opened the door. She was wrong. She went to slam the door shut, but David’s walking stick was wedged in the crack between the door and the doorframe. Robyn realised her mistake; she’d assumed David would be walking up the stairs on crutches – she’d forgotten he’d switched to a stick, which would make his progress a lot quicker. She said, ‘What do you want?’

‘To talk.’

‘There’s nothing to talk about.’ You’re staying, and I’m leaving , thought Robyn.

She held on to the door, waiting for him to remove his stick.

‘Look, Robyn, I don’t know why you got into the car with my dad and decided to stay the night.’

‘I did not decide. You wouldn’t talk to me.’ She waited, but David did not respond. ‘Can you remove your stick, please?’

David did as he was asked.

Robyn slammed the door shut.

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