The Secrets of the Glen (Scottish Highlands #2) Chapter 28 68%
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Chapter 28

She’d just hoisted her case off the bed when there was another knock on the door.

‘Please let me in.’

Robyn rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe he was still standing outside her door. I really don’t have time for this , she thought. ‘No!’

‘I’ve got something for you.’

Robyn looked at the door. ‘What is it?’

‘Let me in, and I’ll show you.’

She walked over and deposited her case by the door. She was leaving, so whatever he had to give her, this would be his only chance. She supposed she ought to open the door.

As soon as she did, he let go of the walking stick. It fell to the floor. He cupped her face gently in his hands and kissed her.

Robyn pulled away. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’

‘I’m apologising. I am so sorry for being such an idiot. Wherever you’re going, please don’t.’ His eyes flickered to the suitcase by the door. ‘Please, please stay. If it’s because I’m here, I’ll leave.’

Robyn stared at him.

David eyed her anxiously. ‘Please say something.’

Robyn touched her lips with her fingers. ‘I don’t think one apology is going to work.’


Robyn stepped closer, took his hands in hers, and placed them on her face.

It took David a moment to realise what was going on. ‘Oh … right. Of course.’ He kissed her again.

This time, Robyn kissed him back.

She took a step back. He limped forward, walking through the doorway. They were still kissing.

Robyn reached out and pushed the door shut behind him.

She took his hand, leading him over to the bed.

He said, ‘Here, let me move this.’

Robyn caught him reaching for the bag. ‘No, no don’t do that, it’s …’

He went to pick it up, not realising how heavy it was, and instantly dropped it.

The bag fell to the floor.

Oh god! Robyn froze. She’d forgotten to buckle up the bag. She stared at the contents strewn over the floor.

David stared at the wads of cash too. He turned to Robyn. ‘What’s all this?’

A lie popped straight out of her mouth. ‘I cashed in all my savings to pay for setting up the shop.’

The money was for setting up the shop – that part wasn’t a lie. She quickly got on her hands and knees, scooping the cash back into the bag.

‘What do you think you’re doing? For god’s sake, Robyn, take the money back.’

Robyn’s face flushed bright red. She looked up at him. ‘What?’

‘Deposit the money back in your bank. You shouldn’t have this sort of cash lying around. Trust me.’

Robyn let out the biggest sigh of relief. For a moment she had thought he was talking about taking the money back to his house – that he thought it was the cash that had been stolen.

But I still don’t know if this is his money , she thought. She didn’t want to think about the coincidences that added up to the possibility that it might be. Right then, she was just relieved he didn’t think the cash was his, and was just giving her advice.

‘All right.’

‘Promise me?’

‘Yes – I will.’ She knew she could put it in her savings account, but she’d have to make a trip to another town to find a branch of the bank to do that, and she still didn’t have any other ID in case she then wanted to make a withdrawal.

Despite what she’d just said, she knew the cash would be staying right there, in the rucksack. She picked up the bag and stashed it back in the wardrobe. Out of sight, but most definitely not out of mind.

‘Oh, my god.’

Robyn whirled around. ‘What is it?’ Had David just put two and two together? Had the thought crossed his mind that the money might be his?

‘This room is amazing. It looks so different to the rest of the house.’

Robyn had to sit down. She sat at the end of the bed.

David limped over and sat next to her, shoulder to shoulder, casting a gaze around the room. ‘I can see why Gayle put you in this room. She did give me a little tour of the house, but we didn’t look in here. She said it was your room. Besides, she said she couldn’t show me the room anyway because you keep your door locked.’

Robyn managed a smile. ‘There’s a reason for that. This is Gayle’s surprise.’

‘What is?’

‘The room.’

‘You did this? You redecorated?’

‘Yes. I want to redecorate the whole place, in readiness for Lark Lodge becoming a guesthouse.’

‘Does she know about your plans?’

‘Not about the redecorating. You know what she’s like. She’ll want to pay me, and I know she can’t afford it. So I’ll have to twist her arm to let me do it for free – although I am getting free board and lodging, so I think it’s only fair I do something for her in return.’

David reached out and tucked a wisp of hair that had fallen in front of her face, behind her ear.

He was just moving in for another kiss when Robyn’s phone buzzed with a text.

David whispered in her ear, ‘Just ignore it.’

She was about to do just that when she remembered. ‘That’s my ride to work!’ She scrambled along the bed and reached for her mobile phone on the side cabinet. She checked the time and the text. Duncan was outside. ‘I’ve got to go.’

‘What – right now?’

‘Yes, right now.’

David looked at her phone. She knew he was going to ask her who was giving her a lift. She really didn’t want to get into that right now. She did not have time. She knew his attitude towards her working in his father’s shop.

‘Robyn.’ He held out his hand. ‘Can you help me up?’

Robyn helped him to stand up. He limped over to the window while she was answering Duncan’s text to say she’d be right out.

‘Is that my father’s car?’ David turned from the window to look at her.

‘You need your walking stick. Where is it?’

Robyn looked about her, and remembered he’d dropped it outside the bedroom door when they were busy kissing.

‘Is he taking you into work?’

She stopped with her hand on the door handle. ‘Yes, we arranged for him to pick me up this morning. I am working in the shop today, so it made sense.’

Robyn moved the suitcase out of her way.

David looked at it. ‘Is that where you were intending to go – back to my house?’

‘Yes – what of it?’

‘Why would you want to stay with him ?’

Robyn sighed. She really did not have time to get into all that. But she did say, ‘Look, you need to talk to your dad.’ She wanted to tell him that Duncan had been keeping secrets from his son, but knew it was not her place. She hesitated. ‘Things are not … what they seem.’

‘What’s he been saying? You know he’ll twist things to suit him.’

Robyn pursed her lips. ‘Will you be here when I get back?’ Robyn asked, afraid he was going to leave now he’d found out where she was intending to go once she’d packed this morning.

‘Yes. I’m not going anywhere.’

Robyn was so relieved to hear it. She quickly walked over and gave him a kiss. ‘I’ll see you later – after work.’

‘All right.’

Robyn glanced out of the window before walking to the door. ‘I’ll just grab your walking stick.’

Robyn opened the door to find Gayle outside, bending over. Robyn quickly stepped outside and closed her bedroom door while Gayle picked up the walking stick.

‘I was just walking by when I noticed this.’ She held it up in surprise.

‘I can explain …’ Robyn began.

Gayle grinned as she looked at the bedroom door. ‘You are allowed visitors, you know.’

Robyn pursed her lips. ‘I was just showing David my room.’ Robyn had whipped the door closed because she didn’t want Gayle to see the room too – not just yet. It was meant to be a surprise. She hadn’t really wanted Gayle to see David in her room either, but the stick had given him away.

Gayle folded her arms. ‘Ah, I like the euphemism.’

‘The – what?’

‘Showing David your room, indeed.’ Gayle nudged her, and winked, offering up naughty grin.

Robyn couldn’t help but grin too, even though things hadn’t quite got that far. She wished she hadn’t arranged for Duncan to pick her up. If she hadn’t, Robyn would have taken the day off work to spend with David.

There will be plenty of time for that , she reminded herself, smiling.

Gayle said, ‘I take it that David is moving upstairs.’

Robyn blushed. She looked at the door and whispered, ‘Yes, I think so.’

There was no mention of David moving into his own bedroom.

Gayle clapped her hands. ‘Wonderful – just wonderful.’

‘There’s a stranger outside!’ Gayle’s mother shouted up the stairs.

‘Oh, that will be my lift into work.’ Robyn looked at the walking stick in her hand.

‘Shall I give that to David, if you’re in a hurry?’

‘No, it’s fine.’

‘Ah, you two lovebirds will want to say goodbye. I get it.’ Gayle nudged her, and grinned again. She handed Robyn the walking stick and made her way along the hall.

When Robyn was sure Gayle was out of sight, she opened the bedroom door.

David said, ‘I heard that.’

‘About moving upstairs?’

He nodded.

‘Are you okay with that?’ Robyn asked, handing him the stick, wondering if she’d been presumptuous.

‘Of course I am – are you?’

‘I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.’ She might not remember her past, but standing in front of her was her future – and nothing, and nobody, was going to get in the way of her future happiness.

For some reason, Melissa came to mind. She knew why; Robyn was still having second thoughts about giving Melissa the go-ahead to look into David’s past. She didn’t want to think that she’d opened a Pandora’s box.

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